VII. Reproduce the conversation between. Julia and. Tom. Prove that Julia could hide her feelings.devouring jealousy
at sulky loo
to beat about the bush
you are a brick
to call it a day
to turn the tables on smb
Chapters 22, 23, 24, 25
I. Read and translate the passage at p.195-196
to be harrassed
consolation to (to console)
to put smb out of one's mind
to confide smth to smb
to love smb to distraction
tomake a clean breast of smth
to tear smb limb from limb
to chuck smb
to be a score for smb
II.Reproduce the conversation between Michael and Julia (p.196-198):
to fall for smb
to be hard on smb
tough luck
to get over smth
III. Explain why Julia was acting badly:
to give free rein to
to fly in a temper
a lousy performance
to exaggerate
to carrv conviction
ham acting
IV. Retell about Julia's holiday in at. St.Malî and Paris:
to torment
irksome duty
to make up for smth
to atone for smth
to wear mourning
a bereavement
to be in a flutter
to consider smth with a tranquil mind
to be devout
V. What did. Julia think of Charles?
for the sake of posterity
to be at. smb's beck and call
to reward smb for smth
to be remorseful
VI. Give a summary of chapter 24:
show off
to wear one's hair long
to nestle up to smb
to quote
passionate entreaties
to lose one's poise
to be panic ...... stricken
to draw a conclusion
to be scared stiff
VII. Retell about Julia's adventure in Edgware Road:
to be ill at ease
to be desirable
to pick smb up
to put the matter to the test
to be thronged
to saunter
to put on airs
to be devoid of smth
a vamp
VIII. Paraphrase or explain the folowing:
1. She wasn't going to give her a peep at her feet of clay.
2. ...if I lose on the swings, I'll get back on the roundabouts.
3. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
4. That was quite another pair of shoes.
5. Give me your hanky.
6. He had always been at. her beck and call .
Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29
I. Give a summary of chapter 26:
to distract
to greet smb with cordiality
to have a score
let bygones be bygones
to abandon smth
to take smth with composure
to make up to smb fur smth
not to turn a hair
to be as pleased as Punch
in revenge for smth
to be under the delusion
to be in a dither
to queer one's pitch
to fire smb
to watch smb out of the corner of one's eye
II. Describe Roger and tell what, you think about the ideas he produced to his mother:
to. take pains
to hug smb
to make up one's mind
to be reticent
to knock about
to drive at smth
lumpy figure
to fine down
to guide the conversation
in a flash.
to get down to brass tacks
to interfere with smth
make - believe
to ðåå1
to seek one's salvation
to live in smb's pocket
to feel desperate
to be at a loss
to cope with smth
III. Give a summary of chapter 28:
to dismiss
to have à knack
ranting and raving
to feel light - hearted
a stroll
the mews
to have no ink|ing
not to care two straws for smb
to be in a state
IV. Retell about the first night:
to cod, an old trooper
to be as innocent as a babe unborn
the cast
to suppress the laughter
to be rattled
hard! luck
to tickle to death at smth
to rejoice in one's triumph
all and. sundry
to feel, like a million dollars
raw material
V. Give your comments on the passage as page 272:
"All the world's a stage ... That make - believe is the
only reality".
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 971