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A standard Saber-class main deflector dish is located along the ventral portion of the hull, on decks 8 & 9. Composed of molybdenum/duranium mesh panels over a tritanium framework (beneath the Duranium-Tritanium hull), the dish can be manually moved five degrees in any direction off the ship's Z-axis. The main deflector dish's shield and sensor power comes from two graviton polarity generators located on deck 10, each capable of generating 128 MW, which can be fed into two 480 millicochrane subspace field distortion generators. Navigational Deflector controls are located on deck 8.



Type: Multiphase subspace graviton beam, used for direct manipulation of objects from a submicron to a macroscopic level at any relative bearing to the ship. Each emitter is directly mounted to the primary members of the ship's framework, to lessen the effects of isopiestic subspace shearing, potential inertial imbalance, and mechanical stress.

Output: Each tractor beam emitter is built around two multiphase 12 MW graviton polarity sources, feeding two 475 millicochrane subspace field amplifiers. Phase accuracy is within 1.3 arc-seconds per microsecond, which gives superior interference pattern control. Each emitter can gain extra power from the SIF by means of molybdenum-jacketed waveguides. The subspace fields generated around the beam (when the beam is used) can envelop objects up to 920 meters, lowering the local gravitational constant of the universe for the region inside the field and making the object much easier to manipulate.

Range: Effective tractor beam range varies with payload mass and desired delta-v. Assuming a nominal 15 m/sec-squared delta-v, the multiphase tractor emitters can be used with a payload approaching 650,000,000 metric tons at less than 2,000 meters. Conversely, the same delta-v can be imparted to an object massing about one metric ton at ranges approaching 30,000 kilometers.



Number of Systems: 4

Personnel Transporters: 2 (Transporter Rooms 1 & 2)

  • Max Payload Mass: 800kg (1,763 lbs)
  • Max Range: 40,000 km
  • Max Beam Up/Out Rate: Approx. 100 persons per hour per Transporter

Cargo Transporters: 1

  • Max Payload Mass: 500 metric tons. Standard operation is molecular resolution (Non-Lifeform)
  • Set for quantum (lifeform) resolution: 1 metric ton
  • Max Beam Up/Out Rate (Quantum Setting): Approx. 100 persons per hour per Transporter

Emergency Transporters: 1

  • Max Range: 15,000 km (send only) {range depends on available power}
  • Max Beam Out Rate: 160 persons per hour per Transporter




Standard Communications Range: 42,000 - 100,000 kilometers
Standard Data Transmission Speed: 18.5 kiloquads per second
Subspace Communications Speed: Warp 9.9997




Long range and navigation sensors are located behind the main deflector dish, to avoid sensor "ghosts" and other detrimental effects consistent with main deflector dish millicochrane static field output. LRS controls are located on deck 8.

Lateral sensor pallets (Short Range Sensors) are located around the rim of the entire Starship, providing full coverage in all standard scientific fields, but with emphasis in the following areas:

  1. Astronomical phenomena
  2. Planetary analysis
  3. Remote life-form analysis
  4. EM scanning
  5. Passive neutrino scanning
  6. Parametric subspace field stress (a scan to search for cloaked ships)
  7. Thermal variances
  8. Quasi-stellar material

Each sensor pallet (sixteen in all) can be interchanged and re-calibrated with any other pallet on the ship.



There are eighteen independent tactical sensors on a Saber. Each sensor automatically tracks and locks onto incoming hostile vessels and reports bearing, aspect, distance, and vulnerability percentage to the tactical station on the main bridge. Each tactical sensor is approximately 80% efficient against ECM, and can operate fairly well in particle flux nebulae, (which has been hitherto impossible).

Warp Current sensor: This is an independent subspace graviton field-current scanner, allowing Saber class vessels to track ships at high warp by locking onto the eddy currents from the threat ship's warp field, then follow the currents by using multi-model image mapping.



There are eight science labs located on deck 4. Two of the labs are dedicated Biology/Chemistry labs, capable of being used as Medical Labs. The remaining six labs are multi-purpose facilities that can be adjusted to the needs of the mission. The botany department maintains the small hydroponics bay on deck 5 for research purposes.

The Chief Science Officer's office is located adjacent to Science Lab 1. It is decorated to the CSO's preferences as well as containing a work area, a personal viewscreen, a computer display, and a washroom/head.



Depending on the mission orders, the Saber carries a variety of science probes. Class I - VI and class IX probes are standard on every Saber, with Class VII and VIII loaded onboard as the mission dictates.The nine standard classes are:

7.4.1 Class I Sensor Probe:

Range: 2 x 10^5 kilometers

Delta-v limit: 0.5c

Powerplant: Vectored deuterium microfusion propulsion

Sensors: Full EM/Subspace and interstellar chemistry pallet for in-space applications.

Telemetry: 12,500 channels at 12 megawatts.


7.4.2 Class II Sensor Probe:

Range: 4 x 10^5 kilometers

Delta-v limit: 0.65c

Powerplant: Vectored deuterium microfusion propulsion, extended deuterium fuel supply

Sensors: Same instrumentation as Class I with addition of enhanced long-range particle and field detectors and imaging system

Telemetry: 15,650 channels at 20 megawatts.


7.4.3 Class III Planetary Probe:

Range: 1.2 x 10^6 kilometers

Delta-v limit: 0.65c

Powerplant: Vectored deuterium microfusion propulsion

Sensors: Terrestrial and gas giant sensor pallet with material sample and return capability; onboard chemical analysis submodule

Telemetry: 13,250 channels at ~15 megawatts.

Additional data: Limited SIF hull reinforcement. Full range of terrestrial soft landing to subsurface penetration missions; gas giant atmosphere missions survivable to 450 bar pressure. Limited terrestrial loiter time.


7.4.4 Class IV Stellar Encounter Probe:

Range: 3.5 x 10^6 kilometers

Delta-v limit: 0.6c

Powerplant: Vectored deuterium microfusion propulsion supplemented with continuum driver coil and extended deuterium supply

Sensors: Triply redundant stellar fields and particle detectors, stellar atmosphere analysis suite.

Telemetry: 9,780 channels at 65 megawatts.

Additional data: Six ejectable/survivable radiation flux subprobes. Deployable for nonstellar energy phenomena


7.4.5 Class V Medium-Range Reconnaissance Probe:

Range: 4.3 x 10^10 kilometers

Delta-v limit: Warp 2

Powerplant: Dual-mode matter/antimatter engine; extended duration sublight plus limited duration at warp

Sensors: Extended passive data-gathering and recording systems; full autonomous mission execution and return system

Telemetry: 6,320 channels at 2.5 megawatts.

Additional data: Planetary atmosphere entry and soft landing capability. Low observatory coatings and hull materials. Can be modified for tactical applications with addition of custom sensor countermeasure package.

7.4.6 Class VI Comm Relay/Emergency Beacon:

Range: 4.3 x 10^10 kilometers

Delta-v limit: 0.8c

Powerplant: Microfusion engine with high-output MHD power tap

Sensors: Standard pallet

Telemetry/Comm: 9,270 channel RF and subspace transceiver operating at 350 megawatts peak radiated power. 360 degree omni antenna coverage, 0.0001 arc-second high-gain antenna pointing resolution.

Additional data: Extended deuterium supply for transceiver power generation and planetary orbit plane changes

7.4.7Class VII Remote Culture Study Probe:

Range: 4.5 x 10^8 kilometers

Delta-v limit: Warp 1.5

Powerplant: Dual-mode matter/antimatter engine

Sensors: Passive data gathering system plus subspace transceiver

Telemetry: 1,050 channels at 0.5 megawatts.

Additional data: Applicable to civilizations up to technology level III. Low observability coatings and hull materials. Maximum loiter time: 3.5 months. Low-impact molecular destruct package tied to antitamper detectors.

7.4.8 Class VIII Medium-Range Multimission Warp Probe:

Range: 1.2 x 10^2 light-years

Delta-v limit: Warp 9

Powerplant: Matter/antimatter warp field sustainer engine; duration of 6.5 hours at warp 9; MHD power supply tap for sensors and subspace transceiver

Sensors: Standard pallet plus mission-specific modules

Telemetry: 4,550 channels at 300 megawatts.

Additional data: Applications vary from galactic particles and fields research to early-warning reconnaissance missions

7.4.9 Class IX Long-Range Multimission Warp Probe:

Range: 7.6 x 10^2 light-years

Delta-v limit: Warp 9

Powerplant: Matter/antimatter warp field sustainer engine; duration of 12 hours at warp 9; extended fuel supply for warp 8 maximum flight duration of 14 days

Sensors: Standard pallet plus mission-specific modules

Telemetry: 6,500 channels at 230 megawatts.

Additional data: Limited payload capacity; isolinear memory storage of 3,400 kiloquads; fifty-channel transponder echo. Typical application is emergency-log/message capsule on homing trajectory to nearest starbase or known Starfleet vessel position




Sickbay is located on Deck 4 near the science labs. While not considered large, this department has a 5-bed treatment room, a 2-bed intensive care ward, an isolation room, and a morgue/stasis unit. Sickbay is also equipped with a limited surgical facility, which is primarily intended to stabilize patients until they can be delivered to a medical facility. A small medical laboratory and dental care office are located next to Sickbay.

The CMO's office is located adjacent to Sickbay with doors connecting to the hallway as well as directly to sickbay. The office is decorated to the Chief Medical Officer's preference and also contains a personal viewscreen, a computer display, and a washroom/head.

The Cargo bay is designated as the first location for additional medical space if needed for mass casualty situations, with the shuttlebays designated as the secondary location. VIP quarters can be adapted to act as additional Intensive Care Units, and the lounge can be modified to act as a treatment ward.



The Ship's Counselor has his office located on Deck 4, near the Medical section. It consists of a private office, with standard furnishings (decorated to the Counselors preference), a personal viewscreen, a computer display, and a washroom/head. An individual therapy room furnished with chairs and couch for one on one sessions, as well as a large, group therapy room, consisting of several couches and chairs, are located adjacent to the Counselor's office.

In the event of a crewmember suffering a psychotic episode, and needing to be isolated from the crew, the ill crewman is kept in sickbay, in the isolation unit, or in the intensive care units, as determined by bed availability.



General Overview: Officer quarters and VIP/Guest accommodations are located on deck 2. Enlisted crew quarters and diplomatic facilities are located on deck 3.

Individuals assigned to a Starfleet vessel for periods over six months are permitted to reconfigure their quarters within hardware, volume, and mass limits. Individuals assigned for shorter periods are generally restricted to standard quarter's configuration.

Crew Quarters: Standard Living Quarters are provided for all crewmembers. Only senior officers may have families accompanying them during their assignment to a Saber class vessel, due to the limited space. Non-commissioned officers (NCO's) and enlisted quarters are on deck 3.

Two NCO's are assigned to a suite. Accommodations include 2 bedrooms with standard beds, connected by a living/work area. A washroom with ultrasonic shower is located off of each bedroom. Two computer displays and a personal viewscreen are located in the living area. Pets are not allowed to NCO's.

Enlisted crewmembers share quarters with up to 4 others. Accommodations include 2 bedrooms with twin beds, connected by a living/work area. A washroom with ultrasonic shower is located off of each bedroom. Two computer displays and a personal viewscreen are located in the living area. Pets are not allowed to enlisted crew.

Officers' Quarters: Ensigns share a suite. Accommodations include 2 bedrooms with standard beds, connected by a living/work area. A washroom with ultrasonic shower is located off of each bedroom. Two computer displays and a personal viewscreen are located in the living area. Pets are allowed.

Starfleet personnel from the rank of Lieutenant JG to Commander are given one set of quarters to themselves (they do not need to share). Families may accompany senior officers. Those officers with children are assigned quarters with viewports.

Single officer accommodations typically include a small bathroom with an ultrasonic shower, a bedroom (with standard bed), a living/work area, a computer display, a personal viewscreen, and provisions for pets.

Family accommodations include 2 or 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with ultrasonic showers. The rest of the accommodations are as described above.

Officers may request that their living quarters be combined to form one large dwelling.

Executive Quarters: The Captain and Executive Officer have special quarters, located on Deck 2.

These quarters are much more luxurious than any others on the ship, with the exception of the VIP/Diplomatic Guest quarters. Both the Executive Officer's and the Captain's quarters are larger than standard Officer Quarters. This space generally has the following accommodations: a living/work area, a food replicator, a personal holographic viewer, a computer display, provisions for pets, a bedroom (with a nice, fluffy bed), and a bathroom with ultrasonic shower and an old-fashioned water shower.

VIP/Diplomatic Guest Quarters: The Saber Class is a symbol of UFP authority, a tool in dealing with other races. Starfleet intends to use them in diplomatic situations and the need to transport or accommodate Very Important Persons, diplomats, or ambassadors will arise.

These quarters are located on Deck 2. VIP quarters include a spacious living/work area, a food replicator, a personal holographic viewer, an ultrasonic shower and bathtub/water shower, a bedroom with a null-grav sleeping chamber, and provisions for pets. These quarters can be immediately converted to class H, K, L, N, and N2 environments.



General Overview: The Saber class is a small sized Starship and its design has been maximized for scientific and tactical usage. However, it is realized that the stress of operating at 99% efficiency on a ship that is built for extended field operations and exploration can be dangerous, so there are some limited recreational facilities on board.

Holosuites: These are smaller versions of standard Federation holodeck, designed for individual use. They do everything that the larger holodeck can do, only these holosuites can't handle as many variables and are less detailed. There are two Holosuites, both of them located on deck 5.

Phaser Range: Sometimes the only way a Starfleet officer or crewman can vent his frustration is through the barrel of a phaser rifle. The phaser range is located on deck 5. The phaser range is heavily shielded and the walls are armored. It is designed for low level phaser fire, but can withstand short phaser blasts at setting 16 without a problem.

Normal phaser recreation and practice is used with a type II phaser set to level 3 (heavy stun). The person stands in the middle of the room, with no light except for the circle in the middle of the floor that the person is standing in. Colored circular dots approximately the size of a human hand whirl across the walls, and the person aims and fires. After completing a round, the amounts of hits and misses, along with the percentage of accuracy is announced by the ship's computer.

Gymnasium: Some Starfleet personnel can find solace from the aggravations of day-to-day life in exercising their bodies. The Security department encourages constant use of this facility; tournaments and competitions are held regularly in this room.

The gymnasium is located on deck 5, near the holosuites and the lounge. This facility includes a weight room that has full body building and exercise apparatuses available for crew use; any kind of exercise can be performed here, be it Terran, Klingon, Vulcan (it isn't logical to let your body atrophy), Bajoran, Trill, or others.

There is also a wrestling mat in the weight room, which can be used for wrestling, martial arts, kickboxing, or any other sort of hand-to-hand fighting. There are holo-diodes along the walls and ceiling which generate a holographic opponent (if you can't find someone to challenge), trained in the combat field of your choice. The computer stores your personal attack and defensive patterns as it gains experience on your style of fighting, and adapts to defeat you. All personnel on board must go through a full physical fitness and hand-to-hand combat test every six months.

Weapon lockers that contains a variety of hand-to-hand combat weapons, for use in training, can be found along one wall. Ancient weapon proficiencies for Starfleet personnel are recommended by the security division; phasers may not always be available for use in all contingencies. Terran, Klingon, Betazoid, Vulcan, Bajoran, and other non-energy weapons are available for training.

Hydroponics Bay: Sometimes, one must walk among the greenery and smell the roses. Located on deck 4, the hydroponics bay is maintained by the botany department, and is used for research into plant-life. Crewmembers are allowed to wander the small 'hanging garden' type facility, which has twisting paths among the multitude of plant-life that provide some privacy. 'Natural' lighting is provided on a day/night schedule that provides maximum benefit to the plant-life.



Ships of the Saber-class lack many of amenities common to the larger ships. Since food replicators are not available in crew quarters (the exception being in the XO/CO's quarters, the Captain's Ready Room, the Observation Lounge, and in the VIP quarters) meals are served in the Mess Hall located on Deck 3. The replicators have a huge menu of foods and drinks that can be instantly available for culinary adventurers, and variations can be created by the crew and stored in files for easy access and trading.

At the head of the room are three open slots that serve as dispensers for the replicators. A counter extends from the underside and is used for the placement of trays, mugs and eating utensils. Seating inside the mess hall is provided by metallic tables arranged in a semicircle at the wider end of the room. These tables are approximately one meter square, and each has four stools connected to its legs.

In addition, the mess hall doubles as a makeshift meeting area that could be used to conduct crew briefings and mission profiles. A tall screen panel located on one of the walls can be used as a visual aid to display tactical graphics.

The captain's mess is located on deck 2 and can seat about eight persons comfortably.




This is a small lounge located on deck 5 and is set in the forward edge of the primary hull. It has a very relaxed and congenial air about it; The Observation Lounge is the only place on the ship where rank means nothing - "sir" need not be uttered when a person of lower rank addresses an officer, and everyone is on an equal footing. Opinions can be voiced in complete safety. This lounge is the social center of the ship.

The Observation Lounge has a small number of recreational games and assorted "stuff". 3-D chess and other games can all be found here. There is also a bar (self-service) which is stocked (at the Captain's discretion) with various potent alcoholic beverages, such as chech'tluth, Aldebaran whiskey, Saurian brandy, Tzartak aperitif, Tamarian Frost, C&E Warp Lager, Warnog, Antarean brandy, and many others as well as a small food/drink replicator that can make the synthahol versions of these and other drinks.

The Observation Lounge is often named by the crew, and is decorated as the crew decides and usually has a theme, to some extent. A small number of tables and chairs, as well as some benches, provide seating for the crew. Large windows set into the forward wall allow a breathtaking view from the bow of the ship, giving a clear view of what lies before the ship. Situated under the forward torpedo tubes, they also allow for a 'you-are-there' view of the launching of these destructive devices.




General Overview: Located on the aft portion of the ship, the two shuttle bays are accessed by a flight path between the nacelles. The shuttle bays contains facilities to refuel/rearm, to repair, and to provide routine maintenance to the shuttle complement assigned to the ship. A flight control room, known as "Flight Ops", controls the shuttle bays and directs flight vectors for incoming and outgoing craft. This is located against the forward wall of shuttle bay 1, next to the exit for the turbolift on deck 4.

Shuttle bay 2 is located on deck 5. It is the larger of the two shuttle bays, and is the location of the maintenance facilities for the shuttles.

The Flight Control Officer's office is located adjacent to the Flight Ops center. It is decorated to the FCO's preferences and contains a work area, a personal viewscreen, a computer display, and a washroom/head.

The standard shuttle bays (FF) contain the following:

  1. Two Type-18 Shuttlepods
  2. Two Type-6 Shuttlecrafts
  3. Two Worker Bees
  4. Ordnance and Fuel
  5. Flight Ops


The uprated shuttle bays (FFU) contain the following:

  1. Two Type-8 Shuttlecraft
  2. One Type-10 Shuttlecraft
  3. Two Type-18 Shuttlepods
  4. Two Worker Bees
  5. Ordnance and Fuel
  6. Flight Ops




Type: Medium short-range sublight shuttle.
Accommodation: Two; pilot and system manager.
Power Plant: Two 800 millicochrane impulse driver engines, four RCS thrusters, four sarium krellide storage cells.
Dimensions: Length, 4.5 m; beam, 3.1 m; height 1.8 m.
Mass: 1.12 metric tones.
Performance:Maximum delta-v, 16,750 m/sec.
Armament: Three Type-V phaser emitters.

Developed in the mid-2360s, the Type-18 Shuttlepod is somewhat of a departure from the traditional layout for ships of its size. In response to the growing threat of conflicts with various galactic powers bordering or near to the Federation, this shuttlepod was designed to handle more vigorous assignments that still fell into the short-range roles of a shuttlepods. Even with her parent vessel under attack, the Type-18 was designed to function in battle situations and could even be used as an escape vehicle should the need arise. Lacking a warp core, the pod is a poor choice for travel beyond several million kilometers. Ships of this type are seeing limited deployment on various border patrol and defensive starship classes, including the Defiant-, Sabre-, and Steamrunner-class.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 893

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