to talk about a complete action or an event in the past. The action can be a short one
I missed the bus. I asked a question.
or a long one
I lived there for years. I walked for hours.
When we talk about actions and situations in the past we use:
a) adverbs of frequency to talk about habits
Always At school he always complained about bad food.
Usually When I was a child, I usually went to the cinema with my parents.
Seldom Jack's parents seldom went on holiday when he was a little boy.
NeverMy brother never missed a classical guitar performance.
b) adverbs of sequence to order events
Yesterday morning/afternoon/evening;
The day before yesterday;
Kate worked yesterday afternoon.
night/week/month/year; five minutes a week
Lastspring/summer/autumn/winter; three hours two months ago
Monday /Tuesday, etc. five days a year
Jane moved into a new flat last week. He passed all his exams two months
Long ago Long ago, people learned to make musical instruments.
(Many) years later . Years later people learned to make more elaborate ones.
Many years ago Many years ago my mother taught me to play the piano.
After thatAfter that I started taking piano classes with a professional
(Soon) afterwards Soon afterwards I played the piano in many piano
In those days In those days piano performances were quite popular.
Then Then I gave up playing music.
At that time At that time I was rather keen on sports.
Positive form Regular verbs
I watch television everyevening. (present simple)
I watched television yesterdayevening. (past simple)
watchedis the past simple:
I/we /you /they he/she/it
■ The past simple is often -ed. For example:
work > worked clean > cleaned start > started
stay > stayed live > lived dance > danced
These verbs are regular verbs.
- I clean my teeth every morning. This morning I cleanedmy teeth.
- Terry workedin a bank from 1981 to 1986.
- Yesterday it rainedall morning. It stoppedat lunchtime.
- We enjoyedthe party last Might. We danceda lot and talkedto a lot of people. The party finishedat midnight.
Spelling ► study > studied marry> married
stop > stopped plan> planned
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the words in the list. Use the Present Simple or the Past Simple:
stay finish listen watch happen visit ask invite
Example: Mike often asks questions. He asked a lot of questions in class yesterday.
1. Lily and Jack ___their grandparents every weekend. They ___ them last weekend too.
2. I usually ___to the news on TV before I go to sleep at night, but last night I ___ to the news on the radio.
3. Ann seldom ___ her homework before midnight. But yesterday she ___ her homework at 10 p.m.
4. I usually ___ a lot of people to my birthday party. But last year I ___ only my close friends.
5. Take care! This crossroads is extremely dangerous. Accidents are often here. A serious accident ___ at this crossroads only a few days ago.
6. In the evening my parents ___ at home and ___TV. As usual they ___ at home and ___ TV last night.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1001