(sit in the public gallery - room)
(wait in the witness rooms / room)

copyright njd and A. F. Wylie Q.C njd =
The MiniTrial website has an interactive courtroom scene.
Instructions for The Trial
1. The Court convenes / assembles - the Sheriff is brought on tothe bench
The Court Officer collects the Sheriff from Chambers and enters court in front of the Sheriff and announces their arrival with the words (said loudly enough to the heard above any background noise):-
"Court. All rise please."
Everyone remains standing until the Sheriff is seated.
2. The Clerk of Court "calls the diet".
The Clerk of Court stands and asks the Sheriff
"My Lord shall I call the diet".
The Sheriffsays
"Yes please".
The Clerkof Court then says
"Call the diet. Her Majesty's Advocate against Goldilocks. Are you Goldilocks?"
The accused AB (who sits in the dock) says
3. The Accused's plea is tendered by his defence lawyer - "Not Guilty" in this case.
The defence solicitor or advocate stands and says
"My Lord I appear for the accused who adheres to his plea of Not Guilty."
4. The Clerk of Court ballots the Jury - chosen from those cited for jury service.
The Clerkof Court says
"Shall I empanel the Jury, My Lord?"
The Sheriffsays
"Yes please."
The Clerkof Court then simply asks those chosen to be jurors to take their place in the jury box
In MiniTrial there is no need to carry out the full procedure for empanelling a jury. That would involve the Clerk of Court saying to the potential jurors (sitting in the pubic benches)
"When your name is called please come forward and take your place in the jury box which is on my right (or left)."
Normally the Clerk would then call out the jurors' names one by one from pieces of paper taken out of a ballot jar/box and the process would continue until the jury is complete (normally 15 jurors) – but that is not necessary in MiniTrial.
In MiniTrial, there is no right to challenge the jurors selected.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 885