Match the words in the left-hand column with their equivalents in the right-hand column, e.g. 3-4. If necessary look up the dictionary.
Taking Computer for Granted
1. primary
1. grow wider or bigger
2. definition
2. put a limit on
3. expand
3. at last, finally
4. consume
4. make (a book etc) from information that has been collected
5. restrict
5. increase
6. eventually
6. make it possible for
7. compile
7. an area of interest
8. flexible
8. precise statement or explanation
9. enable
9. follow
10. track
10. easily bent
11. augment
11. chief
12. domain
12. use up
2. Useful expressions
Match the expressions in the left-hand column with their equivalentsin the right-hand column, e.g. 1-3:
1. in the beginning
1. don't lose the opportunity
2. hit the market
2. have good taste in
3. jump at the chance
3. be successful
4. have an eye for
4. put on sale
5. have a screw loose
5. at first
6. have eyes only for
6. prefer
7. have got it made
7. be foolish
8. had rather
8. give all attention to
3. Phrasal verbs
Make up your own sentences using the phrasal verbs from the list below.
If necessary use the dictionary at the end of this book.
Run on; develop into; process into; fall into; check for; sell along with; sort out; go on; forge into; sift through.
4. Reading comprehension
Read the text, try to understand the topic, look for the logical sequence of the items and put them in the proper order. The first and the last item are in the right position.
1. An OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system enables you to input printed documents into your computer automatical ly via a scanner.
FineReader is an omnifont optical text recognition system. It means that the system recognizes texts in practically any font without prior training. The process of document input can be divided into two stages:
2. The principles of IPA (Integrity, Purposefulness, Adaptivity):
• Integrity - the object of recognition is described as a single entity by a set of basic elements and their interrelations.
• Purposefulness - recognition is a process of generation and purposeful verification of hypotheses.
• Adaptivity - the system ability to learn and be trained.
3. Let's take a closer look at the second of two mentioned above stages.
FineReader OCR image processing involves analyzing the image file transmitted by the scanner (layout analysis) and recognizing each character.
4. These three principles determine the systems behavior. The system generates a hypothesis about object of recognition and then tries to find all the structural elements and their interrelations step by step. Then the program adapts itself to the text - tunes itself - using the positive experience gained from the first confidently recognized characters. Purposeful searching and using context enable the system to recognize even torn and distorted characters.
5. The final result is the recognized text you see in the FineReader Text window, a text you can edit save in any convenient format.
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6. These two stages are:
Scanning. During the first stage the scanner acts as the «eye» of your computer; it looks at the image and transfers it into the computer.
Recognition. During the second stage FineRider performs the OCR image processing.
5. Computer terms in use
A. Match the terms in the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand column. If necessary consult the dictionary:
1. application programs
1. arrangement of data
2. compiler
2. a connection point between to different elements as devices, programs etc
3. database management
3. command the user gives the computer to initiate the task
4. format
4. computer programs that enhance and protect the OS
5. freeware
5. programs that enables users to perform specific job, word processing, accounting etc
6. instruction
6. program that adds functions to OS e.g. debugging, inspecting diskettes for damage etc
7. interface
7. program that translates the programmer's code into code that computer can 'understand'
8. shareware
8. program, used to perform various calculations
9. spreadsheet
9. program that manages database
10. system programs
10. process of creating, editing, and storing documents
11. utility
11. software that is distributed to users free for charge
12. word processing
12. software that is offered on a 'try before you by' basis
Â. Find out Russian equivalents of the computer terms given below. If it's beyond your grasp, give at least Russian explanation:
Plug and play - an industry standard that allows computer peripherals to be automatically configured by the operating system. Plug and play eliminates the need to manually change jumpers and other hardware settings when installing hardware.
Resource. Window resources include icons, cursors, menus, bitmaps, fonts, etc. The resources used by an application are either part of the system, or private resources stored in the applications program file.
Icon - a small image on a display screen that, in conjunction with a mouse, select and executes program functions.
Menu - a list of options from which a user can chose, or a list of programs that a user can access.
Bitmap - in graphic technology, when a portion of the customer's memory is used for storing graphics.
Assembly language - machine language that has had some of the numbers replaced by somewhat easier to remember mnemonics in an attempt to make it more human-readable. The program that converts assembly language to machine language is called an assembler.
Program - a series of instructions for a computer, telling it what to do or how to behave.
Running - a program is how it's made to do smth. The term «execute» means the same thing.
Graphics - anything visually displayed on a computer that is not text.
Browse - to look through a list on a computer system.
Character - a letter, number, punctuation mark etc.
Emulator - a program that allows one computer platform to mimic another for the purposes of running its software.
Desktop publisher - a program for creating newspapers, magazines, books etc. e.g. Frame Maker, Page Maker, InDesign, GeoPublish.