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Exercise 6. What symptom is described?

1) difficulty in breathing;

2) process of eliminating fluid through the pores of the skin;

3) burning sensation beneath the breastbone caused by irritation of the esophagus;

4) feeling of unease or a mild sickness;

5) difficulty in digesting food, accompanied by abdominal pain, belching, etc.;

6) pressure in the chest;

7) abnormal sound heard through a stethoscope over the region of the heart;

8) any variation from the normal rhythm in the heartbeat.


Exercise 7. What do these medical terms mean?

dyspepsia a) gases
thrombus b) vomiting
flatulence c) shortness of breath
emesis d) loss of appetite
palpitation e) nausea
retching f) accelerated heartbeat
dyspnea g) indigestion
anorexia h) clot


Exercise 8. Define the meaning of each type of physical examination, then form the verbs from the given nouns:


1. inspection a) listening with a stethoscope
2. palpation b) looking
3. percussion c) feeling with the hands
4. auscultation d) tapping with a finger


Now form the verbs from the given above nouns to define the physical activity of the doctor and memorize them:

e.g. examination – to examine

Exercise 9. Fill in the table “Myocardial Infarction”

Examinations: - physical - blood tests  


Exercise 10. Re-write sentences opening the brackets:

Last year the patient Green, aged 65, (to admit) to the hospital with acute chest pain. He (to experience) shortness of breath and pain that (to radiate) to the left arm. The doctor immediately (to suspect) a heart attack and (to make) the patient (to take) an ECG. The diagnosis (to confirm) by the abnormal reading of the ECG. The blood analyses (to reveal) a number of cardiac enzymes. The cardiologist (to administer) his patient an adequate treatment. To relieve pain he (to give) nitroglycerin. Fortunately, the patient (not to have) any complications, because the doctor’s help (to be) prompt and thorough. Very soon patient Green’s condition (to improve).


Exercise 11. Explain the following terms:

myocardial infarction


chest pain



1. What is meant by the term myocardial infarction?

a) a heart failure b) a heart attack c) brain aneurism d) all variants are correct


2. During the myocardial infarction the heart muscle …

a) recovers b) doesn’t change c) dies d) nothing occurs with it


3. The heart attack is caused by the sudden blockage of a coronary artery by …

a) a blood clot b) an aneurism c) a cholesterol plaque d)


4. Blockage of a coronary artery deprives the heart muscle of …

a) carbon dioxide b) water c) oxygen d) oxygen and blood


5. Injury to the heart muscle causes …

a) vomiting b) chest pain c) fever d) headache


6. The dead heart muscle is eventually replaced by … tissue

a) new smooth b) striated c) new epithelial d) scar


7. The high rate of heart attacks is most frequently associated with …

a) gastric ulcers b) depression c) physical exertion and stress d) smoking


8. Any acute infection, e.g. pneumonia, can also … a myocardial infarction.

a) trigger b) prevent c) avoid d) escape


9. Family history of … diseases are of great importance in myocardial infarction.

a) nerve b) venereal c) heart d) endocrine


10. Heavy alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking greatly … to IM.

a) contribute b) deprive c) prevent d) serve


11. The symptoms in MI are always …

a) vague b) clear c) unnoticed d) sometimes vague, sometimes clear



12. Heart attacks producing no symptoms can be …

a) life-threatening b) safe c) secure d) mild


13. Acute complications may include …

a) atherosclerosis b) heart failure c) angina pectoris d) headache


14. In MI the … is done in the first turn.

a) blood analysis b) X-ray c) ECG d) urine analysis


15. The blood tests usually reveal a number of …

a) leukocytes b) protein c) cardiac enzymes d) pus corpuscles


16. Enzymes are released into the blood by the …

a) dying heart muscle b) lungs c) liver d) endocrine glands


17. … plays the most important role in diagnosing and treating a heart attack.

a) medications b) prompt medical attention c) chemotherapy d) surgery


18. Medical treatment for heart attacks may include …

a) vasoconstrictors b) antibiotics c) antiplatelets d) anti-inflammatory drugs


19. … intervention is recommended as well.

a) percutaneous b) intramuscular c) intravenous d) no


20. MI … leads to death.

a) never b) always c) sometimes d) if not treated in time



Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1092

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