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The P as part of a compound verbal predicate

Some scholars believe that non-perfect P1 or P2 (rarely) can act as part of a compound verbal predicate of double orientation. Others suppose that it is used within a subjective participial construction that acts as a complex subject.


10. Speak on the gerund as a part of a predicate
The gerund as a predicate.
The notional part of a compound nominal predicate – the predicative – can be expressed by any form of the gerund. The link verb BE is used as the structural part of the predicate.
What I hate is being told what to do.
Gerund predicatives can be introduced by prepositions: like, by, in for
Swimming is like flying in the sea.
His favourite pastime is cooking.
The only remedy for such a headache is going to bed early.
The main problem is your staying out late.
The gerund as a part of a compound verbal modal predicate
Non-prefect gerunds, active and passive, for a CVMP with the modal expression can not help.
The audience couldn’t help laughing.
The gerund as a part of a compound verbal aspect predicate
Non-prefect gerunds form CVAP with verbs denoting various stages of process:
- its beginning – begin, burst out, commence, start
- its continuation – carry on, continue, keep, go on with
- its ending – cease, give up, finish, leave off, quit, stop, discontinue

11. Speak on the inf as an object
Any form of the inf can be used as an object.
The inf objects are found after several patterns:
p1. monotransitive verbs/set phrase + inf
monotransitive verbs – agree, aim, arrange
The set phrases that take inf objects are: take care, take the trouble, can afford, cannot bear
Most monotransitive verbs and set phrases take a non-perfect inf object. However, some vebs may occur with perfect inf forms
1. perfect inf after the verbs claim, hate swear
2. after the past forms o fthe verbs attempt, expect, hope, intend, mean, plan, try express the action which were not fulfilled
p2 ditransitive verb +n/pronoun +inf
ditransitive – advise, bribe, command
p3 predicative adj/participle +inf
come after link verbs – be, seem, feel, get, turn, become
Non-perfect inf can be used after: be afraid, be angry, be anxious
Both perfect and non inf can be used after: be amused, be annoyed, ashamed
p4 verb + IT + adj/noun +inf
The inf can be preceded by the int IT used in combination with adj or nous. The verbs that take an inf object when it is preceded by an introductory IT are: believe, consider, feel, find, have, make, presume, reckon, think
Inf objects can be:
I promise to wait.
I was alarmed to see him there as I did not know what to say.
I saw him grasp her hand.

12. Speak on the gerund as an object

Gerunds can be used as direct or prepositional objects.
I remember staying with them.
I was conscious of being watched.
Direct objects follow:
- monotransitive verbs (adore, appreciate, avoid)
- the predicative word group be worth
- expressions can bear, can stand
- after be worth, deserve, need, require and want gerunds are active in form, but passive in meaning
- gerund objects can be introduced by IT + adj. They found after verbs: believe, consider, find, hold, judge, presume, reckon, think
Gerunds used as prepositional objects follow:
- monotransitive verbs and phrasal vebs (agree to, approve of, boast of)
- ditransitive verbs (accuse of, assist in, congratulate on)
- predicative adjectives/ participle II (be accustomed to, be afraid of, be aware of)
Any form of the gerund can be used in this function.
Non-perfect gerunds can express actions that precede the actions of the finite verb after:
-verbs of recollection: recall, recollect, remember and their opposites: forget, overlook, disregard
- verbs of gratitude: appreciate, be glad about, be grateful about
- verbs of blame and reproach: accuse, blame, be hold responsible for
- verbs of punishment: discipline for, fine for, punish for
- verbs of reward: admire, approve of, commend for/on
Perfect gerunds emphasize the gap of time between the actions of the finite verb and the gerund.
I bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.
Structurally, gerund objects can be:
Did you talk about painting?
Did you talk about painting a picture of my cousin?
Did you talk about his painting a picture of my cousine?

13. Speak on the inf and the gerund as attributes.
In used as attributes in English are postmodified, i.e. they follow the modified word
a box to carry
Inf attributes come after:
1.class or abstract nouns
The idea to go on holiday appealed to me.
2. the noun-substitute ONE
My brother is the only one to understand me.
3. pronouns – personal, indefinite, universal, negative and reflexive
The Browns have only me to look after their children.
I have nowhere to go.
5. ordinal numerals and the words the lest, the next followed by ind inf
He loves parties: he is always the first to come and the last to leave.
6. expressions of quantity a great deal of, a good deal, enough, few, little (more), many, no more, (too) much, plenty followed by ind inf
Any form of the inf can function as an attribute
I have a lot to think about.
I have a lot of books to read for the exam.
I have a lot of books for my children and grandchildren to read.

Gerund attributes can be placed before or after the modified nouns.
When gerunds are used as postmodifiers, they are preceded by prepositions
art, chance, custom, duty, effort, fear, feeling, gift, habit, hope, idea, importance, intention, manner, means, method, necessity, pleasure, point, possibility, problem, right, risk, sense, sign, sound, tragedy – OF
apology, excuse, explanation, grounds, instruction, remedy, plan, preparation, reason, rules – FOR
difficulty, experience, harm, interest, skill – IN
astonishment, disappointment, surprise – AT
precaution, warning – AGAINST
confession, objection – TO
She has a sense of having lost something important.
Any form of the gerund can be used as a postmodifier.
Non-perfect active gerunds can be used as premodifiers. They show a person’s occupation or what an object is intended for.
a reading room=a room for reading
I hate the sound of drilling.
Humour is a way of saying something serious.
Just think of the tragedy of our teaching children not to doubt.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2034

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