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Extended Activities

Ex. 8.Using the information given, complete each sentence with a suitable verb. Use the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. My father worked in the garden all afternoon. Then he took a hot shower.

2. Dan went for a walk. In the woods he saw some rare birds. When he got home, he wrote a letter to the local newspaper about them.

3. My friend came top in the final examination. Her father bought her a car as a reward.

4. John came home from work early. He cooked lunch. His family were very impressed.

5. Ann worked very hard all morning. Her boss gave her en extra half hour for lunch. She boasted about it.

6. Bill went to the disco. He came home very late. His mother was worried and she told him off when he got in.

7. Alex tried to mend a broken window. He cut his hand. He went to hospital.

8. I lost my watch. We had looked for it for hours. I was very pleased when my son found it.

9. Julia attended a language course. She made some new friends. She sent postcards to them.

10. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes.

11. When I got home, my younger brother was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.

12. I woke up in the middle of the night. I was frightened. I saw a nightmare.

13. I arranged to meet Tim at the station. He didn’t come. An hour later I went home.

Ex. 9.Express the same idea in one sentence so as to use the Past Perfect, the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past Continuous. Use conjunctions as, because, though, and, which, but, who if necessary.

1. Tom could hear shouts from the flat next door. His neighbours (argue) all evening again.

2. Emma went into the sitting-room. It was empty, but the television was still on. Someone (watch) it.

3. I (play) tennis for two hours. I was annoyed because I (not to win) a single game.

4. The walkers finally arrived at their destination. They (walk) all day, and they certainly needed a rest. They (walk) thirty miles.

5. When I saw Nick last week, he said he (stop) smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he (smoke) a cigarette. He looked rather ashamed.

6. I had to go and see the dentist. One of my teeth (ache) for weeks.

7. When Melanie arrived at David’s place, he (lie) on the sofa reading a detective novel. He (buy) it at the second-hand bookshop, and he (read) it for most of the afternoon.

8. It was 2 o’clock. I started cleaning the flat two hours ag. … .

9. He (work) hard. He passed his exams successfully.

10. They (discuss) the book the whole lesson. I knew about it.

11. He returned home yesterday. He (live and study) in England for four years.

12. At last they found their dog. They (look for) it for two weeks.

13. I felt exhausted. I (drive) for six hours but we (not to get) to the place of destination yet.


Ex. 10. Put in the Past Perfect, the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past Indefinite.

Cooking the Books?

Old Mr Williams was very concerned. He and his wife were pensioners and he 1) (spend) the whole morning looking for their pension books. He 2) (look) everywhere, but he 3) (not to be able) to find them. Meanwhile, his wife 4) (be) busy too. She 5) (cook) all morning. She 6) (prepare) a delicious meal. She 7) (make) soup, followed by a lovely pie, which she 8) (bake) in the oven. Mr Williams 9) (always, enjoy) his food, but he clearly wasn’t enjoying his lunch. ‘What’s the matter, Tom?’ his wife asked. Mr Williams 10) (have to) confess that he 11) (lose) their pension books. ‘I know,’ Mrs Williams 12) (say), with a twinkle in her eye. ‘I’ve got them’. ‘You’ve got them?’
‘Yes – and guess where I 13) (find) them!’ Mr Williams suddenly remembered. ‘In the oven! I 14) (put) them there for safe-keeping.’ He 15) (smile) with relief as she 16) (fish) them out of her apron pocket!

Ex. 11. Complete the sentences using the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. I never (lend) my friends a large amount of money, because I always (think) it would almost certainly be the end of our friendship. But one day I (have) a very good reason for borrowing money myself. I (need) an urgent operation.

2. We think of democracy as a modern invention, but in fact the world’s most perfect democracy probably (exist) in Ancient Athens in 500 B.C. – if you (be) not a woman or a slave.

3. Two French architects – Frederic Augusta Bartholdi and Alexander Gustave Eiffel (design) and (build) in Paris the Statue of Liberty which has stood on Liberty Island in New York Island since 1886.

4. My brother (work) in a bank for about five years, and actually he wasn’t very ambitious or career-minded. Then a new manager (persuade) him to take the job more seriously, so he (start) studying to become a manager himself. For five years he (go) to evening classes to get qualifications he needed…but it was worth it.

5. It (snow) when I (get up) this morning. The children next door (make) a snowman. I quickly (put on) my warm clothes and (race) outside to help them.

6. Ann was worn out. The baby (cough) all night and she (not to get) any sleep.

7. Our team (play) really well. We (win) at half time, but in the end we (lose).

8. Kate (be) a successful model before she (become) a teacher. She (earn) a lot of money for a few years but then she (give) it all up for the classroom.

9. When my mother (come) downstairs this morning, she couldn’t believe her eyes. We (do) all the washing –up and (make) breakfast for her. We (work) for an hour before she (wake up).

10. Imagine my delight when I (do) really well in all my exams! My childhood dream (come) true and I (become) a student of the university.

11. She (live) in Oxford when she (meet) her husband. They (go out) for two years before they (get) married.


Ex. 12. Use the proper form of the past tenses in the following sentences.

1. Long, long ago the people of Egypt (make) paper from the tall grass that (grow) on the banks of the river Nile.

2. In 1812 Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University (invent) the first calculating machine which (do) complicated calculations faster than any mathematician.

3. I found a camera you (leave) in hotel room 222 where I (stay) for a week before they offered me a single room.

4. Once I (tell) him the truth, I (feel) better. For many years I (keep) it a secret.

5. It was 1 o’clock and the dog from next door (bark) for two hours. I wondered what (happen) there.

6. My friend was 26 last month. He (start) working for the company when he (be) eighteen. He quickly (climb) the career ladder and not long ago he (become) the youngest managing director the company ever (appoint).

7. She said she (try) to phone me since morning, but nobody was at home.

8. No sooner I (get) home than the telephone (ring). My mother (call).

9. After the students (pass) their exams, they went out to celebrate. Alex (not to go) anywhere because he (fail) his last exam. He said he (have) a lovely time and (not to prepare) for the exam properly.

10. When we arrived at the station, Alex (wait) for us for half an hour already. He (wear) a white suit and (look) very handsome.

11. I heard that Peter (get married). You (know) him quite well, didn’t you? – Yes, we (work) for the same company for five years before he (find) another job.


Ex. 13. Supply the proper tense form. Retell the texts.

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