Downstairs there is a small bathroom and a(n) …………. living room 2 page
2. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The study of the history of families, especially through studying historical documents, to discover the relationships between particular people and their families.
J archaeology
J history
J anthropology
R genealogy
3. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The activity of collecting and studying coins and medals.
J heraldry
J metrology
J psychology
R numismatics
4. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The skill of making or the study of coats of arms.
J zoology
J biology
J geography
R heraldry
5. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The subject that studies all the things that happened in the past, especially the political, social; or economic development of a nation.
J heraldry
J geometry
J sociology
R history
6. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Russia adopted Christianity in…………………………
J 1011
J 503
J 713
R 988
7. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A written record of a series of events, especially historical events, written in the order, in which they happened.
J magazine
J chronograph
J record
R chronicle
8. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The outstanding Russian historian V.N. Tatishchev(1686-1750) , who came into history as…………………………`s companion in arms.
J Ivan III
J Alexander I
J Pavel I
R Peter the Great
9. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The foundation of Ancient Russian State was in………………………
J X century
J XI century
J XII century
R IX century
10. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Ancient Slovenians were ancestors of modern ………………………. .
R Russian people
J Scandinavians
J Greek
J Roman
11. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Ancient Slovenians were ………………………
J Christians
J Muslims
J Buddhists
R pagans
12. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Prince……………………………. became the ruler in Kiev, which he declared the capital of his state in 882.
R Oleg
J Andrey
J Igor
J Truvor
13. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Prince Yaroslav had been ruling in Russia during 35 years(1019-1054). These years were the time of political ………………….. of Kiev Russia.
J decline
J decay
J ruin
R flowering
14. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Mongolian invasion of Russia happened in …………………
J 1046
J 1313
J 910
R 1237
15. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Etymology of the word ‘Tatar’ is very ancient, so it’s hard to establish its original meaning. Some scholars consider that it meant a/an………………….
J enemy
J friend
J fellow
R stranger
16. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Alexander Nevskii defeated the……….. in the battle on Neva River in 1240.
J Dutch
J Danes
J Mongols
R Swedes
17. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgorukiy in ……………………….. .
J 1240
J 998
J 1075
R 1147
18. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Russian Prince and military leader, who in 1380 headed the Russian army to defeat the “Gold Horde”.
J Svyatoslav
J Vladimir the Red Sun
J Yaroslav the Wise
R Dmitriy Donskoi
19. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Russian tsar of the 16th century, known for its severity, bad temper, tough measures, whose nickname is the Terrible.
J Ivan III
J Peter I
J Michael I
R Ivan IV
20. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Serfs in Russia used to pay a tribute to the landowner, which was a part of……………….. .
J money
J gold
J land
R harvest
21. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
One of the most vigorous revolts in Moscow which was on 1 June 1648 was called the………………. .
J Honey Riot
J Wheat Riot
J Rye Riot
R Salty Riot
22. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The famous Russian rebel, the leader of Cossacks who led the bloody and cruel rebellion in 1670.
J Pavel Bolotnikov
J Vasili Uss
J Yemelyan Pugachev
R Stepan Rasin
23. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
First books were printed in Moscow during Ivan IV reign in XVI century and the first printer was ……………….. .
J Minin
J Pozharsky
J Dezhnev
R Ivan Fyodorov
24. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Romanovs` dynasty began with ascending on the throne of Russian tsar Michael Fyodorovich in …..
J 1670
J 1712
J 1540
R 1613
25. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The era of great reforms in Russia was held by………….. .
J Princess Sofia
J Mikhail Romanov
J Fyodor Shuiski
R Peter the Great
26. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Peter the Great was the ………………..son of his father Alexey Romanov.
J first
J sixth
J tenth
R fourteenth
27. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Peter the Great suppressed the ……………… .
J Razin riot
J Copper riot
J Serfs riot
R Strelets riot
28. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
As Russia was looking for an exit to a sea, Peter the Great turned his sight to the Baltic, but afterwards the North War between ……………………………. began, because of that.
J Russia and England
J Russia and Denmark
J Russia and Lithuania
R Russia and Sweden
29. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
St` Petersburg was founded on Trinity Sunday, which was on …………………… .
J 1 June 1670
J 9 May 1780
J 21 April 1717
R 16 May 1703
30. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The name of Peter’s I batman, who became his favorite, companion in political affairs and afterwards got a noble title.
J Demidov
J Kurakin
J Tolstoy
R Menshikov
31. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
In XVIII and XIX centuries, the …………. remained the privileged class in Russia.
J serfs
J petty bourgeoisie
J free peasants
R clergy
32. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The last Russian emperor.
J Nicholas I
J Alexander II
J Alexander III
R Nicholas II
33. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Tamerlan(Timur) accepted a title of Grand Emir and began to rule the country independently, having proclaimed……………………….as a capital of his state.
J Tashkent
J Bukhara
J Fergana
R Samarkand
34. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The contemporary of Dmitry Donskoy and the Metropolitan of Moscow State, who witnessed and took part in the important events of the time.
J Stephan, Bishop of Perm
J Sergey Radonezhskiy, Abbot of Trinity abbey
J Iona, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia
R Alexiy, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia
35. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The tsar god in Ancient Rome.
J Zeus
J Goore
J Vaal
R Jupiter
36. Задание {{ 1 }} T3
The history of the Ancient Orient began in ………………………… .
J 1000 B.C.
J 2000 B. C.
J 4000 B. C.
R 3000 B. C.
37. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Shumer, one of the ancient oriental state, which was founded about 3000 B. C. It was located in the valley of the ………………………. .
J Tigris
J Nile
J Danube
R Euphrates
38. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Ancient Egypt is famous nowadays for its…………………. .
J Olympic Games
J trade fleet
J gladiators
R pyramids
39. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Hanging Gardens, one of the world’s wonders were located in Ancient …………. .
J Egypt
J Phoenicia
J Judea
R Babylon
40. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Phoenicians invented ………………………., which is used by most nations nowadays.
J figures
J scissors
J bicycle
R alphabet
41. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Alexander the Great, the Conqueror of the Ancient World died of …………………… .
J wounds
J plague
J old age
R fever
42. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Stonehenge, the most famous prehistoric stone monument is about ……………….years old.
J 6000
J 500
J 1000
R 4000
43. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Period in history, which brought political change to the Soviet Union and the comedown of the Berlin Wall.
J 1990`s
J 1970`s
J 1960`s
R 1980`s
44. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
In Ancient Greek myths the king of Ithaca and husband of Penelope, he spent 10 years fighting in the Trojan War.
J Cicerone
J Hercules
J Solomon
R Odysseus
45. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Emperor of Rome from AD 41-54, who made Britain part of the Roman Empire .
J Cassius Clay
J Alexander the Great
J Ramzes
R Claudius
46. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A political system or principal, in which one ruler holds unlimited power.
J abstractionism
J feudalism
J monarchy
R absolutism
47. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Russian writer and Marxist revolutionary, who was the leader of the Bolshevik
party and the first leader of the Soviet Union.
J Stalin
J Trotsky
J Kirov
R Lenin
48. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Spartans, famous for their army, military power, absence of riots, veiled their country under the cover of mystery, that’s why they had no………………… .
J rivals
J borders
J cities
R trade
49. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Ancient Rome was located in/on………………………………….. .
J Balkan peninsula
J Bahrain peninsula
J Calabria peninsula
R Apennine peninsula
50. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
In Ancient Rome ……………………….. were called the patricians.
J plebeians
J political rulers
J slaves
R aristocrats
51. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Julius Caesar, a Roman Emperor and military leader was killed by plotters, beheaded by…………………….
J Mark Crass
J Pompey
J Sulla
R Mark Brutt
52. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Roman Emperor, who was the first to accept Christianity and the next epoch, was named after him.
J Dioclitian
J Licinius
J Caligula
R Constantine
53. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The time when the Roman Empire had collapsed, then the history of Ancient World ended.
J I A.D.
J X A.D.
R V A.D.
54. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Barbarians, to the Romans` point of view were ………………………… .
J Slovenians
J Celts
J Germans
R all of the above
55. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Nomads used to settle in…………………………….. .
J Greece
J Asia
J Egypt
R Roman Empire
56. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Romans called the tribes, that settled in Germany, France, Britain, Austria, Spain and so on, as Galls. They mastered best of all in…………………………… .
J trade and farming
J craft
J art and science
R warfare and hunt
57. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
King Arthur half legendary, half real person lived in …………………… .
J Scotland
J France
J Rome
R England
58. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
English king Richard, the Lionheart became famous and popular due to ……………….. .
J religious beliefs
J fame of great warrior
J a knight’s ideal
R crusades
59. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Vikings, who assaulted neighboring countries, were pirates and fierce warriors. Their Motherland was……………………. .
J Balkans
J Asia
J Apennine
R Scandinavia
60. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Hundred-Year War was held between ………………….. .
J Spain and Italy
J France and Scandinavia
J England and Germany
R England and France
61. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Knight’s order, founded in medieval centuries, which was called “Secret Knighthood Order of Christianity and Solomon `s temple”.
J Hospitaliers
J Teutons
J Jesuit
R Templers
62. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Crusaders went to the Holy Land to set free the city of ……………… .
J Memphis
J Rome
J Constantinople
R Jerusalem
63. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Who of the given below didn’t belong to monasteries.
J Carmelites
J Benedictines
J Franciscans
R Tamplars
64. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Tribunal of Catholic Church, which held detective, judicial and punitive measures in medieval Europe.
J kinghood
J monarchy
J papacy
R inquisition
65. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A monk of Dominicans, the founder of Saint Inquisition, who struggled with heresy fanatically and ardently.
J Domingo de Gasman
J Gregory VII
J Gregory I
R Thomas de Torkemada
66. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The oldest university in France is………….. .
J Oxford
J Cambridge
J Bologna
R Sorbonne
67. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Paper came to Europe from……………………. .
J Greek
J Chinese
J Indians
R Arabs
68. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A jeweler, engraver, who invented book printing.
J Sorbonne
J Sax
J Scorina
R Guttenberg
69. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A vagrant singer, poet in medieval Europe.
J joker
J juggler
J magician
R troubadour
70. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A French heroine, who led the liberation movement against English conquerors in the hardest time of Hundred Year War.
J Mary Mnishek
J Mary Stuart
J Mary Medici
R D`Arc
71. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Portuguese navigator, seafarer, born in Genoa, who first among the Europeans reached the New World and made a great deal to mutual discovery of Europe and America.
J Francis Drake
J Leife Ericsson
J Magellan
R Christopher Columbus
72. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Spanish conquistador, who subdued Mexico with its enormous riches and named it New Spain.
J Francisco Pissaro
J Hernan de Badahos
J Juan Coronado
R Hernan Cortes
73. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Wars of the Roses, is a period in history of England between …………………. , two royal families, which wanted its own leader to be the king of England. A red rose, another by a white one, represented one of them.
J Tudor and Plantagenet
J Glouster and York
J Tudor and Lancaster
R York and Lancaster
74. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
An English Queen of Tudor dynasty, daughter of Henry VIII and Anna Boleyne, who was reigning for 55 years and promoted the flourishing of her state in trade, art, science and seafaring.
J Elizabeth II
J Mary Stuart
J Victoria
R Elizabeth I
75. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
An English pirate, corsair, who became a national hero, when he went back from the New World, where he discovered new lands and enormous treasures.
J Mission
J Morgan
J Hernan Corte’s
R Francis Drake
76. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The study in the Renaissance of the ideas to improve, “recover” the world, achieve justice for all, based on the unlimited possibilities of a human being.
J atheism
J reformation
J inquisition
R humanism
77. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A period of religious changes in the 16th century in Europe, which led to the start of the Protestant churches, they were made by the German priest Martin Luther.
J Humanism
J Darwinism
J Atheism
R The Reformation
78. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A French cardinal, who was the chief minister of France and had a great influence with king Louis XIII. He is known for destroying the politic power of the Huguenots.
J Cardinal Mazzarinni
J Cardinal Conccini
J Cardinal Medici
R Cardinal Richelieu
79. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The land of Ancient and Great Moguls, that afterwards became an English colony.
J China
J Japan
J Mongolia
R India
80. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
An English military and political leader, who led the army of Parliament against the King Charles I in the English Civil War. Having defeated the King, he made a republic and ruled as a Lord Protector.
J Thomas Cromwell
J Richmond Crampton
J Leif Ericsson
R Oliver Cromwell
81. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The time when the monarchy was established again in England in 1660, after a brief period of a republic.
J restructure
J resurrection
J retrospective
R restoration
82. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The king of England from 1066 until 1087. He had been the Duke of Normandy before it and defeated King Harold at the battle of Hastings in 1066.
J William of Orange
J William II
J William III
R William the Conqueror
83. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A period in Chinese history, from 1966 to 1976, when its leader Mao Zedong tried to continue and develop the revolution that brought the Communists to power in China.
J the Orange Revolution
J the Yellow Revolution
J the Chinese Revolution
R the Cultural Revolution
84. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A British military man and politician, who was called “ the Iron Duke”. He is remembered for defeating Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo in 1815.
J the Duke of Westminster
J the Duke of Edinburgh
J the Duke of Birmingham
R the Duke of Wellington
85. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A German political thinker and revolutionary who, together with Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto and developed the political system of communism.
J Leibniz
J Werner Fashioner
J Henry Mann
R Friedrich Engels
86. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Greek philosopher who said that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided.
J Diogenes
J Aristophanes
J Aristotle
R Epicures
87. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A collection of armed ships sent by Spain in 1588 against England, but was defeated by the English navy.
J the Navy
J Armageddon
J Armagnac
R the Armada
88. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The failed attempt in 1715-16 to make James Edward Stuart King of England.
J the Protestant Rising
J the Gunpowder Plot
J Guffawed Night
R the Yacobite Rising
89. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The Queen of France from 1774 to 1792 and the wife of Louis XVI. They both were killed by having their heads cut off by the guillotine.
R Marie Antoinette
J Marie Claire
J Mary Stuart
J Marie Celeste
90. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A party in Germany, which was led by Adolph Hitler from 1921to 1945. They believed that the “Aryan» people were the master race.
J Federalists
J Democrats
J Neonazi
R Nazi
91. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A high ranking British officer in the navy, the most famous naval leader. He wоn the battle of Trafalgar, that brought him glory and love of the nation.
R Admiral Nelson
J Bertie Ahern
J Beowulf
J Duke of Buckingham
92. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Swedish engineer and chemist, who invented dynamite and became very wealthy from his factories that produced explosives. After his death, a prize named after him was established.
J Friedrich Nietzsche
J Greg Norman
J Daniel O’Connell
R Alfred Nobel
93. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Persian mathematician and poet(1048-1123).He is known in the world for his romantic poem, the Rubaiyat.
J Aesop
J Virgil
J Aristotle
R Omar Hkayyam
94. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A large Empire, based in Turkey, with its capital in Istanbul. It continued from the 13th century until after World War I.
J Byzantine Empire
J Roman Empire
R Ottoman Empire
J Chinese Empire
95. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Chileau general, who became President of Chile in 1973, when the government of Salvador Allende was removed from power by the army.
J Horatio Alger
J Elvis Costello
J Jacques Tati
R Augusto Pinochet
96. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The main religion of Russia.
J Catholic
J Protestant
J Muslim
R Orthodox
97. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A Christian organization, which helps people who are poor, have no home, drink too much etc. Its members wear military uniforms and have military ranks.
J the Army of Friends
J the Army of St`Georges
J the Army of St` Andrew
R the Army of Salvation
98. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
A German politician in the Social Democratic Party, who was the Chancellor of the former Federal Republic of Germany from 1974 to 1983.
J Helmut Kohl
J Erich Honecker
R Helmut Schmidt
J Gerhard Schroeder
99. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
The most powerful part of the United Nations, which is responsible for making sure that countries behave peacefully towards each other.
J the Salvation Council
J the Red Cross Council
J the Guardian Council
R the Security Council
100. Задание {{ 1 }} T3 1
Among the Seven Wonders of the world were ……………………. .
J the Pyramids of Egypt
J the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
J the Statue of Zeus at Olympia
R all of the above
1. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The development of the world of animals is called ………….. .
R evolution
J ontogeny
J phylogeny
2. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Ontogeny is ……………..
R the development of a species from birth to death.
J historical development of physique and person behavior
J historical development of the world of animals
3. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Instinct is predominant mainly in ………….. .
R insects
J mammals
J human beings
4. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Instinctive forms of behavior………..
R are programmed from the birth
J are more plentiful in human beings than in any other species
J car be easily changed in the process of experiment
5. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
A human beings is an only species that can…………… .
R give and pass the information about past, future events.
J form conditional reflexes
J use tools
6. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Human beings` social structure gives children the ability to…………. .
R learn the experience of previous generations.
J form conditional reflexes
J have a nice care
7. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Creatures may have psyche on condition that, they………………
R neural system
J all livings, including plants have psyche
J only man has psyche
8. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Animals intellectual behavior is characterized by…………… .
J the ability to deliberately use tools
J the ability to create communities
R the ability to fulfill tasks within a taken situation
9. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The complicated forms of behavior of a given species which are genetically determined are called ………….. .
R instinct
J sensibility
J irritability
10. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Innate reflexes are called………. .
R unconditional
J conditional
J adopted
11. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Evolution is …………….. .
R the development of the animal world
J the development of the organism in a childhood
J individual development of a human being
12. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The main difference in the intellectual behavior between a human being and an animal is………….. .
R the availability of a semantic function
J the ability to keep tools
J the ability to insight
13. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
A guess work, irradiation, decision of a task without any mental processes is called…………… .
R insight
J imprinting
J reflex
14. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The imitation among the highest animals is possible…………. .
R after the first observation
J after the second observation
J after multiple observations
15. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
A human language……………..
R has a semantic function
J is genetically fixed
J has rather limited number of symbols
16. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
A human psyche………………..
R is significantly different than animal psyche
J is different only in the symbol function
J has more similarities with animal psyche than differences .
17. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The organic human claims are ……….. .
R determined by culture
J determined by biology
J are not determined by anything
18. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The ability to learn among animals is increased …………. .
R in the complication of their neural psychological organization
J in the complication of organic claims
J with the growth of a species
19. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Role instincts are………….. .
R sexual, territorial, parental
J food , defensive
J regulation of sleep
20. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Vital instincts are ………. .
R food, drinking, sleep regulation, defensive
J sexual, parental, territorial
J searching behavior
21. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Due to the theory of evolution, the emergency and development of psyche in the animal world was yielded by…………….. .
R the general rule of evolution
J the space rule
J social rules
22. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
When conditions are changed, instinct …………. .
R loses its biological sense
J keeps its biological sense
J expands its biological sense
23. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Aristotele philosophy
R considers the soul as a function of a body
J makes stress on knowledge and wisdom
J has a goal to perceive the Universe
24. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The first psychological laboratory was created by Wundt…………..
R for studying the structure of consciousness
J for studying the structure of cells
J for studying the structure of genes
25. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The S-R scheme makes a stress on …………. .
R the compliance between a reaction and a given stimulus
J the usefulness of a concept of consciousness
J subjective description of behaviour
26. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Etology studies …………… .
R the biological behavior
J the strategies, used in genes transmission
J the behavior of animals rather than human beings behaviour
27. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Humanistic approach ……………. .
R develops the potential opportunities
J of a person has a determined character
J is based on the study of accepted forms of behavior
28. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The author of the cultural and historic theory is ……….. .
R Vygotskii
J Luriya
J Leontiev
29. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The founder of the behaviourism is …………. .
R Watson
J Banduru
J Skinner
30. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
Most personal features are stipulated by sexual attractions, which were restrained in a childhood , as …………… confirms
R psychoanalysis
J genetical psychology
J humanistic psychology
31. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The way the innate mechanisms can work independently from the environment is the subject of…………… .
R etology
J genetical psychology
J humanistic psychology
32. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The behaviorism studies……….. .
R behavior
J personality actualization
J consciousness
33. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
A discipline that studies memory, imagination and other cognitive psychological processes are called………… .
R cognitive psychology
J humanistic psychology
J psychoanalysis
34. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The methods of practical psychology are…………….
R psychodrama
J laboratory experiment
J interviewing
35. Задание {{ 1 }} ТЗ 1
The main advantage of an experiment as a method of psychology is in ………. .