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“That’s your girl, man. I found your bitch!”

In that instant Alex paled considerably, wishing he could take the words back as hunter green eyes pinioned him, nearly drawing blood from where he sat. There wasn’t much he knew of this man. All Alex saw was the grandness, the wealth, and the fact that Dominic Armstrong could very well be the answer to all his money problems. But looking at him now, caught temporarily in those cold, calculating eyes, he wondered whether he hadn’t bitten off more than he could chew.

“Be very careful, Alex,” he began voice like sandpaper on silk, “I don’t take kindly to people insulting my wife.” His lips drew back, showing nothing but teeth. “Now, I strongly suggest you tell me exactly why you are here, or I will have security escort you out.”

“She’s in Amesbury. She’s been sending my girl some money every few months. I was looking through Jenna’s things and I found that.” He pointed at the crumpled paper. “It’s an envelope that has a post office box address on it, but I’m sure you can find her with it. It has her name on it—Eden Mercer.”

So it did. Dominic, having reached for the wrinkly envelope minutes ago, peered at it now while his mind worked. Laughter nearly burbled up from his gut. Right under his own fucking nose. A whole year, searching as he had, and she’d been right under his nose! Simply brilliant.

“You...you said you’d pay me if I had information.”

And pay him he would, for Alex had given him something the highly paid PI he’d hired couldn’t have: his pet’s location.

With a Cheshire Cat grin, he glanced at Alex. “Twenty thousand dollars, as promised. See yourself out and my personal assistant will cut you a check.”

When he was alone again, Dominic pored over the crumpled envelope as though it had more to convey. He looked at the perfect curve of her writing. She’d touched this. His fingers traced the blue ink absentmindedly. He could remember that night he’d returned and had found her gone. Dominic had nearly lost his mind. His rage had blinded him to everything, pushing him far too close to murder; it’d taken an act of God alone to bring him back from the edge. But he’d been wrathful, scouring nearly every crevice for her to no avail. He’d torn the mansion upside down looking for clues, anything that would tell him where she’d gone.

It’d taken holding Bruce at gunpoint before his so called best friend confessed to his part in abetting Dominic’s deceitful wife. That bit of information had led him to the stripper and her boyfriend, the one who’d just left Dominic’s office. He’d gone to Italy on the off chance that he would find her, but he’d realized how stupid that had been considering he lacked the exact destination. Every trail he’d chased had been a dead end. But he’d refused to stop; nothing would’ve made him stop looking for her. He would’ve searched for her until his dying breath. But it wouldn’t come to that it seemed. He finally found her, and it was high time he returned his pet to her cage. Dominic had underestimated her once; he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Chapter Four

Jenna knew she shouldn’t have pushed, but with Alex’s track record it was only natural for her to be apprehensive, especially after coming into such a large amount of money. The last time he’d had nearly this much money, it’d been borrowed from a few unscrupulous people who hadn’t been shy in detailing exactly how easy it would be to not only break Alex’s body, but take a piece of Jenna’s ass in the process. She’d spent nearly two months on her back getting the loan sharks their money back, and Jenna wasn’t about to go through that shit again. So she’d posed the question when he’d returned from clubbing with “the guys”. She’d ignored the pussy and liquor cologne that oozed off him like noxious fumes and instead got straight to the point. His reply had been a brusque shove that sent her stumbling back. She’d returned with a slap to his face, and he’d countered with a punch to hers, the sort of punch a guy would throw during a fight with another guy. It’d hurt like a motherfucker, and despite the fact that she’d taken more than her fair share of his love taps, this one hadn’t hurt any less. He hadn’t stopped there; one punch was never enough for him.

To minimize the damage, Jenna had assumed the fetal position, one she’d become accustomed to over the course of their relationship. She didn’t know how long it lasted, but when he’d finally grown tired, she was a mass of burning agony. Every inch of her being throbbed mercilessly, and she knew he’d broken a few things. Blood coated the inside of her mouth, nearly gagging her. Breathing was agony, moving was sheer hell. So she’d lain there, praying for the darkness at the fringes of her vision to consume her. But her body refused to shut down, refused to give in, and when he’d began to disrobe her, carelessly tugging her jeans down her hips and further down her legs, Jenna had dared to attempt an escape.

“This is the only thing you’re good for, Jen,” ’he’d grunted in her ear, “and you can’t even give good pussy right.” He’d been short of breath as he’d carelessly flipped her onto her stomach. His weight had fallen on her again, and he’d raised her hips to brutally thrust into her. Jenna had closed her eyes and prayed it would be over. When he’d finished, he’d gone out again, leaving her exactly where she was now, prone on the hardwood floor. In an attempt to assuage the pain, she allowed her mind to wander.

She can’t remember her parents because she never had any. Well, she did technically because two people did fuck to conceive her, but she’d never known who they were. She’d grown up in the foster system, bounced around from home to home, and had no stability whatsoever. Puberty hit her all in the right places far too early, and one too many men who were supposed to nurture her took notice and took advantage. Jenna grew up too fucking quick. Her first time was with the high school quarterback. She could barely remember his name now, but he’d been a senior and she’d had a thing for older men and muscle cars. In the backseat of his Mustang behind the football field, her popularity had been forged in virgin blood. She became known as the quick and dirty girl. She’d met Alex when she’d been sixteen and he got her a job at the Crazy Pussy. He said she’d be his girl, and they’d been together since.

What Jenna had begun to realize a very long time ago was that being Alex’s girl was like being fucked in the ass without lube, and she was getting tired of limping her ass everywhere. Getting off the floor was a huge challenge, and it took nearly all she had, but she managed the feat. She was a ball of agony, and propped up against the loveseat, she felt like the loneliest person on the face of the earth. Raising a hand up she felt around for the bag she’d left on the loveseat when she’d arrived home earlier. She looked at the phone in her hand, tears pooling in her eyes. She shouldn’t call. They’d promised each other to have as little contact as possible to maintain Eden’s whereabouts and to keep Jenna safe. But Jenna needed her best friend. She was the only family she had.

* * *


“Hello?” Eden answered tucking her phone between her ear and her shoulder while she rummaged for her keys.


Eden’s heart lurched for a second in a desperate attempt to come up her throat at the sound of that voice. She stopped her search and took the phone in hand. “Jenna, what’s wrong?”

“I know you said not to call, but Alex and I had a fight…” she trailed off, but Eden instantly knew the implication of that. Alex had laid into her again. For the life of her, Eden still could not understand why Jenna stayed with the scumbag when he treated her no better than a punching bag with a convenient hole to stick his dick in when the mood struck him. Alex was a piece of shit boyfriend and each and every time he laid a hand on Jenna, Eden wanted to gut him.

“How bad is it?” she asked, stepping inside her apartment.

Eden heard her sigh, the sound coming from a place that was familiar to her, too. It was a broken sound, a tired sound that came from living a tumultuous life that never seemed to end. “It’s not too bad, but it hurts to breathe…my face is pretty banged up, too.”

Eden swore under her breath. Promising Jenna that she was on her way, she hung up the phone. Eden didn’t go into much detail with the Amy, her sitter, simply that there was emergency she needed to tend to and would pay double her regular fee if she stayed with Liam for a few more hours. Ami readily agreed, and with a kiss on a sleeping Liam’s cheek, Eden was out the door again.

The two hour trip was mercifully brief, with the late hour the interstate was quiet, making it easy for Eden to get where she needed to be quickly. She hurried up the concrete stairs, paying no mind to the stench of urine or the loud arguing coming from the closed doors.

“Jen!” She knocked on the door, hoping desperately that in her two hour trip over, Alex hadn’t returned to finish what he’d started. “Jenna, it’s Eden.” She raised her fisted hand to knock again, but the door opened before her hand made contact. The sight of Jenna’s face broke her heart.

“Jesus.” Eden followed her inside the dark apartment, closing the door behind her. “Let me see.” She put a hand on Jenna’s arm stopping the other woman from picking up an overturned chair.

Eden had never actually seen Jenna’s injuries without the passage of time or the added effect of makeup to conceal them. Seeing them now, in the raw, was something else. Her ordinarily pale face was a patchwork of bruises; her left eye was swollen shut, blackness haloing the perimeter; and there was a big purpling gash on her cheek that had congealed with blood. She tried smiling at Eden, undoubtedly attempting to alleviate the horror she saw in honey eyes, but her smile came out as a wince.

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” she said instead of smiling, the effort it took to talk was even worse than when she tried smiling.

“You need to leave him.” It was an old song, one Eden had been singing since they’d met. Jenna was probably the only person Eden would consider her friend. Hell, she was practically family. Their instant friendship at the strip club hadn’t been a fluke; there’d been a kindred spirit in each other that had been hard to resist and still it persisted, making it hard for them to turn their backs on each other. Eden could no more ignore Jenna than if she were her own blood. “Come live with me,” she said suddenly. “I have an extra room that I won’t need until Liam is older. You and I can live together, at least for a little while. Take a break from, Alex.”

“I don’t know…”

Sighting her opportunity, Eden jumped on it. “Rent free, you can just watch Liam as payment.”

Jenna’s eyes lit up at the mention of Eden’s baby. “I can watch over the little porker?”

Eden laughed. “Yeah.”

Jenna looked over at the woman who she’d known for such a short time, yet treated her like a sister, and the tears in her eyes began anew. Eden was offering her the change she so desperately needed, and she was doing it simply because she wanted to. It wasn’t the way of her world to have someone do something for nothing. But Jenna knew there was no ulterior motive here. There rarely ever was when Eden was concerned. She’d done so much for Jenna so far, more than she could even begin to say. She sniffled and reached out to embrace Eden mindful of her injuries. “Thank you, Ede,” she uttered through the tears. “Thank you for this.”

Eden drew away slightly. “Thank me by not packing anything. Let’s just get out of here before Alex gets back.” When Eden headed for the entrance, Jenna stopped her.

“Wait…” She left Eden’s side and hastened to the bedroom just around the corner from the living room and returned a few minutes later. She held up a roll of cash. “My tips from CP.”

“I taught you well. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

* * *


With a heavy sigh Eden fell back on her large bed, the down comforter breaking her fall. She was drowning in it all, drowning in clouds impersonating pillows. Heaven was royal blue Egyptian cotton sheets against her naked skin. With a long, body deflating sigh, her eyes fluttered close, and the events of the last forty-eight hours bled out of her. It’d been a hell of a few days. It had begun with one of her biggest clients failing to close on a commercial property because the financers decided to back out at the last minute. The agency was looking into litigation, but all Eden saw was failure. This would’ve been huge for her had she been able to pull it off and regardless of her best efforts, everything just fell apart. This was supposed to be cake. It should’ve been an easy commission for her, with both sides getting what they wanted. It just didn’t make sense that they would simply walk away, even with the threat of a lawsuit for breach of contract. Eden knew that these investors were going to get a good deal. She just couldn’t figure out what could’ve possibly made them change their minds.

And then, as though that hadn’t been bad enough, Eden had been called home by a frantic Jenna while in the middle of an emergency meeting with Annie Banks, telling her she needed to hurry home because she hadn’t been able to get Liam’s fever down. With her heart in her throat, Eden had instructed Jenna to call an ambulance and would meet her at the local hospital. It’d taken her twenty minutes to get to Amesbury General and another two hours sitting with Liam while they ran tests.

By then, Eden had been hysterical, with Jenna doing all she could to keep her from wearing a hole through the waiting room carpet. It’d taken a variety of blood tests before the ER pediatrician informed Eden that he had an infection that they could to treat with IV antibiotics. It wasn’t until late the following day that Eden was allowed to take Liam home. He’d thankfully returned to normal and had eaten more than usual much to Eden’s delight. She’d just settled him down for the night, and after eating her own well cooked meal, compliments of Jenna’s excellent culinary skills, Eden had been ready to crash. She turned on her side, teetering between slumber and wakefulness as a dream lured her deeper into sleep. With a furrowed brow, she tossed and turned, consumed now by the lurid nightmare.

From the shadows of the candlelit room, she stood spectator to her own debauchment. On a bed that was meant for more than the two people it had been purchased for, Eden saw herself splayed out like some Dionysian offering, naked and aching for something. That something had yet to make itself known, but one didn’t need much thought to decipher exactly what that something was. The air in the dimly lit room crackled with passion so potent that one need only inhale to taste it. Eden watched herself, hoisted by a bevy of pillows while smooth caramel legs fell akimbo, golden eyes riveted by something between those parted legs, something—or rather someone—holding her complete attention.

“Are you ready, my sweet?” Dominic inquired silkily from the shadows, his voice like sex with the right bit of growl that made dream Eden jump.

“Yes,” came out on an exhale, like it needed to be said.

“Then fuck yourself for me.”

Dream Eden eagerly pleasured herself for him. Without pause, without even a single thought, one hand crept down of its own accord, eager fingers sliding a path down her neck to find and gently cup her breast.

Eden gasped inaudibly, eyes widening marginally upon the realization that she felt everything that dream Eden did. She was suddenly there, no longer a spectator, but a participant in every way possible. She saw him behind her lids, descending upon her, mastering her with large hands that knew nearly every supple inch of her body. Between her middle finger and thumb, Eden tugged and twisted her nipples to tender peaks, imagining it was him playing with her.

It was so real, so pronounced. It was as though Dominic was there, on the bed with his solid frame looming over hers, surrounding her. He was gloriously naked, his physique something of legends, while his long, thick cock enticed her mouth and her cunt. The emotions running through her were carnal, and Eden submitted as her fantasy intensified. Wetness pooled between her thighs, dampening her panties. Her body was on fire, scalding hot, and there was only one man who could temper the fever, assuage the inferno.

With her right hand on her breasts, the left slid down the flat of her belly, the goal the honeyed sex between her trembling thighs. Breathy moans filled the room as she inserted first one finger and then another, lifting her hips off the bed to meet the stroking motion of her hand. It was inadequate, but Eden’s imagination was remarkable in making it feel like the real thing. It was Dominic fucking her, and she melted around his generous cock.

She panted, her fingers delving deeper while she arched and fell, writhing and moaning with the sweetest abandon, entangling her limbs in her sheets. Her orgasm hit her hard, and Eden rode the delicious tremors that rocked her entire body.

She came awake with a gasp, rising up in bed with wide eyes staring into the dark. She scrambled for the night light and frantically searched the room. Dear Lord, it had felt like he was here! Like he’d been in her bedroom with her, touching her...fucking her. With her heart beating too fast out of her chest, Eden felt like she was going to faint. She brought a hand to chest, while sweeping another through her hair. How is it that he could affect her after a year apart? Why did he continue to haunt and plague her dreams when all she wanted was to be rid of him? What sort of freak…what sort of woman was she to want a man who’d lived to degrade her? Eden was beginning to suspect that she wasn’t quite normal. She’d fought so hard to escape him, had done all she could to elude him, yet she continued to have these dreams—nightmares—about him and his depraved sexual appetite. What did that say about her? For goodness sakes, she’d practically performed for him! All that had been missing was a big top and a whip. Even now she could feel the evidence of her arousal between her legs. She sighed in disgust. She needed a shower if for nothing else than to at least wash away her shame.

Saturday proved to be far better than the past two days, and she and Jenna decided that with the weather being so warm, they would make a day of it and take Liam out. They journeyed around the small rural town that was more village than anything else, and Eden showed Jenna around. Though she’d kept mostly to herself in the last year since moving to Amesbury, the openness of the locals had made it hard for Eden not to make a few acquaintances. Like Wendi from the bakery who’d been an accomplice in contributing to Eden’s extra weight gain with a tempting treat here and there when she’d been pregnant. Wendi was nice, a primary example of the sort of people that lived in Amesbury. They stopped by her bakery to pick up a few fruit tarts for desert later tonight before continuing on their way.

“That’s like the twentieth time you’ve done that since we’ve been out,” Jenna remarked quietly, pushing Liam’s stroller.

Eden kept pace although the slight faltering of her step did not go unnoticed by the other woman. “Done what?” she asked with a frown, tossing a cursory look over her shoulder.

“That, you just did it again!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Jenna abruptly stopped and turned to her best friend. “You’ve been a little jumpy all day. And you probably don’t even realize you’re doing it, but you keep looking over your shoulder like you’re waiting for something to jump out at you.”

“Not something,” Eden murmured distractedly, peering over her shoulder again. That ominous feeling she’d had since earlier this morning continued to gnaw at her.


Eden blinked and met Jenna’s gaze. “I said not something. I don’t know, maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I have this feeling we’re being watched.”

Jenna’s eyes widened as she too began to look around anxiously, blue eyes clouding over with fear. “Alex…?” Eden could hear the dread in her voice. Since having moved in a month ago, Jenna had been recuperating, thriving even, watching Liam had given her a sense of purpose. Eden refused to allow her scumbag boyfriend to come in and wreck it all. Besides, Alex wasn’t nearly so clever. There was no way he even knew where to begin looking for them.

Eden feared a far more sinister enemy: her husband.

Eden looped her arm through Jenna’s and encouraged her to continue walking. “It’s not, Alex, Jen.” No, not Alex. “I don’t want to draw further attention, let’s just keep walking.” Eden could swear the man walking a few paces behind them had been following them since they began their outing. She’d had the feeling of being watched but she hadn’t noticed him immediately. It wasn’t until they’d left Wendi’s Bakery that she’d seen him. He was a wiry man, small in stature, with a beige windbreaker, dark Dickies and a blue cap that concealed the upper half of his face. “Whatever you do, don’t turn around. Let’s get Liam in the car and drive.” If this were any other time she would realize how insane she was being right now, but something in Eden told her that this wasn’t just paranoia. Her gut was screaming at her to take flight. She needed to keep a level head, she needed to remain rational, and she had both Liam and Jenna to protect now. If Dominic really had found them, they needed to move fast because it would only be a matter of time before he caught up to her, and Eden would be damned if she allowed that to happen.

As a precautionary measure, they waited an extra half hour in the car to make sure they hadn’t been followed before hurrying inside the condo. Eden was at war with herself. She wanted so badly to pack, pack everything and run. But where would she run to with an infant in tow? How long would she continue to run from him? She’d built a life for herself in Amesbury. She had a job now, she had place of her own, and apart from Jenna she had friends here. She couldn’t allow her fear of Dominic be the reason to uproot herself. She’d dealt with him for three years, had endured his humiliation and enmity, and had not uttered a word. She needed to face him now, needed to ask for a divorce so she could finally be free of him. It all sounded good in theory, it all seemed so perfect in her head, including his acquiescence for a mutual separation. But Eden knew it wouldn’t be so simple in reality, not even close. She needed to prepare herself for the mudslinging she undoubtedly knew Dominic would toss at her.

“Do you really think he found you, Eden?” Jenna asked from her seated position at the window, her gaze looking out into the dark courtyard.

“It’s a feeling. I’ve always had this horrible ability to feel when he’s close. It’s like all the air’s being sucked out of the room, and I’m left gasping for breath.” She’d had that feeling on and off again, all day long. “Any sign of our friend?”

Jenna shook her head. “Not since we saw him in town. Do you think maybe you’re wrong?” she asked hopefully.

Eden sighed, drawing Liam gently away from her breast. She came to her feet and maneuvered him over her shoulder with all the expertise of a mother and soothingly rubbed his back to get him to burp. “I hope I am, but I’ve learned when it comes to Dominic, nothing is impossible.” He was as relentless as he was ruthless. Eden would put nothing pass him.

Chapter Five

Two weeks later, she felt relatively safe enough to lower her guard again, although it wasn’t without effort. Work had returned to normal, and she was back in her bosses’ good graces having just closed on a mansion in the Heights. She went home feeling happier than she had in a while, and in her good mood, Eden gave into impulse and agreed to go out with Wes. It was while deliberating on what to wear that she began to regret saying yes.

“I’m going to call him and—”

“You’re not going to cancel on that delicious piece of man!”


“No buts, missy. You need a night out. You’ve been cooped up in this place for the last three months and as much as I love Liam, you need another man in your life.” No she didn’t. Men were the root of all evil. Okay maybe that was exaggerating a little, but they didn’t do anyone any good. Well, except for that appendage between their legs, but at this point, sustaining for as long as she had, Eden was contemplating long and hard about visiting that little erotic boutique downtown and picking herself up a nice little battery operated friend.

It took Eden changing four times—all the other outfits had apparently been too “nun-like” to be seen by decent company—before Jenna deemed her sexy enough to be let out of the house. They settled on an ivory dress that stopped about mid-thigh, with a lace embroidered back and a sweetheart neckline that hugged every possible curve on her lithe body, accentuating her tits and ass to perfection. She didn’t do much with her hair, and only a sweep of eyeliner, mascara, and her favorite chap stick for makeup.

“You’re going to tell me every single detail when you get back so I can live vicariously through you,” Jenna said urgently. When they heard the knock at the door, they both hurried to the living room. Eden kissed Liam goodnight and told Jenna that she would try to absorb every single detail to recount later.

Wes Courtland was the sort of guy that cheerleaders dated in high school. Blond hair, blue eyes, tall, with an athletic build and a dimpled smile that Eden knew had the power to drop panties. He had such an easy going demeanor about him that it was impossible not to like the guy.

“You look stunning, Eden.”

“Thank you. I can clean up pretty nicely when given the opportunity,” she quipped, giving him a grateful smile when he held the car door open for her and closing it when she was completely settled. He had a nice set of wheels; the fully loaded black Mustang was incredibly sexy.

“I’m very happy you finally decided to go out with me,” he said, shifting the car in gear and driving away from their complex.

They arrived at the restaurant soon enough and were led by the hostess through the intimate setting to a table in the back. He walked to her side and pulled her chair out for her, waiting until she was seated before returning to his own seat. Eden was nervous, and it didn’t help that he kept looking at her like she was dessert. She didn’t really know what to say, this being her very first real date since marrying Dominic. There certainly had been little room for wooing in that union. He’d shown Eden money, and she’d readily jumped on the opportunity never once contemplating the consequences.

“Uh oh, this date isn’t starting off well if you’re looking ready to leave already.”

Eden had the good graces to look embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Wes, it’s not you. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Want to share? I’ve been told I’m a very good listener.”

Eden smiled. “From your trove of women?”

He chuckled, and her smile widened at the sight of his reddening ears. “What can I say, I love women.”

“And they certainly love you.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Eden laughed. “Immensely.”

The rest of dinner continued on that amiable note, and the occasional moments of silences, which were thankfully few and far in between, were easily filled by conversation that did not pertain to any personal matters on either side. Wes did not want to part so soon, so Eden agreed to continue their evening at a bar a few blocks away from where they’d eaten. Far too absorbed in her companion, Eden failed to notice the man covertly trailing behind them as she and Wes entered the bar.

Just as he’d done throughout the night, he remained inconspicuous, but close enough that he could see his intended target. James was given very specific instructions, and he carried them out with the expertise attributed to his name. He remained ever vigilant, cataloging every minute detail for his report.

The man she was with touched her like he owned her and hung onto her with appalling familiarity. James took out his camera to take pictures. They stayed for a time, lost in the cigarette smoke that hung over the crowd like a cloud. They sat close, side by side, his arm slung over the threadbare couch they’d claimed as their own. He drew her to his side, and she remained there for the duration, lulled by the gentle strains of jazz filtering through the speakers. To anyone else, they appeared the perfect couple out on a date. To James it was proof of his employer’s wife’s infidelity. Heads were surely going to roll and James was happy to know he wouldn’t be on the end of that falling axe.

* * *


Eden’s mind was reeling. She sat immobile inside her desert hot car in a complete state of shock, wondering when she would wake up from this nightmare. She tried swallowing around the lump in her throat but found bile crawling its way up, threatening to make her sick. She drew in deep steadying breaths in an attempt to calm herself, and even though the tears pricking her eyes were just shy of falling, she refused to give into them. At least not yet. With tremulous fingers she started the car, shifted into gear, and wrapped her fingers around the steering wheel. She needed to get home. Home to Liam. Home to stability because she feared the world was crumbling beneath her feet. In a daze, her mind revisited the scene from earlier, still unable to grasp that she’d been released from her contract at the brokerage.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 560

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