Design and Architecture for Energy Efficiency/Проектные и архитектурные решения, обеспечивающие энергоэффективность:
q “Whole Building” Design Approach, Integrated Building Design/«Комплексный» подход к проектированию зданий/интеграция систем зданий
q Cloud-Based Design and Construction Management Tools/Проектироваине и управление строительством в «облаке»
q Home Position and Orientation/Расположение и размещение жилых зданий
q Landscaping/Благоустройство и озеленение
q Thermal Analysis/Тепловые расчеты
q Daylighting/Дневное освещение (проектирование из расчета на частичное использование естественного освещения вместо электрического)
q Disaster Resistance/Устойчивость к воздействию стихийных бедствий
Technologies, Tools, Concepts/Технологии, средства и концепции:
q Energy Auditing/Энергетический аудит
q Commissioning/Ввод в эксплуатацию
q IT and Mobile Applications in Energy Efficiency/Применение информационных и мобильных технологий для обеспечения энергоэффективности
q Automated Controls, Sensors, and Energy Management/Автоматизация управления, датчики в помещении и управление энергоресурсами
q Water Reuse/Повторное использование воды
q Certification and Rating Programs/Программы сертификации и контроля качества
q Development of Performance Data and Standards/Сбор эксплуатационных данных и разработка стандартов
q Life-Cycle Cost Analysis/Анализ сроков службы строительных материалов
q Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs)/«Энергосервисный контракт» (Строительные контракты, которые финансируются за счет экономии электроэнергии)
Business Aspects/Коммерческие аспекты:
q Marketing and Sales/Маркетинг и сбыт
q Industry Coordination/Координация отрасли
q Research and Development/Научно-исследовательские работы
q Finance and Financial Incentives/Финансы и материальное стимулирование
q Payback Periods for Energy Efficient Technologies/Срок окупаемости для энергосберегающих технологий
Governmental Programs and Support/Государственные программы и поддержка:
q Energy Conservation Ordinances and Standards/Стандарты и положения по вопросам энергосбережения
q Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE) Programs and Initiatives/Программы и инициативы Агентства по охране окружающей среды и Министерства энергетики США
q Energy Efficiency Programs for Low-Income Families/Программы энергоэффективности для семей с низким доходом
q Local, State, and Federal Incentives for Energy Efficiency/Стимулирование энергоэффективности на местном и федеральном уровнях, а также на уровне штата
q Development of State and Local Building Codes/Разработка региональных и местных строительных норм и правил
Please provide information about specific projects, joint ventures, or business relationships you would like to develop with U.S. companies. In addition, please provide a short list of particular U.S. companies or organizations you would like to meet with/Укажите, планируете ли Вы начать совместные проекты или установить деловые отношения с американскими компаниями (Если Вам известны названия этих компаний, пожалуйста, назовите их).
I testify that the information submitted in this application is complete and accurate. I understand that providing false information on this application or during the interview will automatically disqualify me from participation in the SABIT program. If I am selected for participation in the program, and it is determined during the course of the training that any of the information provided in this application or during the interview was false, I understand that this would mean immediate dismissal from the program.
If selected, I agree to comply with all regulations of the program and all local and national laws of the U.S.
I understand that while in the United States, I will be required to share my hotel room with one other individual from the training group (of the same sex). I understand that separate beds will be provided. I declare that this type of housing arrangement is satisfactory to me and presents no difficulties.
I understand that I will be provided with medical insurance to be used only for emergency situations and not for routine medical care or treatment for any pre-existing medical or dental condition. I further understand that I will be required to pay all deductibles and other miscellaneous expenses not covered by the insurance. I understand that I may purchase my own travel and/or health insurance before departing for the U.S. If I choose to do so, this will act as additional coverage for me while I am on the SABIT program.
I understand that the U.S. visa obtained in connection with my SABIT program training is valid only for temporary training and is not valid for employment in the United States or for travel not related to the SABIT training. I declare my intent to return to my home country with the SABIT delegation at the end of my training as a SABIT program participant. I understand that returning to my country at the end of my internship is a condition of my participation in the SABIT program. I further understand that traveling outside of the United States (for example, Canada or Mexico) is strictly prohibited and would be in violation of my U.S. visa and would mean immediate dismissal from the program. Travel to cities in the United States that are not part of the specific SABIT training program is strictly prohibited.