I usually __ a sandwich for lunch. Have
28.A nurse is a person who ____people who are ill.Looks after
29.A party is a good place ____ people to meet
30.A pharmacy is a shop ____ you can buy medicineswhere
31.A pilot is a person ____flies a planewho
32.Adam asked me if I could ____ him money.Lend
33.Ann was very ______ tonight. Do you think she’s OK? quiet
34.Are you ___ forward to your birthday?Looking
35.Are you going ______ to Cuba? to go
36.Are you listening ____ me ?to
37.Argue ____ a friend.with
38.At midnight on December 31st, ________ give up smoking. do you go
39.Baseball isn’t as _it was in the past. popular as
40.Be careful! The baby __ that pencil in her mouth!Is putting
41.Can you ___ me back the money I lent you? pay
42.Can you ____ a photo of us, please?take
43.Can you ____ a photo of us, please? take
44.Can you _____ me back the money I lent you? Pay
45.Did you ____ sightseeing in Paris?Go
46.didn’t study ____I failed the exam.So
47.Digital cameras are easy ____.to use
48.Disposable nappies __ by a woman.Were invented
49.Do I ______ OK? look
50.Do you ____ much exercise?Do
51.Do you ______ much exercise? do
52.Do you mind _____ the cooking?doing
53.Don’t _____ time doing things you don’t enjoy.Waste
54.Don’t _______ the channel. I’m watching that!change
55.Don’t be so ___! You’ll have to wait.Impatient
56.Don’t forget to write _____ me.to
57.Dream _____ an old house.About
58.Emma __him a letter two days ago.Wrote
59.Fiat cars _____ in Italy.Are made
60.Fiat cars _____ in Italy.Are made
61.For _____, you do this with the TV.Example
62.Has it stopped ______ yet?Raining
63.Has the film started ______?yet
64.Has your boss ___ shouted at you?ever
65.Have you _____ flown before?ever
66.Have you ever ____ Japanese food?Eaten
67.He ___ play football when he was young.used to
68.He _____ eat meat. He’s a vegetarian.Doesn’t
69.He _____ rugby for a local team.Plays
70.He _____ the photograph. looked at
71.He ______ writing postcards. doesn’t like
72.He didn’t___to come to France with us.want
73.He got _ the bus and I waved good buy in
74.He has ___ washed his car. It’s clean.Just
75.He has an exam tomorrow, so he __ now. is studying
76.He looks much _____ with short hair.Better
77.He met his wife when he __ in Japan.Was working
78.He went to work without _____ breakfast. having
79.He won’t be happy if he _____ his driving test againfails
80.Her birthday’s _the 5th of Septemberon
81.Here are your boots. _____. Put them on
82.How ____ chocolate do you eat? much
83.How nice ____ you again.to see
84.How often ___ your mobile phone? do you use
85.How often _____ to the cinema ?do you go
86.How often ______ to the cinema? do you go
87.I __ enjoy school. In fact I hated it.didn’t use to
88.I ___ in the park when it started raining.Was sitting
89.I ____ at the moment because I’m on holiday.‘m not studying
90.I ____ divorced last year.got
91.I _____ a new car last week. bought
92.I _____ listen to him if I were youwouldn’t
93.I _____ listen to him if I were you.Wouldn’t
94.I _____ the gym on Tuesdays. often go to
95.I _____ when you phoned me.was driving
96.I ______ at the moment because I’m on holiday. ‘m not studying
97.I _______ Japanese very well.don’t speak
98.I _______ my homework after every lesson. do
99.I _________ to Rome.‘ve never been
100. I ______walk home. I’ll get a taxi.Won’t
101. I __my homework after every lesson.do
102. I always _____ a suit to work. wear
103. I always _____ clothes in a shop before I buy them.try on
104. I always _____ my bed in the morning.make
105. I always _______ toast for breakfasthave
106. I can speak _______ .French
107. I can’t drive. Neither ____ I.Can
108. I can’t find my keys. Can you help me to ___them?look for
109. I didn’t go out last night._____ Neither did I
110. I don’t mind _up early in the morninggetting
111. I fell _ the steps and broke my arm.Down
112. I get ____ well with my brothers.On
113. I go to evening classes ____ French.To learn
114. I have _____ after my little sister.To look
115. I have been a manager _____ I left university. since
116. I have never _____ to Italy. been
117. I haven’t written to Chris ______.yet
118. I hope we arrive ____ time.on
119. I need ______ English quickly.To learn
120. I never _____ with my brother. We have different views.Agree
121. I often go shopping __ the weekend. at
122. I often go shopping ___ the weekend. at
123. I promise. I _____late.Won’t be
124. I think it’s ______ this evening.going to snow
125. I think the mountains are ________than the beach. more beautiful
126. I think they ____ buy a new car.Should
127. I think this is the __song on the CD. best
128. I usually ____ a sandwich for lunch. have
I usually __ a sandwich for lunch. Have
130. I usually drive to work because it ______ time.Saves
131. I was sitting in the office waiting _____ a phone call.for
132. I wouldn’t do that if _______ you. I were
133. I’d like to speak _____ the manager, please.to
134. I’ll _____ the washing up. do
135. I’ll call you if I _____ any news.hear
136. I’ll ring you tomorrow! I __ forget.Won’t
137. I’m ____ the weekend.Looking forward to
138. I’m _______ person in the world! the happiest
139. I’m ______than my brother. Younger
140. I’m cold. I’m going to __ a sweater.Put on
141. I’m going ____this jumper back to the shop. to take
142. I’m going to ______ this jumper back to the shop.Take
143. I’m hungry! I __ any breakfast this morning. didn’t have
144. I’m hungry. ____make some toast.I’ll
145. I’m on diet so I shouldn’t eat __ bread.Too much
146. I’m pregnant and _____ have a baby next summer.I’m going to
147. I’m sorry I’m late. I ___ the bus.Missed
148. I’m sorry, but I don’t agree _ you.with
149. I’m sure _____ lose the match.They’ll
150. I’m tired ____ grammar exercises. of doing
151. I’m younger ______ my sister. than
152. I’ve _____ been to Ireland.Never
153. I’ve _____ done the washing upalready
154. I’ve never ___ him in a suit and tie. seen
155. I’ve______ written five times!Already
156. If I had a car, I ____ to work.would drive
157. If I lost my job, I don’t know what ____to do
158. If my sister _____ older, she would come to the party.were
159. If the shop is open, ____ some fruit.I’ll buy
160. If they ___ in five minutes, we’ll go don’t arrive
161. If you ___ time, will you help me ?have
162. If you ____ three wishes, what would you wish?Had
163. It has ______ snowed here before.never
164. It was a very expensive restaurant ________ the food wasn’t very nice.But
165. It’s ______ in Italy than in Russia. hotter
166. It’s _______ to worried.Similar
167. It’s ____you feel when you have a lot of things to do.how
168. It’s a ______ which you use to talk.thing
169. It’s a _______ where you go when you want to buy something.place
170. It’s a _________ of machine.Kind
171. It’s a verb. You do it when you are thirsty.Drink
172. It’s dangerous __ here late at night.to walk
173. It’s dangerous ____ in the ocean.To swim
174. It’s very hot here. _____ your coat.Take off
175. It’s very late. They probably ____come now.Won’t
176. John _____ of the room and didn’t come back.went out
177. Just a second. _____ have a look.I’ll
178. Let me pay you ___ the money you lent me.back
179. Let’s _____ away for the holidays.Go
180. Linda ran to the station ____she was very late.because
181. Linda was very late _____ she ran to the station.So
182. Many people only work to _ money.Earn
183. Mike phoned. He’s going _________ you back in an hour. to call
184. Mike phoned. He’s going to _____ you back in an hour.call
185. My brother ______ the dog for a walk in the evening.takes
186. My brother’s daughter is my ____ niece
187. My dog’s not dangerous. He _____doesn’t bite
188. My mum doesn’t like ____ to work.Driving
189. My mum doesn’t like _____ to work.Driving
190. My sister _____ judo twice a week. does
191. My sister _____ my mother.looks like
192. My sister’s son is my _____nephew
193. Paul left work an hour ____. ago
194. Peter promised _____ me .to help
195. Please _____ the TV and concentrate on your homework! turn off
196. Please don’t ____ your bag on the floor!Leave
197. Radio newsreaders speak more ______ than before. Quickly
198. Say ‘please’. You have to be more __polite
199. She ______ off her boots.Put
200. She ______ to school today because she’s ill.Didn’t go
201. She ______a long holiday when she finishes university.‘s going to have
202. She always ______before she has breakfast in the morning.gets dressed
203. She hardly ______ travels abroad. ever
204. She needs to _ more time studying.spend
205. She’s _____swimmer in the class. the best
206. She’s the person ___ works with me.Who
207. Simon __ a karate lesson right now.is having
208. Simon _____ at work yesterday. wasn’t
209. Speak _____ your teacher.To
210. Take a map because you __ get lost.might
211. The ______TV at the moment.‘re watching
212. The beach looks beautiful _____ it was too crowded.Although
213. The bus was so ___ I couldn’t move.Crowded
214. The cat ran _____ the road.across
215. The children played _ in the garden. Happily
216. The opposite of catch (a bus) is ___miss
217. The opposite of clean is _____.polluted
218. The opposite of empty is _______.crowded
219. The opposite of extrovert is _____shy
220. The opposite of generous is _____mean
221. The opposite of learn is _______teach
222. The opposite of leave is _______arrive
223. The opposite of lend is _____borrow
224. The opposite of noisy is ______quiet
225. The opposite of pull is ______push
226. The opposite of remember is ____forget
227. The opposite of rude is ________.polite
228. The opposite of win is _______lose
229. The psychoanalyst was talking _____ dreams.About
230. The traffic is _____ than it was. worse
231. They ____ pizza. They had pasta.Didn’t have
232. They _____ for us when we arrived.Were waiting
233. They ______ early on Sundays. don’t get up
234. They _______ pizza. They had pasta.Didn’t have
235. They ________ TV at the moment.are watching
236. They always argue ___ each other.with
237. They met ___ 7 p.m.at
238. Think ______ something.about
239. Think __his offer–it’s a good one.about
240. This is _____ interesting book. an
241. This is ______ city in the world. the noisiest
242. This is ______ film I’ve ever seen. the best
243. Tim’s ____football player I know. the worst
244. Tower Bridge goes __ River Thames.Over
245. Wait ________ a bus.For
246. We ____ to Rome then we drove to Florence.Flew
247. We _____ a bigger house if we had more money. would buy
248. We _____ to France last summer.went
249. We ______ to France last summerwent
250. We ___to San Francisco last August. flew
251. We had lunch _____ the balcony on
252. We have studied English _____ three years. for
253. We should hurry or we’ll ____ the bus.Miss
254. We stopped at a petrol station _____ some petrol. to get
255. We wanted to visit the museum _______ we couldn’t find it on the map. but
256. We’ll ____ time if we go on the motorway. save
257. We’ve been in this house ___ May.since
258. What __ she do if she lost her job? would
259. What ___ she do if she lost her job? would
260. What _____ tomorrow afternoon?Are you going to do
261. What _____ you looking at?are
262. What ______about last night?did you dream
263. What __you doing yesterday at 7.30?were
264. What _doing when you phoned him? was he
265. What are you going _ this weekend?To go
266. What are you thinking ____ now?about
267. What dress did you _____ to go to the party?Wear
268. What kind of music do _____? you listen to
269. When _____ British banks open and close?do
270. When _____ Elvis born ?was
271. When ______ the woman born? was
272. When _______ university ? did you leave
273. When I took the photo you ______ looking at me.Weren’t
274. When was this church ______? built
275. Where _____ she go last summer ?did
276. Where _____ you born? were
277. Where _____ your parents live?do
278. Where ______ go next summer?are you going to
279. Where do you ______? live
280. Which supermarket ______ you usually shop at?do
281. Who ___ your favorite song? wrote
282. Who ___ your favourite actors? are
283. Who _____ at the party yesterday?did you talk to
284. Who _____ with?do you live
285. Who ______ your favorite actors?are
286. Who do you usually agree _____ in your family?with
287. Will you please stop _____ that noise! making
288. Write a letter ______ a penfriend. To
289. You ______ your mother when she was young.look like
290. You _______ cold if you go without a coat. ‘ll get
291. You don’t need an umbrella. It ____ isn’t raining
292. You haven’t done the washing up _ yet
293. Your car is _______ than mine. more expensive
294. -_____ was Queen’s first concert?
- In London Where
295. -__________ was it?
-In 1972. When
296. -______ top ten hits did they have?
-Twenty fourHow many
297. -______ happened in 1991?
-Freddie Mercury died.What
298. -_________ is their music still popular?
-Because Queen wrote good songs.Why
299. -I can’t do this exercise.
-Don’t worry. I ____ help you.‘ll
300. -_____ you be able to come to the meeting tomorrow?
-Yes, I think so.Will
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 9976