IV. Read and translate the passage on p. 66.What was the difference that Julia found in Michael?
I. Prove that Michael was a success on the stage after the war:
to get oneself demobbed
to step straight into a part
a well set-up, norrmal, high-spirited fellow
drawing-room comedy
to give a peculiar effect to a flippant line
to make love convincingly
to carry off a chaffing love scene
be amenable to smth.
to be idle
to stick out for smth ( stuck)
II. Why couldn't Michael and Julia start their own theatre. Describe Mrs de Vries.
to inherit
to go up enormously ( about the rent )
inadequate sum
to be amply sufficient
find a mug to write a fat cheque
to be perfectly faithful to smb.
effusive and timid manner
a virile air
to be properly delighted
to be shrewd
a good gamble
to get round smb.
III. Describe the week-end with Dolly:
to set one's mind to smth.
to buy options on three plays
on reasonable terms
to urge smb to seize the opportunity
to twist smb round one's little finger
to pay out hard cash
to make a dead set. at smb.
to giggle
to be disconcerting
to fold smb in arms
to give smb a brisk handshake
eyes misty with tears
to brim over with excitement
IV. Tell about Michael's first steps as a manager:
the deed of partnership
a publicity agent
the new venture
to be a knockout
to skim smth over
a tiny part
not to care a hang about smth.
to lean back
V. Speak on their private life:
to arouse a frenzy of passion
to nauseate smb.
to be relieved
to resume marital relations
he couldn't help seeing
to have an inkling
to swallow
she laid it on with a trowel
to account for every penny
hearty/affable manner
the devil-may-care creatures
to be too deeply moved to speak
I. Speak on Michael's successes and failures in management:
- to lose smth. ( little) over the failures
- to make every possible penny out of smth
- ingenuity
- to gain the reputation
- to give smb. a trial
- to seek out (past p. p. sought)
- to make profitable discoveries
- to buy the lease of smth
- to get sick of smb.
- to show oneself at one's best
- to be unperturbed
- to take the rough with the smooth
- a couple of duds (colloq.)
- a packet into the bargain
- persuasion
- to find one's match
- to have a high blood pressure
- to give smb up as a bad job
- to take smb down a peg or two (colloq.) -
a percentage on the gross
II. Retell about Michael's attempts to take to directing and the way he sacrificed himself for Julia's sake:
- to be commonplace
- to let smo try
- to be conciliatory and exacting
- to smooth things over
- to share the expenses
- to pay one's whack (colloq.)
- self-abnegation
- for smb ' s sake
- to foster smb's career
III. Work with a partner and make a list of reasons which made Julia think of her husband as a "monster of vanity":
- shrewdness
- to exasperate smb intensely
- complacency
- to be a crashing bore
- to be vain of smth
- business acumen
- to spare no pains to do smth
- to become an obsession
- to have one's face lifted
- to keep one's belly from sagging
- to beam with delight
- to be prudent
Chapter 10
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