This construction comprises a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and participle I, which is in subject-predicate relation to the nominal part. In comparison with the infinitive in this position participle I shows more clearly the durative character of the action. The construction functions as a complex object.
§ 127. The objective with participle I construction can be used with verbs of three semantic groups, although with two of them it occurs very seldom. In all cases only non-perfect forms of participle I can be used. These groups are as follows:
1.Verbs of sense perception (see, hear, feel).
There wesawthe crocodiles swimming about.
Over his shoulder he couldhearthem snuffing.
Ifelttears running down my chieks.
2.Verbs of wish. These verbs combine with the construction only occasionally.
Nobodywantedhim going there alone.
3. Thecausative verbsto have and to get.
Hegotthem running his errands every day.
We’llhavethem trembling with fear.
The objective with participle II construction
§ 128. This construction shows that the action expressed by participle II is (or was) performed not by the person denoted by the nominal part due to the passive meaning of participle II for most verbs. However after the verbs to have, to get, to want participle II may denote an action performed at the request of the person denoted by the nominal part.
The objective with participle II construction can be attached to verbs of four semantic groups.
1.Verbs of sense perception(to see, to hear, to feel, to watch):
Weheardthe door shut.
Theywatchedhim examined by the doctor.
I heardmy name echoed in the distance.
2. A few verbs of mental activity(to think, to believe, to consider, to remember).
At first shethoughtJohnny killed.
3.Verbs of wish.
Nobodywantedit done in such a way.
4.The causative verbsto haveandto get. With these verbs the construction means that the action of
participle II is done for the benefit of the person expressed by the nominal part of the construction.
How do you think the menwould havetheir wounds dressed,getthemselves washed,havetheir beds
made if nobody worked on a Sunday?
The objective with participle construction attached to the verbs of this group cannot be transformed into object clauses because these verbs do not take object that- clauses.
Objective constructions with non-verbals
Adjectives and nouns which form the second part of these objective constructions are in subject-predicate relations to the first part and show what the person or non-person expressed by it is or becomes, or what quality it acquired. Because of its meaning the nominal part is often calledan objective predicative.
These constructions may be used after the following verbs:
I. Verbs of mental activity and sense perception, which acquire in this construction the meaning ofjudgement, opinion orconclusion(to appreciate, to believe, to claim, to class, to consider, to condemn, to count, to deem, to esteem, to fancy, to feel, to figure, to imagine, to impart, to interpret, to judge, to look (at, on, upon), to perceive, to picture, to place, to pronounce, to recognize, to regard, to see, to sum up, to take, to think, to view, to visualize, etc.); also after some other verbs (to find, to discover, to welcome, etc.) expressing the same meaning. Occasionally a non-verbal element is introduced by the prepositions as or for.
Hejudgedher young and pleasing.
The girlcondemnedherself as stupid.
They saw him as the greatest man in Europe.
The townesteemedhim as a successful man.
Ifiguredyou for a good guy.
These constructions may be transformed into object clauses:
I thought it a wonderful opportunity ——> I thought that it was a wonderful opportunity.
He found his life dull ——> He found that his life was dull.
Several verbs of this group (to consider, to deem, to feel, to find, to regard, to suppose, to think, and some others) may take a complex object with the nominal part expressed by a verbal (an infinitive, a gerund) or by a clause. In this case the formal introductory object it is used:
Íåthought it useless going to Paris .——> He thought that going to Paris was useless.
I consider it possible to talk to him now.
Theywill think it strange that you should be frightened.
II.Verbs implying that the result of the action will be a new quality, state, social standing, orattitude to the action. These verbs are rather numerous and form several semantic subclasses.
A. Verbs withcausative meaning (to make, to render, to hit, to have, to worry, to scare, etc.)implying
change of state or impression, as in:
This blowmadehim crazy.
The sight of the animalscaredthe boy stiff.
His sudden appearancerenderedus speechless.
B.Verbs denoting the action resulting in the change of colour(topaint, to dye, to stain, to tinge, to
Theypaintedthe door green.
Shehas dyedher hair blonde.
The stormdustedeverything grey.
C.Verb denoting actions resulting in the change of social rank, status, function of, or giving
identification to, a person(to appoint, to call, to christen, to elect, to raise, to select, etc.) as in:
Theyelected him President.
Theyappointed him chief in the office.
I’llraise my kid a Catholic.
The parentschristened the boy Paul.
They deliberatelyselected Elizabeth as an ideal mother-substitute.
D.Verbs denoting motion, movement to a different position or state(to bring, to carry, to deliver, to
fing, to kick, to march, to pick, to put, to send, to tear, to toss, etc.).
Shepulled the drawer open.
Itore the letter open.
Christinkicked the door open.
The girlclicked her bag shut.
Most of the verbs in group II have a very general vague meaning, they are often incomplete without the adjective or noun denoting the result of the action. Therefore they are very closely connected with it, forming a set expression: