Ex.5. Match the nouns in the left-hand column with the verbs in the right-hand column. job
fixed-term contract
staff appraisal
recruitment of new people
| recruit
draw up
give up
retire from
Ex.6. The following sentences could be used to describe jobs. Find sentences:
(a) that describe a positive aspect to a job;
(b) that describe a negative aspect to a job;
(c) that could be either positive or negative.
s It's a temporary job.
s It's a permanent job.
s It's well-paid.
s It's badly-paid.
s You work full-time.
s You work part-time.
s It's dull.
s It's tiring.
s It's demanding.
s It's stressful.
s It's stimulating.
s You have to clock in and clock out every day.
s You have to work in shifts.
s There are a lot of opportunities.
s There's a lot of job rotation.
s There's a lot of job satisfaction.
s You need to be talented.
s You need special training and qualifications.
Ex.7. The words in the box frequently occur after “job”.

Find combinations that mean:
1. an outline of the main aims and tasks of the work done by a particular employee;
2. examining how much money a job is worth and how much the person doing it should be paid;
3. the name of a person’s job;
4. a situation where a job is likely to be permanent;
5. dividing a full-time job for one person between two or more part-time employees;
6. it is carried out to examine a particular job in detail;
7. a kind of notice put by an organization in a newspaper, company bulletin or on the Internet;
8. the feeling of achievement and enjoyment a worker gets from a job;
9. a person who often changes his jobs.
Ex.8. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below:
1. a person or company that provides job;
2. the people who work in an organization;
3. having a paid job;
4. without a job;
5. an assessment of the quality of the employee’s work;
6. an agreement to employ someone for a limited period only;
7. two or more people working together;
8. the process of interviewing and choosing people to do a job;
9. personnel, employees;
10. a regular payment made by the state to a person who has retired from a job;
11. someone who works for her/himself and is not employed by a company;
12. a person who starts or runs a business activity, especially one that involves financial risk.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1552