Monstrosities have attracted notice from the earliest time, and many of
the ancient philosophers made references to them. In mythology we read
of Centaurs, impossible beings who had the body and extremities of a
beast; the Cyclops, possessed of one enormous eye; or their parallels
in Egyptian myths, the men with pectoral eyes,--the creatures "whose
heads do beneath their shoulders grow;" and the Fauns, those sylvan
deities whose lower extremities bore resemblance to those of a goat.
Monsters possessed of two or more heads or double bodies are found in
the legends and fairy tales of every nation. Hippocrates, his
precursors, Empedocles and Democritus, and Pliny, Aristotle, and Galen,
have all described monsters, although in extravagant and ridiculous
Ballantyne remarks that the occasional occurrence of double monsters
was a fact known to the Hippocratic school, and is indicated by a
passage in De morbis muliebribus, in which it is said that labor is
gravely interfered with when the infant is dead or apoplectic or
double. There is also a reference to monochorionic twins (which are by
modern teratologists regarded as monstrosities) in the treatise De
Superfoetatione, in which it is stated that "a woman, pregnant with
twins, gives birth to them both at the same time, just as she has
conceived them; the two infants are in a single chorion."
Ancient Explanations of Monstrosities.--From the time of Galen to the
sixteenth century many incredible reports of monsters are seen in
medical literature, but without a semblance of scientific truth. There
has been little improvement in the mode of explanation of monstrous
births until the present century, while in the Middle Ages the
superstitions were more ludicrous and observers more ignorant than
before the time of Galen. In his able article on the teratologic
records of Chaldea, Ballantyne makes the following trite statements:
"Credulity and superstition have never been the peculiar possession of
the lower types of civilization only, and the special beliefs that have
gathered round the occurrence of teratologic phenomena have been common
to the cultured Greek and Roman of the past, the ignorant peasant of
modern times, and the savage tribes of all ages. Classical writings,
the literature of the Middle Ages, and the popular beliefs of the
present day all contain views concerning teratologic subjects which so
closely resemble those of the Chaldean magi as to be indistinguishable
from them. Indeed, such works as those of Obsequens, Lycosthenes,
Licetus, and Ambroise Pare only repeat, but with less accuracy of
description and with greater freedom of imagination, the beliefs of
ancient Babylon. Even at the present time the most impossible cases of
so-called 'maternal impressions' are widely scattered through medical
literature; and it is not very long since I received a letter from a
distinguished member of the profession asking me whether, in my
opinion, I thought it possible for a woman to give birth to a dog. Of
course, I do not at all mean to infer that teratology has not made
immense advances within recent times, nor do I suggest that on such
subjects the knowledge of the magi can be compared with that of the
average medical student of the present; but what I wish to emphasize is
that, in the literature of ancient Babylonia, there are indications of
an acquaintance with structural defects and malformations of the human
body which will compare favorably with even the writings of the
sixteenth century of the Christian era."
Many reasons were given for the existence of monsters, and in the
Middle Ages these were as faulty as the descriptions themselves. They
were interpreted as divinations, and were cited as forebodings and
examples of wrath, or even as glorifications of the Almighty. The
semi-human creatures were invented or imagined, and cited as the
results of bestiality and allied forms of sexual perversion prevalent
in those times. We find minute descriptions and portraits of these
impossible results of wicked practices in many of the older medical
books. According to Pare there was born in 1493, as the result of
illicit intercourse between a woman and a dog, a creature resembling in
its upper extremities its mother, while its lower extremities were the
exact counterpart of its canine father. This particular case was
believed by Bateman and others to be a precursor to the murders and
wickedness that followed in the time of Pope Alexander I. Volateranus,
Cardani, and many others cite instances of this kind. Lycosthenes says
that in the year 1110, in the bourg of Liege, there was found a
creature with the head, visage, hands, and feet of a man, and the rest
of the body like that of a pig. Pare quotes this case and gives an
illustration. Rhodiginus mentions a shepherd of Cybare by the name of
Cratain, who had connection with a female goat and impregnated her, so
that she brought forth a beast with a head resembling that of the
father, but with the lower extremities of a goat. He says that the
likeness to the father was so marked that the head-goat of the herd
recognized it, and accordingly slew the goatherd who had sinned so
In the year 1547, at Cracovia, a very strange monster was born, which
lived three days. It had a head shaped like that of a man; a nose long
and hooked like an elephant's trunk; the hands and feet looking like
the web-foot of a goose; and a tail with a hook on it. It was supposed
to be a male, and was looked upon as a result of sodomy. Rueff says
that the procreation of human beings and beasts is brought about--
(1) By the natural appetite;
(2) By the provocation of nature by delight;
(3) By the attractive virtue of the matrix, which in beasts and women
is alike.
Plutarch, in his "Lesser Parallels," says that Aristonymus Ephesius,
son of Demonstratus, being tired of women, had carnal knowledge with an
ass, which in the process of time brought forth a very beautiful child,
who became the maid Onoscelin. He also speaks of the origin of the
maiden Hippona, or as he calls her, Hippo, as being from the connection
of a man with a mare. Aristotle mentions this in his paradoxes, and we
know that the patron of horses was Hippona. In Helvetia was reported
the existence of a colt (whose mother had been covered by a bull) that
was half horse and half bull. One of the kings of France was supposed
to have been presented with a colt with the hinder part of a hart, and
which could outrun any horse in the kingdom. Its mother had been
covered by a hart.
Writing in 1557, Lycosthenes reports the mythical birth of a serpent by
a woman. It is quite possible that some known and classified type of
monstrosity was indicated here in vague terms. In 1726 Mary Toft, of
Godalming, in Surrey, England, achieved considerable notoriety
throughout Surrey, and even over all England, by her extensively
circulated statements that she bore rabbits. Even at so late a day as
this the credulity of the people was so great that many persons
believed in her. The woman was closely watched, and being detected in
her maneuvers confessed her fraud. To show the extent of discussion
this case called forth, there are no less than nine pamphlets and books
in the Surgeon-General's library at Washington devoted exclusively to
this case of pretended rabbit-breeding. Hamilton in 1848, and Hard in
1884, both report the births in this country of fetal monstrosities
with heads which showed marked resemblance to those of dogs. Doubtless
many of the older cases of the supposed results of bestiality, if seen
to-day, could be readily classified among some of our known forms of
monsters. Modern investigation has shown us the sterile results of the
connections between man and beast or between beasts of different
species, and we can only wonder at the simple credulity and the
imaginative minds of our ancestors. At one period certain phenomena of
nature, such as an eclipse or comet, were thought to exercise their
influence on monstrous births. Rueff mentions that in Sicily there
happened a great eclipse of the sun, and that women immediately began
to bring forth deformed and double-headed children.
Before ending these preliminary remarks, there might be mentioned the
marine monsters, such as mermaids, sea-serpents, and the like, which
from time to time have been reported; even at the present day there are
people who devoutly believe that they have seen horrible and impossible
demons in the sea. Pare describes and pictures a monster, at Rome, on
November 3, 1520, with the upper portion of a child apparently about
five or six years old, and the lower part and ears of a fish-like
animal. He also pictures a sea-devil in the same chapter, together with
other gruesome examples of the power of imagination.
Early Teratology.--Besides such cases as the foregoing, we find the
medieval writers report likely instances of terata, as, for instance,
Rhodiginus, who speaks of a monster in Italy with two heads and two
bodies; Lycosthenes saw a double monster, both components of which
slept at the same time; he also says this creature took its food and
drink simultaneously in its two mouths. Even Saint Augustine says that
he knew of a child born in the Orient who, from the belly up, was in
all parts double.
The first evidences of a step toward classification and definite
reasoning in regard to the causation of monstrosities were evinced by
Ambroise Pare in the sixteenth century, and though his ideas are crude
and some of his phenomena impossible, yet many of his facts and
arguments are worthy of consideration. Pare attributed the cause of
anomalies of excess to an excessive quantity of semen, and anomalies of
default to deficiency of the same fluid. He has collected many
instances of double terata from reliable sources, but has interspersed
his collection with accounts of some hideous and impossible creatures,
such as are illustrated in the accompanying figure, which shows a
creature that was born shortly after a battle of Louis XII, in 1512; it
had the wings, crest, and lower extremity of a bird and a human head
and trunk; besides, it was an hermaphrodite, and had an extra eye in
the knee. Another illustration represents a monstrous head found in an
egg, said to have been sent for examination to King Charles at Metz in
1569. It represented the face and visage of a man, with small living
serpents taking the place of beard and hair. So credulous were people
at this time that even a man so well informed as Pare believed in the
possibility of these last two, or at least represented them as facts.
At this time were also reported double hermaphroditic terata, seemingly
without latter-day analogues. Rhodiginus speaks of a two-headed monster
born in Ferrari, Italy, in 1540, well formed, and with two sets of
genitals, one male and the other female. Pare gives a picture of twins,
born near Heidelberg in 1486, which had double bodies joined back to
back; one of the twins had the aspect of a female and the other of a
male, though both had two sets of genitals.
Scientific Teratology.--About the first half of the eighteenth century
what might be called the positive period of teratology begins.
Following the advent of this era come Mery, Duverney, Winslow, Lemery,
and Littre. In their works true and concise descriptions are given and
violent attacks are made against the ancient beliefs and prejudices.
From the beginning of the second half of the last century to the
present time may be termed the scientific epoch of teratology. We can
almost with a certainty start this era with the names of Haller,
Morgagni, Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, and Meckel, who adduced the
explanations asked for by Harvey and Wolff. From the appearance of the
treatise by Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, teratology has made enormous
strides, and is to-day well on the road to becoming a science. Hand in
hand with embryology it has been the subject of much investigation in
this century, and to enumerate the workers of the present day who have
helped to bring about scientific progress would be a task of many
pages. Even in the artificial production of monsters much has been
done, and a glance at the work of Dareste well repays the trouble.
Essays on teratogenesis, with reference to batrachians, have been
offered by Lombardini; and by Lereboullet and Knoch with reference to
fishes. Foll and Warynski have reported their success in obtaining
visceral inversion, and even this branch of the subject promises to
become scientific.
Terata are seen in the lower animals and always excite interest. Pare
gives the history of a sheep with three heads, born in 1577; the
central head was larger than the other two, as shown in the
accompanying illustration. Many of the Museums of Natural History
contain evidences of animal terata. At Hallae is a two-headed mouse;
the Conant Museum in Maine contains the skeleton of an adult sheep with
two heads; there was an account of a two-headed pigeon published in
France in 1734; Leidy found a two-headed snake in a field near
Philadelphia; Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Conant both found similar
creatures, and there is one in the Museum at Harvard; Wyman saw a
living double-headed snake in the Jardin des Plantes in Paris in 1853,
and many parallel instances are on record.
Classification.--We shall attempt no scientific discussion of the
causation or embryologic derivation of the monster, contenting
ourselves with simple history and description, adding any associate
facts of interest that may be suggested. For further information, the
reader is referred to the authors cited or to any of the standard
treatises on teratology.
Many classifications of terata have been offered, and each possesses
some advantage. The modern reader is referred to the modification of
the grouping of Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire given by Hirst and Piersol, or
those of Blanc and Guinard. For convenience, we have adopted the
following classification, which will include only those monsters that
have LIVED AFTER BIRTH, and who have attracted general notice or
attained some fame in their time, as attested by accounts in
contemporary literature.
CLASS 1.--Union of several fetuses. CLASS 2.--Union of two distinct
fetuses by a connecting band. CLASS 3.--Union of two distinct fetuses
by an osseous junction of the cranial bones. CLASS 4.--Union of two
distinct fetuses in which one or more parts are eliminated by the
junction. CLASS 5.--Fusion of two fetuses by a bony union of the
ischii. CLASS 6.--Fusion of two fetuses below the umbilicus into a
common lower extremity. CLASS 7.--Bicephalic monsters. CLASS
8.--Parasitic monsters. CLASS 9.--Monsters with a single body and
double lower extremities. CLASS 10.--Diphallic terata. CLASS
11.--Fetus in fetu, and dermoid cysts. CLASS 12.--Hermaphrodites.
CLASS I.--Triple Monsters.--Haller and Meckel were of the opinion that
no cases of triple monsters worthy of credence are on record, and since
their time this has been the popular opinion. Surely none have ever
lived. Licetus describes a human monster with two feet and seven heads
and as many arms. Bartholinus speaks of a three-headed monster who
after birth gave vent to horrible cries and expired. Borellus speaks of
a three-headed dog, a veritable Cerberus. Blasius published an essay on
triple monsters in 1677. Bordenave is quoted as mentioning a human
monster formed of three fetuses, but his description proves clearly
that it was only the union of two. Probably the best example of this
anomaly that we have was described by Galvagni at Cattania in 1834.
This monster had two necks, on one of which was a single head normal in
dimensions. On the other neck were two heads, as seen in the
accompanying illustration. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire mentions several
cases, and Martin de Pedro publishes a description of a case in Madrid
in 1879. There are also on record some cases of triple monster by
inclusion which will be spoken of later. Instances in the lower animals
have been seen, the three-headed sheep of Pare, already spoken of,
being one.
CLASS II.--Double Monsters.--A curious mode of junction, probably the
most interesting, as it admits of longer life in these monstrosities,
is that of a simple cartilaginous band extending between two absolutely
distinct and different individuals. The band is generally in the
sternal region. In 1752 there was described a remarkable monstrosity
which consisted of conjoined twins, a perfect and an imperfect child,
connected at their ensiform cartilages by a band 4 inches in
circumference. The Hindoo sisters, described by Dr. Andrew Berry, lived
to be seven years old; they stood face to face, with their chests 6 1/2
inches and their pubes 8 1/2 inches apart. Mitchell describes the
full-grown female twins, born at Newport, Ky., called the Newport
twins. The woman who gave birth to them became impregnated, it is said,
immediately after seeing the famous Siamese twins, and the products of
this pregnancy took the conformation of those celebrated exhibitionists.
Perhaps the best known of all double monsters were the Siamese twins.
They were exhibited all over the globe and had the additional benefit
and advertisement of a much mooted discussion as to the advisability of
their severance, in which opinions of the leading medical men of all
nations were advanced. The literature on these famous brothers is
simply stupendous. The amount of material in the Surgeon General's
library at Washington would surprise an investigator. A curious volume
in this library is a book containing clippings, advertisements, and
divers portraits of the twins. It will be impossible to speak at all
fully on this subject, but a short history and running review of their
lives will be given: Eng and Chang were born in Siam about May, 1811.
Their father was of Chinese extraction and had gone to Siam and there
married a woman whose father was also a Chinaman. Hence, for the most
part, they were of Chinese blood, which probably accounted for their
dark color and Chinese features. Their mother was about thirty-five
years old at the time of their birth and had borne 4 female children
prior to Chang and Eng. She afterward had twins several times, having
eventually 14 children in all. She gave no history of special
significance of the pregnancy, although she averred that the head of
one and the feet of the other were born at the same time. The twins
were both feeble at birth, and Eng continued delicate, while Chang
thrived. It was only with difficulty that their lives were saved, as
Chowpahyi, the reigning king, had a superstition that such freaks of
nature always presaged evil to the country. They were really discovered
by Robert Hunter, a British merchant at Bangkok, who in 1824 saw them
boating and stripped to the waist. He prevailed on the parents and King
Chowpahyi to allow them to go away for exhibition. They were first
taken out of the country by a certain Captain Coffin. The first
scientific description of them was given by Professor J. C. Warren, who
examined them in Boston, at the Harvard University, in 1829. At that
time Eng was 5 feet 2 inches and Chang 5 feet 1 1/2 inches in height.
They presented all the characteristics of Chinamen and wore long black
queues coiled thrice around their heads, as shown by the accompanying
illustration. After an eight-weeks' tour over the Eastern States they
went to London, arriving at that port November 20, 1829. Their tour in
France was forbidden on the same grounds as the objection to the
exhibition of Ritta-Christina, namely, the possibility of causing the
production of monsters by maternal impressions in pregnant women. After
their European tour they returned to the United States and settled down
as farmers in North Carolina, adopting the name of Bunker. When
forty-four years of age they married two sisters, English women,
twenty-six and twenty-eight years of age, respectively. Domestic
infelicity soon compelled them to keep the wives at different houses,
and they alternated weeks in visiting each wife. Chang had six children
and Eng five, all healthy and strong. In 1869 they made another trip to
Europe, ostensibly to consult the most celebrated surgeons of Great
Britain and France on the advisability of being separated. It was
stated that a feeling of antagonistic hatred after a quarrel prompted
them to seek "surgical separation," but the real cause was most likely
to replenish their depleted exchequer by renewed exhibition and
A most pathetic characteristic of these illustrious brothers was the
affection and forbearance they showed for each other until shortly
before their death. They bore each other's trials and petty maladies
with the greatest sympathy, and in this manner rendered their lives far
more agreeable than a casual observer would suppose possible. They both
became Christians and members or attendants of the Baptist Church.
Figure 31 is a representation of the Siamese twins in old age. On each
side of them is a son. The original photograph is in the Mutter Museum,
College of Physicians, Philadelphia.
The feasibility of the operation of separating them was discussed by
many of the leading men of America, and Thompson, Fergusson, Syme, Sir
J. Y. Simpson, Nelaton, and many others in Europe, with various reports
and opinions after examination. These opinions can be seen in full in
nearly any large medical library. At this time they had diseased and
atheromatous arteries, and Chang, who was quite intemperate, had marked
spinal curvature, and shortly afterward became hemiplegic. They were
both partially blind in their two anterior eyes, possibly from looking
outward and obliquely. The point of junction was about the
sterno-siphoid angle, a cartilaginous band extending from sternum to
sternum. In 1869 Simpson measured this band and made the distance on
the superior aspect from sternum to sternum 4 1/2 inches, though it is
most likely that during the early period of exhibition it was not over
3 inches. The illustration shows very well the position of the joining
The twins died on January 17, 1874, and a committee of surgeons from
the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, consisting of Doctors
Andrews, Allen, and Pancoast, went to North Carolina to perform an
autopsy on the body, and, if possible, to secure it. They made a long
and most interesting report on the results of their trip to the
College. The arteries, as was anticipated, were found to have undergone
calcareous degeneration. There was an hepatic connection through the
band, and also some interlacing diaphragmatic fibers therein. There was
slight vascular intercommunication of the livers and independence of
the two peritoneal cavities and the intestines. The band itself was
chiefly a coalescence of the xyphoid cartilages, surrounded by areolar
tissue and skin.
The "Orissa sisters," or Radica-Doddica, shown in Europe in 1893, were
similar to the Siamese twins in conformation. They were born in Orissa,
India, September, 1889, and were the result of the sixth pregnancy, the
other five being normal. They were healthy girls, four years of age,
and apparently perfect in every respect, except that, from the ensiform
cartilage to the umbilicus, they were united by a band 4 inches long
and 2 inches wide. The children when facing each other could draw their
chests three or four inches apart, and the band was so flexible that
they could sit on either side of the body. Up to the date mentioned it
was not known whether the connecting band contained viscera. A portrait
of these twins was shown at the World's Fair in Chicago.
In the village of Arasoor, district of Bhavany, there was reported a
monstrosity in the form of two female children, one 34 inches and the
other 33 3/4 inches high, connected by the sternum. They were said to
have had small-pox and to have recovered. They seemed to have had
individual nervous systems, as when one was pinched the other did not
feel it, and while one slept the other was awake. There must have been
some vascular connection, as medicine given to one affected both.
Fig. 36 shows a mode of cartilaginous junction by which each component
of a double monster may be virtually independent.
Operations on Conjoined Twins.--Swingler speaks of two girls joined at
the xiphoid cartilage and the umbilicus, the band of union being 1 1/2
inches thick, and running below the middle of it was the umbilical
cord, common to both. They first ligated the cord, which fell off in
nine days, and then separated the twins with the bistoury. They each
made early recovery and lived.
In the Ephemerides of 1690 Konig gives a description of two Swiss
sisters born in 1689 and united belly to belly, who were separated by
means of a ligature and the operation afterward completed by an
instrument. The constricting band was formed by a coalition of the
xiphoid cartilages and the umbilical vessels, surrounded by areolar
tissue and covered with skin. Le Beau says that under the Roman reign,
A. D. 945, two male children were brought from Armenia to
Constantinople for exhibition. They were well formed in every respect
and united by their abdomens. After they had been for some time an
object of great curiosity, they were removed by governmental order,
being considered a presage of evil. They returned, however, at the
commencement of the reign of Constantine VII, when one of them took
sick and died. The surgeons undertook to preserve the other by
separating him from the corpse of his brother, but he died on the third
day after the operation.
In 1866 Boehm gives an account of Guzenhausen's case of twins who were
united sternum to sternum. An operation for separation was performed
without accident, but one of the children, already very feeble, died
three days after; the other survived. The last attempt at an operation
like this was in 1881, when Biaudet and Buginon attempted to separate
conjoined sisters (Marie-Adele) born in Switzerland on June 26th.
Unhappily, they were very feeble and life was despaired of when the
operation was performed, on October 29th. Adele died six hours
afterward, and Marie died of peritonitis on the next day.
CLASS III.--Those monsters joined by a fusion of some of the cranial
bones are sometimes called craniopagi. A very ancient observation of
this kind is cited by Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire. These two girls were
born in 1495, and lived to be ten years old. They were normal in every
respect, except that they were joined at the forehead, causing them to
stand face to face and belly to belly. When one walked forward, the
other was compelled to walk backward; their noses almost touched, and
their eyes were directed laterally. At the death of one an attempt to
separate the other from the cadaver was made, but it was unsuccessful,
the second soon dying; the operation necessitated opening the cranium
and parting the meninges. Bateman said that in 1501 there was living an
instance of double female twins, joined at the forehead. This case was
said to have been caused in the following manner: Two women, one of
whom was pregnant with the twins at the time, were engaged in an
earnest conversation, when a third, coming up behind them, knocked
their heads together with a sharp blow. Bateman describes the death of
one of the twins and its excision from the other, who died
subsequently, evidently of septic infection. There is a possibility
that this is merely a duplication of the account of the preceding case
with a slight anachronism as to the time of death.
At a foundling hospital in St. Petersburg there were born two living
girls, in good health, joined by the heads. They were so united that
the nose of one, if prolonged, would strike the ear of the other; they
had perfectly independent existences, but their vascular systems had
evident connection.
Through extra mobility of their necks they could really lie in a
straight line, one sleeping on the side and the other on the back.
There is a report a of two girls joined at their vertices, who survived
their birth. With the exception of this junction they were well formed
and independent in existence. There was no communication of the cranial
cavities, but simply fusion of the cranial bones covered by superficial
fascia and skin. Daubenton has seen a case of union at the occiput, but
further details are not quoted.
CLASS IV.--The next class to be considered is that in which the
individuals are separate and well formed, except that the point of
fusion is a common part, eliminating their individual components in
this location. The pygopagous twins belong in this section. According
to Bateman, twins were born in 1493 at Rome joined back to back, and
survived their birth. The same authority speaks of a female child who
was born with "2 bellies, 4 arms, 4 legs, 2 heads, and 2 sets of
privates, and was exhibited throughout Italy for gain's sake." The
"Biddenden Maids" were born in Biddenden, Kent, in 1100. Their names
were Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst, and their parents were fairly
well-to-do people. They were supposed to have been united at the hips
and the shoulders, and lived until 1134. At the death of one it was
proposed to separate them, but the remaining sister refused, saying,
"As we came together, we will also go together," and, after about six
hours of this Mezentian existence, they died. They bequeathed to the
church-wardens of the parish and their successors land to the extent of
20 acres, at the present time bringing a rental of about $155.00
annually, with the instructions that the money was to be spent in the
distribution of cakes (bearing the impression of their images, to be
given away on each Easter Sunday to all strangers in Biddenden) and
also 270 quartern loaves, with cheese in proportion, to all the poor in
said parish. Ballantyne has accompanied his description of these
sisters by illustrations, one of which shows the cake. Heaton gives a
very good description of these maids; and a writer in "Notes and
Queries" of March 27, 1875, gives the following information relative to
the bequest:--
"On Easter Monday, at Biddenden, near Staplehurst, Kent, there is a
distribution, according to ancient custom, of 'Biddenden Maids' cakes,'
with bread and cheese, the cost of which is defrayed from the proceeds
of some 20 acres of land, now yielding L35 per annum. and known as the
'Bread and Cheese Lands.' About the year 1100 there lived Eliza and
Mary Chulkhurst, who were joined together after the manner of the
Siamese twins, and who lived for thirty-four years, one dying, and then
being followed by her sister within six hours. They left by their will
the lands above alluded to and their memory is perpetuated by
imprinting on the cakes their effigies 'in their habit as they lived.'
The cakes, which are simple flour and water, are four inches long by
two inches wide, and are much sought after as curiosities. These, which
are given away, are distributed at the discretion of the
church-wardens, and are nearly 300 in number. The bread and cheese
amounts to 540 quartern loaves and 470 pounds of cheese. The
distribution is made on land belonging to the charity, known as the Old
Poorhouse. Formerly it used to take place in the Church, immediately
after the service in the afternoon, but in consequence of the unseemly
disturbance which used to ensue the practice was discontinued. The
Church used to be filled with a congregation whose conduct was
occasionally so reprehensible that sometimes the church-wardens had to
use their wands for other purposes than symbols of office. The
impressions of the maids 'on the cakes are of a primitive character,
and are made by boxwood dies cut in 1814. They bear the date 1100, when
Eliza and Mary Chulkhurst are supposed to have been born, and also
their age at death, thirty-four years."
Ballantyne has summed up about all there is to be said on this national
monstrosity, and his discussion of the case from its historic as well
as teratologic standpoint is so excellent that his conclusions will be
"It may be urged that the date fixed for the birth of the Biddenden
Maids is so remote as to throw grave doubt upon the reality of the
occurrence. The year 1100 was, it will be remembered, that in which
William Rufus was found dead in the New Forest, 'with the arrow either
of a hunter or an assassin in his breast.' According to the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle, several 'prodigies' preceded the death of this profligate
and extravagant monarch. Thus it is recorded that 'at Pentecost blood
was observed gushing from the earth at a certain town of Berkshire,
even as many asserted who declared that they had seen it. And after
this, on the morning after Lammas Day, King William was shot.' Now, it
is just possible that the birth of the Biddenden Maids may have
occurred later, but have been antedated by the popular tradition to the
year above mentioned. For such a birth would, in the opinion of the
times, be regarded undoubtedly as a most evident prodigy or omen of
evil. Still, even admitting that the date 1100 must be allowed to
stand, its remoteness from the present time is not a convincing
argument against a belief in the real occurrence of the phenomenon; for
of the dicephalic Scottish brothers, who lived in 1490, we have
credible historic evidence. Further, Lycosthenes, in his "Chronicon
Prodigiorum atque Ostentorum", published in 1557, states, upon what
authority I know not, that in the year 1112 joined twins resembling the
Biddenden phenomenon in all points save in sex were born in England.
The passage is as follows: 'In Anglia natus est puer geminus a clune ad
superiores partes ita divisus, ut duo haberet capita, duo corpora
integra ad renes cum suis brachiis, qui baptizatus triduo supervixit.'
It is just possible that in some way or other this case has been
confounded with the story of Biddenden; at any rate, the occurrence of
such a statement in Lycosthenes' work is of more than passing interest.
Had there been no bequest of land in connection with the case of the
Kentish Maids, the whole affair would probably soon have been forgotten.
"There is, however, one real difficulty in accepting the story handed
down to us as authentic,--the nature of the teratologic phenomenon
itself. All the records agree in stating that the Maids were joined
together at the shoulders and hips, and the impression on the cakes and
the pictures on the 'broadsides' show this peculiar mode of union, and
represent the bodies as quite separate in the space between the
above-named points. The Maids are shown with four feet and two arms,
the right and left respectively, whilst the other arms (left and right)
are fused together at the shoulder according to one illustration, and a
little above the elbow according to another. Now, although it is not
safe to say that such an anomaly is impossible, I do not know of any
case of this peculiar mode of union; but it may be that, as Prof. A. R.
Simpson has suggested, the Maids had four separate arms, and were in
the habit of going about with their contiguous arms round each other's
necks, and that this gave rise to the notion that these limbs were
united. If this be so, then the teratologic difficulty is removed, for
the case becomes perfectly comparable with the well-known but rare type
of double terata known as the pygopagous twins, which is placed by
Taruffi with that of the ischiopagous twins in the group dicephalus
lecanopagus. Similar instances, which are well known to students of
teratology, are the Hungarian sisters (Helen and Judith), the North
Carolina twins (Millie and Christine), and the Bohemian twins (Rosalie
and Josepha Blazek). The interspace between the thoraces may, however,
have simply been the addition of the first artist who portrayed the
Maids (from imagination?); then it may be surmised that they were
ectopagous twins.
"Pygopagous twins are fetuses united together in the region of the
nates and having each its own pelvis. In the recorded cases the union
has been usually between the sacra and coccyges, and has been either
osseous or (more rarely) ligamentous. Sometimes the point of junction
was the middle line posteriorly, at other times it was rather a
posterolateral union; and it is probable that in the Biddenden Maids it
was of the latter kind; and it is likely, from the proposal made to
separate the sisters after the death of one, that it was ligamentous in
"If it be granted that the Biddenden Maids were pygopagous twins, a
study of the histories of other recorded cases of this monstrosity
serves to demonstrate many common characters. Thus, of the 8 cases
which Taruffi has collected, in 7 the twins were female; and if to
these we add the sisters Rosalie and Josepha Blazek and the Maids, we
have 10 cases, of which 9 were girls. Again, several of the pygopagous
twins, of whom there are scientific records, survived birth and lived
for a number of years, and thus resembled the Biddenden terata. Helen
and Judith, for instance, were twenty-three years old at death; and the
North Carolina twins, although born in 1851, are still alive. There is,
therefore, nothing inherently improbable in the statement that the
Biddenden Maids lived for thirty-four years. With regard also to the
truth of the record that the one Maid survived her sister for six
hours, there is confirmatory evidence from scientifically observed
instances, for Joly and Peyrat (Bull. de l'Acad. Med., iii., pp. 51 and
383, 1874) state that in the case seen by them the one infant lived ten
hours after the death of the other. It is impossible to make any
statement with regard to the internal structure of the Maids or to the
characters of their genital organs, for there is absolutely no
information forthcoming upon these points. It may simply be said, in
conclusion, that the phenomenon of Biddenden is interesting not only on
account of the curious bequest which arose out of it, but also because
it was an instance of a very rare teratologic type, occurring at a very
early period in our national history."
Possibly the most famous example of twins of this type were Helen and
Judith, the Hungarian sisters, born in 1701 at Szony, in Hungary. They
were the objects of great curiosity, and were shown successively in
Holland, Germany, Italy, France, England, and Poland. At the age of
nine they were placed in a convent, where they died almost
simultaneously in their twenty-second year. During their travels all
over Europe they were examined by many prominent physiologists,
psychologists, and naturalists; Pope and several minor poets have
celebrated their existence in verse; Buffon speaks of them in his
"Natural History," and all the works on teratology for a century or
more have mentioned them. A description of them can be best given by a
quaint translation by Fisher of the Latin lines composed by a Hungarian
physician and inscribed on a bronze statuette of them:--
Two sisters wonderful to behold, who have thus grown as one, That
naught their bodies can divide, no power beneath the sun. The town of
Szoenii gave them birth, hard by far-famed Komorn, Which noble fort may
all the arts of Turkish sultans scorn. Lucina, woman's gentle friend,
did Helen first receive; And Judith, when three hours had passed, her
mother's womb did leave. One urine passage serves for both;--one anus,
so they tell; The other parts their numbers keep, and serve their
owners well. Their parents poor did send them forth, the world to
travel through, That this great wonder of the age should not be hid
from view. The inner parts concealed do lie hid from our eyes, alas!
But all the body here you view erect in solid brass.
They were joined back to back in the lumbar region, and had all their
parts separate except the anus between the right thigh of Helen and the
left of Judith and a single vulva. Helen was the larger, better
looking, the more active, and the more intelligent. Judith at the age
of six became hemiplegic, and afterward was rather delicate and
depressed. They menstruated at sixteen and continued with regularity,
although one began before the other. They had a mutual affection, and
did all in their power to alleviate the circumstances of their sad
position. Judith died of cerebral and pulmonary affections, and Helen,
who previously enjoyed good health, soon after her sister's first
indisposition suddenly sank into a state of collapse, although
preserving her mental faculties, and expired almost immediately after
her sister. They had measles and small-pox simultaneously, but were
affected in different degree by the maladies. The emotions,
inclinations, and appetites were not simultaneous. Eccardus, in a very
interesting paper, discusses the physical, moral, and religious
questions in reference to these wonderful sisters, such as the
advisability of separation, the admissibility of matrimony, and,
finally, whether on the last day they would rise as joined in life, or
There is an account of two united females, similar in conjunction to
the "Hungarian sisters," who were born in Italy in 1700. They were
killed at the age of four months by an attempt of a surgeon to separate
In 1856 there was reported to have been born in Texas, twins after the
manner of Helen and Judith, united back to back, who lived and attained
some age. They were said to have been of different natures and
dispositions, and inclined to quarrel very often.
Pancoast gives an extensive report of Millie-Christine, who had been
extensively exhibited in Europe and the United States. They were born
of slave parents in Columbus County, N.C., July 11, 1851; the mother,
who had borne 8 children before, was a stout negress of thirty-two,
with a large pelvis. The presentation was first by the stomach and
afterward by the breech. These twins were united at the sacra by a
cartilaginous or possibly osseous union. They were exhibited in Paris
in 1873, and provoked as much discussion there as in the United States.
Physically, Millie was the weaker, but had the stronger will and the
dominating spirit. They menstruated regularly from the age of
thirteen. One from long habit yielded instinctively to the other's
movements, thus preserving the necessary harmony. They ate separately,
had distinct thoughts, and carried on distinct conversations at the
same time. They experienced hunger and thirst generally simultaneously,
and defecated and urinated nearly at the same times. One, in tranquil
sleep, would be wakened by a call of nature of the other. Common
sensibility was experienced near the location of union. They were
intelligent and agreeable and of pleasant appearance, although slightly
under size; they sang duets with pleasant voices and accompanied
themselves with a guitar; they walked, ran, and danced with apparent
ease and grace. Christine could bend over and lift Millie up by the
bond of union.
A recent example of the pygopagus type was Rosa-Josepha Blazek, born in
Skerychov, in Bohemia, January 20, 1878. These twins had a broad bony
union in the lower part of the lumbar region, the pelvis being
obviously completely fused. They had a common urethral and anal
aperture, but a double vaginal orifice, with a very apparent septum.
The sensation was distinct in each, except where the pelves joined.
They were exhibited in Paris in 1891, being then on an exhibition tour
around the world. Rosa was the stronger, and when she walked or ran
forward she drew her sister with her, who must naturally have reversed
her steps. They had independent thoughts and separate minds; one could
sleep while the other was awake. Many of their appetites were
different, one preferring beer, the other wine; one relished salad, the
other detested it, etc. Thirst and hunger were not simultaneous.
Baudoin describes their anatomic construction, their mode of life, and
their mannerisms and tastes in a quite recent article. Fig. 42 is a
reproduction of an early photograph of the twins, and Fig. 43
represents a recent photograph of these "Bohemian twins," as they are
now called.
The latest record we have of this type of monstrosity is that given by
Tynberg to the County Medical Society of New York, May 27, 1895. The
mother was present with the remarkable twins in her arms, crying at the
top of their voices. These two children were born at midnight on April
15th. Tynberg remarked that he believed them to be distinct and
separate children, and not dependent on a common arterial system; he
also expressed his intention of separating them, but did not believe
the operation could be performed with safety before another year.
Jacobi describes in full Tynberg's instance of pygopagus. He says the
confinement was easy; the head of one was born first, soon followed by
the feet and the rest of the twins. The placenta was single and the
cord consisted of two branches. The twins were united below the third
sacral vertebrae in such a manner that they could lie alongside of each
other. They were females, and had two vaginae, two urethrae four labia
minora, and two labia majora, one anus, but a double rectum divided by
a septum. They micturated independently but defecated simultaneously.
They virtually lived separate lives, as one might be asleep while the
other cried, etc.
CLASS V.--While instances of ischiopagi are quite numerous, few have
attained any age, and, necessarily, little notoriety. Pare speaks of
twins united at the pelves, who were born in Paris July 20, 1570. They
were baptized, and named Louis and Louise. Their parents were well
known in the rue des Gravelliers. According to Bateman, and also Rueff,
in the year 1552 there were born, not far from Oxford, female twins,
who, from the description given, were doubtless of the ischiopagus
type. They seldom wept, and one was of a cheerful disposition, while
the other was heavy and drowsy, sleeping continually. They only lived a
short time, one expiring a day before the other. Licetus speaks of Mrs.
John Waterman, a resident of Fishertown, near Salisbury, England, who
gave birth to a double female monster on October 26, 1664, which
evidently from the description was joined by the ischii. It did not
nurse, but took food by both the mouths; all its actions were done in
concert; it was possessed of one set of genitourinary organs; it only
lived a short while. Many people in the region flocked to see the
wonderful child, whom Licetus called "Monstrum Anglicum." It is said
that at the same accouchement the birth of this monster was followed by
the birth of a well-formed female child, who survived.
Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire quotes a description of twins who were born in
France on October 7, 1838, symmetrically formed and united at their
ischii. One was christened Marie-Louise, and the other
Hortense-Honorine. Their avaricious parents took the children to Paris
for exhibition, the exposures of which soon sacrificed their lives. In
the year 1841 there was born in the island of Ceylon, of native
parents, a monstrous child that was soon brought to Columbo, where it
lived only two months. It had two heads and seemed to have duplication
in all its parts except the anus and male generative organs.
Montgomery speaks of a double child born in County Roscommon, Ireland,
on the 24th of July, 1827. It had two heads, two chests with arms
complete, two abdominal and pelvic cavities united end to end, and four
legs, placed two on either side. It had only one anus, which was
situated between the thighs. One of the twins was dark haired and was
baptized Mary, while the other was a blonde and was named Catherine.
These twins felt and acted independently of each other; they each in
succession sucked from the breast or took milk from the spoon, and used
their limbs vigorously. One vomited without affecting the other, but
the feces were discharged through a common opening.
Goodell speaks of Minna and Minnie Finley, who were born in Ohio and
examined by him. They were fused together in a common longitudinal
axis, having one pelvis, two heads, four legs, and four arms. One was
weak and puny and the other robust and active; it is probable that they
had but one rectum and one bladder. Goodell accompanies his
description by the mention of several analogous cases. Ellis speaks of
female twins, born in Millville, Tenn., and exhibited in New York in
1868, who were joined at the pelves in a longitudinal axis. Between the
limbs on either side were to be seen well-developed female genitals,
and the sisters had been known to urinate from both sides, beginning
and ending at the same time.
Huff details a description of the "Jones twins," born on June 24, 1889,
in Tipton County, Indiana, whose spinal columns were in apposition at
the lower end. The labor, of less than two hours' duration, was
completed before the arrival of the physician. Lying on their mother's
back, they could both nurse at the same time. Both sets of genitals and
ani were on the same side of the line of union, but occupied normal
positions with reference to the legs on either side. Their weight at
birth was 12 pounds and their length 22 inches. Their mother was a
medium-sized brunette of 19, and had one previous child then living at
the age of two; their father was a finely formed man 5 feet 10 inches
in height. The twins differed in complexion and color of the eyes and
hair. They were publicly exhibited for some time, and died February 19
and 20, 1891, at St. John's Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y. Figure 45 shows their
appearance several months after birth.
CLASS VI.--In our sixth class, the first record we have is from the
Commentaries of Sigbert, which contains a description of a monstrosity
born in the reign of the Emperor Theodosius, who had two heads, two
chests with four arms attached, but a single lower extremity. The
emotions, affections, and appetites were different. One head might be
crying while the other laughed, or one feeding while the other was
sleeping. At times they quarreled and occasionally came to blows. This
monster is said to have lived two years, one part dying four days
before the other, which evinced symptoms of decay like its inseparable
Roger of Wendover says that in Lesser Brittany and Normandy, in 1062,
there was seen a female monster, consisting of two women joined about
the umbilicus and fused into a single lower extremity. They took their
food by two mouths but expelled it at a single orifice. At one time,
one of the women laughed, feasted, and talked, while the other wept,
fasted, and kept a religious silence. The account relates how one of
them died, and the survivor bore her dead sister about for three years
before she was overcome by the oppression and stench of the cadaver.
Batemen describes the birth of a boy in 1529, who had two heads, four
ears, four arms, but only two thighs and two legs. Buchanan speaks at
length of the famous "Scottish Brothers," who were the cynosure of the
eyes of the Court of James III of Scotland. This monster consisted of
two men, ordinary in appearance in the superior extremities, whose
trunks fused into a single lower extremity. The King took diligent care
of their education, and they became proficient in music, languages, and
other court accomplishments. Between them they would carry on animated
conversations, sometimes merging into curious debates, followed by
blows. Above the point of union they had no synchronous sensations,
while below, sensation was common to both. This monster lived
twenty-eight years, surviving the royal patron, who died June, 1488.
One of the brothers died some days before the other, and the survivor,
after carrying about his dead brother, succumbed to "infection from
putrescence." There was reported to have been born in Switzerland a
double headed male monster, who in 1538, at the age of thirty, was
possessed of a beard on each face, the two bodies fused at the
umbilicus into a single lower extremity. These two twins resembled one
another in contour and countenance. They were so joined that at rest
they looked upon one another. They had a single wife, with whom they
were said to have lived in harmony. In the Gentleman's Magazine about
one hundred and fifty years since there was given the portrait and
description of a double woman, who was exhibited all over the large
cities of Europe. Little can be ascertained anatomically of her
construction, with the exception that it was stated that she had two
heads, two necks, four arms, two legs, one pelvis, and one set of
pelvic organs.
The most celebrated monster of this type was Ritta-Christina, who was
born in Sassari, in Sardinia, March 23, 1829. These twins were the
result of the ninth confinement of their mother, a woman of thirty-two.
Their superior extremities were double, but they joined in a common
trunk at a point a little below the mammae. Below this point they had
a common trunk and single lower extremities. The right one, christened
Ritta, was feeble and of a sad and melancholy countenance; the left,
Christina, was vigorous and of a gay and happy aspect. They suckled at
different times, and sensations in the upper extremities were distinct.
They expelled urine and feces simultaneously, and had the indications
in common. Their parents, who were very poor, brought them to Paris for
the purpose of public exhibition, which at first was accomplished
clandestinely, but finally interdicted by the public authorities, who
feared that it would open a door for psychologic discussion and
speculation. This failure of the parents to secure public patronage
increased their poverty and hastened the death of the children by
unavoidable exposure in a cold room. The nervous system of the twins
had little in common except in the line of union, the anus, and the
sexual organs, and Christina was in good health all through Ritta's
sickness; when Ritta died, her sister, who was suckling at the mother's
breast, suddenly relaxed hold and expired with a sigh. At the
postmortem, which was secured with some difficulty on account of the
authorities ordering the bodies to be burned, the pericardium was found
single, covering both hearts. The digestive organs were double and
separate as far as the lower third of the ilium, and the cecum was on
the left side and single, in common with the lower bowel. The livers
were fused and the uterus was double. The vertebral columns, which were
entirely separate above, were joined below by a rudimentary os
innorminatum. There was a junction between the manubrium of each. Sir
Astley Cooper saw a monster in Paris in 1792 which, by his description,
must have been very similar to Ritta-Christina.
The Tocci brothers were born in 1877 in the province of Turin, Italy.
They each had a well-formed head, perfect arms, and a perfect thorax to
the sixth rib; they had a common abdomen, a single anus, two legs, two
sacra, two vertebral columns, one penis, but three buttocks, the
central one containing a rudimentary anus. The right boy was christened
Giovanni-Batista, and the left Giacomo. Each individual had power over
the corresponding leg on his side, but not over the other one. Walking
was therefore impossible. All their sensations and emotions were
distinctly individual and independent. At the time of the report, in
1882, they were in good health and showed every indication of attaining
adult age. Figure 48 represents these twins as they were exhibited
several years ago in Germany.
McCallum saw two female children in Montreal in 1878 named Marie-Rosa
Drouin. They formed a right angle with their single trunk, which
commenced at the lower part of the thorax of each. They had a single
genital fissure and the external organs of generation of a female. A
little over three inches from the anus was a rudimentary limb with a
movable articulation; it measured five inches in length and tapered to
a fine point, being furnished with a distinct nail, and it contracted
strongly to irritation. Marie, the left child, was of fair complexion
and more strongly developed than Rosa. The sensations of hunger and
thirst were not experienced at the same time, and one might be asleep
while the other was crying. The pulsations and the respiratory
movements were not synchronous. They were the products of the second
gestation of a mother aged twenty-six, whose abdomen was of such
preternatural size during pregnancy that she was ashamed to appear in
public. The order of birth was as follows: one head and body, the lower
extremity, and the second body and head.
CLASS VII.--There are many instances of bicephalic monsters on record.
Pare mentions and gives an illustration of a female apparently single
in conformation, with the exception of having two heads and two necks.
The Ephemerides, Haller, Schenck, and Archenholz cite examples, and
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