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He _________ a shower before breakfast.

o usually has

o has usually

o usually have

o are having usually

o had usually

202. ________ away last weekend?

o Did you go

o Did you went

o Went you

o Do you

o Did you

203. What time _________ to come?

o is she going

o she’s going

o going she

o is she go

o she go

204. Where _______ work?

o do you

o you do

o you

o does you

o are you

My brother _________ English at university.

o studies

o studys

o studyes

o study

o studes

206. A Why ________? B Because he’s happy.

o is he smiling

o do he smile

o he smiles

o he smiling

o does he smiling

207. How often ________ her grandparents?

o does she see

o she see

o is she seeing

o see she

o is she see

208. That’s the shop ________ I bought my car.

o where

o which

o who

o when

o what

She is waiting _____ the train.

o for

o on

o under

o at

o from

210. What ______ he do last week?

o did

o do

o does

o -

o are

211. A What are they talking _______? B It’s a secret.

o about

o for

o of

o at

o on

You have classes twice ______ week.

o a

o in

o for

o at

o -

213. My mother _______ work. She’s retired.

o does not

o not

o no

o is not

o do not

214. What time _______ the bank open?

o does

o did

o do

o is

o are

215. A Why is he ________ a coat? B Because he’s cold.

o wearing

o wear

o wears

o wore

o not wear

216. I’ve bought a new car _________ is very comfortable.

o which

o what

o who

o is

o whose

217. My car _______ working. It’s broken down.

o isn’t

o no

o don’t

o doesn’t

o not

218. Is this the hotel _______ we stayed last year?

o where

o why

o when

o what

o which

Lend some money (opposite verb)

o borrow

o take

o push

o pull

o remember

220. They’re the students _______ study at the university.

o who

o whose

o where

o what

o when

221. mean ?

o generous

o serious

o friendly

o quiet

o funny

You use these to kick. _________

o feet

o lips

o eyes

o ears

o teeth

223. A How do you _____ your mother’s name? B K-A-T-E.

o spell

o tell

o speak

o talk

o translate

224. ______ a good holiday!

o Have

o When

o Who

o Had

o Is

Bye. ______ you on Wednesday.

o See

o Look

o Feel

o Think

o Have

226. Today’s Friday, so tomorrow’s _________.

o Saturday

o Friday

o Tuesday

o Monday

o Thursday

227. A What’s the _______ today? B The 10th of October.

o date

o month

o day

o birthday

o Wednesday

Silvia is sitting _______ to Mike.

o next

o behind

o near

o between

o under

229. Your sister’s daughter is your _______.

o niece

o uncle

o aunt

o brother

o sister-in-law

230. That’s the man ________won the lottery last week.

o who

o which

o where

o why

o what

All the cafes were full ______it was a public holiday.

o because

o but

o so

o why

o what

A person who is open and nice is ________.

o friendly

o mean

o shy

o lazy

o funny

Win the football match (opposite verb)

o lose

o pass

o fail

o arrive

o get

234. Who do you usually agree________ in your family?

o with

o of

o about

o in

o to

235. Who was the first person you spoke _______ this morning?

o to

o in

o -

o of

o on

236. What ____ this word mean?

o does

o do

o is

o are

o were

237. My dog’s not dangerous. He __________.

o doesn’t bite

o is biting

o bite

o aren’t biting

o was bite

It _____________ when we left the pub.

o was snowing

o is snowing

o snow

o snows

o were snowing

We always meet _______ Monday morning.

o A) on

o B) at

o in

o off

o by

Generous (opposite)

o mean

o serious

o friendly

o quiet

o funny


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2294

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