I Choose the correct answer. Justify your choice by quoting from the text
Where indicated.
1 The passage is about a young boy who … .
a) run away from home b) has disappeared from school
c) had done something wrong at school
2 Henry’s parents learnt about his flight because … . (Quote.)
a) the headmaster called Edmund at his home
b) someone called Edmund at his dinner party
c) the headmaster called Edmund’s mother, who in turn, informed him
3 Edmund Aird is the boy’s … .
a) father b) friend c) headmaster
4 Templehall is the name of … .
a) a person b) a church building c) a boarding school
5 The phone conversation is between Edmund and … .
a) Henry b) Colin c) his mother
6 Edmund … . (Quote.)
a) phoned the headmaster while he was comforting Henry
b) spent some time comforting his son before phoning the headmaster
c) telephoned the headmaster almost immediately after coming back home
7 The headmaster … Edmund.(Quote.)
a) phoned b) didn’t phone c) couldn’t get through to
8 The tone of the conversation is … .
a) relaxed and cheerful b) angry and aggressive c) informal and worried
9 The headmaster tries to convince Edmund not to send his son back to the boarding-school because he … . (Quote.)
a) thinks the boy is not intellectually apt
b) doesn’t want to take the risk of another flight
c) thinks Henry is too young and sensitive to be at a boarding-school
II True or False? Justify by quoting from the text.
1 The headmaster hadn’t been able to contact Edmund because he had a wrong telephone number.
2 Edmund called Colin from his office.
3 The headmaster was near the phone when it rang.
4 Edmund doesn’t know exactly how his son managed to reach home.
5 Henry’s parents were having dinner at home when he arrived.
6 The headmaster feels guilty for Henry’s running away.
7 The headmaster is conscious of how difficult it is for a new schoolboy to adapt to life at a boarding school.
8 Henry had been at this boarding-school for a long time.
III Underline the right answer.
1 “…trying to get in touch with you” means trying to … .
a) contact you b) offer you my help
c) understand your feelings
2 “Our phone’s on the blink.” means that it … .
a) isn’t working very well b) goes on and off continually
c) is going to be mended soon
3 “Nor do any of my senior boys.” means that the boys … .
a) do not know it either b) do not want to tell the truth
c) will only speak to Henry’s father
4 “I kept an eye on him.” means that the headmaster … .
a) kept spying on the boy b) kept him under careful observation
c) tried to hide his disappointment from the boy
5 “…every now and then” means the same as … .
a) frequently b) from time to time c)for the time being
IV Match these phrasal verbs with their meanings.
Line Number
| Phrasal Verb
| | Meaning Match
| Line 5
| to see to
| a
| to appear
| Line 11
| to snatch up
| b
| to attend to or to deal with smth
| Line 21
| to turn up
| c
| to become calmer
| Line 22-3
| to be back
| d
| to be sent and received
| Line 23
| to be out
| e
| to leave the house to have a meal
| Line 23
| to come through
| f
| to prop oneself against a chair
| Line 40
| to lean back
| g
| to return
| Line 44
| to settle down
| h
| to seize quickly
| Line 59
| to be away
| i
| to stay some distance from home
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1446