The examples are So, what is the procedural history ofthe case? and What was the reasoning of the court?
17 1/2 b; h 3/4 c; g 5/6/7 d; f; i 8/9 a; e
A3 b7 c1 d6 e2 f4 g5
Suggested answers
The clause involved had an effect such that the income
In question was held by the buyer for the benefit of the
Seller rather than having the effect of causing the
Buyer to have some type of security in the goods.
It means that the Court could not ignore the legal
Relationship actually created (a trust) by the wording of
The ROT clause.
On an evidential ground for not having shown a
Connection between the goods it supplied and what
Was eventually paid for the finished product.
Sellers may use this decision to draft similar clauses
In their contracts in order to ensure payment, even
Where the buyer is in insolvent liquidation.
Into 2 to 3 of 4 in 5 over 6 in 7 for
Between 9 in 10 into
A the Court has upheld... (paragraph 1)
The Judge at first instance, and the Court of Appeal,
Had held that ...; The majority in the High Court
rejected that reasoning. In the majority's view, ...
(paragraph 4)
The Court dismissed ... (paragraph 6)
B The critical provision in the clause stated ...
(paragraph 2)
C The question for the Court to consider was whether...
(paragraph 3)
D In the case of... (paragraph 2)
E In drawing the distinction in relation to the particular
Clause in question, the Court noted that ...; On that
Basis, the Court held that ... (paragraph 5)
Void for non-registration 2 the proceeds of such
Manufacturing or construction process 3 adduced
Evidence 4 held in trust 5 proprietary interest
On an evidential ground 7 by virtue of
Language Focus
Distinct 3 defendant 4 decide
Non-arbitrary 6 material 7 lead to
Verb Noun
Verb Adjective
Bind binding
Ascertain ascertainable
Of 3 in 4 with 5 by 6 under
In respect of 3 fit 4 vendor 5 merchandise
Entitled 7 reasonable 8 deemed 9 claim
C 3a 4f 5g 6d 7b
A7 b8 c4 d5 e2 f3 g9 h6
Unit 10
True 2 True 3 False 4 False
Suggested answers
Whereas a freehold estate refers to an estate in which
Ownership is for an indeterminate length of time, a
Leasehold is the term for the right to possession and
Use of land for a fixed period of time.
While fee simple is the expression for the absolute
Ownership of real property, fee tail refers to an estate
That may be inherited only by a limited class of heirs.
A lease is an agreement by which a lessor gives the
Right of possession of real property to a lessee for a
Specified term and for a specified consideration,
Whereas a licence is only the right to use without
Having exclusive possession.
4 An easement is a right to make limited use of another's
Real property, while usufruct refers to the right to use and
Derive profit from property belonging to someone else,
Provided that the property itself is not harmed in any way.
Answerkey E
Distinguish 2 is a general term for
3 refers to/includes; fall under the heading of 4 divided
Types 6 includes
Suggested answers
Real property is a general term for freehold estates and
In real property, a distinction is made between freehold
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 824