Ex.3. Match the words with similar meanings.search, browse, select, put through, surf, choose, look for, connect.
Ex.4. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below:
1. a network of the places you can visit on the Internet to view, listen to, and save text, sound or video;
2. a huge computer network of electronic mail and information, used by millions of people and organizations all over the world;
3. connected to other computers by modem;
4. to save an electronic file from one computer to another by modem;
5. company that sells Internet service;
6. a computer networking link restricted to a specific group of users;
7. to browse electronically through the Internet;
8. to read through data files;
Ex.5. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. … opens up vast possibilities for managers.
2. I recommended him to search … for information about vacancies in the banks.
3. You should prevent employees from … during working hours.
4. … can only be accessed by a particular group of people.
5. Many banks offer … services to their clients.
6. … cover a vast range of topics.
7. Once you are connected to …, you join a global community of over 50 million users.
8. To gain … to the Internet, you must first open an account with a service provider.
9. Some of the most entertaining … are those run by fans.
10. … is simply a program that enables a computer to download and view pages of the Web.
11. I enjoy … the Internet.
12. I was … through their catalogue.
13. … is a group of interconnected computer systems at different locations that are able to exchange information with one another.
14. You can … our files from the Internet.
| | computer network; a web browser; websites; access; web pages; online; the Intranet; surfing the Net; the Web; the Internet (2); download; surfing; browsing.
| |
Ex.6. Not many people who communicate simultaneously on the Internet can type very quickly. A number of abbreviations have been adopted to make life easier for them. Study these abbreviations and use them while typing your messages.
| As far as I know
| Be seeing you
| Be right back
| By the way
| See you later
| Frequently asked questions
| In my opinion
| Laughing out loud
| Oh I see
| Are you OK?
| SO
| Significant other
| Thanks
| Thanks in advance
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1082