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A Foreign Language in Our Life

1. Let’s talk about the importance of a foreign language in our life. In what areas of life is English most commonly used?

In the recent years English has become not only an international language; it is now a number one language in the world. It is used by businessmen from different countries, which don't have a common language, in order to do business. It is already a number one language at international conferences. Besides, every person who travels abroad gets around by using English. English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations, aviation, international sport and pop music. It is the official language in 44 countries: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and many others. It is known, that different languages can come into fashion or go out of it. It is generally considered that the most fashionable language in the world nowadays is English. The knowledge of a foreign language, English in particular, is a life necessity.

2. Do you agree that learning a foreign language is a hard job? Why?

From my point of view, it is within everyone's power to know, read and speak a foreign language. But one should regard learning a foreign language as a very important and serious task. You should read foreign literature in the original to broaden your vocabulary, listen to native speakers and communicate with them if you have such an opportunity. Learning a foreign language requires everyday practice. If you want to master a foreign language you must be ready for hard work.

3. Imagine that you are applying for a summer language school. What questions would you like to ask the manager about these courses? (Ask 3 questions.)

1) What levels of English do you offer?

2) What is the duration of this course?

3) How much does this course cost?

Your friend refuses to study English. Persuade him to continue studying.

Today it is quite evident that everyone should know at least one foreign language. Knowing a foreign language makes it possible to get acquainted with different ways of thinking, to understand a new civilization. Learning a foreign language stimulates mental abilities and gives you a chance to appreciate new literature, a different culture and to broaden your horizons.

Besides, knowing a foreign language has a practical value. It makes it easier to choose a profession and provides job promotion. It helps to improve the quality of your work. At present many professions require a working knowledge of at least one foreign language. A person who knows a foreign language can speak to and understand different people and doesn't suffer from the language barrier. The knowledge of a foreign language also helps young people of different countries to develop friendship.

5. Many people believe that speaking a foreign language is desirable if you want to have a good job. Do you agree with it? (Topic 1 “Future Profession” Question 4)


Belarusian Sights

1. Let’s talk about Belarus. What ancient places in Belarus do you know? Which of them have you been to?

Belarus is famous for its unique cultural, architectural, and historical heritage. Many Belarusian towns and cities have preserved ancient temples, palaces, castles, and parks which are noteworthy. The oldest monuments include the Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk with unique frescos dating back to the 11th century, the Kolozha Church of Sts. Boris and Gleb in Grodno . During restoration works, some fragments of 12th-century frescos were discovered there. As for me, I am greatly impressed by the ancient castles in Mir and Nesvizh. The Mir Castle is unique monument of Belarusian architecture. It was owned by Dukes Radziwils. Despite numerous destruction's this red brick castle survived till now; and at present Mir Castle is being successfully restored. One tower and the courtyard are open to visitors. One can have a pleasurable time there visiting a beautiful lake, a village and an Orthodox church nearby. This monument is under UNESCO's supervision. Nowadays the Nesvizh castle is the most beautiful in Belarus. Its erection was started at the order of the Grand Duke Mikhalai Radzivil Sirotka, costruction works were carried out under the supervision of an Italian architect Jiavanni Bernardony. The Radzivils have reconstructed their family nest many times, adding to in new architectural details, which transformed it into a palace-and-castle complex. The Nesvizh castle contains a valuable library, a portrait and picture gallery, a collection of ancient weapons, Slutsk belts, Karelian and Nesvizh wallpaper.

2. Which places are greater fun for you to visit: museums or historic sights? Why?

In my opinion, it’s equally important to visit various historic sights as well as museums, because they bring history alive, enrich you intellectually and broaden your cultural horizons.

3. Imagine that you are on a trip to Minsk. What questions would you ask your guide? (Ask 3 questions.)

1) What places of interest in Minsk can give a visitor a good idea of the historic past of the city? 2) What is the most convenient way of getting about Minsk? 3) What possibilities for entertainment does Minsk offer to young people?

4. What places of interest will you recommend your British friend to visit? (Topic 12 “Belarusian Sights” Questions 1, 5)

A typical Belarusian atmosphere one can experience near the sleepy, dusty village of Dudutki. There is an open-air museum. Traditional crafts, such as carpentry, pottery, handicraft-making and baking are on display.

5. What things are you proud of when you are talking about your country?

Belarusian cities and villages create a magic atmosphere that excites one's passion for knowledge and adventure. Here you will find references to the early Rus principalities, the Great Duchy of Lithuania, the Soviet period, numerous wars and battles, and other historical events. You will discover that Belarus is a native land of Francysk Skaryna, Marc Chagall, Adam Mickiewicz, Kazimir Malevich, and other outstanding people. Numerous World War II memorials including Brest Fortress, Khatyn Memorial, Mound of Glory, and Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk hold a special place in Belarusian history. There are more than 6,000 libraries, 189 museums, and 12 professional theaters including the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater and the Philharmonic Society.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2111

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