Lt;variant> hotelLt;variant> bank
Lt;question> where do we take books to read?
Lt;variant> city library
Lt;variant> bus station
Lt;variant> toy shop
Lt;variant> bank
Lt;question> when do we use more
Lt;variant> both with countable in the plural and uncountable
Lt;variant> with uncountable
Lt;variant> with countable in the plural
Lt;variant> with countable in singular
Lt;variant> with verbs
Lt;question> when do we use the pronoun another
Lt;variant> with countable in singular
Lt;variant> with uncountable in plural
Lt;variant> with verbs
Lt;variant> with uncountable in singular
Lt;variant> with adjectives
Lt;question> Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjective: good
Lt;variant> better
Lt;variant> well
Lt;variant> best
Lt;variant>more good
Lt;question> Give the following word in the plural: child
Lt;variant> children
Lt;variant> childhood
Lt;variant> kids
Lt;variant>young people
Lt;question> Change the given group of word into Possessive Case: the room of my sister
Lt;variant> my sister’s room
Lt;variant> my sisters’ room
Lt;variant> room of my sister’s
Lt;variant>my room’s sister
Lt;variant>my sister room
Lt;question> Change the given group of word into Possessive Case: the friends of my sister
Lt;variant> my sister’s friends
Lt;variant> my friends’ sister
Lt;variant> my sisters’ friend
Lt;variant>my sister friend
Lt;variant>my friend’s sister
Lt;question> Fill in the gap: David … do the work. He is competent enough.
Lt;variant> can
Lt;variant> is
Lt;variant> must to
Lt;variant>might for
Lt;question> Choose the correct: There are (5) roses in the vase.
Lt;variant> five
Lt;variant> fifteenth
Lt;variant> fifteen
Lt;variant> fifth
Lt;question> Put definite or indefinite if necessary: I cannot find … letter which you gave me this morning.
Lt;variant> the
<variant> -
Lt;variant> a
Lt;question> Put definite or indefinite if necessary: … Russia occupies… eastern half of … Europe and … northern third … of Asia
<variant> the/the/-/the/-
<variant> -/the/-/the/-
<variant> -/a /-/the/-
Lt;question> Put definite or indefinite if necessary: It is warm all … year round in … Crimea and … Caucasus
Lt;variant> -/-/the
Lt;variant> a/the/a
Lt;variant> a/a/the
Lt;variant> The/the/the
Lt;variant> a/the/a
Lt;question> Astana is… capital of … Kazakhstan
<variant> a/-
Lt;variant> the/a
Lt;variant> a/a
Lt;question> …Black Sea is in… South
Lt;variant> the/the
Lt;variant> a/the
Lt;variant> the/a
Lt;question> I want to go to…Almaty some day
<variant> -
Lt;variant> the
Lt;variant> a
Lt;variant> an
Lt;variant> for
Lt;question> Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple: He usually (to read) something before going to bed
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 857