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Read the article and answer the questions.

1.What has made the Internet so popular?

2.Why has publishing on the Internet attracted so many people?

3.E-mail is a big part of the Internet. What does e-mail look like and name one advantage to using e-mail?

4.How many years ago was it before the Internet got its start?

5.What was the main reason it started?

6.What is a browser?

7.What are some of the reasons for people not connecting to the Internet?

8.How are computer messages sent across the telephone?


2. What do ISP, HTML, URL and HTTP stand for? Match these terms with their meanings.

1.a business that provides a connection to the Internet for people's computers

2.a website address

3.a set of standards that control how computer documents that are written in HTML connect to each other

4.a computer language used for producing pages of writing and pictures that can be put on the Internet


Match a word from A with a word or phrase from B to make phrases from the article.


1.current 2.vast 3.talk 4.find 5.average 6.vast 7.transmit 8.original 9.breaking 10.store 11.tremendous 12.senior 13.wide a.something of value b.resources c.vast amounts of information d.variety of publishers e.news event f.information g.appeal and usage h.across the Internet i.goal of the Internet j.growth spurt k.multimedia l.adults m.m. people


Use the words in the box to complete these sentences.


ISP HTML URL HTTP hypertext convenience feature e-mail

1.This ………. enables the knowledge worker to manage data and reduces administrative overhead.

2.Your ………. can give you all the information you need.

3.There is a ………. command called root that switches your default name server to the server named here.

4.Make sure to use that ………. when starting the server.

5.If the open fails, we call a custom error function to return a nicely formatted ………. document and exit.

6.ABBYY PDF Transformer allows you to save output files to disk or send them as ………. attachments.

7.The 8597 entry in this example is the size of the document that Apache returned, not counting ………. overhead.

8.This system displays HLP files and supports ………. jumps that let the user display another related topic.


Make a list of the ways you use the Internet for study, at work and in your free time.



Computer Viruses? What really is it?


One might think of a computer virus as a tiny computer program designed to perform mischief. Most computer users have heard about computer viruses. A computer virus is the result of a destructive program that someone has written and placed inside a computer program, which unsuspecting people then place in their computer system.

Some viruses can erase all the information from the place where it's stored on the computer's hard disk. But each virus is different. Some display strange messages on your computer screen; others make small changes in your computer programs.

Where do these viruses come from? They certainly don't float around in the air like some human viruses. Instead, like any other computer program, a human must create them.

Why do people create them? It's hard to say. Some people create these programs out of meanness to get even. While others create them just as a challenge. Why do you thing people create these very destructive programs? How does your computer get a virus? Almost exactly the way humans do. The computer gets exposed to one. Well, it’s not quiet that easy.

Many people get contaminated computer programs by trading programs with other people. Others get contaminated computer programs through the use of modems, which allow computers to communicate over telephone lines (i.e. the Internet)

Most of the time, programs that arrive by modem or a trade are perfectly safe to use. However, you do stand a chance of getting a program that has been tampered with. Here a computer program virus is hiding inside the normal program. Many computer programs that are traded were copied illegally.

When this program enters your computer through your input device, it hides in your computer's memory and starts to duplicate itself like a disease. When you save your data, you also save the virus. Slowly but surely, the virus crowds out your data and causes major system problems.

The virus can't affect the computer's ROM (Read Only Memory), but it can affect RAM (Random Access Memory) and your computer disks. When your shut off your computer a virus that has been picked up will be lost, just like any other memory that is held in RAM.

If the virus is on your disk or hard drive, it will return to the computer when you use the program again. If you switch from one program to another without shutting down the machine, the virus will attach itself to the new program. In this way, it can slowly infect all your programs before you know that it exists. Today millions of dollars are being spent to rid and protect computer systems from these virus programs.

Commercial and shareware programs have been created with the sole purpose of detecting and fixing suspect programs that might be viruses infected. These detection programs should be ran when any disk is put into your disk drive or every time your computer is first started up each day to scan the computer's hard drive.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1894

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