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Sports. The Olympic Games

Sport gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence and gives an increased sense of individuality. It can be unfair at times but it always helps you to overcome difficulties. Sport improves your outlook and gives you real pleasure. Professional athletes unlike the amateur ones represent their country and provide a role model for a healthy lifestyle.

The Goodwill Games have shown that a finely arranged sports event can unite youth from different countries, promote cooperation and peace. It is heartwarming sight when youth can meet, talk, make friends and demonstrate their commitment to peace. The main objective of the Games has been reached. The Goodwill Games is an event in the world of sport and also an important initiative in the field of politics. This multisport event has greatly contributed to peace. It has provided an example of improving relations between Russia and the USA and other nations. New ways of cooperation should be found. Athletes know one excellent way – Games like these. Sport is a fine foundation for broader contacts in all fields.

As for boxing, football, volleyball, basketball, track-and-field athletics gymnastics, wrestling, weight lifting, cycling, winter sports like skating, skiing, ice-hockey; aquatics like swimming, diving, yachting, boating; shooting, lawn tennis, archery, mountaineering, chess, draughts we witness high standards of skills of the athletes who hope for honors in fair competition. The planet’s people need the events of such a high level and so that they could be watched by hundreds of millions of TV viewers.

As regards my favourite sport, badminton, the competition standards and results are rather high. It’s important that the whole event is permeated by a genuine spirit of athletic rivalry. Each athlete tries to win but an atmosphere of cooperation and friendship prevails. I especially like the opening ceremonies of any sport event, the ideas are very often rather exciting. For example, the university stadium in Washington state is right on the ocean. And we can’t afford any delays in sport. We should work permanently. The motto in sport is: “From friendship in sport to peace on earth!” Everything is splendid in sport except injuries which at times can be even fatal. The motto of the Olympic Games “citius, altius, fortius” (Latin – faster, higher, braver) puts the emphasis on personal not team performance and achievement. Officially there are individual and team victors but no victor countries.

The Olympic Games were originally an ancient Greek religious festival in honour of Zeus, held in Olympia near Mount Olympus, the mythical home of gods. The initial date for the beginning of the Games was 776 B.C. They were held every four years, in the middle of the summer; the main condition of the festival was that there should be peace throughout Greece. The ceremony included contests in oratory, poetry, music, and art, as well as in athletic skills like wrestling, throwing the javelin, and running. The Olympic Games were an exclusively male festival, open to young men from all Greek cities. Women were not allowed to compete in the Olympic Games, or even attend or watch them, though there are legends of girls having done so in disguise. The victors were traditionally crowned with olive leaves rather than with gold medals. To be a victor in the classical Olympic Games was a great honour not only for the athlete but for his city.

Nowadays all over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to become strong and healthy, and makes them more organized and disciplined in their everyday life. We say: a healthy mind in a healthy body. Walking, jogging or swimming help us to feel and look better. May be exercise is more important than just a passive rest. In our country the most popular are football, volleyball, swimming, ice hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. We can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste. We can do sports at stadiums, sports grounds, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges. In our city there are many sport clubs and complexes.

As for me I went in for badminton. It kept me in a good form. I attended the badminton section twice a week, on Sunday and Wednesday. I had been playing badminton for three years and I liked it more and more. Sometimes we trained in a badminton court. Sport makes me forget about my problems and helps me to develop a deeper understanding of our beautiful planet. My fitness has increased and my weight has decreased. I’d been attending ball dances for ten years. Dancing is such a fascinating sort of recreation I must say. Waltz, tango, modern dances are rather tricky you know. I like to watch the pairs gracefully waltzing around, particularly I appreciate TV programmes showing the world dancing competitions. I watch dancing competitions and championships.

The British like sports very much, they say they are mad about sports. The most popular in Britain is football, just like in Russia. Besides cricket is very popular there. Football, or soccer, is a professional game. It was first played in Britain, and later people began to play football in other countries. There are many amateur football players in Britain who play the game on Saturday and Sunday afternoon from April till August. Amateur clubs often play against professionals. Almost every school and college has its own football team and every boy in Britain knows a lot about the game. He can tell you the names of the players, the most important teams, the results of many matches.

Rugby is another popular game in Britain. It is not very popular in Russia. I don’t know the rules of rugby. Cricket is a popular summer game. It is the English national game. The rules are very complicated. It is played on a village green field between two teams – the home team and the visitors who come from another village. Golf is a Scottish national game. Lawn tennis was also born in England. The most famous English championship is Wimbledon, which is held every year at the end of June. Besides, horse-racing, swimming, fox-hunting are popular in Great Britain.

Sports at my school. At our school physical training was a compulsory subject. We liked our lessons of physical training. We did different exercises, jumped with a skipping-rope, ran. In summer we played out-of-doors games on the sports ground, in winter we played indoor games in our school gym hall, skated at the skating-rink or skied in the park. We played volleyball and basketball. Many of my friends schoolmates go in for different kinds of sports: gymnastics, swimming, fencing, boxing, wrestling, ice-hockey, figure skating, football, basketball, cycling. We had different sports competitions at our school. The boys played football and the girls were fans or sometimes even participated in sporting event. Frankly speaking, in our class only a few attended sport sections, sport wasn’t so popular among my school-mates.

Sports in the USA. In the USA the most popular sports are football and baseball. Sport is also very popular in that country. Many Americans jog every day, play tennis or bridge, go on hunting.

Each Olympiad the size of the Olympic Games has been growing in the scale of competition, number of competitors, and size of the audience watching them – live or by television. When the first modern Games were held in Athens, the spectators numbered only thousands; today huge stadiums accommodate tens of thousands of spectators while television brings the scene directly to the homes of the whole world.

Famous people

(Russia, Britain, America)

I’d like to say a few words about the people I admire.

Diana Spencer – the people’s princess – was born on the first of July 1961 in Sandringham in England. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. In childhood she liked games, swimming, running and dancing. She wanted to become a dancer. Besides she loved children very much and at the age of sixteen she worked in schools for very young children. Diana became princess, when Prince Charles, the Queen’s son, asked her to be his wife and they got married. They seemed to be a happy couple at first and had two sons. They traveled a lot and work a lot, they visited many countries together. But Diana was not quite happy because of her husband’s mistress Camilla, love triangle and the mental derangement. She has a weak psychology.

Lady Di the most famous, the most beautiful and the most photographed woman in the world. She won the hearts of millions and millions of people in many countries. Many people came to London to remember her when she died in the automobile catastrophe. The car accident which took her life became such a total shock to crowds of people. People felt the need to be in London at the funeral. Tears and love at the funeral moved the world. And the answer to this is so simple: Diana was such a lovely lady that she did so much for those people less fortunate than herself. She was kind, liked ordinary people, though she was rich and had many rich friends. Wherever she was, she was always ready to lend a hand. Diana was devoted to the sick and the poor. Diana was seen many times in flood of tears because of the pressures of her loveless 15-year marriage. She wanted to give people love cause she needed love herself. It is not a secret that Lady Di was hounded and humiliated to the point of mental breakdown and was able to pull through only because she knew she had the love of the people to buoy her in her darkest hours.

When Diana got married she wrote: “ I had been the Cinderella of my family for long enough. Suddenly the insignificant ugly duckling is obviously going to be a swan. Cinderella is going to the ball. Gone are the days of dusters. My life is taking a new direction. I have such hope for the future, such belief that you will love, nurture and protect me from the difficulties that lie ahead. It is the stuff of which fairy tales are made. I have tremendous hopes in my heart. Her Royal Highness, the Princess. My character had for seven years been forsaken and submerged. It is time to face the facts on my life. Now is the moment to start believing in myself. My life has changed its course”.

I think that one of the most outstanding people of Great Britain is Margaret Thatcher (Robins). I read some articles about her life and activities. I know that she was born in 1925. Her father had a shop but he was very interested in local politics. Margaret was a good student and studied chemistry at Oxford. Then she met and married Denis Thatcher, a successful businessman. Later she decided to study law. She was elected to the Parliament in 1959. For four years she was Secretary of State for Education. In 1975 she became the leader of the Conservative party. In 1979 she became Prime Minister, Britain’s first woman Prime Minister. There were many hard events in Britain in the period of her rule: unemployment, inflation, problems of Northern Ireland. She had an image of a strong, respected leader. Thatcher was called the “Iron Lady”. She won her post three times. She made a great contribution into the development and prosperity of her country. People loved and trusted her. In 1990 Margaret Thatcher resigned. Three men were the candidates for the post of Prime Minister. John Major won.

Academician S.P.Korolyov is a famous scientist and founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief constructor of the first Earth sputniks and spaceships. He was born in 1906 in the small Ukrainian town of Zhitomir into a family of teachers. He was interested in mathematics, literature and he read a great deal. All his life he loved music. In 1923 Sergei Korolyov joined a Glider Pilots’ Club, where he learned to construct gliders and to fly them. In 1925 Korolyov entered the Kiev Polytechnical Institute where he studied aviation and mathematics, but in the evening he had to work for money: he was a building worker, he worked at the post-office and he played very small roles in films. After two years in Kiev Korolyov came to Moscow. In the day-time he worked at an aeroplane factory and in the evening he studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School. There he learned about K.E.Tsiolkovsky’s ideas on space travel and about his rockets. He graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School and became an aviator engineer. At the same time he finished the Moscow Pilot School. During the Great Patriotic War Korolyov constructed a jet engine for aeroplanes and rockets. On October 4, 1957 he first man0made sputnik of the Earth was launched into space. It was the result of thirty years hard work and Chief Constructor was S.P.Korolyov. Then dogs were sent into space and only after a lot of experiments the first cosmonaut in the world –Y.A.Gagarin launched into space in the spaceship “Vostok” on April 12, 1961. After this there were many other longer and more difficult flights. Tehn followed rockets to the Moon, Mars and Venus. S.P.Korolyov died in 1966. For his brilliant work in the name of science and progress he was awarded two Gold Stars of the Hero of Socialist Labour. People will always remember the names of those who opened a new era in th conquest of outer space, and the name of S.P.Korolyov is one of them.

Another person whom I respect very much is President of the USA George Washington (1732-1799) who won a lasting place in American History as the “Father of our country”. For nearly twenty years he guided his country much as father cares for a growing child. He lived an exciting life in exciting time. He was born on a farm on February 22, 1732. As a boy, he explored the wilderness. Later he was a progressive farmer of that time. When he grew older, he helped the British fight the French and Indians. Many times he was nearly killed. Washington was the commander-in-chief if the American National Army. As a general he suffered hardships with his troops in the winter. He lost many battles but led the American Army to final victory in the War of Independence. After he became a President he successfully solved many problems facing his country.

Washington belonged to an old colonial family that believed in hard work, in public service and in worshipping God. Ye was born in Westmoreland county, Virginia, His first American ancestor came to Virginia from England in 1657. George’s father, Augustine, had four children by his first wife and six by his second wife, Vary Ball, George’s mother. His formal education was slight: no more than 7 or 8 years of school. Men, plantation life and haunts of river, fields and forest were his principal teachers. His favourite subject was arithmetic. He studied enough history and geography to know something of the outside world. But he never learned very much about literature and foreign languages. In 1759 Washington married Martha Dandridge, a rich widow. He became a loving stepfather to Martha’s two children.

His political career was long and successful. In September 1771 the Continental Congress met, where Washington had his first chance to meet and talk with leaders of other colonies. The members were impressed with his judgements and military knowledge. He was sent to the Second Continental Congress (1775) where he was elected a commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. In 1789 Washington was elected President of the Republic. George Washington died after an illness of two days on December 14, 1799. Washington is the most respected national hero of the USA. The capital was named after him. Many parks, streets, bridges, schools bear his name.

Books. My favourite writer (book)

Many, many years ago a town crier ran through the streets and shouted out all the news. But now we are living in the Atomic Age. Too many things happen too quickly for us to learn about them in the old-fashioned way. That is why we have to read more and more in order to find put what is happening in the world. Reading is rarely a waste of time. The first book printed in the Russian language appeared in Moscow on the first of March, 1564. Ivan Fedorov and his assistants were the first to use Russian letters. Up to that time there were only handwritten books in Russia. The house built for printing books was not far from the Kremlin. At that time it was one of the best buildings in the Russian capital. The first person to print books in the English language was William Saxton in England. People began to learn how to make paper more quickly and cheaply and of better quality. As a result of this, books became much lighter and smaller.

Most young people admit they do not know how to plan their leisure time. To use sociological terminology, their leisure qualifications are inadequate. According to the poll, the actual priorities are the following: TV comes first, followed by reading, films, listening to records, radio, going out to dances and discos; then come concerts, museums, amateur arts, and finally theatre. This is causing anxiety among some Russian scholars: has the TV really superseded reading? However, close scrutiny shows that there is little ground for worry. In 1964, when television was establishing itself in this country, 22 per cent of young people were interested more in reading. In 1970, when there was a TV set in every household, 49 per cent were for reading, and today, the figure is 45 per cent. Today’s young people could be called the tele-reading generation. In contrast to previous generations, they draw from various ‘channels’ of culture, which complement each other. What we are witnessing is an integration process involving TV-viewing, reading, and other sources of information.

As for me within the general framework of my lifestyle (including study, leisure and earning money – in summer I tried to work as a news-vendor) reading leads the way as a cultural activity, leaving both television and music behind. I can read late into the night. At a time when all are asleep it seems so quiet that I indulge in reading. I’m not a lover of poetry to my regret. Sometimes I devour book after book and I skip as I read.

Russia has a long and rich literary tradition. It leads the world for the number of titles (doth Russian and foreign) published yearly, and a number of readers. Of course the young people like to be entertained (by watching TV shows, reading detective stories, etc.). But they certainly know how to find their way amid the great variety of cultural values, and they know how to tell genuine art from imitation. A few more words about music, which play a very important part in young people’s lives. Rock is certainly more popular than classical music. Russian pop groups who play original music and meaningful texts have an especially large following.

Actually the young people know how to find antidotes to stereotyped tastes and temptations. They are getting increasingly interested in the leisure activities which encourage self-expression and personal growth.

Some people read books for instruction, some for pleasure, some simply skip through books and not a few read from a habit. I belong to that company. I am fond of books and spend a great deal of money on them. Books are a great delight to me. Reading is a great resource in my free time and illness. And I‘m particular to whom I give my books. You can often find me sitting deep in a book when I’m absorbed in reading but I am not a bookworm. I haven’t got a habit to re-read books even though they are good and moving. I think that reading books helps us in our education, learning about the world. Books are necessary to me and I never travel far without enough reading matter. They are detective stories, thrillers and classical literature. In this case I read for pleasure. Many people read books for pleasure and rest. We have a good private library at home. There are books of Russian and foreign writers, but we have few books in English, just textbooks and a few magazines. I read newspapers in English but my English is not good enough yet. I hope to read English and American books in the original in the future because I want to continue my education and study foreign languages.

I took books in our school library. People have a desire to learn, they seek knowledge. Books satisfy the desire. I know the rules for the readers. We should be careful with the books and should not make any notes in the books, lose and damage them. Libraries play a very important role in the cultural development of every country. We can find all kinds of books in the libraries: novels, biographies, short stories, poems, books on traveling, technical books, history books, textbooks, magazines, scientific journals, books for children and others. We also can take periodicals, newspaper files. Readers come to reading rooms to study and prepare material for their reports or for their scientific work. There are also books in foreign languages.

The most famous English author is William Shakespeare. He was one of the greatest and famous writers of the world. I read about his biography. I know that he was born in Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a shop owner. At the age of 21 he went to London and became a very good actor and playwright. Later he built his own theatre - the Globe. He wrote 37 plays, two long poems, 155 sonnets. His best comedies are “The Twelfth Night”, “As You Like It”. These comedies are about love, friendship, happiness. His tragedies “King Lear”, “Othello”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet” are about noble people who fought against evil in the world. I read some of his works in translation, saw films and performances. Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Walter Scott, Conan Doyle, Daniel Defoe are also outstanding English writers. Robert Burns, George Byron are famous for their poems. Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Bernard Show, Jack Londonare the glory of American literature. I like Mark Twain and his novel about Tom Sawyer.

The glory of Russian literature is Alexander Pushkin. He is the greatest Russian poet. He occupies an outstanding place in our literature and culture. He depicted Russian life, intellect, soul people.

¨ My favourite book (writer) is “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe (1660-1731) was a great master of realistic detail. The novel “Robinson Crusoe” was written in 1719. The novel is praise to human labour and the triumph of man over nature. Defoe shows the development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we see an inexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man. Robinson Crusoe’s most characteristic trait is his optimism. His guiding principle in life became “never say die” and “in trouble to be troubled is to have your troubles doubled”. He had confidence in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man to overcome all difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker and always hoped fro the best.

Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people hoe to live, he tries to teach what’s good and what’s bad. His novel “Robinson Crusoe” is not only a work of fiction, an account of adventures, a biography and an educational pamphlet. It is a study of man, a great work showing man in relation to nature and civilization as well as in relation to labour and private property.

My school

Everybody knows that there are two main things and places people come back to when they are under 17. They are our home and school where we studied. My school ¹1 is Krylova Street that is not far from the centre of the city and from my house. Usually I walk to school whether the weather is marvelous or dull and never take a bus or a trolley-bus cause it is within only five minutes’ walk from my house. And if you would like to get acquainted more closely with our school life which I’m sure you have hardly heard much about, I shall be only too glad to help you get a better understanding of it. Though of course I can’t say that our school has attracted world-wide attention and there are no foreigners who attend this school but as every educational establishment it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The leaders of our school are anxious about providing their children with basic all-round knowledge. That question has always been a matter of great importance in our school. This school places emphasis both on straight intellectual growth, that is to give every child a ten-year secondary education, thus providing children with an adequate basis of general education including the computer science, and recognizes the approach to “life adjustment”. It means that our school prepares pupils for life not them to enter life or arrive at higher school with a string of “fours” and “fives” on their matriculation and to suffer a rude shock when they were asked to do simple things.

The compulsory eight-year school provides children with basic well-round and political knowledge, gives them moral and Physical education, and teaches them to love labor so that, on school leaving (at the age of 15 or 16) they may be drawn into socially useful labor. But that doesn’t mean that they’ll have to give up their desire to continue their education. By no means no! Every opportunity will be created for the young people to go on with their studies.

Our school gives its pupils the so called “polytechnization” programme. Under that we mean a manual and technical training which the school gives to children from the first day of their studies. They start by modeling and sewing, cooking and repairing, and by the time they finish school they are capable of repairing simple electrical equipment, cooking food, washing and the like. The school teaches us how to apply ourselves, how to think, work and study, you see. There are shops and laboratories to work in, well equipped electrical and chemistry laboratories, computer classes. There are no short cut to education, it’s obtained only by hard work.

The school I would like would have a swimming-pool. Unfortunately there is no one in our school. The playgrounds would be separate, one for young children and the other for the senior forms. There is no sports ground behind the school but there are many trees and bushes around it. In autumn and late spring we were engaged in subbotniks. The classrooms are light and clean, spacious and cosy, but I would like them to have carpets instead of linoleum. The chairs would have cushions. There is a computer class there but I’d love there would be a computer for every table in the classroom and video for each classroom. There are maps and portraits, pictures and tables on the walls. On the ground floor there are the classrooms, the big dining-room, the cloak-room. I’d love the school meals would have delicious, the restaurant quality food every day for a reasonable price. And the tests would be easier for children.

The school library is rather decent. I took books in it. Most pupils have a desire to learn, they seek knowledge. Books satisfy the desire. I know the rules for the readers. We should be careful with the books and should not make any notes in the books, lose and damage them. Libraries play a very important role in the cultural development of every country. We can find all kinds of books in the libraries: novels, biographies, short stories, poems, books on traveling, technical books, history books, textbooks, magazines, scientific journals, books for children and others. We also can take periodicals, newspaper files. Readers come to reading rooms to study and prepare material for their reports or for their scientific work. There are also books in foreign languages.

I was one of those at the top of the class. I have a good head for Mathematics (Maths), Literature and the English language and I learned with ease. I am quick and I’d like to go a long way. I hunger for knowledge. But I feel sure that a success will never go to my head. I’ve got a good memory and I don’t seem to be able to recall the moment I gave myself airs. I am fond of books and spend a great deal of money on them. Books are a great delight to me. Reading is a great resource in my free time and illness. And I‘m particular to whom I give my books. My favourite subjects are Mathematics (Maths), English, History and … .

On the third floor there are special classrooms for chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, foreign languages and Russian. There is a big assemble hall there too. A lot of meetings, concerts, festivals are held there.

I had a lot of friends in my class. We got ready for the lessons and exams together, went to the sports sections. On the weekends we went to the cinema, to the concerts and city festivals, took part in our school public activities. We helped each other and I couldn’t imagine my life without my school, my teachers and friends. Now I’m seeking admission to the University this year. I am in the know there’s going to be a stiff competition and I attended preparatory courses. I’m interested in economics. The lecturers simply carried away the audience. I like the way they delivered lectures. The exams are coming. One can’t help being excited.

Frankly speaking, I felt quite happy at school and studied with pleasure. I am sure that school years are the best time in the life of people and school friends are the most true friends. The school teachers are both strict and kind, well-informed people and of quite a bright personality, they appreciate their work and take interest in children. We respect them sincerely. I no longer go to school and my parents no longer check with the tutor about me. There doesn’t go the bell but I hope it’ll go for us at the Universities. I’ll use my brains and do my best not to be refused admission this year. The exams are expected to be stiff and competitive.


Holidays (Russia, Great Britain, the USA)

I think the greatest public holiday in Great Britain and in Europe as a whole and the USA is Christmas, that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians throughout the world it is the happiest and the busiest time of the year. No one knows the exact date of Christ’s birth but most Christian celebrate Christmas on December 25. The world Christmas comes from Christ’s mass, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. It is celebrated in different countries in various ways with presents, a lot of food, cards and Christmas trees. The first day after Christmas is a public holiday. In England it is called Boxing Day. Once people gave presents to servants in boxes. The traditional Christmas dinner consists of stuffed turkey, cranberry sauce, Christmas cake and fruit pudding and a variety of other dishes. Some families have ham or roast goose instead of turkey. Pumpkin pie, plum pudding and fruitcake are favorite desserts. People in the United States and Canada decorate their homes with Christmas trees, wreaths and ornaments. City streets are filled with colored lights, the sound of bells and Christmas carols can be heard everywhere. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning families open their presents. Many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and brings presents. Some children hang up stockings so Santa Claus can fill them with candy, fruit and other small gifts. In our country people celebrate this holiday on the 7th of January. They give presents, go to the church to listen to readings from Bible and sing Christmas carols.

I think that the greatest holiday in Russia is New Year. A New Year tree is a symbol of this holiday. People decorate it with lights and toys and put the presents under it. Relatives and friends may join in trimming the tree with tinsel and colorful ornaments. Santa Claus comes to children with presents and jokes, they sing gongs, dance and play, recite poems. In Russia people eat cakes and pies, salads, chicken and meat.

We celebrate Victory Day on the 9th of May. 60 years ago soviet people defeated fascism on our territory and on the territory of Europe. On that day the war veterans get presents, march on the squares, sing war songs. TV shows war films and concerts for the veterans. It is a national holiday.

We celebrate the 8th of March, women’s day when men give presents and flowers to their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters.

American national holidays are Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day. Independence Day is celebrated on the 4th of July. Until the 18th century America was one of the British colonies. The revolutionary war began in 1774 and on the 4th of July the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress. After that the Independence Day became an official holiday. On this day Americans do not work. People have picnics with hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad and the favourite American food. They play baseball or compete at pie-eating contests. In the evening they watch fireworks.

Halloween is the festival on the 31st of October. Children wear costumes and masks and play trick-or-treat. They carve jack-o’-lantens out of pumpkins with a candle inside. It is the festival of the dead. Children go from door to door and say ”trick-or-treat”. People give them candies, fruit and pennies so that children do not play trick on them. People once believed that there were many ghosts and witches in the world and they met on the 31st of October. Now people do not believe in ghosts and witches but they like to tell stories about them. In our country Halloween is celebrated too but not much. Many Russian people think that it is a bad and godless event. I do not celebrate this holiday either.

Thanksgiving Day is a festival when people thank for rich harvest. American President George Washington established the day of this holiday – the 26th of November. On this day families get together and thank for everything. They eat traditional national dishes - roast turkey, jelly, potatoes and pumpkin pies. It was first celebrated in 1621 when the first settlers from England came to America. The Indians helped the first settlers to survive during the severe winter. The Pilgrims celebrated the first harvest festival in November and invited the Indians to thank them. It has become a tradition with Americans to get together on this day and have a great holiday dinner in one house.

St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February. There are several legends about St. Valentine’s Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D. He was put into prison by roman authorities for his teachings and was beheaded on February 14. According to the legend he performed a miracle – he cured his jailer’s daughter of her blindness. Before execution he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine”. Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail. According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake. Now it is a day for sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends and relatives their love and to those loved ones that they care. They send roses, candy and cards called valentines – greeting cards named after St. Valentine’s letters written from jail. “Valentines” can be anonymous, can be heart-shaped or can carry hearts on them. People buy “valentines” or make them themselves. Young people in Russia like this holiday as well. At our school we celebrate this holiday too.


About myself

Well, I’m here on business, you know. That was the good wind to bring me here. I should like to get acquainted more closely with the profession of an economist and the educational system which I have heard so much about. I’d love to get a better understanding of it. I’m going for my exam in English now.

First of all let me introduce myself. I’m called Nadezhda, my patronymic (middle name) is Alexeyevna, my surname (family name, second name) is Legostayeva. But I go by the name of Nadya. I am still in my teens, I’m 16 years of age and I have finished the eleventh form this summer. I was born on the 11th of August, 1989. I should like to live to be old. But you see, a man is as old as he feels. And I guess I look my age. My birthplace is Yekaterinburg, Russia. So I belong here. I’m Russian by origin and I like my countrymen. My mother tongue is Russian, you can hear it from my accent. I was brought up in this city. Thus I can’t speak English with so much ease as I do Russian.

I am here with my parents though they are divorced. I descend from a teacher and an engineer family. My mother’s name is … . My father’s name is … . I have no elder or younger sisters or brothers, so you see my family is not quite a big one, not extended. I’m the only child in it. There are three of us. But I have some first and second cousins of course. I forgot to mention one more member of our household. It’s my cat Gracie. She is entirely black, with large green eyes and is very beautiful and funny like most pets. I dare say I appreciate my family cause it’s splendid. And, yes, it’s quite natural.

I’m an attractive, slender girl with blue eyes and waved silky long hair. I have an oval face with irregular features. Me smile is winning, the complexion is fair with delicate skin and I never fall into the way of curling my lips or pursing them. I have dimples in my cheeks and a vivid mouth. I’m middle-sized with soft hands and shapely legs, my eyebrows are penciled and a forehead is open. I have a little uneven white teeth and a round chin. My eyelashes are straight.

I can give you a touch on my character as well. I don’t want to paint it either in bright or dark colors. I would prefer the golden mean. I’m not a hard-hearted thing, not a shameless and not a false human being. I’m of a forgiving nature, rather reserved but not a bottled-up girl. I’m not a double-faced scoundrel and seldom try to pass for more than I’m worth. Sometimes I take things lightly, at times I am careless and easy-going. I’m not so trustful and not always cheerful. And I am of a gentle disposition, easily pleased and good-tempered. I can’t say I’m a girl of no character and I’m rarely cunning and dishonest. Nobody can call me a meek creature. I’m not of a somewhat romantic nature. I’m often jolly and happy and sincerely try to be modest.

I’m single and not engaged yet. I hope my marriage will be a love match, not the one of convenience. I’d love to be married both in a religious rite and in a civil form of marriage just like my parents were. I’m in the marring line. I can hardly say I’m a pet-model. No, far from it. My people have always been strict with me and so my grandparents. I simultaneously play several parts in my life, you see: I’m a daughter, a grandchild, a first and a second cousin, a niece, a stepsister and a goddaughter at the same time. My Mom is a teacher of English at the Urals center for foreign languages, my Dad is an engineer and he works for some power company. He is something in this enterprise. My parents are not big pots and they are neither place hunters nor job jumpers.

I was doing quite well at school and my family was proud of my marks. I went in for sports and ball dancing. I play badminton and I took part in different badminton and dancing competitions. Now I’m finishing school and have to decide what occupation to choose. I’ve been studying English for ten years at various courses and independently. I want to be an economist and an interpreter. My grandparents are already retired but some of them still work for the shortage of money. They have a part (short) time job and they are on half-pay.

I was one of those at the top of the class. I have a good head for Mathematics (Maths), Literature and the English language and I learned with ease. I am quick and I’d like to go a long way. I hunger for knowledge. But I feel sure that a success will never go to my head. I’ve got a good memory and I don’t seem to be able to recall the moment I gave myself airs. I am fond of books and spend a great deal of money on them. Books are a great delight to me. Reading is a great resource in my free time and illness. And I‘m particular to whom I give my books.

I’m out of job now and am not looking for it. I’m seeking admission to the University this year. I am in the know there’s going to be a stiff competition and I attended preparatory courses. I’m interested in economics. The lecturers simply carry away the audience. I like the way they delivered lectures. The exams are coming. One can’t help being excited. I’m reading up for examinations at present. I refused from the cribs at all and don’t intend to answer at random. I’d love to be sure of my answers. The questions are rather tough, I should say. Sometimes I fell somewhat tongue-tied. Our lecturers are well stored with knowledge and they are the persons of consequence here.

Here, my watch reminds me of the fact that I have already taken too much of your time. Allow me to thank you for your attention and it’s safe to say that any success is obtained only by hard work.

My address is Sinyaeva Street, Number 8, Flat 44. My telephone number is 2-46-03-79. My family lives in a two-room flat of a five-storyed block without a lift on the fifth floor. I have a room of my own without a balcony. It is my bedroom and my study. My room is clean and light, very cosy. My room has little furniture: a bed, a wardrobe, a desk with the computer, bookshelves and a chair. My room is a nice place for work and rest.

On weekdays I get up at seven o’clock. I go to the bathroom, clean my teeth and have a shower. Good health is better than wealth and I do my morning exercises. My mother cooks breakfast for us and I have a sandwich with cheese or sausage and a cup of hot tea. Then I say good-bye to my mother, took my schoolbag and went to school. I lived not far from school and I usually walked there whether the weather is good or bad and never took a bus or a trolley-bus cause my school was within only five minutes’ walk from my house. The lessons started at eight o’clock. The classes were over at 1 o’clock and I went home. I had dinner, fed my cat, wasedh up and did my homework. It took me from 3 to 4 hours to do my homework. Twice a week I went to the sport or dancing section. I like sport and dancing. In the evening I watch my favourite programmes on TV, read books and newspapers. My favourite TV programmes are … . I go to bed at 11 o’clock.

We had only one day off. It is Sunday. On Sunday I don’t have to hurry and I get up later, at 11 or 12 o’clock. I do my bed, wash myself. On Sunday my mother cooks something tasty, my favourite apple-pie for example. After breakfast I go to see my friends. We play cards or chess, walk about the city, go to the theatres or cinemas and go skating or skiing in winter. If the weather is bad, I stay at home, help my mother about the house, read books, watch TV, speak over the phone. Some of my friends can watch TV from morning till night. I like it as well.

A few words about my household duties. This year I worked hard to pass my exams, that’s why I couldn’t help my mother much. But I tried to do my best. I did my room, washed up dishes, and went shopping. I bought bread, cakes, milk, butter and other food. I am not a good cook but I can boil and fry eggs, cut a salad. I can fix some things in the house. I feed my cat.

I’ll tell you about my hobby, of course. Tastes differ. People like different things and have different hobbies. I went in for sport and ball dancing, I play badminton. (Çäåñü Topic 9)

Sport is a very important part of our life. I had been playing badminton for three years and I attended ball dances for ten years. I am sure that everyone should go in for this or that kind of sport. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV. If you go in for sport, you feel better, look better, sleep better. You will not often fall ill. A sound mind in sound body.

As for my holidays, most of all I like summer holiday. (Çäåñü Topic 3).

I spend my winter holiday in Yekaterinburg. It is not long, but merry. (Çäåñü Topic 13, New Year, Christmas ).

As for the future profession, I have made my choice.

The achievements of Russia

My favourite books

My family

When two persons are married, the man is called the husband, the woman becomes his wife. A family generally consists of a father, a mother and children – sons and daughters or both. The first born child is the eldest, the last born – the youngest. The children that are born together are called twins. There exist a civil or illegal forms of marriage or the marriages in a religious rite. Unfortunately I wasn’t at my parents wedding party but I saw their wedding-rings and I heard a lot about their wedding trips to St. Petersburg. Despite the divorce, my parents carry marriage rather seriously. They are both of the marriage sort. It was a love match, not a marriage of convenience.

Fortunately, I wasn’t adopted as an orphan by some family and the paternity of me isn’t unknown. Though my parents are divorced. They had been living together for fourteen years but then some circumstances made them part and live separately. I’m with my Mom now. I’m the only child in the family so you see my family is not quite a big one, not extended. There are three of us. But I forgot to mention one more member of our family. It’s our favorite cat Gracie. She is entirely black, with large green eyes and is very beautiful and funny like most pets. Thus we are just a typical household: Dad, Mom and me.

I have no elder or younger sisters or brothers but I’ve got some first and second cousins of course. I simultaneously play several parts in my life: I’m a daughter, a grandchild, a niece, a stepsister and a goddaughter at the same time. My Mummy is 37, she is a teacher of English at the Urals center for foreign languages. I have no idea if she is a born teacher but the students appreciate the way she delivers lectures. She is sure to have teaching abilities. My Dad is 42, he is an engineer and works for the power company. He is something in this enterprise. My parents are not big pots and they are neither place hunters nor job jumpers. They have full time jobs and my father is often commissioned to various towns and cities all over the country. At odd times my people are fond of reading books on history and fiction or go in for sports.

My grandparents are retired but some of them still work for the shortage of money. They have a part time job and they are on half-pay. The others like gardening and spend their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries. I dare say I love my family very much and, yes, that is quite natural. We always help each other and everyone in my family is my best friend.

One of the best thing about my house is privacy. If I disappear into my room for some peace, it’s guaranteed that no one will come after me wanting to know what I’m up to. Fortunately, I don’t share my room with little sisters or brothers, because I simply haven’t got them. I can just shut the door and keep everyone out. Everything is safe there. My little sisters will never go through all my stuff, muck about with my toiletries, and eat the sweets I keep in my room. If I want to keep anything secret, I do it with ease. I am not treated like an unpaid slave in the house, of course. I at times do the dishes, help with the ironing … I won’t object to this if everyone in the house does their fair share and that I am not the best at doing housework. No, I’m not the only one who does it!

Every night the whole family sit down to eat together round the table in the warm and cosy kitchen. It’s known that households of three or even four generations are typical at present. But that doesn’t suit me at all. I don’t find living in a multi-generation home quite normal because I like isolation somehow or other. Too much caring is annoying. Very often I really need of my relatives’ help or advice. But sometimes I want to do something without their permission. Then after my “unpardonable” act a terrible scandal begins continuing for a long, long, long time. Of course, it isn’t always, but it is. And now you are sitting and waiting when parents (or one of them) to finish at last. I know they want only the best for me, but I became adulterer and want to decide myself what to do and how to do it. Though if they say nothing at all I’ll feel disgusting because I want my parents to take an active part in my life. Let even they scold me at times. Nevertheless the family is splendid.


Music in our life

A few words about music, which play a very important part in young people’s lives. Are you musical? As for me I dote on music and take delight at it. Have an ear for music? I haven’t to my regret but I can tell the tuneful and appealing music and hear when it is richly colored. I like when the music is sweet and deep and goes to the heart. I admire the works which are known as a monument of genius and whose sonatas astonish by their originality and depth. I appreciate the classical music as well as pop, rock, jazz and blues. Rock is certainly more popular than classical music. Russian pop groups who play original music and meaningful texts have an especially large following. I’m indifferent to the music of not particularly high order, to stark and cold one. I don’t like to hear the music sound scrappy and when it bores everybody to distraction. Sometimes musicians resort to noise and claptrap and it grates upon the nerves. Serious and popular music can in no case be substituted by one another. Actually the music reflects the characteristics of its country. There are kind of music that very few like and it happens the music to be somewhat archaic.

I love music, I think that people can’t live without music. It is an important part of life of people. The first thing I do in the morning, when I do my morning exercises, I switch on my cassette-player or a computer with my records. We can hear music from morning till night everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, in the transport, in the cars, on TV and on the radio. I think that it doesn’t matter what kind of music people prefer: rock, pop, jazz, folk or classical. We buy tapes, go to the concerts, the Concert Halls and Opera Theatre. I enjoy listening to music because it reflects my mood and emotions. Very often when I’m blue, I simply sink into music, I’m just immersed in it, and feel much better. I prefer to listen to my favorite merry, emotional melodies and songs. I like watching music programmes on TV and to know more and more about popular talented singers. Walls of my room are covered with posters of “Scorpions”, “Roxette” and others. Some people go to music schools and play musical instruments: piano, guitar, violin and others , and they sing in chorus, try to compose music. Now people play electronic musical instruments and I like how they sound. Sometimes I attend music halls and the concerts, when popular groups are here and if I am in cash.

My favorite singers are … .

My favorite musical groups are … .

I know such great Russian composers as … .

English musicians and singers: the Beatles, … .

American musicians and singers: Ella Fitzgerald, Luis Armstrong … .

There are the Conservatoire, the Opera theatre, the Operetta Theatre, concert halls in our city.

Unfortunately there are many ungifted singers on the stage and to have a good producer doesn’t mean to have good ears and voice. I suppose that only talented people can claim to be singers or composers of unusual genius. The popularity of some performers is growing with bounds and leaps. One striking feature of their music is the extraordinary variety. Their mastery is all-embracing. They are the most modern among the moderns. Their music is called the music of the future. And if we are to believe the critics they are not charlatans in music. Such performers are artists, every inch of them. To many people the genius is an enigma. I didn’t go to music school and can’t play any musical instruments. I think that it is not so easy to learn to play a musical instrument. I like to listen to music. Music will not be my profession. It’s just my hobby.

My day off

I wouldn’t say that my day off capacities are great, I usually manage a day off in a rather typical way. First of all I know how to keep house but I’m not a great partisan of order. My day off is a nice opportunity to put the apartment straight and fix up my own room. I get up at 12 o’clock in the afternoon at that day and every time I understand to my delight that fortunately my domestic duties are not numerous. They don’t take much of my time cause my Mom set the flat in order and excellently does up everything that wants tiding up. She likes when the floor shines.

So I switch on my computer with the recordings and my day off starts. If the telecasts are good I listen to them with half an ear going on with my job. When a good music is on the air my radio is tuned in to it as well. Actually any day off is splendid. One needn’t rush to school and get up as soon as it is daylight. I am fond of reading and sometimes I can read late into the night. At a time when all are asleep it seems so quiet that I indulge in reading.

At times we have people to dinner and I like when all is arranged to a nicety. I look forward to the party in a fever of anticipation. My mother is a fine host and time never hangs heavily or drags as slow as ever. I especially like a hen party like most males prefer stag ones. A surprise party or a tacky party are also of a great pleasure. I like to dance. I attended ball dances for 10 years. Dancing is such a fascinating sort of recreation I must say. Waltz, tango, modern dances are rather tricky you know. I like to watch the pairs gracefully waltzing around, particularly I appreciate TV programmes showing the world dancing competitions. Going to a museum is marvelous too. Concerts, cinema and theater are too lovely for words. I enjoy them immensely.

I also have some shopping to do during my day off. Though sometimes I like to go about window shopping only when this or that good is too high a price, and I am pressed for money. I am just out of cash at these moments. I adore restaurants too. I’m not a big eater but I do justice to the meal. Delicious dinner in a restaurant is much better than a scratch dinner at home I dare say. I like to see the table groaning with food. But from time to time I have to keep to a diet and I am without a bite all day. No food passes my lips that day. Unfortunately I can’t always afford much eating not to put on weight.

The better part of my day off is devoted to relaxation and rest. And when the day is gone I often take on a healthy colour and feel cheerful. Towards evening I am a relief to the eye to look at and seem to be in high spirits. Things don’t look nasty for me and I’m not concerned about the future.


My working day (My week-day)

I work like blazes all day long. Fortunately, I still work independently and have no boss who shuffles off most of his works to me and whose palm I would have to grease or talk him in. Actually I’m out of job now and not on the looking out for it. But yet I don’t idle away the whole day and seldom shirk work. I don’t live beyond my family means and we are sometimes in reduced circumstances. I wasn’t born in the lap of luxury though my parents haven’t got a large family to keep.

I’m seeking admission to the University this year and have to work hard to pass entrance examinations. I know that there’s going to be a stiff competition this year at the Economic University, so I attended preparatory courses and satisfied the lecturers. They were pleased with my answers to my delight.

Every day I got up at 7 a.m. the whole year round, washed and dressed and had breakfast. I lived within 5 minutes’ walk from school and no matter whether the weather was marvelous or dull I never took a tram or a trolley-bus to get there. A taxi would do but I had no spare cash. I went to school for my lessons and I no longer go to school. School breaks up in June. My parents at times checked with the tutor about me but I was one of those at the top of the class and learned with ease. I’d like to go a long way. Sometimes the lessons at school and at the University seemed so hard to get into my head and were beyond my grasp. My own ignorance smote (smite, smote, smitten) me with shame. I abstain from answer at random and prefer to be sure of my answers. I like the way our teachers delivered lectures. They simply carried away the audience. The lectures were never monotonous.

I’d love to be a specialist in economics and foreign languages. The exams are coming and one can’t help being excited. I’ve been sitting for my examinations for the whole year including our final (state) exams at school. The lessons were over at 1 or 2 p.m. and we returned home. I often went to the Belinsky library to read up for the reports or essays on History. Geography and Geometry. We often had tests at school and at the University and it took much time to get ready for them. I like to read books and take a delight in them, but I’m not a lover of poetry to my regret. Sometimes I devour book after book and I skip as I read.

My domestic duties are not numerous and I wouldn’t say that my housekeeping capacities are very great. But I set my own room in order regularly, dust everything there, polish the floor, beat the carpet with an elastic stick, air the room, wet the glass and let it dry, and I wash up of course, scrub the pans and the dishes with powder when they are slimy. I like them to shine – just like silver. I often polish my pots and pans. However we with my Mom wash the dishes week and week about. I also have some shopping to do during my working day. When the need for money is greater than ever I like to go about window shopping when the shop window is nicely dressed. The first-rate shops are tragically too expensive. It will cost you a pretty penny, I believe, to due something there. Very often I prefer to go to the wholesale brisk market, they never ask exorbitant prices.

Towards evening I at times feel tired and if the telecasts are good I watch them with pleasure. At a time when all are asleep I indulge in reading and went to bed at 1 a.m. As soon as it is daylight I am on my feet again. Night by night I enjoy my stunning and wonderful dreams and look forward to the next working day.


No matter how much or how little money I have to spend, I never buy new goods and food before going my existing wardrobe and refrigerator to see whether I need them or not. But my wardrobe and fridge ought to contain certain essentials, and if they do not, we must plan our whole dress and food and furniture budget to include them.

Nearly every woman has to economize these days in order to include in her refrigerator and wardrobe at least some cheaper goods and food. I’m never led astray by passing crazes unless I have an income suited to them. When I go shopping – whether it’s only a question of some meat or a pair of shoes – I go alone, because if I take even my closest friend with me, I’ll probably end by buying what she likes instead of what I like. And it is positively fatal to take two or three friends. By the time I’ve listened to their conflicting opinions, I’ll have lost all confidence in my own judgement. And when I get my purchase home, I will wonder what on earth made me decide on it!

If I nee advice when I’m buying clothes or food, I partly and cautiously rely on the saleswoman, who is an expert somehow or other, and then I choose whatever appeals to me. I always remember that the goods which I feel happy about are the most successful ones. I seem to remember that Enemy Number One both chic and charm and e[pensiveness is untidiness, rottenness and unfreshness which ruin the effect of goods no matter how expensive they may be.

Going out to shop is an absorbing affair for me. At times when I’m short of money I like to go about window shopping, especially if the shop window is nicely dressed. The first-rate shops are tragically too expensive and any purchase there would cost you a pretty penny. Very often I choose to go to the wholesale market where they never ask exorbitant prices. When my stock of supplies has run short I must call in at several shops by 10 p.m. I want to get in a new supply of vegetables and fruits, meat, game and poultry, fish, eggs, bread, dairy products. Some grocery shops have a special delivery service but I never use it cause I grudge money. I care for money though I haven’t got an itching palm. I often go to stalls (kiosks) to buy various trifles like bars of chocolate, the chewing gum, mineral or carbonated water. At the State Department store I attend such departments as textiles, ready-made clothes, footwear, hat, haberdashery, knitted good departments, hosiery, linen and underwear, perfumery, stationary, household goods departments, departments for electrical appliances and for crockery and glassware. I also go to the drugstore to buy medicine. Sometimes it’s not quite what I want and I can’t find anything to suit me. In this case I step over to the next counter and look for something that will last a lifetime.

I appreciate the quality of any good more than quantity and if it seems I’ve finished with my shopping I settle my accounts. I always draw up a shopping list. It might happen I’ve left my money at home. It means I owe the salesperson and that I’ll clear my debt shortly after my coming back from home. I ask the clerk to put my purchase aside or offer my passport for a security. At times I buy in the things we need for the whole week and it’s very convenient indeed. I drop in to Baker’s, the butcher’s, greengrocer’s, confectionery or to the market. I never spend money like water but if I happen to find what I especially want, I spare o money to get it.

My parents give me some cash for my own needs but if I seem to have overstepped my daily allowance, I try to economize and make up an account of what I have to buy. Sometimes I really have to open my purse and come out with my money for my closest friends, but I never regret it.


My hobby

Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies. I go in for sports and dancing. I like to play badminton and I’d been attending ball dances for ten years. Dancing is such a fascinating sort of recreation I must say. Waltz, tango, modern dances are rather tricky you know. I like to watch the pairs gracefully waltzing around, particularly I appreciate TV programmes showing the world dancing competitions. Sport is very important part of our life as well. Many people go in for sports, they are jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, training themselves in clubs and different sections. Physical training is an important subject at schools and at the Universities. Pupils and students play volley-ball, football, basketball. To be in good shape I jog from time to time at the stadium not far from my house and sometimes do my morning exercises. I take care of my physical appearance too. I’d like to be slimmer and trimmer and well-

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