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III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate grammar form(s).

1. He ………. as a lawyer for ten years already and doesn’t want to change his profession.

1) works 2) has been working 3) is working 4) work

2. Everybody believes that the judge ……………….. his decision by the end of this month.

1) will make 2) would make 3) will have made 4) makes

3. He ………… according to the seriousness of his crime.

1) punish 2) will be punished 3) will have punished 4) shall punish

4. The jury must …………….. the discussion already.

1) have finished 2) has finished 3) finished 4) be finished

5. They have no grounds for complaining. We ………. the bill two days ago.

1) have paid 2) had paid 3) paid4) were paid

6. The police ……….. this dangerous criminal for two weeks already but they haven’t found him yet.

1) are looking for 2) have been looking for 3) look for 4) has looked for

7. The jury must ………… the matter in detail at the moment.

1) are discussing 2) be discussing 3) have discussed 4) discussed

8. The problem of organized crime is unlikely ………………. during this conference.

1) to discusses 2) to have discussed 3) to be discussed 4) to be discussing

9. The policeman made the robber …………… in his gun.

1) to hand 2) to have handed 3) hand4) to be handing

10. The police ……………… of the accident already. We expect them to come in a few minutes.

1) has been informed 2) was informed 3) have been informed 4) has informed

11. The witness told the police that he ……… the stolen car two days before.

1) saw 2) has seen 3) had seen4) have seen

12. When he was on holiday in London, his camera ………… in the hotel.

1) has been stolen 2) was stolen 3) is stolen 4) stole

13. If he is found guilty, he ……………….. to a life imprisonment.

1) is sentenced 2) will be sentenced 3) will sentence 4) have sentenced

14. The police are reported ……………….. a good reward for information.

1) to have offered 2) have offered 3) has offered 4) is offered

15. The burglar waited until it was dark enough ………….. the house.

1) to break into 2) to break on 3) break into 4) to break out

16. He can’t leave this place as the police …………. for him.

1) looks 2) is looking 3) are looking 4) look

17. All members of the jury …………….. of his guilt.

1) were convinced 2) convinced 3) was convinced 4) had convinced

18. Yesterday the spy ……….. to a seven-year term.

1) is sentenced 2) has been sentenced 3) was sentenced 4) sentenced

19. The prisoner knew that he ………….. a mistake and would regret it forever.

1) had made 2) has made 3) makes 4) have made

20. His friends made him ……………… all these things from the shop.

1) to steal 2) steal3) stealing 4) stole

21. The robber …………… the stolen jewellery by tomorrow.

1) will sell 2) will have sold 3) will be selling 4) sell

22. The investigator ………….. all the witnesses already.

1) was questioning 2) have questioned 3) has questioned 4) questioned

23. Every day shoplifters …………. a lot of things from supermarkets.

1) steal 2) are stealing 3) steals 4) have stolen

24. The detective realized that the burglar …………….. into the flat.

1) have broken 2) had broken 3) has broken 4) breaks

25. This accident ……………….. by dangerous driving.

1) was caused 2) caused 3) has caused 4) had been caused

26. It is the first time he ……………… a serious crime.

1) have investigated 2) investigated 3) has investigated 4) investigates

27. The barrister …………… his arguments for two weeks already.

1) prepared 2) is preparing 3) has been preparing 4) prepares

28. When the police arrived they found that the criminals …………… .

1) escaped 2) had escaped3) have escaped 4) has escaped

29. Finally he ……………….. of attempting to murder.

1) was being accused 2) was accused 3) have been accused 4) accused

30. He is said (…) for twelve years already.

1) to have been imprisoned 3) to be imprisoned

2) to has been imprisoned 4) to had been imprisoned

31. The judge asserted that the offender ………….. guilty.

1) is 2) was3) has been 4) have been

32. This judge ………………….. law for ten years now.

1) have been practicing 2) practices 3) has been practicing 4) had practiced

33. The President is said ……………… this law two days ago.

1) to approve 2) to has approved 3) to have approved 4) to had approved

34. Germany is known ………………… one of the leading states of EU.

1) being 2) to be3) to has been 4) be

35. The President would like the Parliament …………… this bill.

1) adopt 2) to adopt 3) adopting 4) having adopted

36. ………….. the bank, the criminals left the country.

1) having robbed 2) to have robbed 3) having been robbed 4) had robbed

37. The head of the government is the President who ………… by people.

1) elected 2) is elected3) elects 4) being elected

38. The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary …………….. as the President of the Supreme Court of England and Wales.

1) being served 2) serving 3) have served 4) serves

39. The House of Commons is the elected body ……………… 646 members.

1) consisted of 2) has consisted of 3) consisting of 4) consist of

40. Yesterday the terrorists took control of the aircraft and made the pilots …… the course.

1) change 2) to change 3) changing 4) having changed

41. He doesn’t look like a criminal. He can’t ……………….. so many crimes.

1) have been committing 2) has committed 3) have committed 4) committed

42. When they came back they found that their car ……………… .

1) had stolen 2) had been stolen 3) has been stolen 4) is stolen

43. After both sides of the case had been heard the man ………….. to be guilty.

1) was found 2) is found 3) has been found 4) was founded

44. He could …………. the evidence but he refused.

1) has given 2) had given 3) have given 4) was given

45. Jurors are said ………………. their decision already.

1) to have made 2) have made 3) made 4) to had made

46. If the jurors decide that he is guilty, he ……………. to 4 years imprisonment.

1) was sentenced 2) will be sentenced 3) would be sentenced 4) has sentenced

47. The Supreme Court has the task of interpreting laws which …………. in lower courts.

1) had been disputed 2) has been disputed 3) have been disputed 4) was disputed

48. Police wouldn’t have stopped your car yesterday if you ………….. too fast.

1) didn’t drive 2) hadn’t driven 3) was driving 4) hasn’t driven

49. The crowd of people gathered on the street. The driver must …………… down a girl.

1) knock 2) has knocked 3) have knocked 4) had knocked

50. He seems ……………….. as a barrister for ten years already.

1) to practice 2) to have been practicing 3) to be practicing 4) to be practiced

51. The Common law …………… contrasted to the civil-law system.

1) are to be 2) must to be 3) can be 4) have to be

52. The common law …………… on the principle of deciding cases by reference to previous judicial decisions.

1) have been based 2) has been based 3) based 4) is based

53. The statute …………. the monarch from royal interference with the law.

1) prohibit 2) prohibited 3) had prohibited 4) have prohibited

54. If the student………… those legal terms he would not have made so many mistakes.

1) had known 2) knew 3) has known 4) knows

55. At this moment this student ……………….. civil law to pass an exam for good.

1) learns 2) is learning 3) was learning 4) has been learning

56. The rule of law ………………… from the writings of the19th century British jurists.!!!

1) developed 2) was developed 3) are developed 4) has developed

57. In legal language equity ……………………to a specific set of legal principles.

1) applied 2) is being applied 3) was applied 4) applies

58. Equity and Common law ………………….different but both are law.

1) can be 2) should be 3) could be 4) must be

59. An accomplice made him ………………….. in the court.

1) lie 2) to lie 3) lies 4) lied

60. I will tell her the criminal news after she ………………from her business trip.

1) arrives 2) will arrive 3) arrive 4) would arrive

61. Native American……………… vote until 1924.

1) could 2) was not able 3) couldn’t 4) can

62. The jury………….. Evans guilty of smuggling.

1) has founded 2) found 3) find 4) had found

63. Don’t worry about this case because you…………… good evidence.

1) be 2) will be 3) will be have 4) have

64. A very common form of punishment for minor offences………a fine.

1) is being 2) have been 3) are 4) is

65. Too often the crime of domestic violence ………………..away.

1) has hidden 2) is hidden 3) hides 4) hide

66. If the policeman…… with the police station by walkie-talkie, the burglar wouldn’t have been caught.

1) don’t connect 2) hadn’t connected 3) wouldn’t connect 4) wasn’t connect

67. The smuggler……already…..many goods in his country.

1) brought 2) had brought 3) has brought 4) was brought

68. In most legal systems conversations between a lawyer and his client ………….

1) is privileged 2) are privileged 3) privileged 4) was privileged

69. It ………………difficult to compare the legal freedoms of countries in the past.

1) can be 2) can 3) could 4) could to be

70. While he …………………….for witnesses to arrive he is signing his will.

1) was waiting 2) is waiting 3) waits 4) waited

71. The story began when one man …………………………….. for arson.

1) arrested 2) was arrested 3) is arrested 4) has been arrested

72. If the plaintiff ……………… the laws very well he would gain his goal.

1) has known 2) had known 3) knew 4) knows

73. The English Bill of Rights …………………. of the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

1) grows out 2) grew out 3) has grown out 4) had grown out

74. Young offenders…………….. to be training under a supervisor.

1) had been seen 2) will be seen 3) were seen 4) are seen

75. Benjamin Franklin was the oldest man……………………the Constitution.

1) to have signed 2) to be signed 3) to sign 4) to be signing

76. As soon as the trial…………….. over, the court workers will leave for their homes.

1) is 2) are 3 )was 4) has been

77. A second fundamental principle of our constitution …….traditionally………….. the supremacy of Parliament.

1) had been 2) have been 3) is been 4) has been

78. This shoplifter………………to penetrate into the supermarket last evening.

1) has been seen 2) was seen 3) had been seen 4) is seen

79. Montesquieu’s theory ………………seen as prescriptive rather than descriptive.

1) an’t 2) have to be 3) should to be 4) must be

80. Many presidents ……………….important policies blocked by the Congress.

1) had had 2) have had 3) has had 4) are having

81.The data of previous trial.…………….to be wrong.

1) proves 2) have proved 3) had proved 4)proved

82. A court ……………… follow the rules of precedent.

1) may 2) can’t 3) should 4) must to

83. If you ……….. me the criminal code yesterday I would have found this article for you.

1) have brought 2) has brought 3) had brought 4) brought

84. A judicial officer ……………………. to try minor civil and criminal cases.

1) is entitled 2) entitled 3) has entitled 4) had entitled

85. In some states he ……………………. a county attorney or county prosecutor.

1) was being called 2) is called 3) called 4) have been called

86.Congress ……. the death penalty for American soldiers who supported King George III.

1) has authorised 2) had authorised 3) authorized 4) authorizes

87. The case ………………….heard in court next week.

1) has been 2) had been 3) be 4) will be

88. If the sentence of the judge had been appropriate they……………to the higher court .

1) didn’t appeal 2) hadn’t appealed 3) wouldn’t have appealed 4) appealed

89. The accused is entitled …………………………by a counsel.

1) to have defend 2) to be defended 3) to have been defended 4) to defend

90. After the inquest is completed, the jurors selected to try the case………………….

1) are sworn 2) were sworn 3) sworn 4) will be sworn

91. In recent times lawyers ……………efforts to make their profession less mysterious.

1) had made 2) has made 3) are made 4) have made

92. Their job ………………… to clarify matters for the public.

1) was being supposed 2) will have supposed 3) is supposed 4) are supposed

93. At this moment the government………………….various proposals from companies.

1) was discussing 2) are discussing 3) has been discussing 4) will be discussing

94. If the jury returns the verdict of guilty, sentence……………….. by the judge.

1) is pronounced 2) was pronounced 3) will be pronounced 4) had pronounced

95. Only Catholic ……………………….succeed the throne.

1) have 2) could 3) were able 4) need

96. Parliament proclaimed William and Mary king and queen of England and after that they …………………….the Declaration of Rights.

1) adopt 2) adopted 3) have adopted 4) were adopted

97. If he ……………….not guilty, a jury of 12 persons must be formed to attend the court.

1) had pleaded 2) pleads 3) plead 4) is pleading

98. Magistrate courts ………………… to handle the large number of cases.

1) had been established 2) established 3) have been established 4) establishes

99. The fingerprint evidence …………………………in a petty theft case in 1905.

1) is introduced 2) was introduced 3) has been introduced 4) introduces

100. In a civil matter the defendant is the party who ……………sued .

1) was being 2) will be being 3) are being 4) is


101. A lot of police officers want to discuss this case including detective Johnson who ……….. with his inexperienced assistant.

1) is arrived 2) has arrived 3) had arrived 4) arriving 5) arrive

102. They are still discussing how the case should progress in view of the statements which …………. .

1) have been received 2) had been received 3) was received 4) have received 5) has been received

103. No one will be able to steal the jewels unless they …………. the secret code.

1) don’t know 2) know 3) haven’t known 4) had known 5) didn’t know

104. Even though he objected to violence, he was made ……….. in the army.

1) serve 2) serving 3) to serve 4) be serving 5) to have served

105. It is high time the judge ………… his decision.

1) has made 2) made 3) had made 4) to make 5) to have made

106. Great Britain is known to be a member of the European Union and ……. a great contribution to its development.

1) make 2) is making 3) makes 4) had made 5) made

107. It was under inauspicious circumstances that the Constitution of the United States …… .

1) have been drawn up 2) has been drawn up 3) is drawn up

4) was drawn up5) would draw up

108. The Constitution ……………… 26 times since 1789, and it is likely to be further revised in the future.

1) was amended 2) has been amended3) had been amended 4) is amended 5) was being amended

109. According to the Constitution of the USA any candidate can be elected President without …………. a majority of the popular vote.

1) has been received 2) to receive 3) had been received 4) received 5) being received

110. Elections ……………last month returned the Republicans to power.

1) holding 2) to be held 3) held4) being hold 5) has been held

111. The accuser’s neighbour complained that the offender …………… insults at him, and a charge was laid.

1) shouted 2) had shouted3) has shouted 4) shouts 5) was shouted

112. Statutes may also clarify an area of law that ………… unclear by the case law.

1) have been left 2) were left 3) had been left 4) has been left 5) are left

113. Statutes often need interpreting and these interpretations …………. to the statutes in turn become part of the law.

1) giving 2) given3) having given 4) has been given 5) had been given

114. Gradually, it became the practice of the judges to follow decisions made in earlier cases if the same or similar facts ……….. .

1) have been involved 2) has been involved 3) would be involved 4) were involved 5) will have been involved

115. A person cannot be denied life, liberty, or security of the person unless the principles of fundamental justice ……….. .

1) aren’t followed 2) haven’t been followed 3) are followed 4) had been followed 5) will be followed

116. In most cases community treatment involves …………….. the child on probation.

1) being placed 2) placing 3) having been placed 4) to be placed 5) to be placing

117. There should be no sanction without breach meaning that nobody should be punished by the state unless they ………… a law.

1) didn’t break 2) hadn’t broken 3) broke4) would break 5) wouldn’t break

118. A judge must follow decisions ……………… in courts which are higher up the hierarchy than his or her own.

1) to make 2) made 3) making 4) to be making 5) make

119. Since the middle years of the twentieth century, the police in Britain ………. much of their positive image.

1) had lost 2) has lost 3) have lost 4) lost 5) were losing

120. The police declined to criticize the guard’s actions noting that he could have been killed if the robbers ……….. him.

1) saw 2) would see 3) would have seen 4) had seen5) will see

121. A person who does not disclose that an offence …………… in his or her presence or who does not assist in committing a crime, is not an accomplice.

1) has committed 2) has been committed 3) was committing 4) is committing 5) will commit

122 Although he was a very experienced lawyer, he seemed ……………. a great mistake at the last trial.

1) have made 2) to make 3) to have made 4) made 5) making

123. Before ………….. the preliminary inquiries the accused has a right to present evidence and to make a statement on his own behalf.

1) helding 2) having held 3) holding 4) hold 5) to hold

124. After …. guilty, he appealed the decision of the court to the province’s Court of Appeal.

1) finding 2) being found 3) having found 4) being founded 5) to find

125. Once the court …………… the evidence and statements, it will decide whether to convict the accused or dismiss the information.

1) had heard 2) has been heard 3) has heard4) had been heard 5) would hear

126. The court has ………. a decision whether the public interests require a prosecution.

1) to make 2) to be making 3) to have made 4) to be made 5) making

127. The Speaker believes that the Parliament doesn’t submit bills concerning human rights, for consideration today unless they ………. by international specialists.

1) haven’t been examined 2) were not examined 3) have been examined 4) will be examined 5) are not examined

128. Ukraine was among the first twenty states …………the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

1) ratifying 2) to ratify 3) having been ratified 4) ratified 5) ratifies

129. A new court system of general and specialized jurisdiction is ………..within five tears.

1) to form 2) forming 3) to be formed 4) to be forming 5) to have formed

130. Women often suffer economic and social inequality either doing less well-paid work than men or ………. less for doing the same work.

1) paying 2) being paid 3) have paid 4) pay 5) having paid

131. If he had had no idea that he was delivering drugs, he …… innocent of any wrongdoing.

1) would be 2) had been 3) would have been 4) was 5) will be

132. There are court decisions which ……………that a person can be reckless even though he or she did not foresee the possibility of a harmful consequence.

1) had said 2) has said 3) says 4) have said5) being said

133. When they came back, their friend…………. up by the police for being drunk in public.

1) would be picked 2) is picked 3) had been picked 4) has been picked 5) will be picked

134. In all serious cases, arrested persons are photographed and fingerprinted before …... .

1) having charged 2) being charged 3) be charged 4) to charge 5) is charged

135. All accused persons have the right to defend themselves in court but in serious cases most prefer …………. by a legal practitioner.

1) to be represented 2) to represent 3) having been represented 4) to have represented 5) to be representing

136. He can’t ……………….. this crime, he was in prison at that time.

1) to have committed 2) commit 3) have committed 4) be committing 5) has committed

137. The police asked me to help them identify some thieves. They thought I had seen them …………… the bank.

1) to rob 2) rob 3) being robbed 4) having robbed 5) robbed

138. The jurors had been considering this matter for three hours before they ……….to this decision.

1) come 2) has come 3) came 4) have come 5) coming

139. She saw that sending to prison for five years ………… him nothing.

1) had taught 2) was taught 3) has taught 4) teaches 5) was teaching

140. This decision is made on the recommendation of the officer in charge of the case after charges….…. .

1) have been made 2) will be made 3) would be made 4) had been made 5) made

141. The USA is known ………….. one of the most democratic societies in the world.

1) being established 2) to establish 3) to have established 4) to be established 5) to have been established

142. The new law provided new rights to people and ………. on the laws of the European Union.

1) were based 2) was based 3) has been based 4) have been based 5) are based

143. If he hadn’t given evidence then, the police ……………… this dangerous criminal.

1) wouldn’t arrest 2) wouldn’t be arresting 3) wouldn’t have arrested 4) won’t arrest 5) wouldn’t has arrested

144. When the police examined the house they found that the lock ………… .

1) was broken 2) has been broken 3) had been broken 4) is broken 5) be broken

145. Attempts have been made to codify Ukrainian law but so far there ………. little progress.

1) have been 2) is 3) was 4) has been 5) had been

146. Every labor function has its own distinctions and this …….. legally in the labor contract.

1) is being reflected 2) reflects 3) is reflected4) reflected 5) has reflected

147. The lawyer thought that his client should sue the police because he ……… without any evidence.

1) has been accused 2) had been accused 3) has accused 4) accuses 5) is being accused

148. Until recently, members of the parliament …………… on a single-member constituency, the system similar to those of Britain and the USA.

1) is elected 2) are being elected 3) have been elected4) was elected 5) had been elected

149. The American people may adopt an entirely new Constitution by ………. a new constitutional Convention.

1) being called 2) having called 3) calling 4) having been called 5) calls

150. Without his help, the police might not ……………. this criminal.

1) have arrested 2) has arrested 3) arrests 4) had arrested 5) be arrested

151. When initially detained he …………………. on bail yesterday.

1) is released 2) was released 3)was being released 4)had been released 5) has been released

152. The prosecutor…………to this trial with Mr. Willis.

1) is satisfied to be 2)was satisfied to have been 3) is satisfied to have been 4) was satisfied to be 5) has been satisfied to be

153. ..……beforehand, he did not commit a crime.

1) being cautioned 2) having been cautioned 3) cautioned 4) having cautioned 5) to be cautioned

154. Some countries have laws that suspend rape sentences if the perpetrator …. the victim.

1) have married 2) has married 3) had married 4) marries 5) have had married

155. My friend said we ……………………to win the next trial.

1) could be 2) can be 3) will be able 4) are able 5) would be able

156. The young smuggler………………to court.

1) was said/to be brought 2) is said/to have been brought 3) had been said/ to be brought 4) has been said/to have been brought 5) were said/to have been brought

157. ……… practical results the criminologist proved the method of investigation to be correct.

1) achieved 2) achieving 3)being achieved 4) having achieved 5) having been achieved

158. If we were rich we …………… to help those poor people in the law case.

1) would have offered 2) would offer 3) offered 4) offer 5) had offered

159.Authorities in New Mexico………… to admit they ………to death four white men who were innocent.

1) had been forced/have sentenced 2) was forced/has sentenced 3) were forced/had sentenced 4) are forced/sentenced 5) were being forced

160.This investigator …………………to have completed his job before he left.

1) must 2) should 3) has 4) ought 5) is

161.They considered that law…………………………in that country.

1) abolish 2) to have been abolished 3) to have abolished 4) to be abolished 5) abolished

162. ……………………… the offender the officer cautioned him not to drive too fast.

1) having released 2) releasing 3) to release 4) to have released 5) being released

163. The Crown Prosecution……………. in England and Wales by the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985.

1) is established 2) has been established 3) had been established 4) being established 5) was established

164. If the detective found the trace of the suspect he……….about it to the police station.

1) would have informed 2) would be informed 3) would be informed 4) informed 5) would inform

165. The option contract ………………….. the holder of the option the right to buy or to sell a specified quantity of a specific security at a stated price.

1) is given 2) give 3) would give 4) should give 5) had given

166. ………………………… crimes the police performs its main function.

1) being prevented 2) having prevented 3) to prevent 4) preventing 5) prevented

167. Charter ……………………….by later English Kings.

1) has been confirmed 2) had been confirmed 3) confirmed 4) was confirmed 5) were confirmed

168. If there are no near relatives the surviving spouse ……….. the whole estate.

1) will get 2) would get 3) gets 4) got 5) would have got

169. A local authority………….responsible for deciding where the child should be accommodated.

1) was known/to be 2) is known/to have been 3) is known/to have been 4) known/to be 5) is known/to be

170. They said the lady ………………… in prison which simply wasn’t true.

1) has been 2) was 3) have been 4) had been 5) hasn’t been

171. …………………………… of an offence he was detained.

1) having suspected 2) having been suspected 3) be suspected 4) suspected 5) being suspected

172. The first defendant who was from the London area, ……………. the correct answer.

1) hasn’t given 2) hadn’t given 3) didn’t give 4) won’t give 5) doesn’t give

173. The prosecutor is satisfied ……………… in this case with Mr. Huge for two months.

1) to be working 2) were working 3) was working 4) to have been working 5) being working

174. The principal offender ……………………….. to shoot him if he did not help him lure the victim into meeting them in the victim’s apartment lobby.

1) has threatened 2) threatened 3) be threatened 4) had threatened 5) threatens

175. Under a supervision order a child………….. with directions made by the court itself.

1) was required/to be complied 2) has been required/to comply 3) had been required/to have complied 4) being required/to comply 5) is required/ to comply

176. The European Convention on Human Rights………..first ……………in 1950.

1) has been/adopted 2) is/adopted 3) had/adopted 4) was adopted 5) had been/adopted

177. The defendant appears……………………………………….for a long time.

1) to have been waiting 2) to be waiting 3) to wait 4) being wait 5) waiting

178. ……………………………………. scientific aids, he made a great discovery soon.

1) rendered 2) being rendered 3) having rendered 4) rendering 5) having been rendered

179. If bail…………………, the defendant may apply to a High Court judge or to the Crown Court for bail.

1) was refused 2) has been refused 3) is refused 4) had been refused 5) refused

180. The juvenile court wants this child …………………………a guardian.

1) to be 2) to have been 3) to have had been 4) having 5) to have

181. The chief of the police station said nothing about Mr. Bell whom he………….. .

1) has replaced 2) replaced 3) had replaced 4) had been replacing 5) has been replacing

182. The court allowed him …………………… at home.

1) to have remained 2) to be remained 3) to remain 4) being remained 5) to have been remained

183. The judge told us what crime the offender ……………….. guilty of, if the evidence supplied by the prosecution was true.

1) would have been 2) would be 3) would 4) will be 5) wouldn’t be

184. When ……………….…………… from the Lords the Bill may well have been altered.

1) having emerged 2) emerged 3) had emerged 4) emerging 5) emerge

185. The verdict of “Not guilty” on all charges ……………………… by the jury.

1) had been brought 2) brought 3) being brought 4) will be brought 5) has been brought

186. The attorney is satisfied …………………… this case with his assistants since spring.

1) to be investigating 2) investigating 3) to investigate 4) to have been investigating 5) investigate

187. The policeman……………………… him a fine for parking in a wrong place.

1) had charged 2) is charged 3) charged 4) have charged 5) had been charged

188. If the lawyers-probators ………………… already we’ll give them something else to do.

1) had finished 2) have finished 3) has finished 4) finished 5) finish

189. We are concerned about people ………………… in prison without a trial.

1) being held 2) having been held 3) held 4) holding 5) be held

190. He put off ……………………….decision till he had more information.

1) having made 2) having been made 3) being made 4) making 5) to make

191. If he finds the grounds established, the sheriff ……. the case to the reporter to arrange a hearing.

1) remits 2) remitted 3) will remit 4) would have remitted 5)would remit

192. Our boss was fined for ………………………………. in charge of a car.

1) having drunk 2) being drunk 3) drunking 4) having been drunk 5) drunks

193. The common law offences ……………………………………………….by 1986.

1) has been codified 2) had been codified 3) being codified 4) will have been codified 5.codified

194. A local authority prefers the child ……………………….. at home under supervision or place him/her with foster parents.

1) to have remained 2) to have been remained 3) to remain 4) to be remained 5) remained

195. The accused was satisfied …………………………………….. by a lawyer to ensure a properly prepared defense in court.

1) to have visited 2) to visit 3) be visited 4) to have been visited 5) visited

196. …………………………..... he was released on bail in the interests of the investigation.

1) be questioned 2) having been questioned 3) questioning 4) to have been questioned 5) to be questioned

197. We are concerned about people …………………………………………. in prison.

1) having been held 2) having held 3) hold 4) holding 5) being held

198. The offences……….. just……………………. by the police service in London.

1) had been classified 2) has been classified 3) classified 4) have been classified 5) would be classified

199. The Government and Parliament encourage and ……… the development of crime prevention schemes.

1) encourage 2) encourages 3) will encourage 4) would encourage 5) is encouraging

200. If evidence is improperly admitted a conviction ………… be quashed on appeal.

1) be able to 2) would be 3) can 4) will be able 5) would be able


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1343

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