b. putting all possible answers in writing and reading out from your notes during the interview.
c. thinking about and planning how you are going to answer all the questions you might be asked.
d. making friends with each member of the interview board.
2. Which of these would you NOT do as you prepare for an interview?
a. Find out about the company.
b. Find out about the job.
c. Think about and plan your answers.
d. Do nothing, hoping to impress the interview board with your spontaneous answers.
3. Which type of questions aim to test out information written on your application form?
a. human questions
b. factual questions
c. open questions
d. closed questions
4. Which type of questions require a YES or NO answer?
a. human questions
b. factual questions
c. open questions
d. closed questions
5. What do you do if you're faced with an interviewer who isn't very good?
a. You need to take control.
b. You do nothing.
c. You leave the interview early.
d. You tell the interviewer they are not very good.
6. Which of these would you NOT do at the end of an interview?
a. Show how much you're interested in the company.
b. Ask questions simply not to be silent.
c. Find out if the job is really as interesting as it seems.
d. Ask questions to clarify anything you're not sure about.
Task 2. Roleplay
For each role-play one person plays the person described in the left column, who is looking for a job. The other person plays the person described in the right column, who is an employer.
Person being interviewed Interviewer
1. This woman is in her mid 40s. This woman is in her mid 30's, and is
She was a music teacher in her the owner of a small, fashionable
native country. She worked in boutique. She is energetic, nervous,
a school with hundreds of and businesslike. She doesn't like to
children. She has never sold waste time. She needs a sales-person.
before, but she does not like
clerical work, and would like
to get into sales. She has good
taste, and enjoys being well-dressed.
2. This woman is in her mid 30s. This man is the owner of a small
In her native country she was import-export company. Many of
an economist. She has just his clients speak the applicant's
completed a course in a business native language. He is a sympathetic
school, has bookkeeping skills, person, but wants a bookkeeper
and can do light typing at about who will give him a good day's
thirty-five words per minute. work.
3. This man is a college student, This man is 52, very strong, big, and
age 20, who wants to work over serious. He owns a construction
the summer vacation. He wants company and sometimes employs
a job that requires a lot of summer workers for heavy jobs
physical work. like pouring cement, etc.
Take turns. Act out a job interview between the two people.
After each interview, let the students decide if the applicant will get the job.