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Summary for "Chicago Hope," the Premiere 1 page


CHICAGO HOPE, Season 1, Episode 1.1, Premiere, "Chicago Hope"Written by David E. Kelley; Directed by Michael PressmanOriginal Air date, September 18, 1994 (repeated October 17, 1994; January 30,1995) PRELUDE: GET TA KNOW ME! Dr. Jeffery Geiger is weaving his Mercedes Benz inand out of heavy traffic, laying bets with his bookie on his car phone andsinging along with the radio. Arriving at Chicago Hope Hospital, Geigerrushes into Radiology, interrupting the nervous complaints of one Mr.Collito, who is being prepped for an MRI, while Dr. Aaron Shutt tries to calmCollito's nerves. Greeting Shutt, Geiger asks, "She filed for divorce? You'rebarely separated and she Pearl Harbors you with papers?" Shutt puts him off,pointing out the obvious fact that he has a patient, while Geiger thumps onthe MRI tube and continues, "Camille is Chief OR nurse. She should be firedimmediately. You're Chief of Neurosurgery." When Geiger is suddenly paged toOperating Room 3, he grabs Shutt and drags him along, saying "That'sThurmond." Telling the confused Mr. Collito to hold on, Shutt and Geiger rushoff. Shutt is calm as they charge down the hall, while Geiger angrilydenounces Thurmond: "He's too long in the tooth . . . I don't care if he isa legend." Both doctors apparently feel that Arthur Thurmond has no businessgoing anywhere near a patient any more. "We'll fix it," Shutt responds. Inthe OR they find Dr. Arthur Thurmond trying to resuscitate a patient inarrest, but refusing to relinquish his authority. As Geiger and Shutt pushaside an astonished Thurmond, Shutt explains that they were paged by Dr.Watters. Geiger performs a thoracotomy, telling Thurmond that he will getfull credit for the procedure, especially if the patient dies. With his handsin the patient's chest, Geiger remarks, "This heart feels broken, maybe hiswife filed, huh?" Looking directly into Camille Shutt's eyes, he asks, "SoCamille . . . honey . . . what's new." PLOT ONE: WILL YOU STILL NEED ME WHEN I'M 64? Outside the operating room,Shutt tells Dr. Phillip Watters, Chief of Surgery, that Thurmond had nickedthe aortic arch during surgery. Thurmond is furious, ranting that Watters " .. . exacerbated the crisis by bringing in these two punks," and stompingoff. Watters instructs Geiger to write a report on the situation, deciding todeal with Thurmond later. In the surgeons' locker room, a rumpled Geiger,throwing on his shirt and fingering the buttons, apologizes to Thurmond,saying that what he did was necessary, and that "First you're going to dealwith me." Thurmond angrily responds, "It wasn't necessary for you to enjoyit, you arrogant bastard." Meeting in Watters' office, Geiger and Alan Birch, the hospital's lawyer,argue about removing Thurmond from the surgical rotation while Watters lookson, seated calmly behind his desk, and Geiger paces while he unwraps aTwinkie, first offering it to Alan, then tossing it in the wastebasket beforeAlan can even answer. Birch doesn't believe it uncommon for a surgeon to nickan aorta, but Geiger is aware that filing a written report could expose thehospital to liability. Knowing that Geiger isn't exactly fond of him, Birchmakes it personal: "You want to vilify me, go ahead. I'm the lawyer. TheSnake, isn't that what you call me?" After Watters corrects Birch, "I believeit's the Eel," Alan glares at them, "This is not respect." Geiger continuesto insist that they should be addressing Thurmond's mistake and futureprevention, rather than covering it up. The resulting argument makes itapparent that since Thurmond is one of the country's most prominent surgeons,no one would suspect or be able to prove malpractice, which doesn't changethe fact that Thurmond's shaky, 76-year-old hands butchered a patient's mainartery. As Watters leaves the room to make his way toward Thurmond's office, Birchcontinues to demand that Watters do something about Thurmond, but Wattersignores him when he sees Camille. Birch finally erupts, "This is notrespect." With Camille, Watters expresses his concern that the estrangedcouple will have trouble performing in the OR, but Camille assures him thatthey're both professionals and that in the OR, Aaron will be just fine; shedoes finally suggest that Phillip might take him out for a beer sometime. Watters finds Thurmond in his office, playing the piano, an exercise hebelieves will help his dexterity. Watters tells him that he a meeting hasbeen scheduled the next day for the Executive Committee to discuss theincident. Thurmond asks him to name one surgeon who hasn't nicked an artery,but when Watters asks Thurmond to hold out his hands and keep them still, heis unable to do so. Insisting that it's only a resting tremor, Thurmond asksWatters to slap the letter opener into his hand like it was a scalpel; whenit hits his hand, the trembling immediately stops. Thurmond doesn't hesitateto play his trump card: reminding Watters that he was responsible for forcingthe committee to accept Watters as the Chief of Surgery because he excelledat both politics and surgery. "You know what my name means to the hospital,"Thurmond argues. "I'm less concerned with your name than with your hands,"Watters replies. Leaving the room while the outraged Thurmond shouts, "Howdare you!", Watters simply reminds him of the Executive Committee meeting thenext day. That night, Thurmond sits before his fireplace at home, lost in thought. Hisworried wife comes to sit beside him, but in response to her inquiry,Thurmond simply tells her that there was a complication in surgery that day,but the patient is fine. "Not to worry, mother, I just have to obsess," hetells her, kissing her hand. In the Executive Committee meeting, Watters argues his case for removingThurmond from the OR rotation, reminding everyone that Thurmond is an elderlyman whose tremors will only get worse; why wait for a tragedy? An angryThurmond, seated across the table from Watters, responds," You can certainlywait longer than you have. I made this hospital. I'm responsible for thefederal grants that built this surgical institution. I'm the reason everymedical graduate student wants to train here. And I'm certainly the reasonfor you. Now, I damn well deserve the courtesy of your presumption." Watterstries to soothe Thurmond, saying that it isn't personal, but Thurmonddisagrees, "It's personal, you tell me that I can't operate, it's personal."Trevor, on the Board of Trustees, tells Thurmond that no one is telling himthat he can't operate, and that if the results of a full physical exam arefine, "we'd remain honored to have you perform in this hospital." Thurmondseems placated when he leaves the room, though he does so with an angryglance toward Watters. PLOT TWO: ONE LIFE TO LIVE. Dr. Aaron Shutt and his personal assistant,Angela, are racing down the corridor toward Aaron's office while Angelaupdates his messages and busy schedule -- depositions, court appearances, andit seems that the PBS show "Nova" has called again, asking for his profile,but he doesn't want to do it. Angela also informs him that several insurancecompanies are again refusing to cover his patients, claiming that Shutt istoo expensive, then relays her response to them: that Shutt is "cheaper thanMayo and better." A distraught Camille paces in Angela's office, just outside Aaron's. GreetingAaron, Camille admits that she should have told him first before filing thedivorce papers, but she's been trying to contend with her own pain, anddidn't feel strong enough to take on his pain, too. Finally confessing toAaron that she doesn't believe the separation is working and she doesn't wantthem to get back together, she concedes, "The hope for me is divorce." Aaron,anguished, can barely choke out, "Is there someone else?" Camille replies,'No, it's just not you." Shutt tells her that he has an appointment and thatthey will talk later. Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Collito are seated in Aaron's office, nervously awaitingthe results of Mr. Collito's tests, even while Mr. Collito complains abouthis treatment in the MRI tube. Shutt tells them that Mr. Collito's dizzinessand the funny taste in his mouth are being caused by a large brain tumor, butthat it is entirely operable, which he would like to do as soon as possible,although his one big concern is that the tumor is located in the temporallobe near the language center. The Collitos seem to be shocked at this news,since they only came in for tests, but Shutt tells them that if the tumorgets any larger, it will affect Mr. Collito's speech -- and by the way, itcould be malignant. "Just like that, you want to cut into my head?" abewildered Mr. Collito asks. Aaron later describes the procedure to Mr. Collito, proudly showing off a newpiece of equipment he'll be using, an ultrasonic scalpel that vibrates 23,000times per second, sucking out the tumor as it liquefies the aberrant tissue.Shutt assures him that although he has never used this particular piece ofequipment, it is very similar to others he has used. Mr. Collito tells Aaronthat he likes to see how things work, asking to hold the scalpel while it'sturned on, as Aaron flips the switch -- but the scalpel runs for only a fewseconds, then stops. Shutt pounds on the machine, then sheepishly realizesthat the plug has dropped out of the wall socket. Aaron promises Mr. Collitothat it won't happen during surgery, but Mr. Collito nevertheless looks skeptical. The next day, Mr. Collito is wheeled toward surgery, seemingly with all eyesupon him. Outside the OR, he shows Shutt photographs of his wife andgrandchildren, hoping to impress upon the surgeon that he is a person, notjust tissue. He asks Shutt, "You got a family, doc?" Shutt, standing next tohis estranged wife, murmurs "Yeah," without looking at her. He quicklyassures Mr. Collito that he has practiced with the ultrasonic scalpel. In the hushed OR, with only the quiet sounds of whispering voices, Aaron andhis team discover that Mr. Collito's tumor is a malignant Grade 3Astro-cytoma. Shutt asks for "the toy" and begins to apply it to the tumor,telling his team to make a note to inform the company's representatives thatalthough the grip is too thin, it "rides smooth." PLOT THREE: CUTTING THE TIES THAT BIND. Watters has approached Geiger with afile on a new patient -- actually two patients, Siamese twins, conjoined atthe abdomen, sharing a liver -- and a proposal for their eparation. APediatric Transplant specialist, Dr. Karen Antonovich will be arriving atChicago Hope soon, and Watters wants Geiger to head the team. "You're nuts,"says Geiger. Watters is confident, though: "If anybody can do it, we can;specifically you." Geiger wants to know who will decide which twin to save,since "I'm not playing God." When Watters tells him that the parents and Dr.Antonovich believe both children can be saved, Geiger wonders if thepediatric surgeon is crazy. He also cannot believe that the hospital'sgoverning body is permitting the separation, then learns that Watters hasn'ttaken it to the committee for approval yet. Trevor, a member of the Board of Trustees has learned of the proposedseparation, and informs Watters that the operation cannot proceed without theTrustees' approval. Watters makes him a deal: if Trevor will run the red tapefor him on the twins, Watters will abide by the decision of the board. Butwhen the Trustees refuse to grant permission for the separation, Watters isinfuriated at their reasoning: because the twins and their parents areuninsured, the separation would cost Chicago Hope at least two milliondollars, one for the operation and another million for aftercare. Anincreasingly frustrated Watters finally asks, "Why don't we apply some of theteaching funds we'll continue to receive by retaining the legendary, butincompetent Dr. Thurmond? I don't appreciate exalting hospital politics overpatient care." Trevor tries to rationalize the Trustee's decision -- thehospital must look at the big picture, and others who might suffer becausethe hospital is exhausting its resources "on a futile philanthropic quest" --but Watters is thinking of two baby girls who will be forced to share alifetime of suffering. Moving toward the door, Watters responds angrily,"We're doctors! I'm declaring this an emergency procedure; for that I don'tneed Trustee approval. I held those babies in my arms! We're doing it.Meeting over!" Watters and Dr. Karen Antonovich are viewing x-rays of the conjoined twinswhen Geiger arrives. Watters has barely introduced them before the argumentbegins: what possibility is there to save both babies? Antonovich insiststhat the operation can be done. Smiling, Geiger leaves the room, tellingWatters, "I don't like her . . . " then glances at Antonovich, "Nice tomeet you." Watters explains to Antonovich that "He'll resist a little. He hada son died young, less than a year old." When she asks how, Watters answers,"I don't know, he's never talked about it." Antonovich wonders if this casemight be too personal for Geiger, and whether or not he should even be in theOR, but Watters insists, "Doctor, you WANT him in the room, trust me." The parents, John and Marsha Quinlann, arrive with their daughters, whereWatters introduces them to Geiger. Asked if they understand the chance ofboth of babies surviving. The parents refuse to choose. Geiger believes that"We can definitely save one. By trying for both, we risk both." They urge himto go look at the twins. "Patty's on the right. Marie is the shy one,"explains Marsha Quinlann. Geiger enters the unit to look at the twins;stopping abruptly, he murmurs, "God in heaven," cocking his head to one sideand sighing emotionally. The procedure is scheduled, and the entire surgical team holds a timedrehearsal to review what they're about to do, using two dolls taped togetherat the abdomen. After Geiger and Antonovich explain the procedure to thepacked room, asking for questions, the rehearsal begins. Geiger successfullyseparates the dolls, and one is handed over to the transfer team. As theymove through the crowded room, the doll drops on the floor, prompting anoutburst of laughter Antonovich explodes, "It's not funny. We can't make onemistake." A calm Geiger says, "Come on, let's try it again." The rehearsalcontinues. As they wait for the moment when their daughters will go to surgery, theQuinlanns have Angela for support. As she holds the twins, Angela isobviously able to tell who's who and which one has the stronger personality.Mr. Quinlann is surprised, but Angela explains, "Oh yeah. I was the boss inmy family until my brother got bigger." John Quinlann confesses that when hisbabies were first born, he thought they were monsters, but that it only tookabout ten minutes to grow to love them. Empathizing with the Quinlanns plight-- the parents and the babies -- Angela carelessly remarks, "They seem quiteattached to each other . . . Oh, I am so sorry." Although Marsha seems takenaback, John is very matter-of-fact: "I know, they love each other very much." The rehearsal is over and the operating room is quiet. Antonovich is in theOR observation deck, trying to get a feel for the layout of the room. Geigerfinds her there, telling her that while he knows that every doctor has his orher own way, the team will be looking to her for calm because she's the onewho's done this before. When Antonovich looks at him as if she doesn'tunderstand what he means, Geiger says that he's just worried about thesurgical team. Suddenly, Antonovich asks, "How did your son die?" Geiger,stunned by the question, can barely choke out the words, "Excuse me?"Learning that Watters had told her about his son, Geiger angrily answers,"Well, he was out of line." Antonovich apologizes, and the moment passes sothat when she asks Geiger if he's ready for the surgery tomorrow, Geiger isfirm and confident: he's never been more ready. Antonovich says, "Well, I'venever done this operation where both babies lived." Quietly, Geiger tellsher, "Nobody's dying tomorrow, not in that room." Finally, it is time. As the surgical team is gathered, ready and waiting,Geiger addresses them, telling them not to expect any music or his"razor-like wit" since the size of the room makes communication difficult."For those of you with God in your lives, please make contact now," he adds,and he and Antonovich begin the difficult task of separating the conjoinedtwins. Geiger successfully separates the sisters and Patty is transferred toDrs. Shutt and Antonovich for reconstructive work. Geiger continues to workon Marie and her reconstruction proceeds without a hitch. As he finishes, hiseyes are smiling and he says in a soft voice, "She's gonna make it, thislittle piggy's gonna have roast beef." While Geiger is working his magic, Patty is in trouble. She is bleedinguncontrollably from an aberrant vessel, which could damage her heart. Shuttand Antonovich are trying every measure possible, even while arguing over theconsequences of putting the infant on bypass, which they are eventuallyforced to do. Eventually the bleeding slows, and Patty is taken off bypass.When Geiger has finished his work on Marie, he is asked to assist since thevessel is still bleeding and there are problems with the bile duct work.Ripping off his old gloves and jamming his hands into a fresh pair, he leansover and says, "Hey, Patty, I know your sister." In the waiting room, Watters has to tell the Quinlanns that Patty hassuffered some complications. "What kind of complications?" a concerned Marshaasks. Watters tells them about the heavy bleeding and the potential threat toPatty's heart, but that the doctors have managed to keep Patty fromarresting, and so far her heart is fine. He warns them that although thesesurgeons are good, the bleeding and the reconstructive work are still problems. FINALE: FROM ONE EXTREME TO THE OTHERWatters visits Thurmond in his OR, where the aged surgeon is removing seedsfrom an apple with a scalpel. Thurmond tells him that he passed the physicaland that it was just a resting tremor. "And you're so sure of yourself,you're in here giving an appendectomy to an apple?" asks Watters. Thurmondyells, "Don't you mock me! I have cheated death in this room. I have beatenmortality again and again." Calmly, but firmly Watters responds, "But youcan't trump your own . . You're the greatest surgeon I've ever known, mymentor, but its time to stop. Officially you may still have privileges, butas head of the department, I schedule procedures and I won't be assigning youto the OR." Thurmond appears shaken, and says that he only has to exercisehis hands more. "What do I do? Play with my grandchildren? I don't even knowthem. While they were having birthdays and getting married, I was in here.This is my room, I can get better." Watters, shaking his head in sympathy,tells him that he's sorry. Thurmond yells after him, "This is my room, damnyou!" After surgery, Angela has the happy task of telling the Collitos that theoperation was a success -- even though the tumor was malignant, they got allof it. Mr. Collito is surprised that Shutt is not giving him the news inperson, but Angela brings him up to speed on the twin separation and thatShutt is involved. Disappointed, Mr. Collito reflects that Shutt is the onlyperson who has ever saved his life, "Big deal to me, probably not to him."When he asks Angela if Shutt would even know who he was in three months,Angela firmly responds, "Absolutely!" The Quinlanns, Angela and Watters are waiting in a doorway, when at the endof the hall the edge of a gurney bearing Marie comes into view. Asked wherePatty is, the harried Watters answers, "Patty had the complications, it couldtake a while, I don't know." Marie's gurney has barely turned the corner andstarted down the corridor toward her parents when another gurney peeks intoview, wheeling Patty around the edge of the door and into the hallway. Bothbabies have survived a seemingly impossible and completely improbablejourney. The relief is palpable, as tears gather in the Quinlanns' eyes.While Camille and Watters smile and nod at each other, the exhausted surgeonsand their teams rip off their masks and gloves. Antonovich, in tears, isemotionally and physically drained while the scrub nurses begin the task ofcleaning the room. MANUELA'S RANDOM THOUGHTS AND OBSERVATIONS I find it nearly impossible to give an uncontaminated impression of thispilot episode after watching most of the season, but here goes. Since thiswas the pilot, I consider it an introduction to all of the major characters. One is left with the impression that Chicago Hope is one of the top hospitalsin the world, staffed by the best surgeons, all of whom seem to refuse toaccept or face either their own mortality or any set, rational limitations inany situation. The only doctor who appears unsure of herself is the outsidesurgeon, Dr. Karen Antonovich, and then only briefly. The legendary surgeon, Dr. Arthur Thurmond, perhaps knows that it is time forhim to hang up his scalpel, but refuses to accept his own mortality. Dr. Phillip Watters is portrayed as the calm and collected arbitrator of alldisputes and the moral center of the hospital. I loved the way that his walksthrough the hospital corridors bound all the plotlines into one cohesivestory. The feisty Alan Birch represents the legal arm of the hospital and in hiseyes, obviously garners no respect from any of the doctors. I believe thatthey actually do grudgingly respect him and are amused by him. Camille Shutt is the Chief OR nurse and has just served divorce papers on herhusband, but she appears rational, professional and in control of heremotions and her life. The brilliant Drs. Aaron Shutt and Jeffery Geiger, tops in their respectivefields of Neurosurgery and Cardiothoracic surgery, are clearly the best offriends and serve as perfect foils to one another's temperament. Both, however, are dealing with their own personal demons. Aaron is a calm, compassionatedoctor who seems to be in shock at his wife's actions, especially since he isstill in love with her. The arrogant, brash Jeffrey refuses to compromise thewelfare of any patient under any circumstance and a barely controlled rage isvisible in each action under the jokes. Their surgical styles in the OR reflect the men they are. We are shown onescene of Geiger's OR, seemingly placed in the episode solely for the purposeof contrasting the hushed nature of Aaron's room, with the noise andebullience of Jeffery's: Geiger and his team are singing along to "MidnightTrain to Georgia," and Geiger says that all his life he has wanted to be oneof the Pips -- they have it made, singing and dancing with Gladys Knight,getting to "woo-woo" and then becoming anonymous when the lights fade. "Whatare your thoughts?" he asks Camille. She replies "I've always considered youthe complete Pip." He thanks her and then as he is called from the room,tells one of the nurses to look for the cufflink that he has lost in thepatient. We are briefly introduced to a view of medical ethics in the modernbureaucracy of medicine and are left to ponder the questions of when should asurgeon retire and the place of healing and expensive, experimentalprocedures in the big-business world of medicine. I was bothered (and still am) by the "specialty hopping" of the surgeons, butI realize that literary and dramatic license must be taken to produce acoherent episode. Favorite line: Geiger's "So Camille, honey . . . what's new?" ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS FROM MANUELA:The scene of Mr. Collito being wheeled toward surgery had to be veryevocative scene for anyone who has ever been a patient. Shots of the surgicalteam working on the twins are interspersed with views of the video monitorswhich show close-ups of actual operations. Throughout the operation toseparate the twins, the scenes alternate between the OR and the waiting room,where Angela and the parents are shown in various states of waiting andanxiety, to emphasize the length of the operation. I liked the fact that many of the extras in the OR scenes were actual doctorsand nurses and that Linda Klein, R.N., one of the OR technicians, hasremained one of the medical technical advisors to the show throughout theseason. BEVERLY'S RANDOM THOUGHTS AND OBSERVATIONS:I really loved this episode, aside from the obvious fact that it introducedus to the main players and a brilliant new television drama. Kelley takesthree separate situations involving life-and-death issues and puts adifferent twist on the resolution of each one. (While some may argue thatThurmond's situation isn't "life-or-death" I contend that it is; without hisauthority, power and the secret password to the OR, Thurmond doesn't believehis life would be worthwhile.) At any rate, Thurmond is finally grantedpermission to continue, and he's quite smug and self-absorbed, giving littleor no thought to the lives of his patients. Of course, we know he cares abouthis patients, but for him, the be-all-and-end-all is his license to operate,and that's what drives him. In the end, his attitude when he learns that hewill be permitted to continue is somewhat less than grateful. There's onetwist. Then we have Mr. Collito, a patient whose life has been saved by Aaronand the magical mystery wand, and all he can think about afterwards is thelack of attention he's received from Aaron. There's another twist. Finally,we have the Quinlanns and their daughters. The joy mixed with fear (and the"laughing through tears," as Dolly would say) was quite exceptional. One lasttwist to an already compelling drama, and a superb outing for Chicago Hope. GREAT DIALOGUE (selected by both Manuela and Beverly):As they're scrubbing in preparation to rescue Thurmond from the neardisastrous nicked aortic arch, Geiger reminds Shutt that Camille is in theOR. Shutt tells him not to involve himself in this and Geiger remarks thatthey can't have "people's health compromised by certain matrimonialanimosities." Both doctors simultaneously say, "I only tell you this becauseI care," as they enter the OR. After the Thurmondectomy, Camille pulls Geiger aside and says, "Take Aaron'sside, I expected it but leave the attitude out of the OR" and Geigerplayfully replies, "You know me, I'm Mr. Neutral." During the argument with Birch, Geiger asks him, "You want me to smack you?That would bring me profound joy." An angry Birch rises and says, "I try tocome to the rescue and I get shat upon by the ass of endeavoring to cover."[Note from Beverly: Did anyone else notice Alan using the past-tense of apopular four-letter word here? One of the Seven Dirty Words that no one isallowed to utter on network TV? I that; I suppose tenses don't really countfor a couple of those Seven Dirty Words, huh? Ha ha.] Watters' rejoinder tohim is classic and one of his trademarks, "And as always, Alan, you'veperformed admirably." While the twins are being separated, but before Shutt is needed for his partof the surgery, he and Camille are standing in the hallway, where she askshim if he's OK. He nods, saying that waiting is the hard part. Camille thankshim, adding, "I know if you wanted me out of here all you'd have to do isblink funny." Shutt, looking at her, answers, "Oh. Contacts. Hurts to blink."




In Short: Dr. Shutt has some difficulty concentrating on his patients after his wife files for divorce. Dr. Geiger agrees to seperate conjoined twins, and Dr. Watters ponders suspending the eminent Dr. Thurmond's surgical privileges.


TOP Summary:

On the freeway on the way to work, Dr. Jeffrey Geiger is betting on football, singing and driving wildly. He arrives at Chicago Hope to find that his best friend, Dr. Aaron Shutt, has been served with divorce papers by head nurse Camille. They are paged to take over a surgery from Dr. Arthur Thurmond, who's age is beginning to show in his work. Camille apologizes to Aaron for giving him no warning, but says all she wants is a divorce. Aaron has a patient, Joe Coledo, with a serious but operable brain tumor, but it may affect language skills. House Counsel Alan Birch worries that Arthur nicked a man's aorta during surgery. Phillip presents Jeffrey with a case dealing with separating siamese twins. The parents want to save both, and visiting specialist Karen Antonovich thinks it can be done. Jeffrey doesn't agree.

Phillip wonders if the case may be too close to Jeffrey--his son died early in life. Jeffrey's never talked about it. Phillip warns Camille about domestic problems between her and Aaron at CH, and then tells Arthur he's being brought before the executive committee.

Arthur tells his wife about his problems but tries to convince them both it's nothing. Karen, Jeffrey, and their team do a practice run. One "baby" is dropped--everyone thinks its funny, except Karen. The executive committee orders Arthur to have a physical, and frowns on Phillip's decision to take the siamese twin case.

Angela tells Mr. Coledo his surgery went fine and he's upset that Aaron didn't do it himself. He wonders if, a week later, Aaron would even recognize him. Arthur passes the physical but Phillip is still wary. Camille thanks Aaron for not getting her fired.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 719

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