B)& Grandparents.
A) Grandfathers.
C) Grandmothers.
D) Great-grandparents.
E) Grandchildren.
Choose the correct answer to the question ‘Where do you come from?’:
A)& I come from Kazakhstan.
B) I come home from school at 2 o’clock.
C) I come from school.
D) I come home late.
E) I come to the cinema in time.
What is opposite of the word ‘easy’:
A) Important.
B)& Difficult.
C) Busy.
D) Interesting.
E) Effective
Fill in the right pronoun: Listen to ___ sister:
A) She and she’s.
B) & Her and her.
C) Her and she.
D) She and her.
E) She’s and her.
Choose the right preposition: It often snows ____ January:
A)& In.
B) For.
C) At.
D) On.
E) Over.
My father’s brothers are my ___:
A) Aunts.
B) Grandfathers.
C)& Uncles.
D) Nephews.
E) Nieces.
My brother’s wife is my ___:
A) Niece.
B)& Sister-in-law.
C) Aunt.
D) Uncle.
E) Cousin.
Choose the right pronoun: “Have you found ___ interesting?”:
A) Nobody.
B) Nothing.
C) Something.
D) None.
E)& Anything.
Choose the right variant: A … future depends on her character.
A) Girls’.
B) The girls.
C) Girl.
D)& Girl’s.
E) Girls.
Choose the right variant: I … fine.
A)& Am.
B) Be.
C) Is.
D) Isn’t.
E) Are.
Find the right variant: There are ….chairs in the room.
A) Fifth.
B)& Five.
C) A five.
D) The five.
E) A fifth.
Choose the correct article: I have just bought…..copy of the latest book.
A)& A.
B) An.
C) The.
D) -.
E) Any.
Choose the correct answer: Can we have ….coffee?
A)& Some.
B) Little.
C) Any.
D) An.
E) Many.
Choose the right article: He went to the hills in … Northern England.
A) Some.
B) Any.
C) Those.
D)& The.
E) A.
Choose the right article: She was the first woman to cross … Atlantic in a canoe.
A) A.
B) -.
C) That.
D)& The.
E) An.
Choose the right article: Could you give me … information I asked for in my letter.
A)& The.
B) A.
C) An.
D) This.
E) -.
Choose the right variant: We decorate this room … .
A) Ourself.
B) Yourself.
C)& Ourselves.
D) Yourselves.
E) Himself.
Complete the sentence: Let me see the man … I am so much obliged to.
A) Which.
B) Whose.
C) Who.
D)& Whom.
E) These.
Find the right plural form: boy
A) Boy’s.
B) Boies.
C)& Boys.
D) Boys’.
E) Boy.
Find the right plural form:
A)& Houses.
B) House’s.
C) Houses’.
D) House.
E) Housis.
Choose the right article: It’s … pity, you can not go there.
A) The.
B) An.
C)& A.
D) -.
E) Any.
Choose the right answer: It’s already… spring, but the spring weather has not come yet.
A) The.
B) A.
C) An.
D) Any.
E)& –.
Choose the right variant of pronoun: … are trolley-buses.
A) His.
B) That.
C) This.
D)& Those.
E) Its.
Choose the correct variant of pronoun: This exercise book is …
A) Him.
B)& Mine.
C) My.
D) You.
E) Me.
Choose the correct variant: Mike, put … book here.
A)& This.
B) I.
C) She.
D) Those.
E) These.
Choose the correct preposition: He is looking … the picture.
A) On.
B) To.
C)& At.
D) -.
E) With.
Put in the preposition: I have never been … Italy.
A) On.
B) In.
C) At.
D) By.
E)& To.
Choose the right preposition; She never comes … time.
A)& In.
B) At.
C) By.
D) To.
E) -.
Choose the right preposition: I like to listen … the music … the radio.
A)& To, on.
B) With, -.
C) -,-.
D) To, at.
E) At, by.
Put in the correct preposition: I went … holiday … summer.
A) In, to.
B)& On, in.
C) At, at.
D) -, -.
E) On, on.
Choose the right preposition: My brother goes to the University … bus.
A)& By.
B) On.
C) In.
D) To.
E) For.
Put in correct preposition: They sell cheese … that department.
A) For.
B)& At.
C) Of.
D) To.
E) Out.
Put on the preposition: … the whole your terms are acceptable to us.
A)& In.
B) On.
C) After.
D) Of.
E) -.
Choose the right form of the verb: There … one table and three chairs in the room.
A) Am.
B)& Is.
C) Are.
D) Be.
E) Been.
Choose the right form of the verb: … there three chairs and one table in the room?
A) Be.
B)& Are.
C) Is.
D) Not are.
E) Been.
Choose the right form of the verb: There … no money in my purse.
A) Has.
B) Have.
C) Be.
D)& Is.
E) Are.
Choose the right form of the verb: There … some books on the table.
A) Is.
B)& Are.
C) Has. D) Had. E) Be.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1615