Dominance. Some examples of abusive behaviourInclude the refusal to grant licences, geographical
Price discrimination, unjustified refusal to supply or
Predatory pricing. (US abuse of monopoly power)
Acquired company (UK) company that has been merged
Into another company and is therefore no longer in
Existence (US transferor)
Acquirer company that gains control over another
Acquiring company (UK) company that has gained
Control over another company through a merger and
Remains in existence after the merger (US survivor)
Acquisition of controlling shares purchase of shares
Owned by shareholders who have a controlling interest
Actual damages see general damages
Ad hoc (Latin) for this purpose
Admit someone to the Bar (US) to grant a person
Permission (from a Bar association) to practise law
(UK call someone to the Bar)
Advocate person who pleads in court
Affidavit written statement which might be used as proof
In court that somebody makes after they have sworn
Officially to tell the truth
Alienability possibility to be transferred
Annual general meeting (AGM) yearly meeting of
Shareholders of a company where various company
Actions may be presented and voted upon
Answer principal pleading by the defendant in response
To a complaint
Anticipatory breach breach of contract committed before
Performance is due. The non-breaching party may
Regard this as an immediate breach and sue for
Anti-competitive (UK) describes conduct that harms the
Market or limits competition among businesses (US
Restraint of trade)
Antitrust (US) body of law that regulates business
Activities and markets, especially agreements and
Practices that limit competition (UK competition law)
Apparent authority power which an agent appears to
Have, or holds himself out as having, and which a third
Party reasonably believes actually exists, though not
formally granted by its principal/employer
Appellant person who appeals a decision to a higher
Court (US) see petitioner
Appellate court (also court of appeal, appeals court)
Court which reviews judgments held by lower courts
Arbitration form of dispute resolution (an alternative to
Litigation through the court system) in which disputes
Are heard and decided by an impartial arbitrator or
Arbitrators, chosen by the parties to the dispute
Articles of association (UK)document that defines a
company's internal organisation (US bylaws)
Asset any property that is owned and has value
Asset protection method of minimising the risk of loss
of one's property from business and personal
Assign to transfer (rights) to another
Assignee person who receives an assignment
Assignment of contract transfer of a contract to another
Assignment of rights transfer of rights to another person
Such that the person to whom the rights have been
Transferred receives full benefits under the contract
assignor person who transfers his/her rights or duties to
Associate junior lawyer in a law firm
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 926