| Article 169. Armed Insurrection
The organisation of an armed insurrection or active participation in it for the purposes of overthrowing or forcible changing the constitutional order of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or disruption of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, - shall be punished by imprisonment for a period from ten to fifteen years.
Article 170. Exhortations for the Forcible Overthrow or Changing of the Constitutional Order, or Forcible Disruption of the Territorial Integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. Public exhortations for the forcible seizure of power, forcible retention of power, disruption of the safety of the state, or forcible changing of the constitutional order, as well as forcible disruption of the integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the unity of its territory, as well as distribution of materials with such content for those purposes, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from three hundred up to one thousand monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from three to ten months, or by imprisonment for a period up to five years.
2. The same acts committed with the use of the mass information media, or committed by an organised group, as well as by a person who was earlier convicted under this Article, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from one to five thousand monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from ten months to one year, or by imprisonment for a period from three to seven years.
Article 171. Sabotage
The commission, for the purpose of disruption of the safety and defensive potentialities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of an explosion, arson, or of other actions, which are aimed at mass destruction of people, the causation of damage to their health, or destruction or the causation of damage to enterprises, installations, ways and means of communication and communication services, or life-maintenance facilities for the population, as well as the commission for the same purposes of mass poisoning or the spreading of epidemics and epizootics, - shall be punished by imprisonment for a period from ten to twenty years, or by capital punishment, or by life-time imprisonment with forfeiture of property, or without it.
Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1411