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Hopscotch is a traditional chalk game, but do you remember how to play?


Draw a hopscotch course of ten boxes, numbered from 1 to 10, alternating a single box and a double box.

Each player takes a turn tossing a stone into the first box. If the stone stays in the box without touching the sides, the player gets to jump through the hopscotch course (always hopping over the box with their stone in it).

Players must use alternating feet when hopping into the single boxes and must not touch the sides of the box.

At the end of the course, the player turns around (balancing on one foot) and hops back, picking up the stone along the way.

If the player completes the course, he or she gets to toss the stone into the second box and continue.

If a player fails to complete the course, it is the next player's turn to toss a stone and hop through the course. The winner is the first player to complete the course ten times.




Try this simple take on the classic game of X's and O's.


Draw several tic-tac-toe boards (about 2 feet by 2 feet) on level pavement. Players designate a "throw" line and take turns trying to toss a stone into a square. If the stone lands in a square without touching any of the sides, that player gets to draw an "X" or "O" in that square. If the player's stone touches one of the sides of a square, the player doesn't get to claim that square and it becomes the next player's turn. Play continues until one player has three X's or O's in a row.

To create more of a challenge or to add more fun, move the "throw" line further away from the board, or draw several game boards with progressively smaller boxes.
After each game is over, erase the markings with a rag and some water (don't touch the outlines of the boxes) and continue playing on a fresh board while it dries.


Tic-tac-toe is a simple classic, but in this driveway version, a single toss can bring about a reversal of fortune.

Mark out a 9-square tic-tac-toe grid and a toss line. Our grid was about 3 feet by 3 feet. Have each player use chalk to decorate 4 stones with his "team" colour, and a fifth stone - the "change" stone, in a different colour.

Players take turns tossing their stones, trying to get 3 in a row. If a player misses the board or lands in an occupied spot, he picks up his rock and his turn is over.
Once a game, each player can toss the change stone to try to take over an opponent's box. To be successful, he must land the stone on the targeted square. If he misses, he must pick up his stone, and his turn is over. The winner is the first player to get tic-tac-toe.



Play on your driveway or local basketball court. Number the squares from 1-20, 5 numbers in each row. Between some numbers draw snakes, which cause the player to slide backwards. Between other numbers draw ladders, which help the player climb closer to the finish square. Use a dice to determine how many squares you move. The 1st player to reach number 20 wins the game.





Play on your driveway, footpath or any concrete surface. Use your chalk to draw a large square, then divide into 2 or 4 squares of equal size depending on the number of players.

Each player stands in a separate square. The player in square number 1 bounces & hand hits a tennis ball or basket ball from their square to another square. The other player must then hit the ball back or onto another player using their hand. The ball must only ever bounce once in your square before you hit it on. If you miss the ball, if it bounces more than once or if you hit it outside the squares, 1 point is awarded to the player who caused you to ‘miss’ the ball. This game continues serving & hitting to each other until a single player reaches a total of 11. This player wins the game.




On any concrete surface use your chalk to draw a large square playing field & goals at either end. Draw either 4 posts like AFL football or a single goal like soccer. Dribble & kick a bouncing ball around your opponent/opponents into the goals at the end to score. The first player/team to score 15 goals wins.





Use your chalk to mark out a target on a wall to throw a large or small ball at. Trace a circle on a brick wall (away from windows!) as big as a bin lid. Place some sticks at different distances away from your target. Each distance can be worth 1-5 points, 5 points being the furthest distance. Allow yourself 5 throws at each distance. See how many times you hit your target and see how many points you get. You may like to try your opposite hand!

Traditionally played using five city-sidewalk squares but it can also be played on a level driveway or in a garage, too. Mark off five large squares in a row (about one grown-up "giant step" in length each) and number them from 1 to 5. Players stand at opposite ends of the boxes.

The first player throws a ball so that it bounces once in the square furthest away. If the ball doesn't bounce in that square, touches the edges, or is caught by the other player after it bounces, the first player's turn is over.
If the first player is successful, he or she has another turn and tries to throw the ball so it bounces once in the fourth square and once in the fifth square (without touching the edges or being caught). If successful, the player then throws the ball so it bounces in the third, fourth, and the fifth square.
The first player to bounce the ball into all five squares without being caught wins.




We divided each section of each square on the sidewalk into three. Make a start and finish line. All you need is a pair of dice (the big fuzzy dice are fun to use and easy to see). The kids are the playing pieces. Two to six children can play at one time, Each child chooses a number on the dice 1-6. The roller then rolls the two dice and whatever numbers come up, those players get to move one space. We usually have twelve to fifteen spots. Keep on rolling until the first player reaches the finish line.




With one or two pieces of chalk, you can turn a stretch of pavement into a colourful grid for a round of springtime games.

Draw a large spiral (shaped like a snail's shell) on the ground. Make a circle in the center and label it Home. Divide the rest of the spiral into a dozen spaces.

To start, the first player must hop on one foot, landing in each space, all the way to the Home circle, where she can land on both feet before turning and hopping back out. If she completes the feat without stepping on a line, she can write her initials in the space of her choice. No other player can land there for the rest of the game.

The next person in line then tries her luck at hopping to and from the center, skipping over the initialed space. If she succeeds, she earns a square. Play continues in this manner until no one is able to reach Home. Whoever has earned the most spaces wins.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2455

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