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19. 1. will do 2. will hold 3. won't work 4. won't fit 5. will seat 6. will reach 7. will suit 8. will bear

20. 1. "I can manage ..., but I shall need ..." 2. "If the price ... increases, we shall be obliged to raise ..." 3. "I shall have more to say about this problem later." 4. "I shall be writing to you ... to let you know ..." 5. "I shall be working ... this evening." 6 "Do you think we shall need to take ...?" 7. "I shan't be sorry to see ..." 8. "I assume I shall be given ..." 9. "We shall never get there, at the rate we're going." 10. "We shall be making ... to­morrow morning,..."

21. 1. belief; 2. characteristic behaviour; 3. request, 4. agreement; 5. prediction/inherent capacity; 6. com­mand/instruction; 7. prediction; 8. characteristic behaviour; 9. prediction; 10. promise; 11. belief; 12. inherent capacity

22. 1. He should cut down on bread and potatoes 2. You should get up earlier 3. We'd better take our seats 4. He shouldn't have been driving so fast 5. I'd better inform the police 6. We'd better get a builder to look at it tomorrow 7. You ought to have stayed in a hotel 8. She shouldn't have lain in the sun so long 9. You'd better start learning some Spanish 10. You'd better think about buying a new one 11. You ought to see a doctor 12. We should have bought more in the first place 13. He ought to change his job instead of complaining 14. You should have taken umbrella with you 15. We'd better ask someone the way 16. You'd better not take the car 17. You'd better get it renewed 18. You should buy yourself an alarm clock 19. I'd better see who it is 20. You'd better phone a plumber

23. 1. factory inspectors recommended that new safety rules should be introduced 2. The judge ordered that the court should adjourn for lunch 3. The Speaker ruled that the MP should with­draw his remark 4. The Colonel decided that his troops should attack at dawn 5. The leader of the expedition proposed that they should make ... held 6. Teachers advocated that more nursery schools should be set up 7. The magistrate directed that the man should be released 8. The police gave instructions that members of the public should not approach the two men but should report to the nearest police station 9. Shareholders demanded that the Board should give more detailed information about profits 10. The employers urged that the men should return to work so that ne­gotiations could begin

24. 1. ... table so that I should be sure... 2. ... undertones so that the teacher shouldn't overhear ... 3. ... warning in order that the public should be ... 4. ... umbrella in case it should rain 5. ... bank lest the house should be burgled 6. Lest you should think I'm ... truth, I have bright ... 7. ... university so that he should have ... 8. ... here so that you should have ... 9. ... hall so that everyone should have ... 10. ... number in case you should want ...

25. 1. It's natural that you should be upset ... 2. It's incredi­ble that we should have been living ... 3. It's a pity that you should have missed ... 4. It's curious that he should have asked ... 5. It's typical of him that he should expect ... 6. It's odd that they should be getting married, ... 7. It's crazy that you should have to ... 8. It is essential that you should look over ... 9. It is important that you should read ... 10. It's splendid that you should be com­ing . . 11. It's interesting that you should have bought ... 12. It is vital that emergency supplies should reach ...

26. 1. must 2. must 3. must 4. have to 5. had to 6. must 7. must 8. must 9. have to 10. have to 11. must 12. having to or to have to 13. will probably have to 14. must/must 15. must or has to/must or has to 16. have had to 17. mustn't 18. had to 19. must 20. have to

27. 1. ... we must hurry, or we'd be late 2. ... application forms must be returned to the office ... 3. ... he must visit us ... 4. he could never remember ... . He always had to ... 5. ... the car had broken down, and we had to have it ... 6. ... the situation had now become intolerable, and that something must be done ... 7. ... I realized how difficult ... was, but he must try ... get him down 8. ... visas ... must be obtained ... 9. ... I was sorry to have to tell him that, but he left me ... 10. ... it wasn't fair. He always had to do ... 11. ... I really must try ... 12. ... no one liked having (or to have) to work ... 13. ... whichever party ... would probably have to reintroduce ... 14. ... candidates must write ... and must

write ... 15. the verdict... must (or has to or had to) be unani­mous; if ..., the case must (or has to or had to) be retried 16. ... the crowd had dispersed peaceably. If ... hadn't, the police might have had to ... 17. ... we mustn't make ... or he wouldn't take ... 18. ... had suddenly taken ..., and she had had to call 19. ...problem cropped up again, he must report ... 20. ... it was to have to make

28. 1. We needn't (or don't need to) leave 2. You don't have to come 3. we need (or need to) take 4. you needn't (or don't need to) decide 5. you don't have to go 6. you don't have to take 7. we shan't have to rush 8. I wouldn't need to keep 9. he's never had to earn 10. you don't have to do/do you 11. I need hardly say 12. You needn't have told 13. this needn't make 14. he had never had to deal 15. we didn't need to do 16. he didn't even have to have 17. you needn't have made 18. he need never dis­cover 19. you needn't (or don't need to) be alarmed 20. I need have gone

29. (should used for obligation is replaced by ought to. may/might in the affirmative is replaceable by could) 1. must have worked/been working 2. needn't have translated 3. may/might have forgotten, should have telephoned 4 may/might have got lost, should have given, may/might have had, wouldn't/couldn't have delayed 5. may/might have stopped and got, may/might have run 6. shouldn't have fed 7. must have been 8. should have gone 9. couldn't have been attacked, must have seen ... and thought 10. must have waited/been waiting (could/may/might could replace must.} 11. may/might have fallen ... and been eaten ... or been kidnapped ... or caught ... and died 12. were to have started 13. needn't have walked, could have come 14. must have been stolen, may/might have driven 15. couldn't have got, must have drunk 16. shouldn't have been riding 17. may/might have taken, may/might have been 18. might/should have told, could have got 19. would have won 20. needn't have written 21. were to have bui't

22. wouldn't/shouldn't have noticed, would/might have spread

23. should/might /could have waited 24. may/might have come, couldn't/can't have come, may/might have come 25. needn't have done 26. should have been 27. needn't have cooked 28. would/should have brought, wouldn't/shouldn't have come 29. shouldn't have thrown, might/could have killed 30. could have painted, could have painted 31. may/might have dropped, may/might have been 32. could have been started, could have been 33. must have carried, couldn't have done, would have been, must have waited 34. needn't have done

35. couldn't/can't have been, must have been walking

36. Couldn't it have been, must have been

30. (See notes to Exercise 29 above.) 1. wouldn't/shouldn't have had 2. should have asked 3. should have been 4. may/might have gone; would have told 5. may/might have kept; wouldn't have kept 6. may/might have gone; may/might have been; would have rung; couldn't have rung 7. must have had; would have been 8. couldn't have bought 9. should have waited 10. couldn't have carried; must have helped 11. couldn't have been; must have been 12. must have crashed; would have re­ported 13. may/might have blown up; may/might have planted, may/might have had 14. may/might have tried; may/might have been 15. may/might have gone, may/might have been; couldn't have been 16. may/might have collapsed; would have taken over 17. shouldn't have done, should have said 18. must have been 19. needn't have done; should have told; shouldn't/wouldn't have wasted , 20. could have passed; should/could have worked 21. couldn't possibly have opened; couldn't have got 22. must have let; must have followed ... slipped 23. needn't have bought 24. must have drugged ... dumped; might/would have been run; may/might have been 25. must have bribed; may/might have followed; couldn't have done; would/should have seen 26. needn't have stamped 27. couldn't have done; must have given 28. must have been 29. could have taken; may/might have been; may/might have hopped in ... snatched 30. should have told; would/could have lent 31. needn't have taken; could have walked 32. must have been watching/must have watched 33. needn't have rung/shouldn't have rung; could have dialled/should have dialled 34. must have had 35. could have had/might have had; couldn't have had 36. could have married; must have loved; must have been

31. (may/might in the affirmative is replaceable by could. In 1, 7, 10, 20, 23 should is replaced by ought to.) 1. should have been 2. may/might have written, couldn't have written must have fallen 4. may/might have liked 5. must have been

6. needn't have sent 7. might/should have left 8. may/might have been 9. can't/couldn't have been, may/might have been 10. shouldn't have gone 11. may/might have been 12. were to have been 13. should/would have been 14. needn't have carried 15. may/might have been 16. can't/couldn't have been, must have been 17. must have been 18. was to have been 19. would have reached 20. could/should have crossed 21. should have brought 22. may/might have been 23. must have been 24. can't/couldn't have been, must have been 25. may/might not have heard 26. could have put you up 27. would have fallen 28. should have checked 29. needn't have apologized 30. may/might not have realized 31. might/should have thanked 32. was to have gone

32. 1. should have had 2. must have been 3. must have dam­aged 4. should not have parked 5. must have studied 6. should have studied 7. must have been 8. should have deposited 9. must have forgotten 10. must not have studied

33. 1. I would 2. would have gone 3. may have had 4. should have done 5. must have forgotten 6. may have slept 7. might have had 8. could have lost 9. shouldn't have driven 10. may have run

49. 1. Don't worry. They won't be late. They might be going here and will be here in some minutes 2. When are we to be at the railway station? At 9.00 but you needn't hurry. The train is leaving at 9.30 3. She must have failed to recognize us 4. Can you be still working at this translation? The article is very simple 5. They can't have moved to a new flat 6. The book must be a great success with the readers 7. His speech must have pro­duced a great impression on the audience 8. You must have been informed that the train would be late 9. She should have phoned to her mother to warn her that she might fail to come

50. 1. I can hardly go away and leave you alone 2. What is done cannot be undone 3. She can't have done it! 4. I could come earlier if necessary 5. He may have forgotten his promise 6. You may stay if you choose to 7. You might have brought the book in time 8. You simply must see the exhibition 9. He must be there now 10. This book is a must 11. Shall I get you some more tea' 12. The fine should not be more $20 13. I would not do it for any­thing 14. You ought to do your duty 15. He ought to have been a doctor 16. Don't you dare touch him 17. As I was to be there at

5. sharp I had to take a taxi 18. They are unlikely to come 19. It might be true 20. Could he have meant it?

51. 1. She may have lost her bag 2. Could you tell me the time, please 3. How old may she be? 4. You may not smoke here 5. I have to get up early 6. You might have offered your help when he got into trouble 7. We must obey the laws 8. You shall pay for this! 9. I would rather stay home 10. You needn't do it, if you don't want to 11. How dare you say such things! 12. You wouldn't know him 13. You ought to have known it 14. That should suit you 15. Shall I wait for you? 16. He must have made a mistake 17. He cannot be a day over forty 18. He could have done it; nobody knows 19. He may have lost his way 20. He could cry for shame


1. 1. If those shoes in the windows fit me I shall buy them

2. If you drop that vase my wife will murder you! 3. If it's fine tomorrow we can have a picnic somewhere 4. If I change my job I'll try to get something more interesting 5. If we are late for the theatre we may not be able to get seats 6. If you lose my library book I shall have to pay for it 7. If you meet some friends of mine in London introduce yourself to them 8. If he passes his exam he'll go on to university 9. If I get a rise next year we'll think of buying a house

5. 1. If you give/he'll work 2. If you take/won't be 3. don't remember/she'll be 4. If you send/she'll forgive 5. don't put on/you'll get 6. don't tell I'll never trust 7. If you just say/we can forget 8. If you are not firm/they'll misbehave 9. don't prac­tise/you'll never become

6. 1. ... we leave immediately 2. ... I'll tell him what you said

3. ... you will support it with evidence 4. ... I shall buy a new car next month 5. ... they can't reach an agreement 6. ... you can assume I'm not coming 7. ... you will be ready to take the exami­nation next term 8. I will let you into the secret ... 9. ... it is really impossible for you to work it out yourself 10 ... he never discovers the truth? 11. ... we can give up the idea completely 12 . . and I'll find a solution.

7. 1. will give 2. stand 3. eats 4. will telephone 5. will arrest 6. reads 7. will steal 8. doesn't open 9. washes 10. needs 11. don't go 12. makes 13. is 14. hears 15. will make 16. will bury 17. won't be 18. doesn't start 19. won't let or don't let (habit) 20. goes 21. sells 22. will you repay 23. rises 24. works 25. turns/will turn 26. burns 27. don't like 28. will have 29. see 30. will you promise 31. don't believe 32. likes 33. will make 34. shan't/won't be able 35. knows 36. ring

8. 1. find, will give 2. smoke, will/may object 3. put, will crack 4. see 5. wins, will get, comes, will get 6. feel 7. wants, will have 8. have finished 9. stands, will capsize 10. isn't working, will have 11. doesn't go 12. hear 13. will get 14. leaves, will be 15. freezes, will be 16. don't take, will have 17. takes, will have 18. don't feel/aren't feeling 19. brakes, will/may skid 20. like, will get 21. would like 22. growls 23. isn't working 24. don't know 25. refuses 26. won't/doesn't help 27. are going 28. do you employ 29. will be 30. hate, don't you change 31. don't want 32. hear 33. will see 34. rings/should ring 35. reach/should reach 36. would care, will send

9. Part 1. Drill ("What'll happen if ..." is normally replace­able by "What'll you do if" and vice versa. These are possible answers only.) 1. What'll you do if he doesn't pay you tonight? 2. What'll you do if you don't get a permit? 3. What'll you do if you don't pass? 4. What'll you do if he refuses? 5. What'll happen if he chooses Smith? 6. What'll you do if you can't find a cheap room? 7. What'll happen if it doesn't open? 8. What'll happen if I forget it? 9. What'll happen if they don't believe me? 10. What'll you call it if it's a boy? 11. What'll happen if we don't get a lift 12. What'll happen if it isn't clear of fog? 13. What'll hap­pen/How long will it take if he doesn't help us? 14. What'll hap­pen if he isn't at home?/What'll we do if ...? 15. What'll we do if the ice isn't thick enough? 16. What'll happen/What happens if you walk on them when the tide is coming in? 17. What'll we do if it's wet? 18. What'll we do if we (do) another puncture?

Part 2. 1. If you like I can get 2. If you like I'll ask 3. If you like I'll bring the photographs 4. If you like I'll give 5. If you like you can watch 6. If you like I'll arrange a helicopter trip 7. If you like I'll knit you one 8. If you like you can borrow 9. If you like I'll come 10. If you like I'll ask Ann 11. If you like I'll get you an application form 12. If you like I'll go with you 13. If you like I'll

paint 14. If you like you can leave 15. If you like we'll postpone 16. If you like I'll ask him 17. If you like I'll arrange for you to meet the President 18. If you like we'll go sailing

10. (First person would is normally replaceable by should except in sentences 8, 9, 22.) 1. gave, would sell 2. woke, would have 3. went, would pine 4. went, would lose 5. said, would you do 6. worked, would finish 7. would happen, blew 8. saw, would climb; would not be, would climb 9. came, would call 10. threw, would have 11. asked, would he say 12. would be; would probably start 13. rang, would be 14. saw, would assume 15. would have, were/was 16. rushed, would get 17. bought, would lose 18. had, would bring 19. did, would not be 20. were/was, would still be 21. were/was, wouldn't be staying/wouldn't stay 22. had, would drink 23. drank, would soon get 24. were/was, would not be playing 25. would you go, did 26. kept, would not be run­ning/would not run 27. was/were, would not be sitting 28. heard, didn't you answer 29. typed, would be 30. had 31. had, would now be sitting 32. would be, would kindly sign 33. stopped, would all fly 34. would still be 35. was, didn't you change 36. won, would be writing/would write

11. (The following are possible answers but not the only possible answers.) 1. If she wasn't/weren't so shy she would enjoy 2. If he took more exercise he would be healthier 3. If I had the right change we could 4. If they spoke English to her, her English would/might improve 5. If he worked overtime he would

6. If my number was/were in the directory people would ring

7. If the police were armed we would/might have gun battles

8. If the shops delivered, life would be easier/less difficult 9. If he wasn't/weren't so thin he mightn't feel/If he was/were fatter, etc. 10. If we had matches we could light 11. If we had a steak we could cook it 12. If I wasn't/weren't so fat I could/would be able to 13. If I asked him he might help 14. If I could drive we could/would be able to take the car 15. If we had a ladder we could 16. If I were you I should/would sell it 17. If I had more time I'd read more 18. If they cleaned the windows the rooms

would look brighter 19. If he polished his shoes he'd look smarter 20. If he paid his staff properly they might work better 21. If we central heating the house would be warmer 22. If I had a dog wouldn't mind being alone 23. If he didn't spend hours watching television he would have time 24. If I had a vacuum cleaner I'd be

quicker 25. If I knew his address I could write 26. If he shaved he'd look more attractive 27. If you worked more slowly you wouldn't make 28. If I could park near my office I'd come by car 29. If I lived nearer the centre I wouldn't always be late 30. If \ had a map I could direct 31. If people drove more slowly there wouldn't be 32. If English people spoke more slowly I might/might be able to understand 33. If my house wasn't/weren't guarded by two Alsatian dogs it would be broken into 34. If the flats were clearly numbered it would be easier to find people 35. If you wiped your feet you wouldn't make muddy marks 36. If I didn't live near my office I'd spend a lot of time

12. 1. would type 2. knew 3. would look 4. played 5. wouldn't make 6. were 7. had 8. would you visit 9. gave 10. would buy 11. cleaned 12. would you be able 13. didn't belong 14. won 15. would you do 16. knew 17. gave 18. stopped 19. wouldn't come 20. saw 21. would/should be 22. would not be bitten 23. had 24. did 25. would grow 26. removed 27. would keep 28. lived 29. banned/were to ban 30. would offer 31. got 32. painted 33. changed 34. would you spend 35. had 36. wasn't

22. I ... would take a different view ... 2. ... you'd probably earn a lot more money elsewhere 3. ... he'd soon tell you whether it was serious or not 4. ... we'd certainly need to buy ourselves a car 5. ... we'd show them round 6. ... they'd change them for you 7. ... you'd begin to appreciate what the writer is trying to say

23. 1. If she loved him she would marry him 2. If our teacher didn't explain things clearly we wouldn't understand his lessons 3. If I had a watch I could tell you the time 4. If I didn't know the meaning of the word I would have to look it up 5. If this exercise were difficult not everyone would get the correct answers

24. 1. What would you do about the problem ... 2. If I were earning a good salary ... 3. ... a stranger asked you how old you were 4. ..., you'd uderstand what the writer is trying to say 5. .. I didn't have to? 6. ... I could afford it 7. ... what could he do about it? 8. ... his friends might be more sympathetic 9. ... said exactly what you think 10. ... we asked yet another person's opinion.

25. 1. had given/could have telephoned 2. hadn't been/wouldn't have come out 3. had packed/wouldn't have got damaged 4. would have remembered/had been paying 5. had been able/would have passed

26. 1. had passed/would have gone to university 2. had got there/we wouldn't have found the doors locked in our faces

3. had read/she would have understood what I meant 4. hadn't understood/we would have asked him to Explain again

27. 1. would have passed/if he had taken a little more care 2. would have got/if we had left just 15 minutes earlier 3. would have read/if she had been able to get a copy 4. wouldn't have understood/if he hadn't explained it clearly

28. 1. If I were you, I'd take ... 2. If he hadn't had his wife's

... 3. If it hadn't been for his ... 4. If one considers ... 5. If you ' don't (or didn't) have ... 6. ... if we discussed ... 7. As long as you follow ... 8. If we had given up ...

36. (should in the following answers may be replaced by would; contractions may be used in the affirmative and nega­tive.) 1. should have visited 2. would have won 3. had arrived

4. had been 5. should have been 6. had not seen 7. would have fallen 8. would you have accepted 9. had had 10. had known

11. should have offered 12. would not have stung 13. had realized 14. should have stopped 15. should have reached 16. should not have lent 17. had not sneezed 18. had put 19. would not have got 20. would not have tried 21. had spoken 22. would not have been 23. had known 24. had tried 25. would not have got 26. would not have put 27. had been 28. would have come 29. wouldn't have turned 30. had looked 31. would have been captured 32. had tried 33. should have taken 34. would have saved 35. had not called 36. would not have burnt

37. (Sometimes would below is replaced by might or could.} 1. had not taken, wouldn't have got 2. had paid, wouldn't have been 3. had told, would have cooked 4. had had, would have been 5. had known, would have lent 6. hadn't had, would have fallen 7. had realized, wouldn't have accepted 8. hadn't taken 9. had been lit 10. hadn't rung 11. had waited, would have seen

12. wouldn't have been, hadn't knocked 13. had patented, would have made 14. had had, would have been 15. had told, would have agreed 16. had been, would have been able 17. had been, would have been launched 18. had known, wouldn't have thrown

19. had known, would have brought; would have enjoyed

20. would have attended 21. would have refused, had offered 22. wouldn't have known, hadn't told 23. had read, would have refused 24. had been playing, would certainly have heard

25. would you have done 26. hadn't rained, would have been 27. had been waiting 28. had used, would have lit 29. hadn't been wearing, should/would have recognized 30. had known, would have backed 31. had been, would have phoned 32. had turned 33. had played, would have had 34. had booked, would have had 35. had been, would not have been 36. had held, would not have been

38. (These are possible answers but not the only possible answers.) 1. If I had seen the signal I would have stopped 2. If I'd known your number I would have rung 3. If she had known you were in hospital she would have visited 4. If there had been taxis we would have taken one 5. If she hadn't been so shy she might have spoken 6. If she hadn't threatened to set fire to her flat I wouldn't have asked 7. If we'd had time we'd have visited 8. If the lift had been working I wouldn't have come up the stairs 9. If we had listened carefully we mightn't have made 10. If we hadn't got a lift we shouldn't/wouldn't have reached 11. If you hadn't washed it in boiling water it wouldn't have shrunk 12. If we hadn't been using an out-of date timetable we shouldn't/wouldn't have missed 13. If his own men hadn't deserted him he wouldn't have failed 14. If they hadn't been driving so quickly the accident wouldn't' have been 15. If it hadn't been raining I would have taken 16. If I'd known that in summer etc. I wouldn't have bought 17. If Tom's father hadn't been on the Board he wouldn't have got 18. If he'd been looking where he was going he wouldn't have been run over 19. If I'd been brought up in the country I might like country life 20. If I'd known he was so quarrelsome I wouldn't/shouldn't have invited him 21. If it hadn't rained all the time he might have enjoyed his visit 22. If I'd worked hard at school I would/should/might have got a good job 23. If they hadn't used closed-circuit television they wouldn't/mightn't have spotted 24. If he'd been wearing a shirt they wouldn't have asked him to leave 25. If the streets had been clearly marked it wouldn't have taken us so long 26. If we'd had enough money we would/should have gone by air 27. If you'd put your hand up the bus would have stopped 28. If he hadn't turned up looking so disreputable they would have given him 29. If I'd known how thin the ice was I wouldn't/shouldn't have been walking 30. If he had taken the fight seriously from the beginning he might have won 31. If they hadn't paid the ransom at once they wouldn't have got

32. If he had read the passage more slowly the candidates would have understood 33. If they'd been wearing life-jackets they mightn't have been drowned 34. If his wife had encouraged him he might have got 35. If the exit doors hadn't been blocked peo­ple would have been able to escape/could have escaped 36. They would have walked further if they hadn't been hampered by or But for the thick dust they would have walked further

39. (First person would is normally replaceable by should.) 1. stays, will be/should be 2. didn't know, wouldn't/couldn't understand 3. hadn't got, would/might have come; wouldn't have been 4. knew, did you take 5. were not

6. had not been, would not have cheered 7. had not cheered, would not have run 8. had not run, would not have crashed, would not have been 9. returns/should return 10. why don't you sell/why not sell; had, would sell 11. didn't know, did you offer; would refuse 12. leaves, will/may steal 13. wore, would see

14. hadn't loved, would not have waited 15. had looked, would have been 16. start, will the village people resist 17. would you like 18. won't be able; can't, can't 19. would have been, had be­come 20. had gone, would be 21. had, would make 22. had known, would have brought 23. bathed, would be 24. stood, would all see, would be 25. were, would get 26. do, please re­mind/would you please remind 27. would have realized 28. had admitted, would not have been 29. had, would grow; would be 30. had known, would have stayed 31. had, would make 32. had told, would/could have gone 33. spend, won't have 34. hadn't been, mightn't have been 35. had, would get 36. would happen, had; would play, (would) miss, would fail, (would) have; would not feed, would get; would catch, (would) die, would have, would keep

48. 1. understood or could understand 2. would not have been 3. will give 4. would have told 5. would have been 6. had

7. would stop 8. needed 9. would have found 10. enjoyed 11. paint 12. were 13. writes 14. would permit or had permitted

15. could spend 16. will accept 17. buys 18. had decided 19. would have written 20. will leak or may leak 21. had studied 22. hears 23. see 24. gets 25. turn 26. were 27. would have called 28. would have talked 29. explained 30. spoke

49. 1. hadn't failed/wouldn't be taking 2. had remem­bered/we could open 3. hadn't missed/wouldn't be waiting

4. there hadn't been/wouldn't be able 5. had taken/you wouldn't be

50. 1. ... there hadn't been quite such a crowd of people

there 2. It would have been a wonderful day for sailing...... 3. .

I had asked you last week? 4. ... you wouldn't have got into such difficulties 5. ... I'd have thought it over much more carefully 6. . he would never have got the job 7. ... it might have avoided a lot of unpleasantness 8. ... you had known how desperately he needed it 9. ... we had followed your plan rather than mine? 10. ... the damage wouldn't have been nearly so extensive 11. ... she had known him better

51. 1. If only you had acted sensibly ... 2. If my bank man­ager calls ... 3. ... he expects us to believe him ... 4. ... you're not feeling very well? 5. How on earth did you find me ...? 6. If any­thing goes wrong tomorrow ... 7. ... why didn't you write it down? 8. When would we be likely to arrive ...? 9. ... I didn't have to get up and go to work this morning 10. ... were able to write your letters in English

52. (In the affirmative and negative shall and should can be replaced by will and would respectively; and contractions may be used. Should in sentences 1, 7, 11 however does not change.) 1. find/should find 2. shall have 3. will happen 4. had had 5. will you stay 6. would you choose 7. gets/should get 8. comes 9. will sit 10. didn't talk 11. shall/should I do 12. had read 13. had 14. shall go 15. would you do 16. run 17. will not be

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