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Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.


#1. If the driver in front hadn’t stopped so suddenly (.3..)

#2. We heard the witness (.4..)

#3. The members of the law society heard his name (..8.)

#4. I wouldn’t be so happy now if (.2..)

#5. When she entered the courtroom (.1..)

1) ... the judge was reading the verdict.

2) ... I hadn’t got this invitation at last.

3) .... the accident wouldn’t have happened.

4) .... mentioning the most important facts.

5) ... the prosecutor have been examining a witness.

6) .... to mentioned.

7) ... mentioned it.

8) .... being mentioned by the chairman several times.

9) ... the incident wouldn’t happen.

10) .... I have received that invitation already.

Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.


#1. Why can’t you go to the club to celebrate the Lawyer’s Day? – Because I’m busy (.10..)

#2. As far as I know she can go the club to celebrate the Lawyer’s Day. She (1...)

#3. She is not at the party in the club. She (.6..)

#4. It was stupid of her not (.2..)

#5. She wished she (.5..)

1) ... must have written her essay. She is sure to hand it in on Monday.

2) ... to have written her essay in the library yesterday. There was plenty of material there.

3) ... to write my essay. I am to hand it in on Monday.

4) ... have written her essay already.

5) ... had written her essay in the library yesterday. There was plenty of material there.

6) ... may be still writing her essay to hand it in on Monday.

7) … have been writing the essay since morning.

8) ... shall have written the essay by Monday.

9) ... being written by her now.

10. ... writing an essay on US Constitution. I am to hand it in on Monday.

Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.


#1. By the time the police arrive the burglars (.1..)

#2. Though the policemen were dead tired they kept on (.5..)

#3. The burglar’s alarm got activated and the burglars ought (.2..)

#4. The policemen were dead tired yesterday, you (.4..)

#5. The policemen were dead tired yesterday, but they (.7..)

1) ... will have run away.

2) ... to have escaped from the crime scene but they were attacked by the dog.

3) … might have investigated the scene of the crime yourself.

4) … investigating the house in search of fingerprints and other evidence.

5) ... run away.

6) ... have thoroughly investigated the scene of the crime.

7) ... be thoroughly investigated.

8) ... have investigated the scene of the crime already.

9) ... will investigated the scene of the crime.

10) ... having investigated the scene of the crime.

Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.


#1. I didn’t have to wait long for the inspector as when I came the last witness (.10..)

#2. The inspector has not come yet. He may (.3..)

#3. The inspector is very busy today as there are plenty of accident’s witnesses (.5..)

#4. The inspector is busy talking with the witnesses of the bank robbery. He is said (.1..)

#5. If all the witnesses had come for the interrogation yesterday the inspector (.9..)

1) ... to have been examining them since morning.

2) ... was seen examining the witnesses yesterday.

3) ... be still interrogating the witnesses.

4) ... had examined the witnesses already.

5) ... to be examined by him.

6) ... were examined today.

7) ... has to examine all the witnesses today.

8) ... without examining the witnesses.

9) ... would have examined them.

10) ... was being examined.

Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.


#1. Yesterday the victim was found in the yard (.3..)

#2. The victim is said (.2..)

#3. The police would like to see the missed child (.6..)

#4. It’s midnight already and the missed child (.5..)

#5. The suspect couldn’t commit the crime himself, he (.4..)

1) ... has had an accomplice.

2) ... to have been murdered 5 hours ago.

3) ... being murdered.

4) ... must have had an accomplice.

5) ... can’t be still playing with his friends in the yard.

6) ... found already.

7) ... were playing with his friends at 5 o'clock yesterday.

8) ... shall be found by all means tomorrow.

9) ... have been found already.

10) ... playing with his friends in the yard.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1075

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