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THERE is continual interpenetration of thought between the visible and invisible worlds and that is what makes communication with you all the more difficult. If we could separate and classify the vast accumulation of floating thought from the living and the dead it would be far more easy then, with the way clear, to send you one easy flow of thought from one individual discarnate mind. It is possible to get lost in the vast forest of men's fancies, more particularly when you go out as a discarnate explorer. You are pretty sure to pick up false trails and in the end to give up the soluble problem in disgust. I speak not alone of minds but of the continual currents of thought thrown out by such millions tossed through our mighty Mother, the Universe, whose illimitable womb harbours them all.

I beg of you to remember that I am but a fallible shade. However, it is well in this difficult matter to lay down as our foundation certain premises. Firstly, let us take, for example, the average educated man. It is possible for him, while in the physical body, and while he is at the zenith of his mental power, to enter three states which differ very considerably from one another: first, the condition of deep sleep; second, the subjective state; third, the state of ordinary consciousness. You must allow much latitude for the subjective condition. It can vary to a wide degree. It may be induced by artificial means, through hypnotism. A subject well trained to respond to the hypnotist will, as you are aware, perform amazing feats, recall memories of



early childhood, be insensible to pain, and, I believe, even obtain, at times, knowledge that appears to be of a wholly supernormal character. The Indian mystic can enter very easily into the subjective state and can, at times, learn of the doings of strangers who are many miles away from him. He can, in short, make mental journeys.

Now, in our life--the life of the so-called dead--there are three states also, though it cannot be said that they closely resemble the three orders of consciousness that prevail for man. Even when asleep you are, in a sense, conscious, sometimes more so than when you are in this subjective state, for pain or noise may rouse you, whereas the deeply entranced man may not feel pain, may not be even roused by thunder. When we discarnate beings desire to communicate through some sensitive we enter a dream or subjective state. There are two degrees of it that are important in relation to ourselves. If we are but slightly entranced we are detached from the memory of concrete facts in our past life. Further, if we communicate directly through the medium, though we often retain our personality, our manner of speech, we are frequently unable to communicate through the medium's hand or voice many exact facts about our past career on earth, sometimes not even our own names.

We can enter into the deeper mind of the medium and read many of the memories belonging to him, which are outside the cells, or neurons, being joined to them by invisible threads.

Now, you are aware of the strange association of ideas. You met a Mr. Tom Jones at a tea-party ten years ago. You had forgotten all about him, even his name, but someone mentions it to you: At the moment it means nothing, perhaps, but in a minute or two you remember the Mr. Tom Jones you met ten years ago at a tea-party. In the same manner the discarnate being may find certain memories in the subconsciousness of the medium which



will recall certain facts connected with his past earth life. Then the memory is rapidly communicated.

I would now speak of the second degree of trance which may be penetrated by the discarnate being. It is a pleasant and, at times, very happy state. It is nearer to the condition of sleep and dreams than the one I have previously mentioned. When we are on this plane of consciousness we can enter the subjective mind of man. But it is necessary that he should come to our aid in this respect. He must either be closely bound to us by ties of affection or he must be what you call "psychic." Very well, those dear friends or relatives, who through their affection or love, or intense interest in us, conjure us up in their subjective thought, open the door to us dreaming shades, and we enter again into the earth dream. We perceive pictures of actual earth happenings, imprinting themselves on the subconscious mind of the one who has cleared the way for us, bridged the chasm with their love or their intense interest. Often we perceive most trivial incidents mirrored on their subconsciousness. Sometimes, when we are really thoroughly submerged in this dream atmosphere, we can get into touch not alone with one subconscious mind but with the subconscious mind of many thousands. It is like a wide sea stretching out before us. Much of it is scarcely apprehended. We can only tap it here and there, but, with the assistance of the guide we may draw out of this sea of mind the particular association of ideas that corresponds with a happening, a name, or a place in our earth life. We recognise it and use it as evidence of identity when we are communicating.

Now, the third subjective state leads us to the Great Memory, but, alas, it is not the condition or state in which we approach our people on earth. We can gather up many of our memories when we thus reach out into the vast subconscious--or rather super-conscious--mind of the race. So I will not dwell upon this aspect at any great



length beyond remarking that those who have been among discarnate beings for many ages, those who are highly developed, the possessors of wisdom among us, can, on very rare occasions, while in the third state, communicate through a sensitive the actual history recorded in the Great Memory. But such beings are not suffered to communicate their own wisdom, for it cannot be expressed in terms of language, only an echo being sometimes caught which is rendered in the form of the inspired utterance of genius. Nevertheless, discarnate beings, who have only been a few years absent from the earth, in many cases cannot enter into this third subjective condition when they use the physical mechanism in order to give their thoughts to the world.

It is true that we communicate by pictures or images, by signs which the deeper mind of the sensitive apprehends, and sometimes we may convey, by a sign or symbol, a name or word unknown to the medium. It would be well for you to note that what you call "normal consciousness" means the raising up of the barriers between your mind and another man's mind. But behind all that there is among human beings a deeper self, a subjective mentality that can trespass into the domain of other subliminal selves, that meets with few barriers. This matter, however, belongs to another story.

I would ask you not to be troubled by my remark that when discarnate beings pursue an active, eager life here the greater part of their concrete memories are temporarily in abeyance. Mark you, they are in a state of normal psychic consciousness under such circumstances. But a discarnate son and father, or any others who have dear remembrance of one another, may, if they so desire, recapture all their old memories of facts in their earth life if they choose to enter the third subjective state together. Then these two discarnate beings can re-enact, if they will, the drama of their earth career page by page. They can recall all the



infinitesimal knowledge they reaped with such care on earth. Homer, The Odyssey, all the painfully acquired Greek and Latin of school-boy days, recollections of youthful games, of hoarded learning may be gathered anew in all clearness. The very conversations at tea-tables or at dull dinner parties can be recalled and digested, perhaps with some boredom again. You can gather to you all the old rusty relics, all the little quarrels and worries, all your proudly gotten learning if that is your desire. But you must, of course, enter, with your friend or relative, into the third subjective state if you yearn to play again the old roles in the past, if you would wistfully finger once more the precious little details of circumstance and happenings in your earth life, if you would, indeed, be like some old man or woman who takes from their drawer ancient love-letters, lockets of hair, and little miniatures framed in gold which recall dear departed days.

But many of us are of an adventurous temperament. It amuses us, for a while, to dally with these pages in the Book of Life, and from them, when we meet our loved ones after death, we derive a certain wistful pleasure, or a quiet delight, without the pangs of the flesh attached to them. We tire, however, after a very brief while, of these heaped-up remains of our past careers, all so carefully stored in the Great Granary. We would pass from out one fold of time into another; we would be bold and adventure into the imagination of God. So, while in this third subjective state, we turn again the pages of the Book of Life and read the future of our race. We gaze upon a drama that has not yet been enacted upon the earth, the vague echo of which is sometimes caught by prophets and soothsayers. We perceive the wanderings of those begotten by us, the fate of those who are of our blood, who bear upon their foreheads the seal of kinship with us. And, indeed, many of us sorrowfully close the Book of Life when we have thus gazed into a future that is not yet for men,



sprung out of the Unknown, out of the boundless sea, which, I must again remind you, is the creation of the all-pervading imagination of God.

Finally, the power to enter the third subjective state and thus to follow the future as well as the past, page by page, is bestowed only upon those souls whom human beings--to use a trite adjective--would call "advanced" or would hail as "spiritually developed." Many millions of souls, who have passed through the Gates of Death, rest within the borders and limitations of their own psychic development. I use the word "psychic" here in the general sense, not in its relation to the study of survival after death. Such myriad souls follow a road and a destiny that does not, as a rule, lead them for a time, at least, to the great superconscious mind of the earth. These so-called dead remain in spheres and states of pleasant--or sometimes disagreeable--illusion. I cannot write concerning all the souls who pass to an invisible life from the arms of their foster mother-earth.

Chapter XXII


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