Consumers have the right to have access to complete information about a product before they buy it, including information on potential dangers associated with the product. In response, companies have provided specific information on labels of food containers, and tags on clothing contain information on fabric composition and
care. In addition, companies have co-sponsored, with retailers, workshops or clinics where consumers can see demonstrations of products and receive answers to their questions. Companies have produced extensive operating instructions, safety procedures, and practical uses of products to be provided to consumers at the time of purchase.
Product Choice
Consumers have the right in the marketplace to choose between products offered by competing producers and marketers. This right is assured through the competition in the private enterprise system and by government antitrust laws.
Voicing Concerns
Consumers have the right to be listened to and to have action taken when it is justified. A number of manufacturers have developed systematic programs to deal with consumer issues. A number of companies have established toll-free numbers for consumers to use to solve operating problems or receive product advice. Maytag introduced Red Carpet Service to improve its response to repair problems. General Electric operates the GE Answer Center, which handles consumer inquiries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, via a toll-free number. It receives 3 million calls each year. The center responds to questions from potential consumers and do-it-yourselfers and tries to resolve complaints from disgruntled customers.
rank – to have a particular position in a list of people or things that are put in order of quality or importance: rank among/as/with; be ranked fourth/number one; rank sb/sth in order; rank (n): high/low/senior/junior rank; be reduced to the ranks(=be punished by no longer being an officer); rise from the ranks (=to become an officer); join the ranks of – become a member; of the first rank – of the highest quality; the rank and file – ordinary members of the organization; ranking officer – the officer in a group who has the highest rank
contiguous – next to something (with); contiguity (n).
discard – to get rid of something useless; discarded (adj).
immerse – to put sth deep into a liquid so that it is completely covered: immerse sth in; immerse yourself in – get completely involved in; immersion (n).
counteract – to reduce or prevent the bad effect of something.
resolve – to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem; resolve to do sth – to make a formal decision, especially by voting; resolve sth into sth – to separate or become separated into parts; resolve itself into – to gradually change into sth else, become; resolution (n); to make (New Year’s) resolution.
disgruntled – annoyed, unhappy, especially because things have nor happened the way expected.