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Test on Political Science

(Final Examination)


by Dr. D. Khidirbekughli



  1. Political Science is:

a. complex of ideas only

b. complex of institute only

c. complex of ideas, institute and peoples

d. complex of peoples only

e. complex of other things


2. The subsystems in Political Science are:

a. economic, social, spiritual and political branches

b. spiritual branches only

c. social branches only

d. economic branches only

e. political branches only


  1. Political Anthropology concerns:

a. ethnic communities only

b. ethnic communities, political behavior and comprehensive culture

c. political behavior only

d. comprehensive culture only

e. religion


  1. Political Geography concerns:

a. only geography

b. only institutes

c. only political system

d. political system and institutes in geographical aspects

e. other factors


  1. Modernization is a process of transition from:

a. old society to new society

b. traditions to innovation

c. society to innovation

d. society to society

e. traditional society to industrial society


  1. G. Almond told of :

a. Political structure as multifunction in all societies

b. Political structure only

c. multifunction only

d. society

e. other structures


  1. Society is a complex of forms:

a. formed in history

b. historically formed as result of human activity

c. existence

d. life

e. other category


  1. Power is a category of high authority based on:

a. only respect

b. respect to senior people

c. respect to leadership

d. hierarchy

e. other phenomenon


  1. State is:

a. a category of violence

b. instrument of violence

c. violence only

d. basic instrument of political power in human society

e. other one


  1. Nation is equal to:

a. ethnicity

b. humanity

c. society

d. state

e. power


  1. Formula of Nation:

a. N= State + Ethnicity

b. N= State + Citizenship

c. N= State + Power

d. N= State + Humanity

e. N= State + Society


  1. Independence is:

a. avoidance of colonial occupation and domination by other countries

b. avoidance only

c. colonial domination

d. domination only

e. independent power


  1. Political system is:

a. self-organization of society only

b. political structure and self-organization of society

c. political structure only

d. institution

e. other category


  1. Political regime is:

a. special regime

b. political institute only

c. complex of political institutes functioning in one country

d. state power

e. other category


  1. Democratic regime is:

a. everything

b. liberalism

c. anarchy

d. liberal democratic system with strong division of power branches

e. abstract system


  1. Totalitarian regime is:

a. positive phenomenon

b. total power

c. strong power

d. not dictatorship

e. political system of dictatorial type


  1. Authoritarian regime is:

a. semi-dictatorial regime with democratic elements

b. dictatorial regime

c. dictatorship

d. liberal regime

e. other regime


  1. USA, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan are:

a. dictatorial countries

b. democratic countries

c. authoritarian

d. middle

e. special


  1. Soviet Bolshevism, German Nazism and Italian Fascism are:

a. monarchies

b. democratic regimes

c. totalitarian regimes

d. authoritarian regimes

e. special regimes


  1. Unitarianism is:

a. system of national rule

b. system with territorial autonomy

c. system of decentralization

d. system of centralization of power with partly decentralization

e. specific system


  1. Federation is:

a. system of federalism

b. system of autonomies

c. system of centralization

d. specific system

e. union of nation consists of territories of self-governance and autonomy


  1. Federalism is:

a. theory of people’s sovereignty

b. theory of union

c. theory of state

d. theory of nation

e. other theory


  1. Civil Society is:

a. democratic society

b. specific connection between society and government

c. contemporary society

d. ancient society

e. other kind of society


  1. Legal Nation is:

a. special regime

b. state system

c. state holding ethics in framework of Law

d. state with power

e. constitutional nation


  1. Formula of Legal Nation is:

a. LN= State + Economy

b. LN= State + People

c. LN= State + Citizenship

d. LN= State (Power) + Society (Civil)

e. LN= State + Nation


  1. Dissemination of Democracy is:

a. part of democracy

b. only practice of democracy

c. theory and practice of democracy

d. theory of democracy

e. practical task of democracy expansion


  1. Democracy expansion is:

a. part of international system after 1945

b. kind of democracy

c. kind of democratic construction

d. theory of democracy

e. practice of democracy


  1. Basis of democratic system is:

a. only dictatorship

b. market economy

c. constitution

d. legal nation

e. other component


  1. Dictatorship’s forms are:

a. only despotism

b. only tyranny

c. tyranny, despotism and oligarchy

d. only oligarchy

e. other components


  1. Necessity of democracy is:

a. general phenomenon

b. for people

c. for government

d. balance between state and society

e. anarchy


  1. Political Parties are necessary component of:

a. authoritarian system

b. republican system

c. totalitarian system

d. constitutional monarchy

e. democratic society


  1. Electoral system is main artery in:

a. democratic society

b. authoritarian system

c. totalitarian system

d. constitutional monarchy

e. republican system


  1. Theory of Factual Mission took place in:

a. the United States

b. England

c. France

d. Germany

e. Italy


  1. Theory of Factionary and National Mission took place in:

a. the United States

b. England

c. France

d. Germany

e. Italy


  1. Concept of Geographical Mission took place in:

a. the United States

b. England

c. France

d. Germany

e. Italy


  1. Contemporary system mainly uses:

a. concept of Geographical Mission

b. theory of Factionary Sovereignty

c. theory of Factionary and National Mission

d. theory of Factual Mission

e. other theory and concept


  1. Electoral Campaign is:

a. time of direct elections

b. time of election

c. time of propaganda and informative preparation

d. time of process of electing

e. other time


  1. Ethnicity is a category defined by:

a. language only

b. territory only

c. culture only

d. language, culture and territory

e. other components


  1. National religions are:

a. Christianity and Judaism

b. Judaism and Islam

c. Buddhism and Hinduism

d. Christianity and Islam

e. Judaism and Hinduism


  1. Universal religions are:

a. Christianity, Islam and Buddhism

b. Judaism and Islam

c. Buddhism and Hinduism

d. Christianity and Islam

e. Judaism and Hinduism


  1. Nationalism can be:

a. only ethnic

b. state/territorial, ethnic, religious, racial

c. religious

d. racial

e. state/territorial


  1. Mini statehood for ethnic groups within nation is:

a. Unitarianism

b. federation

c. autonomy

d. monarchy

e. republic


  1. Chauvinism is directed to:

a. discrimination

b. only segregation

c. only violent assimilation

d. violent assimilation of ethnic minorities or their segregations

e. violation


  1. Tolerance is a way to harmony in society concerning:

a. only ethnic and religious aspects

b. only racial and lingual aspects

c. only social and lingual aspects

d. only social and ethnic aspects

e. social, ethnic, religious, racial and lingual aspects


  1. Race is determined:

a. as complex of human physical features

b. by language

c. by containing a mentality

d. by containing a social factor

e. by inter-human relations


  1. Personality in policy is defined by:

a. historical necessity

b. historical phenomenon

c. political necessity

d. political necessity

e. historical and political necessity


  1. Personality can be:

a. only leader

b. only middle political figure

c. leader, middle political figure and popular political figure

d. only popular political figure

e. leader and political figure


  1. Ministers and governors can be:

a. only experts

b. only politicians

c. good politicians

d. good executors

e. good executors and politicians


  1. Dictatorial leaders are:

a. Reagan and Thatcher

b. Washington and Lincoln

c. Clinton and Bush

d. Roosevelt and Churchill

e. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco


  1. Democratic leaders with despotic elements are:

a. Clinton and Chiraque

b. Washington and Lincoln

c. Eltsin and Chavez

d. Roosevelt and Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan

e. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco


  1. Authoritarian leaders with democratic elements are:

a. Clinton and Chiraque

b. Washington and Lincoln

c. Eltsin, Putin, Lukashenko, Ahmadinejad and Chavez

d. Roosevelt and Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan

e. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco


  1. Democratic leaders with authoritarian leaders are:

a. Clinton and Chiraque

b. Washington and Lincoln

c. Eltsin, Putin and Chavez

d. Nazarbayev, Saakashvili, Aliev, Nehru, Gandhi, Bhutto

e. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco


  1. Democratic leaders are:

a. Clinton, Chiraque, Blair, Schroeder, Berlusconi

b. Washington and Lincoln

c. Eltsin, Putin and Chavez

d. Roosevelt and Churchill

e. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini


  1. Political culture is connected with:

a. consciousness

b. political and public consciousness

c. public consciousness

d. political consciousness

e. other consciousness


  1. Political consciousness seizes:

a. norms and rules of game

b. behavior stereotype

c. norms and rules of game, behavior stereotype, verbal reaction, political symbolic

d. verbal reaction

e. political symbolic


  1. Public consciousness seizes:

a. art, morality, and religion

b. religion, law, and social psychology

c. science, philosophy and art

d. science, philosophy, art, morality, religion, law, and social psychology

e. law and social psychology


  1. Political ethics is normative theory of political activity concerning:

a. social structure

b. mutual rights

c. human and civil rights

d. freedom and justice

e. social structure, mutual rights and duties, human and civil rights


  1. Political ethics defines a policy between:

a. professionalism and moral

b. real and ideal goals

c. equality and freedom

d. thinking of consequences

e. realization of promises


  1. Mass Media impacts:

a. business

b. all fields of human activity in society

c. religion

d. health

e. education


  1. Mass Media includes:

a. newspapers and journals

b. radio/broadcasting

c. TV

d. internet

e. all fields above


  1. Famous newspapers and magazines in the world:

a. CNN, BBC, Star TV

b. Pravda, Commersant

c. Caravan, Vremya

d. The New York Times, The Guardian, Die Spiegel, Le Monde

e. other means


  1. Famous TV and radio channels in the world :

a. Asahi, Stampa, Time

b. Stern, The Guardian, Le Monde

c. CNN, BCC, Deutsche Welle

d. Figaro, Yomiuri, Matin

e. other means


  1. Conservatism has goals:

a. to keep traditions only

b. to keep traditions, limit a freedom, and defend a spirituality

c. to limit a freedom only

d. to defend a spirituality only

e. to be always old


  1. Conservatism in the United Kingdom is expressed in political party called:

a. Conservative Party

b. Republican Party

c. Liberal Democratic Party

d. Christian Democratic Union

e. People of Liberty


  1. Conservatism in Japan is expressed in political party called:

a. Conservative Party

b. Republican Party

c. Liberal Democratic Party

d. Christian Democratic Union

e. People of Liberty


  1. Conservatism in the United States is expressed in political party called:

a. Conservative Party

b. Republican Party

c. Liberal Democratic Party

d. Christian Democratic Union

e. People of Liberty


  1. Conservatism in Germany is expressed in political party called:

a. Conservative Party

b. Republican Party

c. Liberal Democratic Party

d. Christian Democratic Union

e. People of Liberty


  1. Liberalism mainly concerns:

a. only individual freedom

b. only private property

c. only equality of citizens

d. individual freedom, private property and equality of citizens

e. law and rights


  1. Pre-Liberalism is defined by:

a. only Renaissance

b. only Reformation

c. Renaissance, Reformation, and bourgeois revolutions

d. only bourgeois revolutions

e. ideas of freedom


  1. Contemporary Liberalism is:

a. New Liberalism

b. Classical Liberalism

c. Continental European Liberalism

d. Anglo-Saxon Liberalism

e. Liberalism of Individuality


  1. Social Democracy is a theory and practice of parties of:

a. conservative direction

b. socialist direction

c. liberal direction

d. democratic direction

e. other direction


  1. Program of Social Democracy is:

a. nationalization only

b. reduce of working hours only

c. nationalization, reduce of working hours, social support

d. social support only

e. other measures


  1. The bright thinker of Social Democracy was:

a. K. Marx

b. K. Libknecht

c. A. Bebel

d. E. Bernstein

e. K. Hoechberg


  1. The goal of Social Democracy is:

a. Internationalism

b. Imperialism

c. Capitalism

d. Communism

e. Democratic Socialism/Humanistic Capitalism


  1. World Community is:

a. a complex of nations

b. a complex of international ideas

c. a complex of measures of living

d. a complex of ideas of existence

e. a complex of coexistence


  1. The United Nations contains:







  1. Global security is:

a. a complex of global tasks

b. a complex of international ideas

c. a complex of regional securities

d. a complex of national securities

e. a complex of national interests


  1. National interests are based on:

a. national security

b. international security

c. regional interests

d. economic, political, geographical and cultural factors

e. global factors


  1. Geopolitics is:

a. special policy

b. a part of geography

c. geography

d. a part of policy

e. geographical aspect of policy


  1. Formula of Geo-strategy is:

a. Geo-strategy = geopolitics + geo-economy

b. Geo-strategy = geopolitics + geology

c. Geo-strategy = geo-economy + geology

d. Geo-strategy = geopolitics + geo-finance

e. Geo-strategy = geo-finance + geo-economy


  1. The most dangerous phenomenon is:

a. Globalization

b. Terrorism

c. State pressure

d. Refuse from democracy

e. Nationalism


  1. Theoretically globalization is:

a. American values

b. European values

c. Complex of world values

d. Asian values

e. African values


  1. Practically globalization is:

a. American values

b. European values

c. Complex of world values

d. Asian values

e. African values


  1. The most dangerous nationalism is:

a. Ethnic

b. Racial

c. Religious

d. State

e. Territorial


  1. Double standard is used by:

a. Each country

b. The United States

c. The Russian Federation

d. The Chinese Peoples Republic

e. All great powers


  1. Glamour is:

a. Pathos

b. Comfortable apartment and villa

c. Show

d. Reach people

e. Special policy


  1. The main geopolitical subject in the world is:

a. The European Union

b. The United States

c. The Russian Federation

d. The Chinese Peoples Republic

e. The Commonwealth of Australia


  1. The main geopolitical subject in Central Asia is:

a. Tajikistan

b. Kyrgyzstan

c. Turkmenistan

d. Uzbekistan

e. Kazakhstan


  1. The main geopolitical subject in the world now becomes:

a. The European Union

b. The United States

c. The Russian Federation

d. The Chinese Peoples Republic

e. The Commonwealth of Australia


  1. The main geopolitical subject in Eurasia is:

a. Georgia

b. Ukraine

c. Russia

d. Uzbekistan

e. Kazakhstan


  1. G8 membership:

a. South Korea, China, Singapore, Australia, UAE, Mexico, Spain

b. Mexico, Austria, Brazil, China, Nigeria, Iran, UAE, Australia

c. USA, Germany, Japan, UK, Canada, France, Russia, Italy

d. Iran, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Australia, UAE, Mexico, Spain

e. South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Australia, UAE, Mexico, Spain


  1. G20 includes:

a. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia

b. Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova

c. Turkey, Russia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia

d. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan

e. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan


  1. The candidate for G20 is:

a. Georgia

b. Ukraine

c. Kyrgyzstan

d. Uzbekistan

e. Kazakhstan


  1. The possible candidates for G20 are:

a. South Korea, China, Singapore, Australia, UAE, Mexico, Spain

b. Mexico, Austria, Brazil, China, Nigeria, Iran, UAE, Australia

c. USA, Germany, Japan, UK, Canada, France, Russia, Italy

d. Kazakhstan, Malaysia, UAE, Israel, Ukraine, Chile, New Zealand

e. South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Australia, UAE, Mexico, Spain


  1. The main subject of terrorism is:

a. Hizb ut-Tahrir

b. Khalifat

c. Al-Qaeeda

d. Muslim Bothers

e. Bozkutlar


  1. The main subject of globalization is:

a. EU

b. USA

c. Russia

d. China

e. Australia


  1. After 2007 the world is:

a. uni-polar

b. bi-polar

c. multi-polar

d. tri-polar

e. quadro-polar


  1. The new world superpower is:

a. Japan

b. Australia

c. China

d. Iran

e. India


  1. The new world player is:

a. Japan

b. Australia

c. China

d. Iran

e. India


100. New geopolitical subject in CIS is:

a. Ukraine

b. Kazakhstan

c. Uzbekistan

d. Georgia

e. Azerbaijan


101. New political era started from:

a. 07/07/05 in London

b. 02/25/97 in Urumqi

c. 03/11/04 in Madrid

d. 11/26/08 in Mumbai

e. 09/11/01 in New York


102. Geo-economy is:

a. special policy

b. a part of geography

c. geography

d. a part of policy

e. geographical aspect of economy


103. Geo-finance is:

a. special policy

b. a part of geography

c. geography

d. a part of policy

e. geographical aspect of finance


104. Geo-strategy is:

a. special policy

b. a part of geography

c. geography

d. a part of policy

e. geographical aspect of strategy


105. Narco-traffic actively issues from:

a. Afghanistan

b. Tajikistan

c. Pakistan

d. Thailand

e. Colombia


106. More than 80 countries recognized:

a. Northern Cyprus

b. Abkhazia and South Ossetia

c. Kosovo

d. Trans-Nistria

e. Taiwan


107. 5 countries recognized:

a. Northern Cyprus

b. Abkhazia and South Ossetia

c. Kosovo

d. Trans-Nistria

e. Taiwan


108. Only one country recognized:

a. Northern Cyprus

b. Abkhazia and South Ossetia

c. Kosovo

d. Trans-Nistria

e. Taiwan


109. More than 80 countries support trade relations with non-recognized state:

a. Northern Cyprus

b. Abkhazia and South Ossetia

c. Kosovo

d. Trans-Nistria

e. Taiwan


110. No countries recognized:

a. Northern Cyprus

b. Abkhazia and South Ossetia

c. Kosovo

d. Trans-Nistria

e. Taiwan


111. Kazakhstan holds:

a. Ethnic nationalism

b. Racial nationalism

c. Religious nationalism

d. State nationalism

e. Provincial nationalism


112. In European society is:

a. Ethnic nationalism

b. Racial nationalism

c. Religious nationalism

d. State nationalism

e. all kinds of nationalism


113. In the United States mainly is:

a. Ethnic nationalism

b. Racial nationalism

c. Religious nationalism

d. State nationalism

e. all kinds of nationalism


114. Russia admits:

a. Ethnic nationalism

b. Racial nationalism

c. Religious nationalism

d. State nationalism

e. all kinds of nationalism


115. China holds:

a. Ethnic nationalism

b. Racial nationalism

c. Religious nationalism

d. State nationalism

e. all kinds of nationalism


116. Separatism holds mainly:

a. Ethnic nationalism

b. Racial nationalism

c. Religious nationalism

d. State nationalism

e. all kinds of nationalism


117. Al-Qaeeda holds:

a. Ethnic nationalism

b. Racial nationalism

c. Religious nationalism

d. State nationalism

e. all kinds of nationalism


118. Great European dictator is:

a. Stalin

b. Mussolini

c. Hitler

d. Franco

e. Antonescu


119. Great Asian dictator is:

a. Ro De U

b. Kim Ir Sen

c. Pol Pot

d. Tojio

e. Mao Zedung


120. The bright world dictator is:

a. Stalin

b. Duvalier

c. Hitler

d. Pinochet

e. Mao Zedung

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1918

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