Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.9.
#1. She can (.5..)
#2. I wondered (..8.)
#3. In the evening while I was preparing for the seminar (.2..)
#4. All the mistakes (.7..)
#5. If you made a mistake (.3..)
1) ... was corrected by the teacher.
2) ... she was correcting mistakes in the final draft of her course paper.
3) ... the teacher would correct it.
4) ... being corrected.
5) ... correct all the mistakes in her course paper herself.
6) ... to correct all mistakes in your course paper.
7) ... were corrected by the teacher.
8) ... who had corrected all the mistakes in his course paper.
Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.
#1. If I were you (.6..)
#2. We wondered (.7..)
#3. As soon as you read materials of this case (..1.)
#4. If he had read the materials of this case (.2..)
#5. She had been in that job of a solicitor for ten years (.5..)
1) ... give them back to me.
2) ... he would have given them back to you.
3) … I shall act differently.
4) … to give them back to me.
5) … before she left it last year.
6) … I should act differently.
7) … how he was progressing in his new job in the law department of a large commercial enterprise.
8) … before she has left the position.
Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.
#1. They accused me (…3)
#2. Our next door neighbour was arrested (.1..)
#3. Three people have been charged (4…)
#4. She denied (5…)
#5. I doubt whether (2…)
1) for shoplifting
2) she's guilty
3) of shopliftin
4) with theft
5) stealing the clothes
6) to be guilty
7) by shoplifting
8) she's guilt
Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.
#1. I caught glimpse (8…)
#2. My friends made me (6…)
#3. She says she was made (7…)
#4. It is illegal for (5…)
#5. It is necessary (4…)
1) to stealing something from the shop.
2) to someone shoplifting.
3) with stealing something from the shop.
4) that witnesses should tell the truth in court.
5) someone to steal something from the shop.
6) steal something from the shop.
7) to steal something from the shop.
8) of someone shoplifting.
Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.
#1. All twelve members of the jury were convinced (.8..)
#2. I don't think I'd ever (3…)
#3. A psychiatrist was called (.4..)
#4. Everyone should have the right (.5..)
#5. If you break the law, you deserve (.7..)
1) with the defendant's guilt.
2) make a serious crime.
3) commit a serious crime.
4) as an expert witness during the trial.
5) to a fair trial.
6) for a fair trial.
7) to be punished.
8) of the defendant's guilt.
Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.
#1. Governments must be allowed (.5..)
#2. Can you imagine what it's like (.6..)
#3. It's very important that justice (.1..)
#4. Another phrase for “capital punishment” (.2..)
#5. The spy was sentenced (.4..)
1) is seen to be done.
2) is “ the death sentence”.
3) is “the corporal punishment.
4) to life imprisonment.
5) to introduce and change the laws.
6) being imprisoned for years in a cell?
7) to be imprisoned for years in a cell?
8) is seen to be doing.
Finish up the sentences by adding one of the fragments.
#1. A number of bystanders watched the robbers (.2..)
#2. 'Silence in court! shouted (5…)
#3. The jury found her not (.6..)
#4. If the police feel sure a person is guilty (.7..)
#5. To take someone to court (.1..)
1) means to prosecute someone.
2) speed off in a stolen car.
3) means to persecute someone.
4) the barrister angrily.
5) the judge angrily.
6) guilty of all charges.
7) they charge that person with a crime.
8) to speed off in a stolen car.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 3447