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Information Security

1. Whether your data is erased by a vengeful employee, a random virus, an unexpected bug, or a lightning strike – the data is still gone.

2. Data are frequently ranked in computer files according to degree of confidentiality.

3. The Data Encryption Standard designed by IBM involves a number of basic encrypting procedures that are then repeated several times.

4. A subnet administrator should be appointedwhen a subnet is created.

5. Intruders used to target government and academic organizations that will be embarrassed by the break-in.

6. The managers of individual systems must know that they are responsible for security and that their contribution to network security is recognized and appreciated.

7. Trojans are probably the most dangerous unwelcome guests because they areactually compiledby yourself thinking you have the latest version of a system utility.

8. Throughout the book mechanisms and methods of using them will be presented to decide which mechanisms are right for you.

9. These systems are found in use on web servers, guards, database servers, and management hosts.

10. These are very powerful security tools and very few secure operating systems have been certified at the highest level (Orange Book A-1) to operate over the range of "Top Secret" to "unclassified".

11. This capability is enabled because the configuration not only imposes a security policy, but in theory completely protects itself from corruption.

12. While such secure operating systems are possible and have been implemented, most commercial systems fall in a 'low security' category because they rely on features not supported by secure operating systems.

13. For various historical reasons, capabilities have been mostly restricted to research operating systems and commercial OSs still use ACLs.

14. Usernames and passwords areslowly being replaced with more sophisticated authentication mechanisms.

15. Important industry sector regulations have also been included when they have a significant impact on information security.

16. Computer code is regarded by some as just a form of mathematics.

17. Most of this information is now collected, processed and stored on electronic computers and transmittedacross networks to other computers.

18. None of these ultra-high assurance secure general purpose operating systems have been produced for decades or certified under the Common Criteria.

19. After a person, program or computer hassuccessfully been identified and authenticated then it must be determined what informational resources they are permittedto access and what actions they will be allowed to perform (run, view, create, delete, or change). This is called authorization.


1. Managers should periodically check to see how well comprehensive company goals detailed in the planning phase are being met.

2. On this view emerging markets are being seen less as attractive investment opportunities, more as a reason to believe that the globalization of labor and product markets can forever stop workers and firms from raising wages and prices.

3. Much time is wasted by some managers on tasks that are not important or that could be done as well by someone else.

4. Costs arealso classifieddifferently depending on the type of organization involved that is, merchandising, service, or manufacturing.

5. Marketing communications can be categorized along two basic dimensions: (1) messages that are transmitted via the mass media versus those that are communicatedperson-to-person, and (2) messages in which the source isclearly identified as the marketer, and messages whose origins are unclear or are assumed to come from objective third parties.

6. In June the Bank Rate was raised to 6% and the banks were called upon to make further special deposits.

7. This book is intended for the general reader who would like to have some grasp of what economics is and what makes the economy stick.

8. Person who purchases shares of stock is known as a stockholder or shareholder.

9. The financial condition of a company is neglected in its financial statements.

10. A relationship that is based solely on so many hours of work for so many pounds in wages does not bring out the best in a man. He must feel that he does a work that is worth doing.

11. Government officials are paid with the tax money.

12. The principle that men and women should receive equal pay for work of equal value was postulated in Great Britain as long as 1919.

13. In calculating wage rates, the workers’ skill and experience are taken into account.

14. The sooner the unification of exchange rates is completed, the more smoothly the companies will adapt to new market conditions.

15. The economic laws are known to be universal.

16. The denomination of the local currency had been carried out before a decision on merging the two currencies was passed.

17. Money is any token or other object that functions as a medium of exchange that is socially and legally accepted in payment.

18. A user is issued credit after an account has been approved by the credit provider, and is given a credit card, with which the user will be able to make purchases from merchants accepting that credit card up to a pre-established credit limit.

19. Itis believedthat the rise of irrigation and urbanization, especially in ancient Sumer and later Egypt, unified the ideas of wealth and control of land and agriculture.

20. Often at individual levels, variables such as supply and demand, which are independent, are(allegedly wrongly) assumedto be independent also at aggregate level. This criticism has been applied to many central theories of neoclassical economics.

21. Ecological economics has been popularized by ecologist and University of Vermont Professor Robert Costanza, who founded the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) and carried out much of the founding research while at the University of Maryland.

22. Ecological economists are inclined to acknowledge that much of what is important in human well-being is not analyzable from a strictly economic standpoint and suggests an interdisciplinary approach combining social and natural sciences as a means to address this.



1. The few visitors who were left from the modest number who had taken their decorous holiday in the high summer months were, however, treated with the same courtesy and deference as if they were treasured patrons of long standing, which in some cases they were.

2. In this way the hotel was known as a place which was unlikely to attract unfavorable attention, a place guaranteed to provide a restorative sojourn for those whom life had mistreated or merely fatigued.

3. The client’s needs were taken care of and their names were pronounced correctly.

4. In case there appeared any problems they were solved quietly.

5. The hotel business is characterized by a high degree of risk, which primarily is the result of two factors: the cyclical nature of demand and the high degree of capital investment.

6. Itis assumed that the participants will take care of their accommodation themselves.

7. In addition to being accommodated in double rooms, they were askedto check out of the hotel four hours before the usual time.

8. A restaurant owner is called a restaurateur; both words derive from the French verb restaurer, meaning to restore.

9. A cuisine is primarily influenced by the ingredients that are available locally or through trade.

10. In addition to food, a cuisine isalso often held to include beverages, including wine, liquor, tea, coffee and other drinks. Increasingly, experts hold that it further includes the raw ingredients and original plants and animals from which they come.

11. Ecotourism has been hailed as a way to develop profitable tourism that minimizes the “footprint” left on natural areas by tourists and developers.

12. Urban cultural tourism will not be discussed in this support package, because the environmental problems caused by urban tourism are hard to distinguish from those caused by the larger urban setting.

13. Though in the past, hostels have been seen as low-quality accommodation for less desirable travelers.



1. A phobia is classified as a type of anxiety disorder, since anxiety is the chief symptom experienced by the sufferer to a parent.

2. Anxiety isalso viewed as arising from threats to an individual’s ego or self-esteem, as in the case of inadequate sexual or job performance.

3. Physiognomy is consideredto be of great antiquity and in ancient and medieval times it had an extensive literature.

4. In the 18th and 19th centuries physiognomy was proposed as a means of detecting criminal tendencies, but each system was examinedanddiscarded as fallacious, and by the 20th century physiognomy – as it was known in earlier times – was largely regarded as a historical subject.

5. The subject of emotion is studied from a wide range of views.

6. Philosophers are interestedin the role of emotions in rationality, thought, character development, and values.

7. Itis commonly believedthat if a person sees something “with his own eyes” then their memory of that event, object or person must be true and accurate.

8. The argument supporting this belief is basedon another commonly held belief – that information ispermanently stored in long-term memory.

9. A person’s ability to perceive a complex event is affectedby the amount of stress that person is experiencing at the time the event is experienced.

10. There are, broadly speaking, four categories of human behavior, some of which, it will be seen quickly, overlap with and are probable extensions of animal behavior.

11. Behaviorism insisted on working only with what can be seen or manipulated and in the early views of John B. Watson, a founder of the field, nothing was inferred as to the nature of the entity that produced the behavior.

12. Psychologists are interested in why we may fear spiders and physiologists may be interested in the input/output system of the amygdala.

13. The history of psychology as a scholarly study of the mind and behavior dates back to the Middle Ages. It was widely regarded to a branch of philosophy until the middle of the 19th-century when psychology developed as an independent scientific discipline in Germany.

14. In particular, experimental psychologists have been inclined to discount the case study and interview methods as they have been used in clinical and developmental psychology.

15. Transpersonal perspectives are also being applied to such diverse fields as psychology, psychiatry, anthropology, sociology, pharmacology, cross-cultural studies (Scotton, Chinen and Battista, 1996; Davis, 2003) and social work (Cowley & Derezotes, 1994).


1. The method a judicial decision is enforced by depends upon its nature.

2. By the 1600s English government offered its citizens political liberties, such as trial by jury, that werelargely unknown elsewhere.

3. The Magma Carta established the principle of limited government, in which the power of the monarch, or government, was limited, not absolute.

4. The powers of a police officer in England and Wales to stop and search, arrest and place a person under detention are contained in the Police and Criminal Evidence.

5. Political terrorism is usually committed in the name of an ideology that honors its martyrs; trying to cope with it by threatening terrorists with death penalty is futile.

6. Members of the public have the right to make complaints against police officers if they feel that they have been treated unfairly or improperly.

7. In recent years technological advances have been made in such areas as voice identification, use of the scanning electron microscope, and blood testing which is an important tool because only 2 persons in 70,000 have identical characteristics.

8. The form of reasoning used in common law is known as casuistry or case-based reasoning.

9. Tort law allows claims for compensation when someone or their property is injuredorharmed.

10. A basic distinction is made between civil law jurisdictions and systems using common law.

11. It was discovered by considering humankind's natural rights, whereas previously it was said that natural rightswere discovered by considering the natural law.

12. Although there may be exceptions, itis thought by many international academics that most states enter into legal commitments with other states out of enlightened self-interest rather than adherence to a body of law that is higher than their own.

Aircraft Building

1. At the preflight briefing the flight plan is discussed with the crew.

2. On high bypass engines another turbine is interposed between the high and low pressure turbines, thus forming a triple-spool system.

3. Much of the panel area in front of the pilots is occupied by single-function warning and caution lights, which alert the pilots to a problem, which the engineers can analyze in detail, using their more comprehensive systems instruments.

4. The aircraft is fitted with long range position finding systems.

5. In the beginning of VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircraft development too much attention was paid to the advantages that jet VTOL appeared to offer, and too little to the drawbacks.

6. The amount of thrust is calculated as the product of the mass of air flowing through the jet engine by its acceleration. As a rule, thrust is created whenever there are divergent passages which convert velocity, or kinetic energy, into pressure energy.

7. The amount of lift is calculated as the difference of air pressures below the wing and above the wing.

8. The majority of the energy in the gas stream is absorbed by additional turbine stages drive the propeller through the internal shaft.

9. The autopilot was engaged in a “selected” mode for vertical and lateral navigation (as opposed to a “managed” mode, meaning FMS-coupled navigation) (Flight Management System).

10. The filed flight plan is fed into a teletypewriter for transmission to control centers along the route of the flight.



Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1534

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