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Exercise 1. Look at this picture and describe this house.



Exercise 2. Imagine you work for an agency which buys and sells houses and you are preparing the new brochure to send possible clients.


1. Which of the description a-f matches each picture 1-6.


A There are fantastic views from this one modern, one-bedroom, third-floor flat. The luxury block has a resident porter and private underground garage.


B For a larger family, or a gardening enthusiast, this detached house is ideal. It has five the bedrooms and is surrounded by a beautiful mature garden which also guarantees complete privacy.


C If you are looking for three good-sized bedrooms and an easy-to-maintain garden, this semi-detached house is perfect for you. This family modernised it and attached a garage.


D This delightful country cottage is the perfect place to escape from the stresses of city life at the weekends. The inside of the house looks different now, while the outside keeps its traditional appearance.


E Few homes in the centre of the town are as much comfortable as this well-kept Victorian terraced house. There is a small garden in front of the house and a sunny patio at the back.


F There are no stairs for to climb or clean in this suburban bungalow. It has a medium-sized garden and a garage but needs modernisation.



2. In each description underline the one or two words which give a name to the type of home described as in example A.


3. In each description there is a mistake – an extra word. Cross it out as in example A.


Exercise 3. Match the words in the box to the letters in the picture.

lawn porch flowerbed fence shed patio

pond hedge gate pavement cellar attic

roof chimney drainpipe TV aerial


A – H – O –

B – I – P –

C – J –

D – K –

E – L –

F – M –

G – N –







Conveniences: to move to a new flat

· bath to furnish a room (a flat)

to take/ to have a bath to arrange furniture

· electricity to answer the door bell

to switch on/off the light to ring the bell

· central heating to have a house-warming party

heating system

to heat


to answer the telephone in the middle of (in the centre of)

to speak on the telephone to the right (left) of

· hot and cold water on the right (left)

· gas

a gas-stove

· a chute to carry rubbish down



· a hall

a coat hook

a coat hanger

a hall mirror

a chest of drawers for shoes, etc

an umbrella stand

· a living-room

wall units

a bookshelf

a cupboard

a television set (TV set)

a stereo system

an armchair

a chair

a curtain

a table

a carpet (to spread a carpet)

a sofa

a divan

· a bedroom

a wardrobe

a pillow

a lamp (a hanging lamp, a reading (table) lamp, a standing lamp, a wall lamp, a lampshade)

a dressing table

a dressing-table mirror

· a dining-room

a dining set

a dining table

a sideboard

a tablecloth (to spread the tablecloth)

· a kitchen

a fridge

a cooker

a gas cooker

an electric cooker

an oven

a cooker hood

a sink

a dishwasher (= a washing machine)

a kitchen chair

a kitchen table

· a bathroom

a bath

taps for cold and hot water


a towel (to dry oneself on/with a towel)


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1147

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