Computer terms in use 1-4; 2-10; 3-8; 4-1; 5-7; 6-5; 7-9; 8-2; 9-3; 10-6.
Keys to exercises
1 discrepancy; 2 networks; 3 processor, memory; 4 market;
5 vector processing; 6 transistors; 7 network; 8 computer, micro processors; 9 transistors; 10 microchip capacity; 11 computational power; 12 crammed; 13 computer; 14 software, interface.
1. The largest machine had 128 processors.
2. Each processor had its own local memory.
3. Transitions between generations in computer technology are hard to define.
4. Network technology is becoming very widespread.
5. A microprocessor is fabricated on a surface of a thin silicon layer.
6. Scientists are looking for some possible alternatives.
7. Atoms are working together to serve as computer memory and microprocessors.
1 to; 2 for; 3 on, to; 4 in; 5 for; 6 on; 7 from, to; 8 on; 9 in; 10 for; 11 into.
1 slow; 2 complicated; 3 start; 4 lose; 5 remain; 6 regress; 7 decrease; 8 past; 9 discord; 10 fantasy; 11 disconnection.
1 integrated circuit; 2 purpose; 3 plan; 4 separate; 5 finish;
6 construct; 7 get; 8 do; 9 broad; 10 change into; 11 transparent.
1 the, - , an; 2 - ,the, the, the; 3 the, 4 the, - ; 5 the; 6 - , - , - ;
7 an; 8 a, a, a; 9 -, -; 10 the, the, the.
Taking Computer/or Granted
Vocabulary training
1-7; 2-14; 3-12; 4-5; 5-13; 6-10; 7-8; 8-2; 9-1; 10-11; 11-6; 12-4; 13-9; 14-3.
1-11; 2-4; 3-5; 4-1; 5-10; 6-8; 7-9; 8-7; 9-2; 10-6; 11-12; 12-13ÄÇ-3.
Verb study practice
1 backed him up; 2 comes round; 3 buttering up; 4 ran into; 5 are in for; 6 come true; 7 is up to, cut down; 8 gave in; 9 helping me over; 10 found out.
1 on (along, am.); 2 on, out; 3 in; 4 out; 5 true; 6 up; 7 down; 8 in; 9 on; 10 into; 11 over; 12 to; 13 up; 14 off; 15 by; 16 at; 17 down; 18 against; 19 in; 20 round; 21 round; 22 over.
1 in for; 2 come true; 3 shell out; 4 did his best, gave in; 5 take it easy; 6 knows it from A to Z; 7 the game isn't worth the candle; 8 drop in.
1 simplify; 2 prototype; 3 over; 4 Free On-Line; 5 instructions; 6 supercomputer, founded; 7 goal; 8 peak; 9 primary; 10 qualitative; 11 slightly; 12 radical; 13 furthering; 14 personal.
Keys to exercises
1. The young man planned to begin a graduate school.
2. Supercomputer is a broad term for the fastest computer.
3. Various events shrank the size of supercomputer market.
4. Cray was never interested in company management.
5. It was the fastest computer in the world.
6. The speed of processors is increasing all the time.
7. The company has no plans to sell the device in the immediate future.
8. Supercomputers were designed and built to work on very large jobs.
1 in; 2 by; 3 in; 4 in; 5 on; 6 on; 7 in; 8 for; 9 to, by; 10 to; 11 on; 12 out of, of; 13 into, to; 14 to.
1 fail; 2 exclude; 3 pull; 4 repair; 5 disuse; 6 complicate; 7 old; 8 similar; 9 found; 10 decrease; 11 come, arrive; 12 few.
1 search; 2 speak; 3 colleague; 4 revolve; 5 show; 6 be able; 7 carry out; 8 road; 9 advertise; 10 enlarge.
1 a, the, a, a; 2 the, the, the, the, the; 3 the, the; 4 a, - ; 5 the; 6 the, the; 7 the, the,an; 8 a, a, the, a; 9 the, the, the, an; 10 the, the.
Vocabulary training
1-8; 2-10; 3-9; 4-11; 5-20; 6-17; 7-18; 8-5; 9-7; 10-13; 11-12; 12-3; 13-6; 14-5; 15-14; 16-1; 17-16; 18-19; 19-4; 20-2.
1-5; 2-3; 3-2; 4-8; 5-6; 6-4; 7-1; 8-7.
1 input data; 2 interfere, data; 3 binary digit; 4controls; 5 high level language, assembly; 6 operating system, process; 7 performance; 8 marketability; 9 free, charge; 10 apps.
1. Computer circuits can be in two states.
2. It was necessary to develop software into a more user-friendly format.
3. It inspired programmers to develop more software.
4. Software written on one computer could be used on another.
5. Operating system can activate other programs.
6. Programmers jumped at the chance to write application software.
7. One reason for its success was that it integrated three applications.
8. Word processing programs were capable of more than manipulating words.
1 on; 2 on; 3 in; 4 to; 5 for; 6 in; 7 by; 8 for; 9 on, out of; 10 in; 11 into.
1 output; 2 slowly; 3 old; 4 empty; 5 miss; 6 external; 7 unspecific; 8 join; 9 low; 10 dependent; 11 incompetent; 12 consumer; 13 subtract; 14 extract; 15 lately; 16 impossible.
Keys to exercises
1 contemporary; 2 agree to; 3 understand; 4 enlarge; 5 limit; 6 ordinary; 7 quickly; 8 different; 9 specific; 10 mistake; 11 remember; 12 payment; 13 qualified; 14 complete.
1 at first; 2 contemporary; 3 understood; 4 tremendous; 5 encouraged; 6 desire, increase; 7 payment; 8 appear in, did not lose the opportunity; 9 deal with errors and problems; 10 did not cease, increase; 11 examined carefully and select.
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