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A. The Night Uncle Bob Was Arrested 5 page


14. Instructions: as for exercise 13, but where two verbs in italics are placed side by side, put the second verb into the perfect infinitive and the first into an ap­propriate tense.

This palace (say) (build) in three years.

This palace is said to have been built in three years.

1. She (marry) my brother but she was killed in a plane crash a month before the wedding date. 2. You repeated it, which was unnecessary. 3. There (seem) (be) a fight here. Everything is smashed to bits. 4. We (set) out today, but the weather is so bad that we decided to postpone our start till tomorrow. 5. I thought they were mushrooms. ~ You (not eat) them unless you were sure. They (be) poison­ous. 6. He learnt the language in six months. ~ He (work) very hard. 7. I brought my umbrella, which was unnecessary. 8. I (like) (bathe) but there wasn't time. 9. I've forgotten the address. I (write) it down (but I didn't). 10. If I'd known your house was so cold I (not come). 11. You (tell) me you were going camping! If I'd known I (go) with you. ~ But it rained all the time. You (not like) that, would you? 12. Who gave you my address? ~ I don't remember. It (be) Tom. ~ It (not be) Tom; he doesn't know it. 13. You bought flowers but we have plenty in the garden. 14. After two years of his teaching she knew absolutely nothing. ~ He (not be) a good teacher. 15. My sister has just come back from abroad. She (seem) (enjoy) her trip very much. 16. Life (be) very uncomfortable in the Stone Age. 17. You (stand) still when you were being photographed, (but you didn't). 18. I (go) to a foreign university but the war prevented it. 19. I (like) (photograph) it but I had no more film.

20. There (be) a bad accident here. Look at all the broken glass. 21. It is possible that prehistoric cave drawings were con­nected with religion. 22. I have been driving for 20 years. ~

You (not drive) for 20 years. You are only 30 now. 23. It (take) years to dig the Suez Canal.

24. He walked past me without speaking. ~ He (not recognize) you. He is very short-sighted.

25. I (like) (go) to the match but the tickets were all sold. 26. He says he saw you at the theatre yesterday. ~ He (not see) me. I wasn't there. 27. This picture may be a fake; on the other hand it (be) painted by one of the Dutch masters. 28. It is possible that the fire in the ship was started by a bomb. 29. She walked 300 miles, carrying her child. ~ She (have) great courage.

30. It is possible that he (read) it in papers. ~ He (not read) it. He can't read. Someone (tell) him. 31. I told them to meet me under the clock but they didn't turn up. Perhaps they were waiting under the wrong clock. There are two in the station. 32. He told me his name was Johnson. ~ You (mishear) him. His name is Jones. 33. I said that I couldn't find my pen and he said that per­haps somebody had borrowed it. 34. I (like) (ask) a question but I was sitting so far back that I didn't think I'd be heard. 35. There (be) a fort here at one time. You can see where the foundations were. 36. The dinosaur (be said) (be) rather a stupid animal.


15. Fill in the blanks using gerund and prepositions.

1. Alice isn't interested in (look)__________for a new job. 2. Henry is excited (leave)______________for India. 3. You are capable (do)_________________a better job.

4. I have no excuse (be)_________late. 5. I'm accustomed (have)__________a big breakfast.

6. The rain prevented us (complete)________the work. 7. Fred is always complaining (have)_______a headache. 8. Instead (study) _______, Margaret went to a ball game with some of her friends. 9. Thank you (help)_______me carry the packages to the post office.

10. Mrs Grant insisted (know)_______the whole truth. 11. He showed us how to get to his house (draw)________ a map. 12. You should take advantage (go, not)_____to class yes­terday. 13. Everyone in the neighbourhood participated (look) ____ for the lost child.

14. I apologized to Diane (make)________her wait for me. 15. The weather is terrible tonight. I don't blame you (want, not)__________to go to the meeting 16. Who is responsible (wash) ________ and (dry) ______ the dishes after dinner? 17. In addition (go) ________ school full time, Sam has a part-time job. 18. The angry look on his face stopped me (speak) _______

my mind. 19. Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object (go)____________to an Italian restaurant? 20. The mayor made another public statement for the purpose (clarify)___________the new tax proposal. 21. The thief was accused (steal) ____________ a woman's purse. 22. The jury found Mr. Adams guilty (take) _________ money from the company he worked for and (keep) __________ it for himself. 23. Bill isn't used (wear)__________a suit tie every day.


16. Finish the sentences.

1. Ken went to bed instead of finishing his work, (finish). 2. I thanked her________(lend).

3. I'm excited_________(go). 4. I'm not accustomed__________(live). 5. He didn't feel well. He complained_______(have). 6. I don't blame you__________(want, not). 7. I have a good reason_______(be). 8. It's getting late. I'm worried______(miss). 9. I'm interested_____(go).

10. I apologized to my friend______________(be). 11. I am/am not used________________(drive). 12. Nothing can stop me____________________(go).

13. In that office, who is responsible_____________(take care of).

17. Finish the sentences using by+gerund phrase.

1. Pat turned off the tape recorder________. 2. We show people we are happy__________

3. We decided who should get the last piece of pie________ 4. I found out what "quench" means____ 5. Tony improved his listening comprehension skills 6. Alex caught my attention_________ 7. They got rid of the rats in the building___ 8. My dog shows me she is happy____ 9. He accidentally electrocuted himself_____.


18. Make up sentences using gerund.

1. I'm tired-discuss-

grades with my friend because talk-grades-be boring

2. Sometimes pupils don't

like-go-school »» they-afraid-write-a test

3. I don't think-copy-

your homework from there-danger-copy-

a friend-always-good idea »» something wrong

4. Some pupils don't enjoy-

play-football »» they hate-run-after a ball

5. I've started-learn-ano-

ther foreign language »» speak-several languages-



19. Complete the sentences with gerund

1. The night after Brucel's concert, Maureen (dream/go) to another concert at the Garden.

2. It upsets Mr Mitchell when Marvin (talk/drop) out of school.

3. Some of Ellrod's friends aren't very good at school, but they (be good/play) music and basketball. 4. At the beginning Tommy was so confident that he (not think/apologize) to Deblie.

5. After the chieftains had won some games again, Steve (be proud/be) captain.

6. Long before the Europeans came to America, many Indian tribes (be good/farm) the land.


20. Write the verb phrase in the appropriate tense put­ting the two verbs in parentheses in correct order, include gerund.

Martin was pleased when his American friend, Keith, invited him to a dinner party on Friday night. Immediately, he _____ (plan, begin) for the party. He_______(bring, like) gifts to peo­ple, so he asked his roommate Kevin, for suggestion. Kevin _________ (take, suggest) a bottle of wine. But Martin didn't drink wine, so he bought Keith a new stereocassette player for his car. Kevin_______(advise, wear) casual clothes to the party, but Martin________(prefer, wear) his best suit & tie. When Friday night arrived, Martin__________(start, get).


21. Complete the sentences with the missing particles or . ' prepositions and gerund. Choose from these verbs:

get, take, be, send, try, give, buy, do.

It is February 14. Michael has received flowers. The card says "From a Secret Admirer."

M.: (to himself) Red roses! There're beautiful! I bet they're from Janet. It's so nice of her to think_____________________ flowers on Valentine's Day. I'll call her. (He dials Janet's number. The phone rings.)

I.: Hello.

M.: Hi, Janet. It's Mike. I just wanted to thank you_______ so romantic. I've often dreamed _______________ roses from a woman. I can always count_____your_______something nice.

I.: Roses? I ... uh ... don't believe_______men gifts. I object ___________women_________the first step in a relationship. (She hangs up.)

M.: (to himself) Hmmm ... she doesn't admit _________the flowers. Then who sent them? I can't give____to find out. (He dials the phone. A woman answers it.)

M.: Hello, Betty. It's Mike. I just wanted to thank you for the flowers......


22. Complete the sentences with the missing preposition and gerunds. Use the verb in parentheses.

Children are always happy___________ (celebrate) holidays, but most American children get specially excited _______ (get) ready for Halloween. Every year in October, children, who usually hate to go to the market begin to get interested ________ (shop). They are eager to pick out a costume and a pumpkin. Adults who are good ____________ (carve) pumpkins cut happy or sad faces in them. With lighted candles in them, the pumpkins become Jack - O' - lanterns, symbols of Halloween. g On October 31, children go trick — or — treating. They clever seem to get tired______(run) from house to house to fill their bags with candy. Little children are sometimes afraid ______(go) out on Halloween because of the ghosts and mon­sters on the streets. Their parents are often worried_____(save)

their children's teeth from all those sweets.


23. Complete the sentences with the gerund form of a suitable verb.

1. The newspaper's financial editor advised his reader not to buy speculative snares unless they were prepared to risk ... their money. 2. This room will look very cheerful once you're finished ... it 3. I wish you wouldn't keep ... me what I already know all too well. 4. It is difficult to see how the company can avoid ... another loss this year. 5. It was so ridiculous that I couldn't resist ... outright. 6. The secretary asked if I would mind ... for a few minutes.

7. The way to learn a language is to practise ... it as often as possible. 8. Everyone said how much they had enjoyed ... to the speech. 9. When you've finished the book you can tell me if it's worth ... 10. He was very lucky to escape ... (passive) to prison. 11. You should stop ... about the examinations. „ 12. She was so upset that she couldn't help ... 13. The job will entail your ... to different parts of the coun­try, often at short notice. 14. The teacher said he wouldn't tolerate my ... late every day. 15. The question is so trivial, it hardly justifies our ... up any more time discussing it.


24. Complete the sentences using the gerund form of a suitable verb. To functions as a preposition in every case. Note that the "perfect" form is required in some sentences.

1. The Prime Minister said he was looking forward to ... the US President. 2. He should be accustomed by now to ... English food 3. The policeman couldn't swear to ... the accused man at the scene of the crime. 4. Do you think your father would object to ... ? 5. He said he wasn't used to ... in public. 6. Having almost run out of money we were reduced to ... in a cheap hotel. 7. He tried to limit himself to ... ten cigarettes a day.

8. Manufacturers were asked to devote all their energies to ... exports. 9. We aren't going. My wife doesn't feel like to so far. 10. The committee could see no alternative to ... thee plan in its original form.


25. For each of the following sentences write -another sentence as similar as possible in meaning using the verb in brackets together with a preposition atnd ger­und.

1. The customer said that the cashier had tried to overcharge her (accuse). 2. Many people pass their driving test only at the second at­tempt (succeed). 3. Concert-goes are asked not to smoke in the auditorium (refrain). 4. The solicitor talked his client out of taking leg al action (dissuade). 5. If a customer gets poor service, you can't say it 's wrong of him to make a fuss (blame). 6. The hijackers wouldn't let the passengers leave tthe plane (prevent). 7. The student said he was sorry that he had missed the previous lesson (apologize). 8. Visitors to the Zoo are not allowed to feed the animals (prohibit) 9. Despite my obvious lack of interest the party bone said he had to tell me the rest of his story, (insists). 10. The police think that the owner of the store started the fire himself (suspect).


26. Complete the sentences using gerunds.

1. My doctor advised me to give up ... 2. We had to put off ... 3. That company specializes in ... 4. The judge was accused of ... 5. Many people get a great deal of satisfaction from ... 6. I told him not to bother about ... 7. The teacher decided against ... 8. On ... he took off his hat.

9. We asked a solicitor for advice before ... 10. By ... he ran the risk of ... 11. After ... the customer left the shop without ... 12. By ... the student improved his chances of ...


27. Complete the sentences using gerunds.

1. There are many difficulties involved in ... 2. You must be tired of ... 3. The boy was severely reprimanded for ... 4. The public were warned of the dangers of ... 5. He doesn't take any interest in ... 6. You seem to be very fond of ... 7. The soldier was court - martialled for ...

8. Who is responsible for ...? 9. You ought to think about ..., instead of ... 10. This new scheme goes a long way towards ... 11. I would never think of ... 12. They saw no reason for not ...


28. Put the verbs in brackets into a gerund form.

1. He gave up (gamble). 2. Try to avoid (make) him angry. 3. Stop (argue) and star t (work).

4. The children prefer (watch) TV to (read). 5. I am against (make) any complaints. 6. It's no use (cry) over spilt milk, (proverb) 7. I suggest (hold) another meeting next week. 8. He finished (speak) and sat down.' 9. He was fined for (drive) without lights. 10. It is difficult to get used to (eat) with chopsticks. 11. If you can't turn the key try (put) some oil in the lock. 12. He lost no time in (get) down to work. 13. You can't make an omelette without (break) eggs. (proverb) 14. We are looking forward to (read) your new book. 15. They escaped by (slide) down ropes made of blankets. 16. They don't allow (smoke) in here. 17. He is thinking of (leave) his job and (go) to America. 18. After (read) this article you will give up (smoke). 19. If you put your money into that business you risk (lose) every penny. 20. Imagine (live) with someone who never stops (talk). 21. Is there anything here worth (buy)? 22. He was accused of (leak) information to the press. 23. You'd better consult your lawyer before (decide) to buy the property. 24. I don't enjoy (go) to the dentist. 25. Would you mind (put) your pet snake somewhere else? 26. The hostages were rescued without a shot (be) fired. 27. By (work) day and night he succeeded in (finish) the job in time. 28. He has a scheme for (make) grass grow in winter. 29. I don't feel like (work); what about (go) to a disco in­stead? 30. Would you mind (write) your name and address on the back of the cheque? 31. If a thing is worth (do) at all it is worth (do) well. (proverb) 32. I hate (borrow) money. 33. He was furious at (be) mistaken for an escaped convict. 34. After (talk) for ten minutes I succeeded in (convince) him that there was no danger. 35. I remember (read) a review of that book and (think) I'd like to get it. 36. As a result of (listen) at keyholes he learnt many facts which he had no hesitation in (use) to his own advantage.


29. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).

1. I am looking forward to (see) you. 2. He dreads (have) to retire. 3. I arranged (meet) them here. 4. He urged us (work) faster. 5. I wish (see) the manager. 6. It's no use (wait). 7 He warned her (not touch) the wire. 8. Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed. 9. My mother told me (not speak) to anyone about it. 10. I can't understand her (behave) like that. 11. He tried (explain) but she refused (listen). 12. At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) between the courses. 13. You are expected (know) the safety regulations of the college. 14. He decided (disguise) himself by (dress) as a woman. 15. I am prepared (wait) here all night if necessary. 16. Would you mind (show) me how (work) the lift? 17. After (walk) for three hours we stopped to let the others (catch up) with us. 18. I am beginning (understand) what you mean. 19. He was fined for (exceed) the speed limit. 20. The boys like (play) games but hate (do) lessons. 21. I regret (inform) you that your application has been re­fused. 22. I couldn't help (overhear) what you said. 23. Mrs Jones: I don't allow (smoke) in my drawing-room. Mrs Smith: I don't allow my family (smoke) at all. 24. He surprised us all by (go) away without (say) "Good­bye". 25. Please go on (write); I don't mind (wait). 26. He wore dark glasses (avoid) (be) recognized. 27. Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth. 28. I tried (persuade) him (agree) with your proposal. 29. Your windows need (clean); would you like me (do) them for you? 30. Would you mind (shut) the window? I hate (sit) m a draught. 31. I can't help (sneeze): I caught a cold yesterday from (sit) in a draught. 32. Do stop (talk); I am trying (finish) a letter. 33. His doctor advised him (give up) (jog). 34. My watch keeps (stop).-

That's because you keep (forget) (wind) it. 35. Without (realize) it, he hindered us instead of (help) us 36 People used (make) fire by (rub) two sticks together.


30 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).

1. He hates (answer) the phone, and very often just lets it (ring) 2. If you go on (let) your dog (chase) cars he'll end by (be) run over 3. I prefer (drive) to (be driven). 4. I advise you (start) (look) for a flat at once. 5. Would you mind (lend) me £5? I forgot (cash) a cheque. 6. (Lie) on this beach is much more pleasant than (sit) in the office. 7. She likes her children (go) to the dentist every six months. 8. By (neglect) (take) ordinary precautions he endangered the life of his crew. 9. An instructor is coming (show) us how (use) the aq­ualung. 10. I have no intention of (go) to that film; I couldn't bear-(see) my favourite actress in such a dreadful part.

11. I suggest (telephone) the hospital before (ask) the police (look) for him. 12. After (hear) the conditions I decided (not enter) for the competition. 13. Some people seem (have) a passion for (write) to the newspapers. 14. He expects me (answer) by return but I have no inten­tion of (reply) at all. 15. I tried (explain) to him but he refused (listen) and went on (grumble). 16. By (offer) enormous wages he is persuading men (leave) their present jobs and (work) for him. 17. He postponed (make) a decision till it was too late (do) anything. 18. Imagine (have) (get up) at five a.m. every day! 19. Try (forget) it; it isn't worth (worry) about. 20. There is no point in (remain) in a dangerous place if you can't do anything (help) the people who have (stay) there. 21. The horse won't be well enough (run) in tomorrow's race. He doesn't seem (have recovered) from his long journey. 10. Sometimes teenagers get into trouble with their parents 22. At first I enjoyed (listen) to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) the same story again and again. 23. It is usually easier (learn) a subject by (read) books than by (listen) to lectures. 24. It wouldn't be safe (start) down now; we'll have (wait) till the mist clears. 25. The police accused him of (set) fire to the building but he denied (have been) in the area on the night of the fire. 26. I left my door open. Why didn't you walk in? ~ I didn't like (go) in when you weren't there. 27. It's much better (go) to a hairdresser than (try) (save) time by (cut) your own hair. 28. I'd rather (earn) my living by (scrub) floors than (make) money by (blackmail) people.

29. After (discuss) the matter for an hour the committee ad­journed without (have reached) any decision. 30. It's not much use (have) a bicycle if you don't know how (ride) it. 31. He didn't dare (leave) the house because he was afraid of (meet) someone who might (recognize) him.

32. I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him £2. 33. Did you remember (give) him the key of the safe? ~ No, I didn't. I'll go and do it now. 34. Please forgive me for (interrupt) you but would you mind (repeat) that last sentence? 35. I know my hair wants (cut) but I never have time (go) to the hairdresser's. 36. He made a lot of money by (buy) tickets in advance and (sell) them for twice the price on the day of the match. 37. She rushed out the room without (give) me a chance (explain). 38. He keeps (ask) me the time and I keep (tell) him (buy) himself a watch.

39. He has a theory that it is possible (tell) the time in day light by (look) into a cat's eyes. 40. I'd hate (be) beside a volcano when it started (erupt).


31. Put the verbs in brackets into gerund or infinitive.

After like it is sometimes possible to use either gerund or infinitive, but there tends to be a slight difference in implication.

like + gerund usually means "enjoy"; it also usually implies that the action is/was performed:

I like skating = I enjoy skating (and do skate).

like + infinitive has more the meaning of "approve of", "like the idea or habit". In the affirmative it gives no indication as to whether the action is performed or not, and in the negative im­plies that it is not performed.

I didn't like saying it

usually means "I said it, unwillingly", but

I didn't like to say it

usually means "I didn't say it" (because it didn't seem right or sensible). The distinction, however, is not rigid. The above notes are, therefore, only guides which may safely be followed.

1. I used (ride) a lot but I haven't had a chance (do) any since (come) here. ~ I ride sometimes. Would you like (come) with me next time? 2. Most people prefer (spend) money to (earn) it. 3. I resented (be) unjustly accused and asked him (apologize). 4. It isn't good for children (eat) too many sweets. 5. I didn't feel like (work) so I suggested (spend) 'the day in the garden. 6. Why do you keep (look) back? Are you afraid of (be) fol­lowed? 7. Do you remember (post) the letter? ~ Yes, I do; I posted it in the letter-box near my gate. 8. Did you remember (lock) the door? ~ No, I didn't. I'd better (go) back and (do) it now. 9. You still have a lot (learn) if you'll forgive my (say) so. 10. It's no use (try) (interrupt) him. You'll have (wait) till he stops (talk). 11. I'm for (do) nothing till the police arrive. They don't like you (move) anything when a crime has been committed. 12. He didn't like (leave) the children alone in the house but he had no alternative as he had (go) out to work. 13. Why didn't you drink it? ~ I didn't like (drink) it as I didn't know what it was. 14. I'm very sorry for (be) late. It was good of you (wait) for me. 15. I keep (try) (make) mayonnaise but I never succeed. ~ Try (add) the yolk of a hard-boiled egg.

16. Do you feel like (go) to a film or would you rather (stay) at home? 17. She told me (look) through her correspondence and (take) out any letters that you had written her. I don't like (look) through someone else's letters but I had (do) as she said. 18. He took to (get up) early and (walk) noisily about the house. 19. I liked (listen) to folk music much better than (listen) to pop 20. The car began (make) an extraordinary noise so I stopped (see) what it was.

21. You'll never regret (do) a kind action. 22. He decided (put) broken glass on top of his wall (prevent) boys (climb) over it. 23. He annoyed me very much by '(take) the piece of cake that I was keeping (eat) after my supper. 24. He kept (ring) up and (ask) for an explanation and she didn't know what (do) about him. 25. We got tired of (wait) for the weather (clear) and finally decided (set) out in the rain. 26. He made me (repeat) his instructions (make) sure that 1 understood what I was (do) after he had gone. 27. I suggest (leave) the car here and (send) a breakdowr van (tow) it to the garage. 28. She apologized for (borrow) my sewing-machine without (ask) permission and promised never (do) it again. 29. I didn't mean (offend) anyone but somehow I succeeded in (annoy) them all. 30. She claimed (be able) (tell) the future by (gaze) into her crystal ball. 31. He never thinks of (get) out of your way; he expects you (walk) round him. 32. You don't need (ask) his permission every time you want (leave) the room.


32. Decide whether to is functioning as a preposition or as part of an infinitive and then complete the sen­tences with the gerund or the infinitive forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The speaker said he would confine himself to (try) to (answer) four questions. 2. By selling council houses, we are able to devote more money to (build) fresh properties. 3. Hard work is the key to (pass) examinations. 4. Having suggested the scheme myself I now feel commit­ted to (try) to (make) it work. 5. I think that is what he said but I can't swear to (have) heard him correctly. 6. He used to (dislike) London but he now seems resigned to (live) there.

7. Jones came very close to (win) a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics. 8. It might be better to (try) to (discuss) it in his own lan­guage as he isn't used to (speak) English. 9. Most educationlists agree that no teacher's duties should be limited solely to (teach). 10. Unreliable delivery dates are one of the most important obstacles to (increase) our exports.


33. Use gerund or infinitive in the following sentences.

A. 1. The boys started (to run — running). 2. They intended (to win — winning) the race. 3. My parents love (to walk — walking) in the wood 4. The children continued (to watch — watching) TV.. 5. Don't try (to eat — eating) the unripe apples. 6. After dinner I began (to do — doing) my lessons. 7. Avoid (to make — making) spelling mistakes.

B. 1. He must go on (to make — making) experiments. 2. Mother loves (to work — working) in the garden. 3. Can we put off (to see — seeing) the exhibition for some days? 4. I don't deny (to have said — having said) that. 5. You must get used to (to get up — getting up) early. 6. Nobody was surprised at his (to have made — having made) a long speech. 7. It's no good (to quarrel — quarrelling) with him.


34. Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences.

1. The teacher decided (accepting/to accept) the paper. 2. They appreciate (to have/having) this information. 3. His father doesn't approve of his (going/to go) to . Europe. 4. We found it very difficult (reaching/to reach) a decision 5. Leonac is interested in ( to open/opening) a bar. 6. George has no intention of (to leave/leaving) the city now. 7. We are eager (to return/returning) to school in autumn 8. You would be better off (to buy/buying) this car. 9. She refused (to accept/accepting) the gift. 10. Mary regrets (to be/being) the one to have to tell him.

11. George pretended (to be/being) sick yesterday. 12. Carlos hoped (to finish/finishing) his thesis this year. 13. They agreed (to leave/leaving) early. 14. Helen was anxious (to tell/telling) her family about her promotion. 15. We are not ready (to stop/stopping) this research at the time. 16. Henry shouldn't risk (to drive/driving) so fast. 17. He demands (to know/knowing) what is going on. 18. She is looking forward to (return/returning) to her coun­try. 19. There is no excuse for (to leave/leaving) the room in this condition. 20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave/leaving) the game.


35. Make an equivalent sentence, with a gerund or an infinitive, for each of these sentences.

It's hard to blow up balloons. Making a wish before you blow out the candle is very important. It's not easy to blow out all the candles. Opening the presents is exciting. But washing the dishes after the party is no fun. It's sad to have to wait a whole year for your next birthday.


36. Complete these sentences with the indefinite or ger­und form of each verb in parentheses.

Leo, Marie, and their son Scott are on their way home after a dinner party at the home of Dan and Ruth.

L.: Well, I certainly enjoyed ___________ (see) Dan and Ruth again. The food was delicious, and they were really excited about_____(get) that new dining-room set.

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