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1. Main purposes for primary use of plants

  • Production of food
  • Production of fabrice
  • Water reservoirs protection
  • Production of clean air


2. Farming system is defined as

  • Conservation of soil and landscape
  • Horizontal integration of crop and livestock production
  • Horizontal and vertical integration of crop livestock, trees and aquaculture
  • Protection of water, crops and animals


3. Norfolk four-course system is:

  • Four crops were planted simultaneously
  • Fallow field was omitted and replaced by fodder crops
  • First crop was wheat followed by turnips and third barley with clover understown
  • not used any more


4. Horticulture Mixed Farming System is represented by:

  • Horticulture farms specialized for individual crops
  • Farm size is small and has a diversified production pattern
  • Ornamental are mainly grown here
  • Cultivation of fruits, nuts and vegetables, partly irrigated


5. Sparse (cold) Farming System is represented by:

  • Farm size is small and has a diversified production pattern
  • Limited cultivation of rye and oats, as well as for potatoes and some vegetables
  • Ornamental are mainly grown here
  • Short growing season, very low temperatures and poor soils


6. Main objectioves of organic farming are:

  • Growing grain crops, legumes and pigs on large farms
  • Preventive application of pesticides
  • Production of healhty food under regulated procedure
  • Development of soil fertility mechanical weed control


7. Main steps of soil development are:

  • Weathering of organic materials -možná
  • Transition of unstable minerals into more stable ones
  • Flooding by water
  • Life organisms appeared in mixture of inorganic and organic materials


8. Soil horizon O is described as

  • Dark top horizon
  • Layer lost clay and oxides
  • Layer with presence of high organic matter
  • Horizont called elluvial


9. Gaseous phase (soil air) contains .... compare to atmospheric air

  • Elevated amounts of oxygen and nitrogen
  • Elevated amounts of sulphur dioxide
  • Elevated amounts of carbon dioxide
  • Usaully lower amount of oxygen


10. Mineral solid soil portion consists of:

  • Inert silica compounds
  • Plant residues
  • Organomineral complexes
  • Primary and secondary aluminosicilates


11. What does it mean soil fertility:

  • Ability of soil to create optimum conditions for plant growth
  • Production of sufficient yield at indvidiual field
  • Ability of soil to supply plants with sufficent amount of nutrients
  • Activity of microorganisms in the soil


12. Which main factors are required for plant growth

  • Energy, nutriens, soil
  • Soil, water, temperature
  • Water, temperature, energy
  • Water, sun radiation, temperature, nutrients


13. Nutriens uptake is caused by:

  • Main roots from soil
  • Root tips and hairs as well leaves and stem of plants
  • Main root as well as leaves and stem
  • Leaves and stems mainly

14. Which elements belongs to major (macro) nutriens:

  • N, P, K, Ca, Mg
  • N, P, K, Mn, Ca, Cl
  • N, P, K, Mg, Cd, Cl
  • N, P, K, Ca, S


15. Recommended sowing rate of winter wheat is:

  • 100-200 kernels per 1m2
  • 400-500 kernels per 1m2
  • 600-700 kernels per 1m2
  • 800-900 kernels per 1m2


16. Which components belong among outputs of nutrient cycle

  • Volatilization, leaching, denitrification, erosion
  • Washing evaporation, plants uptake
  • Denitrification, seed, irrigation
  • Volatilization, fertilizing, leaching


17. Which organism belong to pathogens:

  • Salmonela, Clostridium, Mycotoxins, Leptospira
  • Salmonela, Rhizobium, Mycotoxins, Denitrificans
  • Clostridium, Leptospira, Nitrobacter, Azotobacter
  • Rhizobium, Pseudomonas, Salmonela, Leptospira


18. Choose characteristics, which does not belong to the characterizition of the 1st group of cereals

  • They have lesser demands of warmth, higher demands for moisture
  • They create only spring forms
  • They have rapid initial development
  • They need long day (14-16 hours) for formation of generative organs (ears)


19. To the cereals of IInd group belong:

  • Maize
  • Barley
  • Sorghum
  • Rye


20. The average growing area of rye in Czech Republic is about

  • 25 000 ha
  • 45 000 ha
  • 85 000 ha
  • 125 000 ha


21. The average yield of sugar beet roots in the Czech Republic is about:

  • 20-30 t.ha -1
  • 40-50 t.ha -1 – v prezentaci má 50-53
  • 70-80 t.ha -1
  • 90-100 t.ha -1


22. Potatoes do not prefer

  • Higher precipitations during vegetation
  • Lower temperatures during vegetation
  • Fertile, black and brown soils
  • Organic fertilization


23. Potatoes of the cooking type D are:

  • Lightly mealy
  • Intensely mealy
  • Tallowish, solid cooking consistence
  • Mealy, for the mashed potatoes


24. Ridging of potatoes by the special ploughshare is made several times:

  • From germination to the potatoes flowering
  • From germination to the beginning of buds formation
  • From the buds formation to the potatoes harvest
  • From the flowering to the potatoes harvest


25. Average sugar content in the sugar beet root in the conditions of the Czech Republic is about:

  • 10-12%
  • 16-19%
  • 20-23%
  • 25-30%


26. Oilseed rape is not used for production of:

  • Bio diesel
  • Green manure
  • Bioethanol
  • Oil for food and technical usage


27. Winter oilseed rape is usually harvested:

  • During June
  • During July
  • During August
  • During November


28. The best harvest time for the leaf drugs is

  • End of vegetation (autumn
  • Begining of the buds formation
  • During flowering
  • In full maturity


29. To the antidiabetics does not belong:

  • Bilberries
  • Bean pods
  • Golden-rod
  • Blowballs


30. Primary tillage is used to:

  • Break and loose the soil
  • Cultivation of crop rows
  • Seed bed preparation
  • No-tillage


31. Convention tillage comprises all tillage types that:

  • Leave less than 15% crops residues on the soil surface after planting the next crop
  • Leave less than 1100kg ha-1 of small grain residues through a critical erosion period
  • Leave more than 30% or more soil surface with crop residues after planting
  • Leave more than 60% or more soil surface with crop residues after planting



32. Conversation tillage includes

  • No-tillage
  • Intensive tillage - NEVIM JISTĚ, MÁM Z WIKI
  • Mulch-tillage
  • Primary tillage


33. Mark shallow rooting crops

  • Red clover
  • Flax
  • Potatoes
  • Maize


34. Optimum of C:N ratio lies between

  • 30:1
  • 1:30 – tohle určitě ne
  • 15:1 – 23:1
  • 1:15 – 1:23 – tohle určitě ne


35. Conservation methods of biological weed management involve

  • Modifying the enviromental to retain or increase population of resident control agents and intesity the damage they inflicts on weeds
  • Introduction of relatively small numbers of biological control agents that will suppress a target weed species
  • Introduction either native or exotic control agents in large numbers to suppress the target weed quickly
  • Introduction control agents in large numbers to suppress that target weed slowly


36. Non-selective herbicide

  • Is toxic to all plants
  • Is not toxic to all plants
  • Controls only weed species spectrum
  • Controls wide weed species spectrum


37. UV radiation is the light with wavelenght between:

  • 400-760 nm
  • 100-400 nm
  • 490-575 nm
  • 800-3000 nm


38. Long day plants:

  • Require a relatively long day for germination
  • Require a relatively long day for the formation of infloresence
  • Increase in vegetative growth when the days are short
  • Increase in vegetative growth when the days are long


39. In the Czech Republic, predominant type of agriculture according to water supply is:

  • Rainfed agriculture
  • Desert agriculture
  • Irrigated agriculture
  • Maritime agriculture


40. Which crops can not be succesfully grown in potatoes production area?

  • Oat
  • Sunflower
  • Cucumbers
  • Rye


41. Main vectors for virus-born disceases are:

  • Birds
  • Insects
  • Rodents
  • Moluscs


42. Sugar beet does not prefer:

  • Very fertile black and brown soils
  • Higher average temperatures (over 8°C)
  • Lighter, sandy soils
  • Warmer growing regions


43. Which chemicals are used in weed management?

  • Fungicides
  • Insecticides
  • Herbicides
  • Rodenticides


44. What does it mean physical weathering

  • Use of different forces for rock disintegration
  • Use of different microorganisms for rock disintegration
  • Use of different solutes for rock disintegration
  • Use of frost for rock disintegration - možná


45. Colorado beetle is very important pest of:

  • Sugar beet
  • Winter wheat
  • Potato
  • Oilseed rape


46. UV radiation

  • Can not be seen (non-visible)
  • Can be seen (visible)
  • Can be harmful to plant tissues and eyes
  • Can not be harmful to plant issues and eyes


47. Urban Based Farming System is represented by:

  • Production of vegetables, in particular leafy vegetables
  • Mixed farms of individual up to date specialization
  • Different kinds of animals are grown together
  • Small livestock is usually grown there


48. Minimum oil content in seed of oilseed rape should be:

  • 34%
  • 42%
  • 50%
  • 65%


49. Enviromental importance of plants are:

  • Starch release
  • Sequestration of CO2
  • Seed production
  • Water reservoirs protection


50. Positive effects of the weeds:

  • Weeds can provide food for crop pollinators and pest bioregulators
  • Weeds cannct protect soil from erosion
  • Weeds increase biodiversity of the field – tohle možná taky
  • There are no positive effects






The UK, a leading trading power and financial center, is the third largest economy in Europe after Germany and France. Over the past two decades, the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the growth of social welfare programs. Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the labor force. The UK has large coal, natural gas, and oil resources, but its oil and natural gas reserves are declining and the UK became a net importer of energy in 2005. Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account by far for the largest proportion of GDP while industry continues to decline in importance. After emerging from recession in 1992, Britain's economy enjoyed the longest period of expansion on record during which time growth outpaced most of Western Europe. In 2008, however, the global financial crisis hit the economy particularly hard, due to the importance of its financial sector. Sharply declining home prices, high consumer debt, and the global economic slowdown compounded Britain's economic problems, pushing the economy into recession in the latter half of 2008 and prompting the then BROWN (-Labour) government to implement a number of measures to stimulate the economy and stabilize the financial markets; these include nationalizing parts of the banking system, temporarily cutting taxes, suspending public sector borrowing rules, and moving forward public spending on capital projects. Facing burgeoning public deficits and debt levels, in 2010 the CAMERON led coalition government (between Conservatives and Liberal Democrats) initiated a five-year austerity program, which aims to lower London's budget deficit from over 10% of GDP in 2010 to nearly 1% by 2015. In November 2011, Chancellor of the Exchequer George OSBORNE announced additional austerity measures through 2017 because of slower-than-expected economic growth and the impact of the euro-zone debt crisis. The CAMERON government raised the value added tax from 17.5% to 20% in 2011. It has pledged to reduce the corporation tax rate to 23% by 2015. The Bank of England (BoE) implemented an asset purchase program of up ?325 billion (approximately $525 billion) as of February 2011. During times of economic crisis, the BoE coordinates interest rate moves with the European Central Bank, but Britain remains outside the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).


Date: 2014-12-29; view: 801

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Agricultural Systems I. – WS 2008/2009 – Test A | Economy
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