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Summary for "Chicago Hope," the Premiere 4 page

In Short:An accident brings tragedy to a family trapeze act. Dr. Geiger walks the fine edge of sanity. Dr. Shutt has a nasty run-in with a bigoted patient. Camille returns to a scary, independent life without Aaron.

Guest Starring: Louis Guss (as Joseph Collito), Anna Berger (as Mary Collito), Victoria Dillard (as Dr. Nadine Winslow), Richard Romanus (as Anthony Travelli), Jamie Rose (as Det. Stacy Halmora), and Bianca Rossini (as Jeanette Travelli)

Story: David E. Kelley
Directed By: James Frawley

TOP Summary:

Camille and Aaron are packing up final things and he finds it strange that they're getting along. They talk about the good old days and kiss...Camille stops it. Joe Coledo is back at CH, and is upset that Aaron seems like he doesn't remember him. A family flying trapeze act comes into trauma after a freak accident during performance. Winslow tells Coledo that he's going to have to have his gall bladder removed. Aaron feels like the patients are just passing through and it doesn't mean anything. Geigher approaches a woman telling her he would date her but all he wants is sex, and maybe afterwards he'd offer to pay her tuition to Barbazon. Turns out she's a cop and she arrests him.

Alan argues for Jeffrey with his "why bother" defense--it's pointless to try to prosecute Geiger because he's not who they're really after. Aaron and Phillip try to explain to the Travelli's that they won't be able to do their act for awhile. Coledo dosn't want Winslow to perform his surgery--he wants a Jewish doctor. A man parks in Jeffrey's spot so he breaks the man's windows with a golf club. Winslow sees this and thinks he needs help. Jeffrey tells Nadine he has some stuff going on but doesnt want to tell her. She insists that if they're going to have a relationship he has to share withe her. Tomorrow he'll tell her. Mr. Travelli agonizes that he caused their accident. Camille tries to convince Angela she's looking forward to the single life, but shes really terrified.

Phillip wonders if the Travelli's don't care that one of their own is on the brink of death, but Mr. Travelli tells him they live every day loving each other as if it might be the last. Alan takes Stacy, the detective who arrested Jeffrey, on a tour of CH. Jeffrey thanks Alan. Aaron doesn't want to get Coledo a new doctor because he's being racist but Phillip makes him oblige the patient. Jeffrey tells Nadine his wife Laurie drowned their son, Joey, and is institutionalized. He's also afraid of intimacy and is afraid to get involved with Nadine because she's special, but she's not going to let him push her away. The young Travelli boy dies, which really upsets Aaron. Mr. Travelli is still concerned about the next show.

Phillip warns Aaron and Camille about domestic tension, and if there are problems it would be Camille that would be fired. Jeffrey tries to break up with Nadine but she wants an explanation. He tells her he always pictured himself with a white, Jewish woman and used the fact that she's black as a safety net. He never thought he'd fall in love with a black woman. He doesn't want to be in love--he's still married to Laurie. He askes her to leave.

Mr. Travelli finally shows remorse and Phillip wonders why he goes on. Travelli wonders how Phillip, as a doctor, can go on surrounded bu death. They find they have something in common. Aaron reassures Coledo and apologizes for his outburst. Phillip wishes the Travelli's well. Jeffrey puts on Camille's favorite song even though Aaron asks him not to. He says sad songs make you happy when you surrender to the misery. Alone, Camille listens to the same song.

TOP Facts:

Jamie Rose was in a short lived police tv-series "Lady Blue"which also plays in Chicago (with Danny Aiello)

Song: "Try a little tenderness" by Otis Ready can be found on his album: The best of Three Dogs Night (which also contains such beautiful songs like: Sitting on the dock of the Bay, I have got dreams to Remember, Day Tripper, Knock on Wood, Respect, Hard to Handle...)

TOP Quotes:

ALAN: Why don't you shut up, Jeffrey? Your big mouth is the reason youre here, so why dont you just keep it closed. Think you can do that?
JEFFREY: I don't know, let me try. Oops, seems I can't.

PHILLIP: What's wrong with Jeffrey?
AARON: He's having his period.

AARON: I tell my patients no trapeze flying for at least 48 hours. Superstition.

GUY: Are you nuts?
JEFFREY: Completely, but you're in my spot.

PHILLIP: Let me just say one thing as your doctor--no one has ever knocked me on my ass.

JEFFREY: We go on because we have to. We save life, Aaron. Have a bad day, you know what, its just a day. There's another one after that. And then another and then another and then another...More of them good than bad. More good than bad. Heroes, Aaron. We save lives. More good days than bad, remember that. Heroes.

TOP Transcripts:

Jeffrey and Aaron are sitting in a bar. Jeffrey stops a women (Stacey Hallmora) who passes by.
Jeffrey: Excuse me ma'am. I won't keep you a minute. You're lovely, by the way.
(Introduces Shutt and himself.)
Aaron Schutt, Jeffrey Geiger.
I'm sure we'll get your name. It's not important. Here's what is. We're both busy professionals, particularly me. I'd love to take the time to get to know you. I'm a firm believer in extended courtships. What ever happened to bundling for example?
Stacey: Is he a wacko?
Aaron: Very much so.
Jeffrey: Look, the point is this. I could take you to dinner, a show, a quiet nightcap, learn about your youth, fawn over your intellectual acuity. All these things I'm sure would happen. Why? My interest is appropriation and my time is short. Why indulge this charade with a preamble? Why not just physically commune? Afterwhich I could offer to pay your tuition to the Barbizon School.
Stacey: Wait a minute. You mean, like we have sex and you give me a tip.
Jeffrey: Well, if you want to put it like that, I could charge it on my Visa and rack up some frequent flyer mileage.
Stacey: Want to put your hands on the table.
Jeffrey: I'd love to.
Stacey: Stand up and spread your legs.
Jeffrey: Right here?
Stacey: YES.
Jeffrey: Yes ma'am. (to Aaron) You have to be polite.
Stacey: You're under arrest for solicitation.
Jeffrey: What!?
Stacey reads Geiger his rights:
Jeffrey: (to Aaron) What are you laughing at. Big mistake. Call the Eel, will you. Stop laughing. Call the Eel.

Alan Birch and Stacey Hallmora walk into the room overlooking the OR:
Alan: They call this OR the Theater. It has the highest state-of-the-art technology in the world. I can show you how a lot of it works. I've been in here so often I can actually do many of the procedures myself. Of course, I'm not licensed.
Stacey: I think you should stick to law. You're good at it.
Geiger, hiding in the shadows, starts to cough.
Jeffrey: Sorry.
Alan: Jeffrey! (astonished)You remember Detective Hallmora.
Jeffrey: (Salutes her) Detective.
Alan: Detective, want to give me a second.(She leaves) I was just kidding about me doing procedures.
Jeffrey: Uh huh.
Alan: Okay. Good seeing you.
Jeffrey: Alan. Something you should know. Thank you for the other night. And like she said, stick to the law. You're good at it.


Summary for the Picket Fences/Chicago Hope Crossover Episode "Rebels with Causes"

From JenLCB@aol.comWed Jun 28 17:41:23 1995Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 16:36:24 -0400From: JenLCB@aol.comTo: chicago.hope@umich.eduSubject: Picket Fences/CH Crossover Summary This is a summary of the "Chicago Hope" portion of the episode only. Ifanyone would like a copy of the entire summary, including the "Picket Fences"plot involving Kenny, Kim, and Jimmy, please email JenLCB@aol.com PICKET FENCES or CHICAGO HOPE, EPISODE 1.8.5 "Rebels With Causes"Air date: 11/11/94 Written by David E. KelleyDirected by Tom Skerritt PLOT ONE Excited to be appearing before the Supreme Court, defense attorney DouglasWambaugh reviews with assistant Kimberly his plans to defend murder suspectBrian Latham. While discussing the various judges and whether or not eachwill be beneficial to his case, he collapses. * * * In her office, Dr. Jill Brock tells Wambaugh his EKG indicates a "coronaryepisode." Wambaugh is affronted. He argues that he is only 72, and that noWambaugh has ever had a heart attack. He denies he has a problem. ''It's over,'' he says. ''Prescribe me some nitroglycerine and we can be donewith it." However, Brock wants to take him to Chicago Hope Hospital, which has moreadvanced facilities than Thayer. * * * At Chicago Hope, Brock introduces Wambaugh to Dr. Jeffrey Geiger. Geigerbrusquely ignores Brock and gets right down to business. He informs Wambaughdispassionately that while he had a spasm in his heart, the problem lies inhis brain. Brock and Wambaugh are shocked, but Geiger brushes theirincredulity aside. He tells Dr. Brock he wants to schedule an MRI, as it maybe a lesion in the brain. He wants "to see what's up there." "There's nothing up there!" Wambaugh protests to Geiger. "There's nothingwrong with my head and you're not going in there!'' ''Look at his shoes!" he tells Brock. With a glance down at his shoes, Geiger turns to go. "Hope you enjoy your stay. Both of you," he says, giving them each apatronizing pat on his way out. "That was not a nice man," Wambaugh complains piteously. * * * Brock catches up to Geiger and chastises him for his rushed diagnosis of apossible brain tumor. She asks him how long he had looked at the testresults. "About a minute and a half," he responds, his eyes on Wambaugh's records. "Look, Dr. Brock, I'm sure you're a very good little physician,'' he tellsher. ''I firmly believe more medical students should go into generalpractice. You're to be applauded. But this isn't Green Acres. You're atChicago Hope, and the most profound contribution you could make here would beto step aside. And I mean that in a good way." She angrily informs him that she will not step aside. "Do you understand?" "Yeah, I think so," he replies. "You don't like being wrong and you resentme for being right." As he walks away down the hall, he turns and his condescension turns hostile. "Now, we have a lovely cafeteria,'' he tells her. ''Perhaps you could gothere, get yourself a nice cup of coffee, ponder all the possibilities ofaspirin or whatever other miracle drug supports your practice. In themeantime, I'll try to save your patient." "You're an arrogant bastard," Brock says. Geiger responds with amused sarcasm, "That was . . . *very* . . . rude,wasn't it?" * * * Spinning happily in the MRI machine, Wambaugh grins like a little boy. "I feel like I'm in Disneyland,'' he enthuses. ''The acoustics are fine. Doyou mind if I sing? I like to hear my voice in here. Plus, if a man can singa song, then he's not sick." Geiger tells him he can sing, as long as he stays still. "Be prepared,'' he warbles loudly. ''That's the Boy Scouts' solemn creed. Be prepared, and be clean in word and deed. Don't solicit . . . ." Meanwhile, Geiger and Brock discuss what they see on the MRI. "That's thedorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve," Geiger points out. "I know what that is," Brock snaps. "I didn't say you didn't," Geiger says. "I heard your tone. I don't need your attitude!" "That's a little sensitive." "If you want to be Ben Casey--" Geiger interrupts her. "So give me your opinion, doctor." But Dr. Brock admits she is stumped. Wambaugh is 72 and shows no symptoms ofwhat she knows he has. Geiger tells her Wambaugh probably has had a mildcase of multiple sclerosis for a long time. The way he walks, the tremorsand the lesion in his brain all point to this disease, he tells her. In thebackground, Wambaugh continues to sing at the top of his lungs. * * * Back in his room, Wambaugh tries to convince Geiger that he does not have MS. "Tell him, Jill, he's wrong. He says that because I'm Jewish," he bleats. When Brock tells him it is true, he charges her of conspiring against him. "You get a big referral fee, he gets to operate and another lawyer gets togo to Washington. Next you'll be calling me paranoid," he accuses. He asks Geiger what MS is. Geiger explains that the disease affects thecentral nervous system, the brain, the spinal cord and the optic nerve. Heasks him what causes it, and Geiger whispers, "We don't know." He asks how he can get rid of it. "It isn't curable," Geiger replies. "Then I don't have it," Wambaugh says firmly, "I can't even pronounce it.Here's what I think. The only thing you know I've got for sure is insurance. So you invented a big disease with a big name so you can bill my carrier andkeep me away from Sandra Day O'Connor. You can't! I waited too long.'' ''You can't make me sick," he insists. * * * Later, in his hospital room, Wambaugh practices with life-size cutouts ofthe Supreme Court justices. He tells them it isn't fair Brian Latham wasrailroaded into a conviction. He was only a drifter, Wambaugh argues, andRome police hadn't given him his civil rights. He grows more and moreagitated as he thinks about his own predicament. "It isn't fair,'' he grouses. ''Life should be fair. It has to be fair. Things aren't fair!" He punches one of the cutouts just as Geiger enters. "Are ya nuts?'' Geiger asks. ''You just decked the Chief Justice!" Geiger informs Wambaugh that he can leave that night or the next, after histests are completed. Then he suggests Wambaugh speak with the housepsychiatrist. "You're talking to giant posters,'' Geiger says. ''For my own education, dothey ever talk back?" ''Stop making fun of me,'' Wambaugh growls. ''I'm sick of people making funof me. I made it to the Supreme Court, and I'm going to be there. Thenyou'll all have to stop laughing. Everybody." "If you have no objection, I'd like to have you sedated, 'cause I believe youare a kook," Geiger tells him. Brock enters the room. "Excuse me, what are you telling the patient?" she demands. "Only that he's a little wacko, but i'm sure he already knew," Geigerresponds. "He's just been diagnosed with a lesion on his brain,'' she yells. ''You havethe insensitivity to stand th--" "Don't yell at me,'' Geiger says quietly. ''Volume has no effect." "Who the hell do you think you are?" Brock asks. "Who am I? I'm 2.3 million dollars a year, that's who I am,'' Geiger says. Wambaugh raises his eyebrows. "I make that much because I got a very busy practice,'' Geiger continues.''And I have taken time out from that practice to treat a patient who talksto cardboard judges, while his physician keeps interfering when she should beback in Rome, Wisconsin, tending to her veterinary practice.'' ''Please have the decency to appreciate my effort," he concludes. Brock sees red. "Well, let me tell you something, Mr. 2.3 Million--" "Is that after taxes?" Wambaugh queries. "--I am a board certified general surgeon,'' Brock fumes. ''I am qualifiedto work here in your . . . precious Chicago Hope Hospital. I could workhere! Do you know why I don't?" "Our preference that patients survive?" Geiger sneers. "No, I want to be a REAL doctor, I want to know my patients. I don't want tobe a specialist meat cutter who does body work. I want to know mypatients," she says. "Well, I'm sure that brings them profound joy, but bottom line, you didn'tknow what this patient had. I did,'' he says. ''Look, I don't know muchabout where you people are from, what the hell gives? He's punching outposters. You? I--I don't know what you're acting out against. But you'reboth very strange people. You're very strange." "You only say that because I'm Jewish," Wambaugh says. "I'm Jewish," Geiger tells him. "Ah-hah! He says it because HE'S Jewish!" Wambaugh crows. With a look at Brock, Geiger silently exits the room. Brock puts a hand onWambaugh's arm, giving him a look of apology and support. Wambaugh nods inunderstanding. * * * Brock brings her complaint to hospital Chief of Staff Dr. Phillip Watters. "Jeffrey Geiger has got to cause more coronaries than he fixes," shedeclares. She asks for another doctor to be assigned to Wambaugh's case, butWatters refuses. He tells her that while Geiger may have an antagonisticpersonality, "You have also never met anybody with more talent." Brock is stunned. "What is it with you people?'' she asks incredulously. ''You think you're sospecial. You just may not be the best hospital in Chicago, much less therest of the country. More people go to that other--what's its name--" Watters interrupts her with the shake of a hand. "We never mention the otherone." He asks her to sit down, then diplomatically explains that while she is awell-rounded individual with time for a career and a family, Geiger is aspecialist. "While you're reading to your children, he's perfecting his artificial heart. While you're attending PTA meetings, he's digging into his sixth bypassprocedure of the day,'' Watters explains. ''He doesn't have time to run formayor of his town. I'm sure you would've made a great mayor. I have nodoubt you're a wonderful mother, I can see firsthand you're a good doctor. But you're not him.'' ''It may make you angry that you're not him, but please have the sense not tolet that anger compromise your patient,'' he says. * * * Wambaugh stands on a chair, shouting, as Brock, Geiger and a nurse try to gethim down. Geiger asks the orderlies to get restraints as Watters enters. "What's the problem?" Watters asks. Brock begins furiously, "I have an erratic patient who is agitated by adevastating diagnosis, delivered by the despicable, contemptiblecardiothoracic ass--" "Hold it!" Watters says. "Already she knows me," Geiger smirks. "Quiet!" Watters snaps. "You know, this may be a great hospital, but you people are no better thananybody else. You ask me, you people suck," Brock tells him heatedly. "Yes, we do. Let's go, Jeffrey, come on." "I wanna tell you about her. . . ." Geiger says, as Watters drags him out. Brock persuades Wambaugh to return to bed, and pulls the curtain. As shetries to console him about the diagnosis, Geiger silently returns and listensto Brock and Wambaugh through the curtain. Brock gently tells Wambaugh that he probably has had MS for fifty years. "The only difference between today and a week ago is now you know," shesays. Wambaugh repeats his need to go to the Supreme Court, and Brock promises himhe will, but asks him why it's so important to him. "To make the world stop laughing at me," he explains. She tells him this is ridiculous, but admits that being at Chicago Hope,coupled with her misdiagnosis of his illness, has made her feel inadequate,too. But, she says, she does not need to work at a big city hospital toprove she is a good doctor, and Wambaugh doesn't need the Supreme Court toprove he's a good lawyer. Wambaugh complains that Brock's husband, Jimmy, had told Kimberly not to sether standards by him. He recounts how Judge Bone always tells him to shut up,and how he was thrown out of temple last year. Brock smiles, and tells him that he is exasperating, but that he's a"character." Geiger listens thoughtfully. * * * ''Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I stand before you today with a lesionon my brain. A good lawyer can always adjust," Wambaugh says as an orderlywheels him down the hall with Miriam and Dr. Brock in tow. They pass Geiger, who asks, "Checking out tonight?" "We want to leave early on account of your being such a horrible person,"Wambaugh tells him. "It's my mission, to free up the beds," Geiger retorts. Then his voice turnsgentle. "Mr. Wambaugh, take your medicine. You'll be fine." "I was never sick!" Wambaugh bellows, then he relents. "You're right. Goodbye." The orderly starts to push his chair down the hall, but Wambaugh asks to goback, so that he can thank Geiger. As Wambaugh is wheeled once again toward the elevator, Geiger addressesBrock. "I heard the things you were saying,'' he says. ''You're some doctor." Helowers his eyes. "I mean that." She thanks him. "He's something, that guy, huh?" he says. "Maybe someday I'll get to know mypatients." Brock looks at him gently and says, "I doubt that many of them would likeyou." He takes her hand and smiles. She waves to Wambaugh, and follows him intothe elevator. *****************************************************JEN'S RANDOM THOUGHTS AND OBSERVATIONS The themes are those of Respect and Rebellion. Brock feels threatened byGeiger's apparent lack of respect for her, heightened by the blow to her ownself-respect from her misdiagnosis of Wambaugh. When faced with her ownlimitations, she responds in a confrontational manner. Wambaugh cannot earnthe respect of Jimmy, Bone, or anyone else in the community, so he wants toprove himself at the Supreme Court. He rebels against the idea that he mightbe sick, fearing that this will prevent him from seeing his goal of provinghimself worthy to those he respects most. Brock's complaint to Geiger of his "tone" foreshadows Gilbert Weeks' samecomplaint later in the "Chicago Hope" season. I thought Geiger's sudden change of heart at the end was forced and a bit outof character. It seemed thrown in, in order to give Brock the redemption sheneeded, and to feel that she had earned his respect and admiration. Geiger'scharacter seemed slightly compromised, in order to build up Brock's.


"You Gotta Have a Heart"

In Short: Dr. Watters supports a woman who refuses to give up on her legally dead infant. A baby boy needs a heart transplant. Dr. Shutt and Dr. Antonovich grow closer.

Guest Starring: Margaret Colin (as Dr. Karen Antonovich), Lauren Tom (as Dr. Yao), Nina Siemaszko (as Mrs. MacKinnon), Tuck Milligan (as Steve Wheeler), Deirdre O'Connell (as Ellen Wheeler), and Philip Baker Hall (as Wellington)

Story: Michael Braverman
Directed By: Tim Hunter

TOP Summary:

A little baby is rushed to the ER because she can't breathe. The mother, Mrs. McKinnon, tells them she's encephalic--the baby has no skull. Aaron tells Phillip that the baby can't possibly breathe on her own. They tell the mother the baby is legally dead--although most of her organs are working she has no brain function. Phillip decides to admit the baby. Thurmond needs the encephalic's kidneys, and Angela informs Phillip Karen Antonovich is coming back to use the encephalic's heart for a transplant. Angela puts the encephalic on the donor list.

Mrs. McKinnon won't allow her baby's organs to be used so Jeffrey and Karen do a surgery on the Wheeler baby that will buy him some time, but he still needs a transplant. Mrs. McKinnon tells Phillip the father is not involved. He tried to make her have an abortion. Karen and Aaron go out to dinner and talk about how they tell parents their children have died. Karen admits she wants the encephalic to die so her patient can have its heart. Aaron reminds her it is dead. Back at the hospital Karen gives him a little peck which really unnerves Aaron. Jeffrey approaches Mrs. McKinnon again about organ donation. She won't do it. Aaron tells Jeffrey he might "like" Karen.

Phillip won't kill the encephalic but Jeffrey tells him it already is dead! He accuses him of bringing religion into it. They can save the Wheeler baby, buy not the encephalic. Camille sees something between Aaron and Karen. Thurmond tells Phillip to "grow the hell up". Religion has no place in medicine. Karen tells Aaron they could forget the whole thing even happened, but that would be very hard for her. "For me too," Aaron admits. They kiss. Jeffrey can't believe God would create such a thing as the encephalic. He'll stick with science. "Because God wasn't there for your son", Camille asks. "It's not about that," Jeffrey says. "With you everything is about that," Camille counters quietly.

Phillip finds Mrs. McKinnon in the chapel, and tells her everything that's wrong with her baby. She will die soon anyway. Her soul is not in her body--her soul is in Heaven now. It's time to give her peace. Mrs. McKinnon reluctantly OKs it.

The Wheelers thank Mrs. McKinnon as they wait anxiously during the surgery, which goes well. Christopher Wheeler will be fine. Jeffrey tells Aaron he finally realizes Joey's purpose--to let him love him. And he did, so much that he couldn't let God take him. He's still not over it. Phillip goes to church for confession--it's been four years.

TOP Facts:

TOP Quotes:

AARON: Let's go home. We won't do anyone any good if we don't get some sleep.
JEFFREY: I won't sleep with you.
AARON: Well I suspected not.

Geiger to Shutt:
"Think I'm certifiable Aaron? Sometimes I wonder if you really even like me. Sometimes I think you've been assigned to me to keep me sane. Executive Committee tells you to hold my hand."
Shutt's response: "That's exactly right."

TOP Transcripts:

Jeffrey to Karen Antonovich while they are operating:

Jeffrey: You know Doc, if you're gonna be here awhile, I should warn you. I'm prone to sexual harassment. I throw out the warning 'cause the Eel says: Assumption of the risk could be a defense. I could be wrong, but you strike me as an ice maiden, for when she thaws, drips lava.
Karen: Suck here.
Jeffrey: Absolutely.
Camille: God Jeffrey, grow up.


"Shutt Down"

In Short: Aaron has difficulty after a gang member shoots up the ER, and then dies on his operating table. After seeing his mother get shot, a boy thinks he's paralyzed. Karen accepts an offer from Phillip to work at Chicago Hope.

Guest Starring: Margaret Colin (as Karen Antonovich), Allen Garfield (as Ray Kadalski), Richard Brooks, Stephen Elliot (as Harold Aldrich), Charlayne Woodard, and Cynthia Martells

Story: Michael Braverman and Michael Nankin
Teleplay: Michael Braverman
Directed By: Steve Miner

TOP Summary:

Phillip offers Karen a job at Chicago Hope. She wants to know how much Geiger makes. He say s it's irrelevant--she'll never find a better deal. They shake on it. A paralyzed boy, Marcus, comes into the ER. Soon after a man with a gunshot wound follows. A gang member strolls in and shoots up the ER, hitting a few people--including Marcus' mother--before he himself is shot. Karen has second thoughts. Aaron has to operate on the shooter, Antoine, and jokes about "accidentally" slipping and killing him. Jeffrey tells Marcus' dad that his wife should have a full recovery.

Antoine starts seizing and he dies. Aaron admits to Jeffrey that he's the first patient who ever died and Aaron felt nothing. Aaron refuses to perform surgery on Marcus, then attacks Kadalski. Aaron admits he joked about killing Antoine because now that he's dead he's not sure it was just a joke and he did everything he could. Aaron's comments get out and Antoine's family charge Aaron with wrongful death.

Phillip is upset that someone in the OR must have talked. Camille tells Jeffrey she's worried about Aaron but she's afraid to try and comfort him because he's still hurting over their divorce too. Karen tells Marchs' dad his son's surgery went very well and he should be fine, and then tries to comfort Aaron. He pushes her away. Judge Aldrich is hearing Aaron's case and Arthur, Aldrich's friend, tries to get him on their side, but Aldrich knows what he's trying to do. Marcus is still paralyzed; Karen insists the surgery went perfectly. Phillip surmises it' psychological, because Marcus saw his mother get shot.

Phillip confronts Aaron. If he's going to show up at CH, he'd better do his procedures. Phillip says he knows Aaron did nothing wrong, and reminds him he has a lot of friends there for him. Kadalski tries to help Marcus move his legs. Then Jeffrey gives it a shot, but only scares the hell out of the boy. Aldrich dismisses the case and orders the other lawyer to declare to the room that he is a toad. Aaron's still not sure. He tells Jeffrey he'll always wonder if he tried hard enough. Jeffrey tries to reassure him.

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