School Slang, Idioms & Phrasal Verbs Listace a test
blow something
brush up on something
count noses
cow college
cut class / ditch class / play hooky
draw a blank
drop out
hand in / hand out
have one's nose in a book
hit the books
jot down
pop quiz
sign up (for)
take the roll
the teacher's pet
1. Describe these people using the suitable idioms and phrasal verbs.
1. The teacher always … before starting the course.
2. The teacher always … before going back to school after a school trip.
3. Harry is the …: he always gets good marks and the teacher is very friendly with him.
4. I went to a … and I started my own business. I have one hundred cows now.
5. Sarah always buys dozens of books. She loves science fiction books, novels and poetry. She always ...
6. I'm going to study really hard so that I can ...
7. I can't believe I … another test. My grades are going down the tube.
8. Mike is such a.... He knows everything.
9. We need to … our Spanish since we are going to Mexico next month for vacation.
10. Max and Jo … yesterday. They went to Disneyland instead of going to class.
2. Each of these people has said two sentences: one from the upper column and one from the lower column. Match them.
1. I missed that test question, but I totally knew the answer.
2. Man, I'm tired of school.
3. Don't forget to hand in your homework.
4. You could hear a pin drop as the professor handed out the final exam.
5. We really need to hit the books if we want to do well in the exam on Friday.
6. Max is such a know-it-all.
7. I haven’t signed up for the tennis tournament next weekend.
8. The teacher gave us a pop quiz today.
9. I wanted to ask her out, but she wouldn't even give me the time of day.
10. Tom always jots down during lectures.
a) He thinks he knows everything.
b) I think she's a little stuck-up.
c) I think I'll drop out and do a little travelling.
d) Next time I’ll bring your copybooks and we’ll analyse the results.
e) This exam is really important for us.
f) He thinks that in this case he will remember much information.
g) I think I blew it.
h) I just drew a blank.
i) It was so because we were very excited.
j) I’m going to do it a bit later.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1273