6 Tell the oral method of mental (chin) anesthesia. Target site, location puncture, zone analgesia.
7 Tell buccal nerve anesthesia.
8 Tell the lingual nerve anesthesia.
5: Methods of teaching and learning: oral questioning, work on models, the solution of tasks in the test form, work in small groups: familiarization with the methods of anesthesia used for anesthesia of the lower jaw; their performance on the dummies.
Suggested Reading
Main Reading
1 Surgery: Textbook. / Edited by VV .. Afanasiev et al. - M., Medicine, 2011 - 880 p.
2 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: national leadership / edited by A. Kulakov etc. .. - M., Medicine, GEOTAR-MEDIA 2010 - 928 p.
3 Surgery Textbook. / Edited by TG Robustova ... et al. - M., Medicine, 2003 - 92-110 s.
Further Reading
1 Bezrukov VM Outpatient dental surgery. Moscow: 2002-75 with.
2 AA Timofeev Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. / Kiev 2007 -696 with.
3 Tregubova TV Local anesthesia in an outpatient surgical dentistry: Textbook. - Almaty, 2007 - 144.