Distribution of patients for Supervision (or clinical tasks carte)
Examination of patients or the study of educational history
Discussion of the data, the formulation of the preliminary diagnosis, identification of additional methods of examination of the patient, the interpretation of their results, the formulation of a final diagnosis and treatment plan
Results and final evaluation of the knowledge and skills of students and tasks for self-training to the next lesson
List of theoretical issues addressed in class
1. Concept of transplantation immunity . Classification of immunological disorders in patients transplanted
2 . The clinical picture of the various states in violation of immune function in patients after organ transplantation.
3 . Clinical and instrumental methods of examination of patients .
4 . General principles of treatment.
Methodology for conducting practical classes
In the first lesson the teacher conducts safety training ( if there are such conditions ) , as noted in the journal student teacher 's signature .
After checking the present instructor gives written input control knowledge base ( with a set of 15 tests according to the number of students: a dozen , subgroup , group) . ( Supplement 1 to the methodological development and stencils to check the correct answers ) .
Next instructor gives students the distribution of supervision for patients and defines their tasks .
Instructions to the students of the teacher
Notes a teacher for students
Spend curation of patient with reproductive dysfunction
In a survey to determine:
1. The symptoms of the immune sphere (clinical and additional)
2. Availability reasons, which caused the development process
3. Characteristic changes in additional research methods laboratory data
Pay particular attention to:
• the existence of the term identified complaints and objective data
• Working conditions
• the existence and duration of changes
determine the amount of tactics and treatment of the patient
Teacher works according to plan for the organization classes , after conducting final checks of knowledge. Kit to control the output attached ( situational and clinical tasks , x-rays, tests, etc. ) . (Appendix 2 with the standards of correct answers ) .
Before the end of class the teacher summarizes their results with the evaluation of each student and announces the theme of the next session.
Technical means and material support classes
1. Table and slides
2 . Sets of laboratory parameters .
3 . Sets of control tests and situational problems with standards of answers.