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I look forward to your response in this matter.

S ... and participate in the seminar

Which commences on Thursday morning.

Strongly advise, firmly believe, sincerely hope

Suggested answers

1 deeply: believe, hope, regret

2 firmly: believe, object to, support

3 fully: agree, recommend, support, understand

14 1

4 sincerely: believe, hope, regret

5 strongly: advise, agree, object to, recommend, suggest,


6 wholeheartedly: agree, believe, recommend, support

Suggested answer

Dear Ms Sampson

In response to your email concerning the upcoming

Seminar on Revised Article 9, I am writing to inform you

That I will unfortunately be unable to attend. The Balboni

Case is going to trial, and I am scheduled to appear in

Court on the days the seminar takes place. I am sure you

Will agree that this court appearance takes precedence

Over the seminar.

I would like to add that I fully support the initiative you have

Taken to provide more training opportunities for the secured

Transactions team. I firmly believe that both my experienced

Colleagues and the junior members of the team will profit

From the chance to learn more about the changes in the law

That directly affect our work. However, I am afraid that a few

Of my colleagues will also be unable to attend. Therefore, I

Strongly recommend that we arrange for the seminar to be

Held on another date. To my knowledge, the Shuttleworth

Institute also carries out in-company training courses upon

request. Might that be a solution for our team as well? If

You would like me to make arrangements for such a

Seminar I would be happy to do so.

Best regards

Chiara Lawson

Suggested answer

Dear All

I know this comes at really short notice, but there's going

To be an interesting seminar at the Shuttleworth Institute

In Boston next Thursday and Friday. I really think that all

The members of the secured transactions team should

Attend. Have a look at the attached flyer - John Kellogg

will be holding the seminar and he's a real expert on

Revised Article 9. Since two of you are newcomers and

also since you've got some big cases coming up, I think a

Seminar like this is just what we need right now.

You may need to rearrange your schedules a bit to be able

to take part. It's probably a good idea to fly to Boston on

Wednesday, since the seminar starts on Thursday morning.

I think this is a good opportunity for us. Let me know what

You are going to do.

Best wishes

Jennifer Sampson


Since a borrower may conduct its business through

Several entities, it is necessary to make sure that the

Property in which the security interest is granted is

Owned by the borrower.

This would happen when the debtor agrees to subject

Its after-acquired property to the security interest.

This means signing the agreement, either by hand or


The issue involved is whether it is possible to have a fixed

Charge on the book debts of a company.

The issue affects company directors, bankers, other

Lenders and creditors.

~ 1c 2e 3a 4d 5b

Book debts 2 floating charge 3 bank guarantee


B 2c 3c 4a

True 2 False 3 False 4 False

Suggested answers

() Could you fill me in on what he said?

I wonder / was wondering if you could fill me in ...

Would you mind filling me in ...?

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1133

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