For all ordinary law and order each state has responsibility in its own territory. The federal courts - and hence the Federal Bureau of Investigation, federal police and prisons - are involved only in matters outside the individual states' jurisdiction (such as federal income tax) and in cases arising under the U.S. Constitution. This last category is the most interesting; if a person convicted by a state court system can produce evidence that the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution were infringed by some aspect of his or her arrest, questioning or trial, a federal court can review that evidence and either uphold the sentence or overturn it. So too with allegations of "cruel and unusual punishment" inflicted under the authority of a state.
Nearly all cases involving disputes about property or divorce, or murder, theft, assault or traffic offences great or small, are dealt with by the relevant state's hierarchy of city, county and state courts, police and prisons, in accordance with state law. Each state has a supreme court of appeal, but otherwise the systems vary.
The legal system is based on Common Law, brought-across from England and on the laws and ordinance passed by state legislatures and by other bodies to which state power has been delegated. Anglo-American Common Law is based on the supposed reasonable person's view of what is right and fair. It has been likened to a wall, with bricks being added to it from time to time in the form of court decisions and notices stuck on it in the form of statutes. Each decision creates a precedent, and for any particular case a court must, as far as practicable, follow a precedent set by a higher court's previous decision. But most of the wall is by now covered with notices - specifically, statutes, etc.
Most, but not all, of the law in force is statute law, and the legislators have tried to ensure that the meaning of the statutes is quite clear. However, there is still plenty of argument in courts about the application of statute or Common Law to particular cases, and an army of lawyers earn high fees for doing this work. States vary in the quality of legal help available for accused persons who have not the means to pay the fees themselves.
In some states, judges are publicly elected, in others they are appointed, by state governors or by special bodies such as judicial councils - though except at the lowest levels only lawyers are eligible for election or appointment. Some judges hold office for fixed periods, but others are installed for life or up to a retiring age, or there may be provisions for "recall". Under this arrangement a group of people dissatisfied with a judge may collect signatures on a "recall" petition, to the question whether the impugned judge should be confirmed in office.
Choose the best title.
Courts in the US
Laws and Crime
*The Legal System
Common Law and Statute Law
What is the first paragraph of the text about?
The authority of a state
*The authority of the federal courts
The state court system
Cruel and unusual punishment
Choose the sentence, which is not true.
The federal courts are involved in cases arising under the U.S. Constitution.
Common Law is based on the supposed reasonable person's view.
*All judges hold office for fixed period.
People dissatisfied with a judge may collect signature on a “recall” petition.
What do we learn from the text about the legal system of the U.S.?
The legal system of the U.S. is based on the colonial legislatures.
The legal system of the U.S. is based only on the statute law.
*The legal system of the U.S. is based on Common Law.
The legal system of the U.S. is based on American Democracy.
What is the last paragraph about?
The state governors
The lawyers
The election
*The judges
America's notoriety for crime is well-founded. The outlawing of alcohol in 1919-33, known as the period of "Prohibition", encouraged the growth of a huge network of corruption and blackmail and gang rivalry, and when Prohibition ended, the network of organized crime that it had fostered turned to other types of activity - nowadays based on drugs as well as ordinary large-scale robbery. In Hollywood's version the big men of crime are confident men of power and wealth. In real life today their empire runs from big-time robbery and drug dealing through exploitation of permitted gambling in Nevada and Atlantic City to legitimate business financed by illicit gains. As visitors to Las Vegas walk among the cascading lights outside gambling halls they may admire the marvelous offensive and defensive armaments of Al Capone's ancient bullet-proof car, now in a miniature street-side museum and serving as a reminder of the origins of the gambling halls.
But the crimes that worry most ordinary Americans are the more ordinary ones. Robbery and acts of violence have increased nearly tenfold in thirty years. In cities many people are afraid to go out at night. In New York, when an ordinary traveler in a subway train shot some robbers who were attacking passengers, and permanently injured one of them, he became a public hero and a huge campaign was mounted in his defence when he was taken to court. His acquittal in 1987 produced more joy than protest -though he was found guilty of a minor offence.
Although the perpetrators of most crimes are not caught, the number of criminals who are convicted is great enough to crowd the prisons. In 1988 more than half a million people were in prison - more than twice as many as in any Western European country, in proportion to population. Nearly all these were in state prisons.
Although each state has full responsibility for its prisons, the seventh amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits "cruel and unusual punishments", and if any evidence suggests that a state prison system may be breaking this rule an action against it may be brought in the federal courts. In a series of cases, federal courts have ruled that prisoners being held in overcrowded conditions are indeed being subjected to "cruel and unusual punishment", and the logical consequence of these rulings was strict intervention by the federal courts in the operation of state prisons. By 1987 more than half the states were subject to court orders requiring them to improve conditions, and at least one fine had been imposed for non-compliance. In nine states federal judges had appointed special administrators. Meanwhile there was frantic activity in building new prisons and expanding old ones, and some states were using private enterprise to cut their costs claiming that such methods were successful. Thousands of prisoners were being released prematurely, and judges were being encouraged to try, as far as possible within reason, to avoid sentencing guilty people to imprisonment but to use alternatives, from community service to probation at home under close supervision. Some counties in New York State have used a new device, allowing people sentenced to imprisonment to stay in their homes for fixed periods instead, and providing them with electronic bracelets linked to a computer so as to monitor their movements. A home prisoner who breaks a personal curfew must go to gaol.
Choose the best title.
American's notoriety for crime.
*Crime and Punishment
State Prison
Robbery and Acts of Violence in the U.S.
What is the first paragraph of the text about?
Al Capone's gambling halls
Drug dealing in 1919-1933
Crime of big men
*American's empire of crime
Choose the sentence, which is not true.
Legitimate business is sometimes financed by illicit gains.
The network of organized crime is based nowadays on drugs and large-scale robbery.
*In late 80s not more than half a million people in the U.S. were in prison.
The U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishments.
What do we learn from the text about the crime in the U.S.?
Crime doesn't worry ordinary Americans.
The perpetrators of most crimes are taken to prison.
*Robbery and acts of violence have increased nearly ten folds in thirty years.
Permitted gambling in Atlantic City is financed by legitimate gains.
What is the last paragraph about?
Crime in the U.S.
*Punishment in the U.S.
Gambling in Las Vegas
Drug dealing in the U.S.
The murder rate is currently ten times the British rate in relation to population. It is highest - far above the national average - in the big cities: for example, it is seven times higher in Detroit, where in a recent year forty children of under sixteen were killed by other children. This blot on American society is the subject of bitter controversy in national and state politics, concentrated on two issues - the death penalty and controls on public access to guns.
In the "liberal" climate of the 1960 s some states abolished the death penalty, while everywhere it was more and more rarely used. In eight years, 1968-75, no execution was carried out anywhere in the United States, and a Supreme Court ruling of 1972 seemed to indicate that it was to be considered unconstitutional as a "cruel and unusual punishment". Meanwhile the number of murders had been growing fast, and in 1975 passed 21,000 - three times as many as twenty years before. Opinion polls were showing massive support for the return of the use of capital punishment.
In 1975 the Supreme Court made a new ruling which allowed the death penalty to be used in certain circumstances, and one man was executed in Florida in 1976. Several others followed, and in the three years 1984-86 there were 57 executions, in a dozen states.
In 1986 three-quarters of the states had laws allowing the death penalty, and nearly 2,000 people were in prison under sentence of death but going through interminable processes of appeal. Meanwhile the number of murders in the nation as a whole had declined by a fifth. Four thousand fewer people were murdered in 1985 than in the peak year of 1982, when the figure reached 23,000. This evidence has given some encouragement to the advocates of the death penalty, but it is not conclusive. And even in the death penalty states, most murders do not qualify for it. In proportion to the population, there are nearly as many convicted murderers in prison, but not on death row, as there are in Dutch prisons for all other crimes put together.
Conservative opinion, in favour of severe penalties, showed its strength in California in 1986. In 1980 Rose Bird, personally opposed to the death penalty, had been appointed Chief Justice of the State -perhaps the highest judicial office attained by a woman up to that time. During her period of office every completed appeal against the death sentence had been commuted to imprisonment People opposed to her leniency made use of a provision in the state constitution by which her continuance in office after 1986 could be made conditional on a majority vote in favour other confirmation by the people of the state at the general election of November. A bitter campaign was mounted against her and two other Supreme Court judges who had supported her. At the vote there was a two-to-one majority for her dismissal, and for the dismissal of these two colleagues. This event concerned California only, but seemed likely to have a wider influence.
Choose the best title.
Death Sentence
*Murder and the Death Punishment
What is the first paragraph about?
The death penalty abolishment
The return of the use of capital punishment
*The murder rate
Supreme Court allows the death penalty
Choose the sentence, which is not true.
The murder rate in the U.S. is much higher than in Britain.
*In 1960s the death penalty was abolished in the U.S.
In the 80s the number of murders in the U.S. as a whole declined by a fifth.
California was in favour of severe punishment.
What do we learn from the text about murder and the death penalty?
The number rate in America is rather low.
Public access to guns is under strict control.
*Opinion polls supported the return of the use of capital punishment.
In the penalty states most murders qualify for it.
What is the last paragraph about?
Rose Bird attained a high judicial office as Chief Justice of the state.
People supported her opposition to the death penalty.
A compain was mainted in favour of Rose Bird.
*Opinion in favour of severe penalty showed its strength in California.
The second controversial issue connected with the high murder rate arises from the ease with which handguns can be bought. Some states have some restrictions on their open sale, some not. About half the murders in America are connected with handguns. The pressure group in favour of new and strict controls has put its basic argument in a simple public poster: "In 1983 handguns killed 35 people in Japan, 8 in Britain... and 9,014 in the United States. God Bless America."
These figures do not impress the National Rifle Association, one of the most powerful pressure groups in the nation, with three million members and assets of nearly a hundred million dollars. It is deeply conservative, and dedicated to the principle that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". These words are indeed the second amendment to the Constitution, part of the 1791 Bill of Rights. Although legislation was passed against the NRA's opposition in 1986 to stop open purchase of machine-guns and of armour-piercing bullets, adequate control of ordinary guns will not easily be achieved. The power of the NRA illustrates one facet of American society. Guns, for shooting birds and animals and for protection against predatory human beings, are symbols of the virility associated with the building of the nation. To many traditionally-minded people, those who oppose ownership of guns - and indeed who oppose the death penalty for murder - are easily associated with values typical of the supposed degeneracy of modern urban (and suburban) life as compared with the vigorous self-reliance of the old, frontier.
In the exceptional prevalence of murder and other violent crimes the United States is significantly different from Europe; so too with the death penalty and gun control. In the growth of crime in general it is worse but less remarkably so. America shares with Western Europe many of the features, which seem likely to promote this growth, but crime and violence are even more glamorized in cinema and television in America than in Europe. So too are wealth and power, in this society where go-getting self-reliance tends to be elevated into a virtue in itself.
Choose the best title.
National Rifle Association is for Ownership of Guns
Controls on Public Access to Guns
*Gun Control
Gun Control in America and Western Europe
What is the first paragraph about?
High murder rate in Japan and Britain
*Murder and Handguns
Public posters in America
Restrictions on gun ownership
Choose the sentence, which is not true.
Handguns can be bought easily in America.
Assets of National Rifle Association is nearly a hundred million dollars.
In the U.S. guns are symbols of the virility.
*Crime and violence are glamorized more in television in Europe than in America.
What do we learn from the text about gun control in the U.S.?
Gun control in the U.S. doesn't raise any problem.
*Gun control in the U.S. is a controversial issue.
Gun control in the U.S. is supported by N.R.A.
Gun control in the U.S. doesn't differ from that in Europe.
What is the last paragraph about?
Violent crimes are symbols of virility.
Wealth in Europe.
*Violent crimes in the U.S. as compared to Europe.
The degeneracy of modern life.
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The … of the manufacturing division will be expensive in the short term, but cost-effective in the long term.
R computerization
J compute
J computation
J computerize
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
We should be able to … our profit for next year fairly accurately with the new program.
R compute
J computerization
J computation
J computerize
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
I could tell from all the … on the board that a maths lesson was in progress.
R computations
J computerize
J computerization
J compute
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer can perform mathematical … very quickly.
R operations
J operate
J operating
J operator
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
One of the first persons to note that the computer is malfunctioning is the computer ….
R operator
J operation
J operate
J operating
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The job of a computer operator is to … the various machines in a computer installation.
R operate
J operating
J operation
J operator
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The new machines in the computer installation are not yet … .
R operating
J operator
J operate
J operation
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer must be able to … with the user.
R communicate
J communication
J communicative
J communicably
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Fibre optics is a new development in the field of …
R communication
J communicate
J communicative
J communicably
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Some people aren’t very … because they are shy.
R communicative
J communication
J communicate
J communicably
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Keyboard is an … device.
R input
J output
J to input
J to output
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Printer is an … device.
R output
J input
J to output
J to input
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… the floppy disk into the disk drive.
R input
J output
J to input
J to output
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The results are known as ….
R output
J to input
J to output
J input
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
It is a personal communicator that enables you to … with people around the world.
R interact
J interaction
J interactive
J interactively
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
CRT (cathode ray tube) terminals are useful … devices that allow real-time processing.
R interactive
J interact
J interaction
J interactively
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Many … with computers do not require a permanent record, therefore a printed output is unnecessary.
R interactions
J interactive
J interact
J interactively
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
It is important for students to … with each other and exchange ideas.
R interact
J interaction
J interactive
J interactively
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The first IBM PC was developed using existing … electrical components.
R available
J availability
J availabilities
J to avail
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Some books may never be published in paper form, but may only be made … as part of public databases.
R available
J to avail
J availability
J availabilities
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The widespread … of computers has in all probability changed the world for ever.
R availability
J available
J to avail
J availabilities
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
We have interviewed five … for the new position.
R applicants
J apply
J applying
J application
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
My student is thinking of … for a government grant to continue his research.
R applying
J applicant
J apply
J applications
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The new book uses business … to teach computer studies.
R application
J apply
J applicant
J applying
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The … to continue space exploration will cause a lot of expense.
R decision
J decide
J decides
J decidedly
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A programmer … what the computer is to do, and without the program the computer cannot process the necessary information.
R decides
J decision
J decide
J decidedly
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… is a verb used quite often in COBOL programming.
R perform
J performance
J performed
J performing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Data processing refers to the operations which are … on the data either to derive information or to order them in files.
R performed
J perform
J performance
J performing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The … of the computer salesman was measured by the number of units he sold.
R performance
J performing
J perform
J performed
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
In 1960, the second generation of computers was ….
R developed
J development
J develop
J developer
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The future will bring great … in the mechanical devices associated with computer systems. … the chip made it possible for minicomputers and microcomputers to be invented.
R developments
J developed
J developer
J develop
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer is a device which …, processes and gives out information.
R accepts
J acceptance
J accept
J acceptable
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The students are still waiting for their … into the Computer Science program.
R acceptance
J accept
J acceptable
J acceptably
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
It is … to work without a template if the flowcharts are not kept on file.
R acceptable
J acceptance
J accept
J acceptably
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
My printer can print 132 … per line.
R characters
J characteristic
J characterize
J characterized
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Can you describe the most important … of the computer?
R characteristics
J character
J characterize
J characterized
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The 0 and 1 in a computer arithmetic represent the alphabet, all numbers, and special … .
R characters
J characteristic
J characterize
J characterized
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The Central … Unit is responsible for executing the programs.
R processing
J process
J processed
J processor
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A block diagram can show if a … has to be repeated or if there are alternative routes to be taken.
R process
J processing
J processed
J processor
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The applications of all the new students were … by the computer.
R processed
J process
J processing
J processor
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A programmer must … the computer with the necessary data and instructions to execute the problem.
R provide
J provision
J provided
J provider
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The … of a new and larger computer installation will result in a better service to customers.
R provision
J provide
J provided
J provider
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A programmer can operate a computer … he has the proper training.
R provided
J provision
J provider
J provide
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Today’s computers are … faster than their predecessors.
R remarkably
J remark
J remarkable
J remarked
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Systems analysts will often make … about existing programs so as to help make the operations more efficient.
R remarks
J remarkably
J remarkable
J remarked
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There have been … developments in the field of computer science in the last decade.
R remarkable
J remark
J remarkably
J remarked
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer can do many kinds of … very quickly and accurately.
R calculations
J calculus
J calculate
J calculator
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… is a branch of mathematics for making … without the use of a … machine.
R calculus, calculations, calculating
J calculated, calculation, calculus
J calculator, calculus, calculate
J calculable, calculate, calculating
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer can … numbers much faster than a manual ….
R calculate, calculator
J calculus, calculate
J calculation, calculate
J calculator, calculate
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Some problems aren’t … without logarithm tables.
R calculable
J calculate
J calculating
J calculator
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Many terminals can be … to the basic system if the need arises.
R added
J addition
J additional
J add
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… and subtraction are two basic mathematical operations.
R addition
J added
J additional
J add
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
When buying a system there is often no … charge (оплата) for the programs.
R additional
J additional
J addition
J add
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
It is often difficult for computer science students to … their time up proportionally between studying and programming.
R divide
J division
J divisible
J dividing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Are all numbers … by three?
R divisible
J divide
J division
J dividing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There is always a … of labour within a computer company.
R division
J divisible
J divide
J dividing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The length of time a programmer takes to make a program will vary … on the complexity of the problem and his ability and experience.
R depending
J depend on
J dependence
J dependent
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
One can always … a computer to obtain accurate answers.
R depend on
J depending
J dependence
J dependent
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
It may take a lot of time to find a … to a complex problem in programming.
R solution
J solve
J solvable
J solver
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer can … a problem faster than any human being.
R solve
J solution
J solver
J solvable
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Modern micros are … than mainframes were ten years ago.
R more powerful
J the most powerful
J powerful
J powerfuller
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer is always … in its results if well prepared
R accurate
J accuracy
J accurately
J accuratable
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… is one of the advantages of using computers in research or in statistical analysis.
R accuracy
J accurately
J accurate
J accurativity
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computers can produce results quickly and …
R accurately
J accuracy
J accurate
J accurativity
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer is … of performing repetitive operations at a very fast rate.
R capable
J capability
J capably
J capabale
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Until the … and limitations of a computer are recognized, its usefulness cannot be thoroughly understood.
R capabilities
J capable
J capabilitys
J capably
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Renting a computer isn’t … to owning one.
R comparable
J comparison
J compare
J comparatively
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computers can … numbers.
R compare
J comparable
J comparatively
J comparative
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There is sometimes very little … to be made between two different brand-name microcomputers.
R comparison
J compare
J comparable
J comparative
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Because of their … microcomputers are becoming more popular than minicomputers.
R flexibility
J flexible
J flexibly
J flexion
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Minicomputers have a more … set of instructions than microcomputers.
R flexible
J flexibility
J flexion
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
I would like to … in COBOL.
R program
J programmer
J programmed
J programming
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There were quite a few errors in my ….
R program
J programmer
J programmed
J programming
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
C++ is one of the many … languages available on the market.
R programming
J program
J programmer
J programmed
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
My calculator is …. It plays a tune on the hour.
R programmed
J program
J programmer
J programming
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computer … is a new field of study at the university.
R programming
J J program
J J programmer
J programmed
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
He is a good … because he always constructs algorithms for his problems.
R programmer
J programmed
J programming
J program
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computers are … machines.
R reliable
J reliably
J rely on
J reliability
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
If you don’t know the meaning of a computer term, you can not always … an all-purpose dictionary for the answer.
R rely on
J reliable
J reliably
J reliability
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… to a computer system are often done by the same company who manufactured the system.
R repair
J repaired
J reparable
J to repair
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer can do … operations without getting tired or bored.
R repetitive
J repetition
J repeat
J repeatedly
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
To … information recorded on a disk, a disk drive must be used.
R access
J accessed
J accessible
J accessibility
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computers are … with speed and accuracy.
R associated
J association
J associate
J associating
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
To represent the 16 different … of four binary digits, the hexadecimal system uses the digits 0 and 9 and A, B, C, D, E and F.
R combinations
J combine
J combined
J combining
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Today’s microcomputers are almost as powerful as yesterday’s minis, mainly because of man’s creativity … with the advancement in chip technology.
R combined
J combination
J combine
J combining
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Our technician helped to … a microcomputer system in the language school.
R install
J installation
J installed
J installing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The computer … at the University has a powerful processor and many peripherals.
R installation
J instalment
J install
J installing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The number of employees of a computer company can be seen as a … of its success in the business world.
R measure
J measurement
J measured
J measurable
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
In most operations … calculations, computers can do the job much faster than man.
R involving
J involvement
J involve
J involved
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer is a very … machine.
R powerful
J power
J powerfully
J powered
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computers are rendered … if there isn’t an emergency supply system in case of power failure.
R powerless
J power
J powerful
J powerfully
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
One of the … of a good computer programmer is to have a logical mind.
R requirements
J require
J requiring
J required
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Students wishing to major in computer science are … to know how the computer operates.
R required
J requirement
J require
J requiring
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Many … have taken place in the computer industry in the last decade.
R changes
J changeable
J changeably
J changing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There is often an … of ideas among computer scientists.
R interchange
J interchangeable
J interchangeably
J interchanged
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
On-line equipment is usually … to the computer.
R connected
J connect
J connecting
J connection
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Malfunctioning equipment can often be traced to a bad electrical ….
R connection
J connected
J connect
J connecting
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Canada has … from the British to the metric system. Now centimeters are used instead of inches.
R converted
J conversion
J convert
J converter
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There are many … computer manufacturers today.
R different
J difference
J differ
J differently
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The opinions of programmers as to the best way of solving a problem often … greatly.
R differ
J different
J differently
J difference
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There will probably be a great … in the consumption of oil in the next decade due to the use of computer technology.
R reduction
J reduce
J reduced
J reductive
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
You should … to the computer manual whenever you have a problem.
R refer
J referred
J referring
J reference
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The components of a computer system operate only in … to commands from the control unit.
R response
J respond
J responded
J responding
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Both … and data have to be changed to machine code before the computer can operate on them.
R instructions
J instruct
J instructed
J instructor
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The first two steps in your program are not …. They are basically different.
R related
J relationship
J relate
J relative
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
In a flowchart, the … between events is shown by means of connecting arrows.
R relationship
J relate
J related
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A microcomputer may be … to operate than a minicomputer.
R simpler
J simple
J simplify
J simply
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Using a computer to control the payroll will … matters for many companies.
R simplify
J simply
J simple
J simplest
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer processes … prepared items of information.
R specially
J specialist
J specialization
J specialized
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The computer is the greatest … invention of the twentieth century.
R technological
J technology
J technologically
J technologist
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computer … is a fast growing discipline.
R technology
J technological
J technologically
J technologist
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computers can do mathematical operations quickly and ….
R reliably
J reliable
J reliability
J relying
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
There isn’t a very big … in flowcharting for a program to be written in Cobol or Fortran.
R difference
J differ
J different
J differently
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
When the computer is down it needs to be …
R repaired
J repair
J reparable
J repairing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
…, which can be boring and unproductive task, has been eliminated with the use of computers.
R repetition
J repeat
J repetitive
J repeatedly
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer can … the same operation over and over again without becoming bored or tired.
R repeat
J repetitive
J repeatedly
J repeating
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Do you have to … to the student files in the database?
R access
J accessed
J accessible
J accessibility
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Our university … foreign students to take a proficiency exam in the English language before registering for a computer science degree.
R required
J requirement
J require
J requiring
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Do you have to … to the student files in the database?
R access
J accessed
J accessible
J accessibility
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Make sure the … is not loose before you call a service technician.
R connection
J connect
J connected
J connective
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
All user requests to … a database are handled by the database management system.
R access
J accessible
J accessibility
J accessing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… to the computer room is restricted to authorized personnel.
R access
J accessibility
J accessible
J accessing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Those files are not … unless you know the password.
R accessible
J accessibility
J access
J accessing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
You can configure … for an entire site.
R security
J secure
J secured
J securing
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A user must enter a valid Windows user account name and … to gain access to Web resources.
R password
J surname
J Christian name
J first name
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… viruses infect or overwrite the original boot sector.
R Boot Sector
J Partition Table
J File
J Macro
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Some viruses attach their code at the end of an … file.
R executable
J execute
J execution
J executively
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
In some cases it is quite apparent that the computer system has been ….
R infected
J infect
J infection
J infecting
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A virus … a vital part of your hard disk, making the files on that part of the disk no longer accessible.
R erases
J erasure
J erasable
J erasably
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
This security product can help keep both your data and your hardware …, simultaneously.
R safe
J save
J safely
J saves
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Most security products have tended to focus either on protecting your hardware with physical locks or alarms, or your data with password ….
R authorization
J authorize
J author
J authoration
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The system must tell us if someone — an … person for example – tries to get into the system.
R unauthorized
J pirated
J safe
J infected
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Even if the virus is unknown, the system studies it and learns its … immediately, letting you automatically update the virus signature database.
R signature
J symbol
J character
J detection
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
If you want to keep your computer virus-free, stay away from … software.
R pirated
J licensed
J authorized
J saved
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A virus shield … viruses as they are infecting your PC.
R detects
J erases
J scans
J executes
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Virus … detect viruses once they've infected your computer.
R scanners
J shields
J signatures
J security
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Many viruses … through pirated – illegally copied or broken – games.
R spread
J erase
J detect
J separate
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… is the right to use a computer system.
R Authorization
J Accusation
J Detection
J Security
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Virus … has become vital nowadays.
R detection
J spread
J amendment
J signature
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… means to make it impossible to access, change or delete something.
R To lock
J To detect
J To erase
J To replicate
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
To hack means to access to data in a computer system without ….
R authorization
J accusation
J detection
J security
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A … is a person who uses computers to access data without authorization.
R hacker
J programmer
J keyboard operator
J manager
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A worm is a type of computer … that spreads on a network of computers.
R virus
J hacker
J security product
J programmer
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
When somebody tries to "break into" your PC, you will be … by email of the intrusion within two minutes.
R notified
J detected
J locked
J protected
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
In recent years, the term ‘hacker’ has begun to be used to refer to people who try to breach other people’s computer security to gain … access.
R illegal
J legal
J authorized
J permitted
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A … is a string of characters that is entered into a computer or a computer system in order to access it.
R password
J command
J instruction
J security
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
To … means to copy and/or sell software without permission from the owner of the copyright or patent.
R pirate
J detect
J erase
J delete
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Piracy is the coping and/or selling of the software without … from the owner of the copyright or patent.
R permission
J prevention
J detection
J selection
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The legal right of one person or organization to produce, sell and copy, etc a piece of original work or part of it is called ….
R copyright
J hard copy
J permission
J detection
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… of the system damaged by the virus was difficult without the correct software.
R Recovery
J Authorization
J Protection
J Notification
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A computer system is … if it is protected by passwords or other security devices.
R secure
J security
J detected
J detection
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A secure computer system is … by passwords and other security devices so that it can be accessed by the authorized personnel.
R protected
J selected
J detected
J notified
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The secure computer system could not be accessed by … personnel.
R unauthorized
J authorized
J notified
J identified
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Computer viruses can … themselves.
R replicate
J select
J permit
J prevent
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A Trojan horse is a virus which is designed to … or corrupt data in a secure computer system.
R copy
J select
J detect
J replicate
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
When a Trojan horse is executed it performs some … act, such as copying security information for future use, etc.
R illegal
J protective
J preventive
J legal
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The latest … added the new viruses’ names and signatures to the virus database.
R update
J upgrade
J unpack
J unload
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The virus … program is a piece of software that tries to find any viruses in a computer.
R checking
J checked
J checks
J checkable
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Virus checking is undertaken on a regular basis to … the system.
R protect
J detect
J prevent
J select
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A … is a type of virus that makes many copies of itself in different computers.
R worm
J Trojan horse
J boot sector virus
J macro virus
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The error was caused by trying to write to a file that had been ….
R write protected
J write permitted
J write selected
J write detected
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A … can prevent you from erasing your information.
R write-protect tab
J virus
J worm
J notification
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Most high-tech crimes are related to unauthorized information …
R access
J security
J success
J permission
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Information is frequently not adequately … even by the world’s leading companies.
R protected
J detected
J infected
J permitted
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
… protects against unauthorized access to any resources.
R Access control
J Write-protect tab
J Antivirus program
J Virus scanner
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Companies must understand how … security measures are.
R vital
J destructive
J aware
J preventive
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
After a virus attack it will be difficult if possible to … your data.
R restore
J detect
J select
J prevent
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Kevin Mitnick is a legend among ….
R hackers
J viruses
J pirates
J distributors
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Both hackers and viruses can … your data.
R destroy
J protect
J detect
J prevent
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The hacker was … of theft of US National secrets and faced up to ten years in jail.
R accused
J amended
J detected
J separated
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
This file can … a virus, you got it from the publicly available PC.
R contain
J delete
J erase
J protect
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Kevin Mitnick’s most famous exploit was … into the North America Defence Command in Colorado Springs.
R hacking
J erasing
J destroying
J pirating
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Some … can alter what you see on your computer display.
R viruses
J security systems
J virus scanners
J shields
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
You can be … that a virus has attacked your PC.
R unaware
J secure
J punished
J write-protected
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
A virus can get into the computer as soon as you … from an infected floppy.
R boot
J update
J notify
J sign
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
New viruses … very quickly.
R propagate
J detect
J protect
J interfere
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
If you don’t … you antivirus program, it will be useless after a short period of time.
R update
J propagate
J c)notify
J detect
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
Do you think the … is a proper punishment for hacking?
R fine
J good
J well
J bad
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
This virus … in some way with the normal work of a PC.
R interferes
J destroys
J boots
J invades
277. Задание {{ 70 }} ТЗ № 70
The virus will … as soon as your … from the infected disk.
R spread
J notify
J separate
J detect
For economists
Text 1
The way in which a bank is organized and operated is determined by its objectives and by the type of economy in which it conducts its business. A bank may not necessarily be in business to make a profit. Central banks, for example, provide a country with a number of services, while development banks exist to increase the economic growth of a country and raise the living standard of its population. On the other hand, the aim of commercial banks is to earn profits. They therefore provide and develop services that can be sold at a price that will yield a profit.
A commercial bank which provides the same range of services year after year is less likely to be successful than one which assesses changes in the demand for its products and which tries to match products to its customer’s needs. New services are constantly being introduced and developed by commercial banks, and (the full-service philosophy of many banks means that they are akin to financial supermarkets, offering a wide variety of services. However, not every bank may want to offer every kind of financial service.
Many banks offer a combination of wholesale and retail banking. The former provides large-scale services to companies, government agencies and other banks. The latter mainly provides smaller services to the public. Both types of banking have three essential functions which are:
- deposits
- payments
- credits
These three functions are the basis of the services offered by banks. They make it possible for banks to generate profits and to achieve their operating aims.
Several factors have combined to make banking an international business. These include the growth of multinational companies and of international capital markets, the increased competition between the banks themselves, and important improvements in communications and transportation. The major banks of the world have established extensive international operations by acquiring banks in other countries, by extending their own branch network abroad and by establishing correspondent relationships with foreign banks so as to develop profitable joint operations. The operations of these major commercial banks are dynamic and rapidly changing, and their organization is of a global nature.
Choose the best title.
Functions of banks
Bank services
Bank organization
What is the first paragraph of the text about?
bank objectives
types of banks
bank organization
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Development banks exist ...
to provide services to the public
to hold the government's accounts
to increase the economic growth of a country
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: The aim of commercial banks is ...
to earn profits
to arrange short-term borrowing of money for government
to advise other banks
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Wholesale banking provides large-scale services to ...
the public
small businesses
companies, government agencies and other banks
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Several factors make banking an international business. These include:
the economic growth of countries
the growth of international capital markets
the high living standard of population in many countries
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: The way in which a bank is organized and operated is determined by ...
the government of the country
its customers
its objectives
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: The full-service philosophy of many banks means that they are akin to ...
financial intermediaries
financial houses
financial supermarkets
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Retail banking provides smaller-scale services to ...
other banks
the general public
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: The major banks of the world have established extensive international operations by...
developing new bank services
acquiring banks in other countries
changing its structure
Match the phrases.
Match the phrase. A bank may not necessarily be in business to make …
… deposits, payments, credits
… of a global nature
… their operating aims
… a profit
… retail banking
Match the phrase. Many banks offer a combination of wholesale and …
… deposits, payments, credits
… of a global nature
… their operating aims
… a profit
… retail banking
Match the phrase. Both types of banking have three essential functions: …
… deposits, payments, credits
… of a global nature
… their operating aims
… a profit
… retail banking
Match the phrase. These functions make it possible for banks to achieve …
… deposits, payments, credits
… of a global nature
… their operating aims
… a profit
… retail banking
Match the phrase. The operations of major commercial banks are rapidly changing, and their organization is …
deposits, payments, credits
… of a global nature
… their operating aims
… a profit
… retail banking
Read the text again and say if this statement is true or false.Development banks exist to increase the economic growth of a country and raise the living standard of its population.
Read the text again and say if this statement is true or false.Commercial banks develop services that can be sold but they won't yield a profit.
Read the text again and say if this statement is true or false.New services are rarely introduced and developed by commercial banks.
Read the text again and say if this statement is true or false.The growth of multinational companies and of international capital markets contributes to making banking an international business.
Read the text again and say if this statement is true or false.The major banks of the world don't acquire banks in other countries.
Text 2
The Bank of England does business with many international institutions and central banks of many countries keep their accounts there. It advises banks, companies and governments. This Bank has three main functions in England.
It holds the central accounts of the Government - the accounts of HM chequer and of the National Loans Fund. Any money received or paid out by the government goes through these accounts. It arranges short-term borrowing of money for the government. It manages the government's stocks. There are nearly 200 types of stock with a nominal value of The Bank issues the stocks, keeps a list of the three million stockholders and pays out the dividends. It manages the Exchange Equalization Account. This means making sure the exchange value of sterling does not change too much. It controls the country’s reserves of gold and foreign currencies and administers the Exchange Control Regulations.
It acts as the principal bank for all the other banks, e.g. Lloyds, Barclays, Midland. They all keep a large amount of their cash in tine Bank of England. It has close relations with the Committee of London Clearing Banks and the British Banker's Association, the Stock Exchange and the insurance industry.
Only the Bank of England can issue notes. Until 1931 it was possible to take a bank-note to the Bank of England and exchange it for the same amount of gold. Nowadays the value of a bank-note does not depend on gold, but on a complicated system of government securities.
Choose the definition corresponding to the meaning of words and word-combinations used in the account
British currency
money borrowed by a government at a fixed rate of interest
the monetary worth of something
to give money for the part of the profit
record of money received and paid out by a bank
contract by which a company agrees to pay money to a person who suffers a loss in return for receiving a small sum of money
country’s unit of money
to give out for use, to put into circulation
Choose the definition corresponding to the meaning of words and word-combinations used in the text.currency
British currency
money borrowed by a government at a fixed rate of interest