Agent is included in the vaccine, it isa. Cellular vaccine
b. Recombinant vaccine
c. Mixed vaccine
d. Toxoid vaccine
Vaccines are prepared from killed
Microbes, they are
a. Inactivated (killed) vaccine
b. Attenuated vaccines
c. Autogenous vaccine
d. None of these
Vaccines used against viral infections are
a. Measles and Mumps vaccine
b. Cholera vaccine
c. Typhoid vaccine
d. Anti-rickettsial vaccine
If the microbes used in the vaccine are
Obtained from patient, they are
a. Anti viral vaccines
b. Anti bacterial vaccines
c. Autogenous vaccines
d. None of these
Vaccines prepared from toxins and
Chemicals are
a. Cellular vaccines
b. Sub-cellular vaccines
c. Attenuated vaccines
d. Heterologous vaccines
Example for live vaccine is
a. Rubella & BCG b. Polio & TAB
c. Diphtheria & Tetanus
d. Hepatitis A & Rabies
DPT is given for the prevention of
a. Diphtheria, Tetanus
b. Diphtheria, Pertusis
c. Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertusis
d. None of these
The live vaccines are available against
the following viruses, except:
a. Influenza b. Measles
c. Rabies d. Polio
HIV can be transmitted through
a. Blood b. Semen
c. Vaginal fluid d. All of these
Match the following terms with their
Respective definitions A to E used in
virology :
1. Haem- A. A phenomenon of
agglutination acquiring resistance to infection by a infection by a second virus
2. Virus titre B. A virus does not
cause cytopathogenic changes in tissue culture
3. Virus interference C. Determination of the
number of infective
units in the virus
4. Interferon D. A substance by which
viruses can attack
themselves to red blood
E. Substance used to
destroy virus
100. Match the following vaccines with their respective contents A to E:
1. Typhoid vaccine A. Killed rickettsia
2. Typhus vaccine B. Killed bacteria
3. Measles vaccine C. Attenuated viruses
4. Smallpox D. Killed viruses
E. Attenuated bacteria
101. Match the following immunglobulins with their respective occurrences A to E:
1. IgM A. In the seromucous secretions
2. IgG B. After the primary antigenic
3. IgA C. Synthesized during secondary
4. IgE D. Plasma
E. Serum
102. Match the following viral vaccines with their source materials A to E:
1. Influenza A. Fluid from cultures of
human diploid cells
2. Rabies B. Dermal scraping from
infected animals
3. Smallpox C. Allantoic fluid from fertile
hen’s eggs
4. Yellow fever D. Fluid from cultures of
rabbit kidney
E. Aqueous homogenate of
chick embryo
Animals are naturally immune to infection caused by
a. V. cholera b. S. typhosa
c. Both a and b d. None of these
The immunity acquired by inoculation of living organism of attenuated virulence is
a. Artificial active immunity
b. Passive immunity
c. Natural active immunity
d. Local immunity
Organisms can be attenuated for
Inoculation by
a. Growing it at a temperature higher than
b. By passage through animals of different
species which are less susceptible to it
c. By continous cultivation in presence of
antagonistic substance
d. Any one of the above
e. None of these
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 990