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Note from the Author 11 page

Dominic however didn’t need her spoken assent as he spied it in her luminous golden eyes, and he relished the small tremor that shot through her when he pressed his mouth to her inner thighs. With all the expertise of an experienced lover, he stripped her of the shorts while the piano keys provided a soundtrack. With the barrier of her shorts gone, his lustful gaze feasted on her with such gluttonous avarice, Eden flushed. Instinct impelled her to close her legs to him, but he put a stop that action instantly with one strong sturdy hand to her thigh. “No...don’t…”

When he slipped a middle finger down her slick center, Eden tensed, biting down on her bottom lip she watched him through shuttered eyes, while her heart raced erratically in her chest and every single fiber of her being paused in bated anticipation. He nipped and indolently licked the soft, tender skin of her inner thighs, until he was poised at the apex of her sex, sensuous mouth to wet pink lips. He hovered, the warmth of his breath melting her further as he wrapped his arms around her quivering thighs, anchoring her in place, and then finally, in one long, indolent stroke of his broad tongue, he tasted her, from the bottom of her slit up to her clit. Eden’s breath hitched in her lungs, and if it wasn’t for his unyielding grip on her, she would’ve slid off the piano. He did it again and again, the impossibly slow drag on his tongue was sheer torment, but Eden did not want mercy, playing the budding masochist to his delicious sadism, she relished his torment, setting her legs on his shoulders to gain better purchase, she rode the indescribable riptide of passion rampaging through her. Every sensory nerve clustered and pulsated between her legs, her ability to think was wiped clean making it impossible for Eden to do anything else but writhe wantonly against his face, offering herself up to be devoured like a maenad at his alter. And he worshiped her like a god, licking her with fiendish delight, devouring her like she was the cure to his infinite sweet tooth. He frenched her cunt, fucked her with his tongue, and just when Eden thought she could take no more, he did it again, possessing her so completely that she thought she was going to burn in his consuming inferno.

She threw her head back, her short nails dug into her balled fists, her eyes drew tightly closed as she felt her muscles tightening, “Dom…” she moaned his name, her voice no longer recognizable as the building force of her orgasm tore through her. When it was over and she was a boneless heap in his arms, he rose to full height and captured her lips in raw masculine claim, cupping her ass to draw her to the hard angles of his body so that she could feel the length of his arousal for her. She clung to him, whimpering helplessly as he impaled his tongue deeper into her, making Eden taste herself, taste him, the heady combination a sinful intoxication that made her feel lightheaded. As if he knew that she was near fainting, he jerked back but did not release her. He set his forehead against hers and cupped her face with one hand, his thumb tracing indolently across her bottom lip. “You can’t even begin to understand how badly I want to bury my cock into your sweet little pussy and fuck you until you can’t move,” he said gravely against her mouth. “But I refuse to take what you aren’t willing to give me. So I’m going to let you leave before I do something I will regret.”

Chapter Fourteen

Drawn despite herself because she knew she shouldn’t tempt her best friend’s husband, Jenna checked to make sure the top half of her two-piece was on properly before hastening onto the stamped concrete of the pool deck. The amazingly lush landscape of shrubbery and blooming flowers made the pool feel like an oasis, but even that wasn’t enough to combat the oppressing mid-August heat that instantly drew sweat to the surface of her skin. Though tempted to turn and head back to the air conditioning of the mansion, Jenna continued her journey, finally coming to a stop at one of the lounge chairs around the pool. She took a seat, setting her bottle of sunscreen on the ground. Although the crystal blue water of the pool was temptation enough, something far more interesting caught Jenna’s eye. She slipped her sunglasses in place concealing her watchful stare. Naked except for the swimming trunks he wore, Dominic was utterly exposed to her, and Jenna sat back to enjoy the view.

It was extraordinary the effect children could have on people, and it was clear that Dominic was incredibly influenced by his son. Jenna had noticed a change in him the last two months since they’d all come to live in the mansion, and it awed her to see him so uninhibited when he believed no one was watching. There was a slight softening to his typically granite features, and smiles that were rarely seen made frequent appearances, changing the cruel twist of his mouth to something altogether pleasing. Only when in the presence of his child did Dominic display any form of genuine human emotion. It was quite riveting to watch, and Jenna found herself fascinated, reflecting that maybe Eden had been wrong about him. There was definitely more to Dominic than he chose to reveal, and Eden had certainly missed out on it. But that certainly wasn’t to say that he had abandoned his aloofness; he was still just as reserved as the day Jenna had met him, keeping mostly to himself and making very little effort to befriend her. Maybe friendship was a stretch, but at the very least, he could be kind enough to acknowledge her presence. It was in that effort that Jenna made up her mind to approach him.

Dominic noticed her the moment she stepped outside, but then it was impossible to miss her with what she was wearing. There was also the rather tantalizing performance she was putting on in applying sunscreen to her body. Any red-blooded male would’ve been instantly aroused by the display, and it wasn’t to say that Dominic was immune to the subtle game of seduction she was employing, but his mind was consumed by another woman who had eyes like citrine and a body capable of hardening his cock at just the thought of her. A woman who could evoke the most explosive reactions from him, be it anger or the dark desire that nearly always tempted him to drag her off to their bedroom and perform acts on her that some would consider highly unconventional. There was nothing else and no one else that compared to her, every other woman paled in comparison, and that included Jenna Mills.

“Mind if I join you guys?”

“By all means.” He returned his hold on Liam, remaining in the cool water of the pool. The late afternoon had dulled the stifling heat of the scorching August sun, making it much easier and comfortable for Dominic to enjoy swimming lessons with his fast growing son. Two months had already gone by in which he’d learned an overwhelming amount of information about this child who continued to worm his way into the empty hollow of Dominic’s chest, the ruins of a secret dark place that had not seen light in a very long time. Yet every moment he spent in Liam’s company was a moment Dominic wanted to prolong, a moment he found himself cherishing because he knew how fleeting they were. Affection however did not come easily, having it stripped from him at such a young age it evaded him now, remaining ever elusive, even in his anguish to grasp it. There was nothing, no source of love from which Dominic could draw from to bestow upon his son, and it seemed that his failure was imminent, yet with every toothless smile he received and every milestone he saw Liam through, Dominic understood that, if nothing else, his son needed him in his life. It was that one fact, that one assurance that kept him battling the part of himself that wanted to withdraw, to keep his son at distance and guard that which had been so severely damaged. Damaged beyond repair he feared.

“Dominic?” the soft call of his name drew Dominic from his internal reflection to find Jenna peering reservedly at him. She was at the shallow end of the pool, not too far from where he stood. The water lapped rhythmically at her waist as she slowly moved, and while he said nothing, she continued, finding that she now had his attention. “I just want to thank you for letting me stay here and for giving me the job as Liam’s nanny. I really appreciate you doing that for me.”

“I didn’t do it for you,” he imparted laconically, his perforating stare prompting Jenna to look away in embarrassment.

Unaccustomed to his candor, she sank beneath the water for a moment trying to recover her bruised pride. Of course Jenna knew he hadn’t done it for her, but was he so jaded that he couldn’t even accept her simple gratitude? “I know…I know you did it for Eden, but I’m still grateful. It’s not every day your boss treats you to a spa and day of shopping.”

Dominic eyed her curiously and though he did not display his confusion, he did angle an inquisitive brow. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you are talking about,” he replied flatly. “I have never treated you to anything.”

Jenna frowned now, wondering if he was playing with her. “But I…Eden told me…”

“She told you what?”

Jenna shook her head, knowing that she probably put her foot in her mouth. “Nothing…she didn’t say anything,” she said weakly. He had her in his line of vision, and as skewered as she was by the intensity in his green gaze, Jenna could do nothing but simply stand there.

“I am not partial to people lying to me, Jenna, and I despise the trait even less in my employees,” he asserted calmly, placing Liam in the bright yellow inflated duck that had been among the many toys Dominic had purchased for him. “If you are to remain in my employ, I would strongly suggest you learn to be honest. Now, would be a perfect time to start.”

His highhandedness was overwhelming, and the slick way he went about acquiring what he wanted was even more alarming. And to think this was only because she’d evaded telling him the truth. Jenna couldn’t even imagine what it would be like if she betrayed him outright. It was easier for her to understand why Eden wanted to distance herself from him, especially when he looked as he did now, like he relished the thought of causing her pain. For a moment, Alex came to mind; Alex who was volatile and angry and had battering rams for fists, but could apologize like a saint.

These two men, both worlds apart in personality, mannerism, upbringing, social class, and wealth could not have been more different and yet to Jenna they were exactly alike in one aspect, the similarity was so prominent that she didn’t know how she’d missed it before. It frightened her that she hadn’t caught it until now. Eden had not shared much of her marriage with Dominic, but Jenna knew that he’d hurt her, not physically, but Jenna could spot the effects of emotional abuse a mile away and Eden had been swathed in it. She, more than most, understood abuse, both physical and mental, and though the body healed and the bruises disappeared, the emotional scars remained long after, affecting the individual in the worse way possible. Alex had abused her and Dominic had done the same to Eden, the only difference was that one knew how to dress it up better.

“She told me it was a gift from you, the spa treatment and the shopping trip. I was so happy that I didn’t even question it, but I know she paid it for herself now. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it before. I mean, it’s not like she’s been spending your money. God, I bet she probably used up all her paycheck and tips to—”

“Tips?” He clutched on that one word as a look of black fury blazed across his features. There was only one implication to that word for Dominic, and it touched on a distant memory of his wife on a steel pole.

Aware of the conclusion he was making, Jenna quickly tried to dissuade the situation. “Look, Dominic, she’s not working at—”

“Where is she?” he enquired slowly.

“She’s working at Carver’s Grill,” she replied. “It’s nothing like Craze Pussy!” she yelled after him. He handed Liam off to her and hastened out of the pool.

It was easy enough for him to find the address, and though he could’ve taken James with him, Dominic decided to forgo his bodyguard and instead, journey out to find Eden on his own. The car he chose was a shiny, sleek black, import with a six speed transmission he handled with enviable expertise as he gunned down the streets with one destination in mind. It was only Jenna’s assurance that Eden had not resorted back to stripping that made him handle the car with care, but still, he kept a lead foot on the gas, needing to find her and demand to know why the hell she was working for tips. She hadn’t spent a dime of his money, her friend said, and that avowal would’ve been incredibly difficult for Dominic to believe if he hadn’t checked for himself.

There’d been no expenses on the credit cards he’d given her nor did she withdraw or spend any of the money he’d put in her bank account. Everything had been there, untouched and Dominic remained unsure of what bothered him more: the fact that she hadn’t spent any of it or the increasing notion of having misjudged her. The basis of their relationship, their marriage, was built solely on the insurmountable wealth she’d wanted from him. To realize that may had somehow changed in the duration of her absence continued to gnaw at him. The idea of being proven wrong was not something he was ready to admit.

Eden had never worked a day in the five years of their marriage; why work when Dominic had given her nearly everything her greedy little heart could possibly desire? But then she’d left him. And in that year spent away from him, he’d learned that she had worked herself to the bone until she’d given birth to Liam. When he’d coerced her back to the mansion and had his attorney draw up the contract that would keep her there for the next six months, it had been on the belief that she would revert back to the self-centered, money hungry, little minx he knew her to be, that Eden Dominic knew how to control. He knew what to offer to have her carryout his every wish. However, this Eden, who behaved so unexpectedly and was capable of landing a real estate job but chose to work some menial job for scraps, was the Eden that frustrated Dominic to no end. He didn’t understand her motive. Dominic could not comprehend the reason why she wanted to work when she could easily buy anything she wanted with the money he’d set up for her. He entered Carver’s Grill with these frustrations.

* * *


It was insanely busy, but luckily, Lena had hired a few more girls so they were able to handle the increase of customers, but just barely, which was why Eden had been relegated back to her waitressing duties. The patrons were rowdy, their jokes were offensive and obscene, and once or twice she’d been peeved enough to smack at a few hands bold enough to touch her ass. With the harrowing pace of carrying out food and drink orders while dodging men with octopus hands and bad cases of BO, Eden had to put this night up there with not only one of the most stressful, but the most exhausting as well. The upside was that she hadn’t dropped anything, which she was sure Carver was very happy about. While waiting on her orders, Eden noted the gaggle of women at the bar and grinned drily.

Having sampled some of the food, she could affirm that that wasn’t the reason for the surplus of estrogen at the bar. And even though Mickey made cocktails like he was born to it, the women weren’t interested in his fruity concoctions. They were there for only one reason, the six foot one inch, tattooed man with the rock hard body and swoon worthy dimpled grin, drawing them in like moths to a flame. They hung on his every word, giggling like school girls, batting their garishly long lashes, and displaying enough cleavage that could’ve qualified them to work at his establishment. He had a wry sense of humor that some mistook for cockiness, but undoubtedly found sexy as they continuously returned for more. He probably had more contacts than most people had in their phones, certainly more than Eden that was for sure. Regardless of his demeanor, he always took someone home at the end of the night. He had a type: tall, slim, always blond, and always leggy, exactly like the woman currently monopolizing his time.

It would be lie to say that Eden didn’t find him attractive; there was an underlying roughness about him that called to the fairer sex with the promise of pure masculine power. He made Eden nervous in a way that was all racing heart and sweaty palms. The only other time she’d ever felt that way was when she was in Dominic’s company. And just like that, as though a mere thought had conjured him, he was there. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. He commanded a room when he entered it, and people naturally turned to stare, craned their necks to gape at the authority that swathed every inch of his powerful physique.

A sovereign among commoners, he appeared far removed from the common patrons of Carver’s, everything from the impeccable cut of his suit to the manner in which he carried himself, Dominic exuded refinement, a cool sophistication that set him apart. Standing by the bar and steps away from the swinging door of the kitchen, Eden stood rooted as she watched him looking over the crowd, clearly searching for her. While she wavered on whether to flee or remain where she was, her heart battered anxiously against her breastbone. She couldn’t believe he was here, at her place of work, but then Eden had known it would only be a matter of time before he’d made the discovery. What surprised her more was the length of time it had taken him. She’d expected him to break his promise about snooping into her life some time ago. When his green eyes finally landed on her, he cut an immediate path towards her, an easy feat as the throng parted for him like the Red Sea.

His eyes raked over her body with such thoroughness that color bloomed in Eden’s cheeks, exacerbated by the memory of what she’d allowed him to do to her not long ago. In her own immature way of dealing with the harrowing encounter of that evening, Eden had been avoiding him as much as she could, remaining in his presence only when absolutely necessary. Work had been her escape, but now he was here intruding on her space, her territory. Just a mere glimpse at his full mouth reminded her of how miserably she’d failed at rebuking his advances. Heat suffused her entire body at the memory of just how shameless she’d been.

“We’re leaving,” he directed brows furrowed in impatience.

He reached for her but she evaded his grasp, taking a furtive step back. “I’m working,” she replied firmly, hoping he was kind enough not to draw attention to them and simply leave. But Eden knew it was all wishful thinking on her part.

“Do not try my patience, Eden.”

“Go away, Dominic.” She had orders to take, drinks and food to serve, and by the incensed look Lena was sending her, Eden knew she needed to haul ass. Now. Her attempt to sidestep him only caused him to capture her arm; the grip wasn’t enough to hurt, but it did restrain her. “You can leave here of your own accord, or I can carry you out kicking and screaming, either way you will not remain in this place a second longer.”

“Is there a problem here?” Carver’s smooth baritone voice had Eden glancing to her left to find him standing there, big and bold, while carefully assessing Dominic, who, for his part, retained his hold on her arm, not at all ready to release her.

“It’s none of your concern,” he said dismissively, his cold tone would’ve put off a lesser man, but Carver stood his ground, more concerned for Eden’s safety than cowering beneath that derisive glance.

“I concern myself with all of my employees,” he replied evenly. “Eden, is everything alright?” Steel blue eyes searched her face for any sign of distress, his stance instantly on alert, ready to jump to her rescue if need be, regardless of the man accosting her. Doubling as owner and bodyguard of sorts, it was natural for him to want to protect the girls working for him. Customers at his bar were oftentimes unpredictable, add in alcohol and the situation turned volatile. Brawny as he was, Eden had seen him engage in a few scuffles since she’d come to work here, and he’d come out the victor in many of those cases. Of course that wasn’t to say Dominic couldn’t very well hold his own if the situation called for it. With the amount of testosterone jumping in the dead air between them, it could very well end up being something very ugly, very fast, and that certainly wasn’t something Eden wanted. “Eden?”

“Everything is good, Carver. Can I—”

“Consider her one less person you have to concern yourself with. She quits,” he announced prosaically, and without as much as a backward glance, he dragged Eden behind him with all the courtesy of an ape.

Chapter Fifteen

She was so angry that she could barely think straight, and though she fought futilely to be released, he refused to relinquish his hold of her wrist, forcing her to keep pace with his incredibly long, determined strides. It took her making a sound of distress before he deigned to stop, and Eden took the opportunity to wrench her wrist from his grasp. In a fit of absolute white hot rage, she swung her hand and it cracked satisfyingly with his cheek. Thunder rumbled in the distance, echoing Eden’s emotions. The late night crowd turned curious eyes to them but all Eden was aware of was the blood rushing between her ears and the intense burn radiating from the palm of her hand, throbbing from the sheer impact of the slap. But good God that had felt good! She’d never been one for violence and even as she saw the blistering red imprint of her hand on the side of his face she was instantly overcome with guilt, but that guilt turned into quiet triumphant as he looked at her in stunned disbelief. That one expression to Eden was worth her impromptu act of violence.

“You hit me.”

“It’s not less than what you deserved,” she rebutted, fire burning in her veins.

He said nothing for a time, but looked at her with an intensity that made her squirm; Eden however held her head high, refusing to be browbeaten. When he moved, it was with a fluidity that had her taking a step back, afraid that he would grab her again. But he didn’t, instead he marched the few steps that led to his car and smoothly held the door open for her.

“Get in the car.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she returned, stubborn pride had her in a chokehold. “I have a shift to finish, and I have my own ride so you can just—”

“Please.” That one beseeching word, uttered so quietly it disappeared on the warm summer wind, sent Eden’s world skittering to a startling halt. She raised her lush lashes to gape at him, her golden gaze searching for a hint of the raw emotion she’d heard in that one singular word. And there, just beyond the scope of his too green eyes, amid the darkness that seemed so inherent in him, Eden saw his vulnerability. It was only for an eternal second, but it was there, hidden within the haunting shadows that barred anyone from breaking through the impenetrable walls that surrounded him. In all the years she’d known him, Dominic had shown Eden only one side to his personality: indomitable, overbearing and controlling on a constant cycle, wash, lather, rinse, repeat. So for her to catch this glimpse of this atypical emotion was startling.

His mother took everything away from him, including his humanity…

Lucas’s words played like scratched vinyl in Eden’s mind further adding to the difficulty of maintaining her resolve to deny him. It was with a long, deep sigh that she ultimately found herself ensconced in the luxuriant, deep burgundy leather of his sports car. Eden waited for him to say something, anything to break the suppressing silence that vibrated in the space between them, but he remained silent. As she tossed a perfunctory glance his way, she took in his hardened profile, and while tension tautened his entire body, she saw the effect in his bloodless knuckles as his grip around the steering wheel tightened considerably.

“You had no right to do what you did back there,” she finally forced to say, needing to break the silence. “I agreed to remain your wife, but I’ll be damned if I let you continue to treat me like your property. I am done enabling your sickening need to demean me at every turn.”

“That place is not somewhere you should be working. You demean yourself by working there,” he quietly countered. “It is beneath you.”

“It’s the only choice you’ve left me.”

“Because your place is at home with our son. Why work when there is no need for it?”

“I like working. In fact, before you came in and ruined what I had, I was happy working at the brokerage firm. But then again my happiness has never mattered to you, so why should it now?”

“Your happiness…” he trailed off, voice weighed with emotion that he would not convey. He said nothing after that until the car drove past the wrought iron gates and slid quietly into the circular driveway. Eden barely gave him time to stop the car before she jumped out, her shapely legs carrying her as fast and as far away from him as physically possible. But he quickly closed in on her, long legs eating up the head start she’d gained on him. When he caught her, it was to draw her into his inescapable hold, his arms spanned her waist, and wrapped tightly around her with his unyielding strength. And before she could protest, he took possession of her lips, covering her mouth with a desperation that thundered in his chest. The whimper she made, from deep in the back of her throat, was a protest that thawed to helplessness; the deep, gnawing need to have him close, to have him possess her this way, was all that mattered. He tasted of whiskey and apples and something distinctively Dominic, a taste that she feared she was now addicted to. While she clung to him, Eden followed his lead, where his tongue brushed up languorously along her own she reciprocated, the sensual feel of their tongues melding elicited a groan from him and she sucked in a breath as he practically picked her up so that only her sneakered toes skimmed the waxed floor.

He dove in deep, kissing her with savage hunger, the luscious strokes of his tongue and lips were unimaginably provocative. In a move driven purely by passion, Eden reached between them to grasp at the erection that stabbed at her abdomen, and he sucked in a breath, breathing her lust into him. His hand came over hers, wrapped around her hand and held it there, over his hard, thick, straining erection that pulsed between them. The air between them was like it fuel, and with only a spark, it would detonate, blowing them both to smithereens. Doing something that shocked them both, he shoved away from her with enough strength that he stumbled back a few steps. “If I am to respect the terms of the contract, you cannot do that again, Eden,” he warned jaggedly, his breath coming out sharp and fast. He looked every bit as ruffled as she felt, if not more so. “There is only so much provocation a man can take before he is driven to devour his temptation,” he pronounced, his voice returning to normal, but the color that remained high on his cheeks was telling of his current state. To see him so affected, so undeniably unraveled was entirely refreshing for Eden.

“I…thank you…”

He tossed her a disparaging look; the sneer that tugged his full mouth upwards was not pleasant. “For not devouring you like the big, bad monster you’ve made me out to be?”

“I didn’t make you out to be anything that you weren’t already, Dominic,” she snapped, not understanding him at all. How could he kiss her so thoroughly one second and be this condescending jerk the next? He mystified her in the same way that he frustrated her and made her wish for a blunt object with which to knock him out with when he behaved like the proverbial asshole, like now for instance. Deciding that she’d had her fill, Eden turned on her heel to leave.

“It matters,” he called after her and stupidly she turned to find him standing right in front of her.


“Your happiness,” he began roughly, “it matters.”

Eden regarded in him silence, unsure of how to take the admission, but knowing by the expression on his face that it hadn’t been easy to admit. She didn’t trust that he wasn’t playing her, but what more could he possibly want from her when he had exactly where he wanted her? With the many chances he’d had to proceed in taking her treacherous body to bed, he’d shown astonishing restraint, the likes of which Eden would’ve thought impossible a year ago. “Why now? When it never had before?”

“You had my wealth. You were happy with what I gave you.”

Eden stiffened. “You can’t possibly be that clueless, Dominic.”

“You married me for my money,” he imparted with biting scorn, the sardonic angling of his dark brow daring her to refute the claim.

“I married you because I was desperate, yes, and I needed your money to get me out of debt. But do you honestly believe money, jewelry, even this mansion was what I needed to make me happy? Do you honestly believe that this is what I wanted my marriage to be like? This cold, unfeeling, back and forth that has left nothing but resentment and hate? A husband is supposed to love, cherish and protect his wife, not parade her around like arm candy to prove his manhood. Do you have any idea how what it felt like when you made perform in front of your friends?”

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 542

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